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Paths of Legend: The Azgundi Tournaments


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Estelle notices Muzdum's glance over at the unfolded scene, she smiles and pantomimes a don't-drink-the-water-or-it-will-kill-you complete with elaborate hand gestures and a lagging of the tongue.

Bluff check to Muzdum of 21
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Shayuri gives the guard on the wall a mutely accusing look for having even considered shooting such a young and friendly dragon, then hurries after Prysm and Odon and the others.

"How is this going to work?" she asks the giant, then glances at Aohdan to include him in the question as well. "What do we have to do?"


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Pryzm snuggles closer to Odon as they pass beneath the gates. She gives Valen a commiserating look and perks up a bit. To Shayuri, she says, "I don't know what we're supposed to do. That's what Odon's job is." She smiles at Aohdan. "Did you see me? I was playing your game before the mean metal-person tried to shoot me."

In true Pryzm style, she begins to squirm around to see the town as they walk.


"I must apologize for the guard back there, Pryzm" William smiles at the young dragon "People are not used to dragons, and most tales we hear are of your more vicious kin, so when people see a dragon, they naturally assume the worst. You will have to be careful, as you'll find most people are far too quick to judge, and will act - often violently - before thinking or giving you a chance to explain yourself."

He turns his gaze to Odon "So the Dragon says you know what we're supposed to do... well then, what ARE we supposed to do?"


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"Excellent question, William." Valen listens attentively to the conversation as they walk, though he cannot help but continue to wonder about Aleera, whom he has not seen since that morning.


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The Debate


The moderator nods to Johen and announces, "Johen of Turen is the winner of this match and will move on to the next round of debates. Congratulations."

OOC: Johen earns 1 point toward overall Tournament standings.


Durani sighs, "Well, good dwarf, you've certainly made your point. Yes, very well done, very well done. Still, being of halfling persuasion myself, I've often wondered at the dwarven need to hoard wealth. Your advise is to spend money wisely, but it seems going the cheaper route doesn't settle the issue at all, really. Money isn't the only motivator in this world after all. Loyalty, patriotism, love, even ambition and hatred. All of these things, if properly guided, can bring about a well trained, sensible defense of this city. No, money is not the only solution. Just a part of it."

Durani's Closing Statements (1d20+6=12)

The moderator nods to Durani and then announces, "Muzdum Blackhammer is the winner of this match and will move on to the next round of debates."

OOC: Muzdum earns 1 point toward overall Tournament standings.

Alaric and Estelle

Alaric sees the telltale signs of enchantment on the serving girl. The blank eyed stare and general listlessness seems to indicate one of the more powerful enchantment effects, more than a simple charm. More likely dominate or something similar.

The guards haul the girl, who doesn't resist and doesn't seem particularly aware of what's going on, out of the tent.

Deidrich's body is also removed. Once that is done, the moderator frowns, "Well, unfortunately we can't delay the debate or give you a new opponent, so I'm forced to declare abdication on behalf of the deceased. Alaric de Reislau, you will move on to the next round of debates, but will earn no points toward overall tournament standings."

Lady Devera and Lady Nineveh both won their round 1 debates and are moving on as well. The pairings for round 2 are as follows.

Johen vs. Lady Nineveh
Muzdum vs. Lady Devera
Alaric vs. Zander Kale (a young noble-born fellow from Guare, competing for the lordship of Guare)
Vashar vs. (unimportant NPC)

The moderators announce a ten minute recess while the city guard come in to investigate the assassination attempt and arrest the girl, Anareesa.

OOC: Debate Point Totals

0 - Alaric
0 - Vashar
1 - Muzdum
1 - Johen
2 - Lady Nineveh
2 - Lady Devera

A Back Alley of the Candle District

OOC: So as not to clutter up this thread with a single PC's combat, head back over to The Journey and we'll resolve the combat there.

The Arcane Academy

On the way through the city, Odon smiles and shrugs, "In truth I don't know. I know only what the One Mind has shown me; that both Pryzm and the dragon-blooded woman are needed. I am certain that fate will provide us with the answer when we arrive."

The Arcane Academy is a campus of buildings constructed in an architectural style that seems to mix the gothic spires of Thay and the marble pillars of Azgund into a mysterious but pleasing set of easily fortified and defended structures. The campus is situated on a high hill just outside the city walls to the northeast of the city, with a commanding view of the city itself. Night has fully settled over the city by the time the group arrives and the view provided is that of a torch and lantern lit vista, seemingly attempting to rival the night sky with its points of light in the darkness.

The Academy is mostly dark and empty, the entrance to the main building manned by a single sentry who admits the group thanks to Shayuri, whom the senty remembers from the day before. The group is asked to wait in the great hall, where a fire smoulders in a great hearth and a long table for feasts is set up. The Academy's headmaster, Entan, arrives after a few minutes.

He nods to Shayuri and addresses her primarily as he looks at Pryzm quizzically, "Welcome back. The sentry told me that this seemed to be rather urgent. What is it that you need?"


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Alaric frowns. "Well that's disappointing. It's distressing enough that my opponent just died right in front of me, and that *I* almost bought the farm too, but....I can't even debate the fellow who moved on to the second round without a debate...." Alaric grumbles. No points and he didn't even get to finish debating Diedrich. Not that it's the poor farmer's fault, but.....why couldn't he have been made of sterner stuff, like Muzdum?

When the guards come to take the girl away, Alaric tells them "Ah, that girl is under some sort of mental control. If you look closely, she shows the signs of being out of her senses, someone else commanding her through some enchantment. And a powerful one at that."
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
OOC: moving the candle district fight to the journey... come and see renaldo do something else stupid!


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Valen Sablewood

Valen bows to the headmaster. "Well met, Lord Entan. We come because we have reason to believe that between this little dragon and our friend Shayuri, we may be able to do something for our ill, scaled friend."

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