Paths of Legend: The Sunless Citadel [OOC]

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I have an Unearthed Arcana content request

Varient Wizard: Domain wizard of the evocation domain. it is on pages 57 and 58.

I noticed that there is nothing given up, so, if you need a balence to it i would request the sacrifice of summon familiar as the balencing act.

Rational: as a familiar is a helper to the wizard that is summoned, the divine like domain casting is actually the spirit of an extra-planer creature that has contacted the character during his/her training and has offered the help of the spirit through the access of cirtain spells and abilities, where the character has a bond with the wpirit that allows it to 'experience life and living' on the prime material

by the way did you see the bit of background i had up? did i take too any liberties in creating the guild?


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Leaning more towards Lenya myself, so I will go with her. Will expand the background during the next couple days, then. :)



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The campaign is initially set in a small cluster of communities in what was once Virginia.

Dydd - Named for a famous druid hero of ages passed, this small Barony is situated in what was once Virginia. Although long since independent of the empire, Dyddans still bear the physical qualities of Thunians.

Thune - The Empire of Thune is a foreign power from across the sea that colonized and then attempted to conquer the area several hundred years ago. Having lost that war, the empire withdrew and left their colony to fend for itself. Now, the Thune colony still occupies what was once South Carolina and Georgia. Thunians are olive skinned, with dark hair and eyes. Even the commoners have an imperialistic bearing to them.



First Post
Thanks, Thanee. :D

Scott DeWar, I think I'll have to veto domain wizard (I just don't like the flavor in the context of my world). The specialist wizard variants would be ok, however. The background is fine, though I would say that the guild is still relatively small (only a handful of members).

maddmic, so pretty much the complete opposite end of town. ;) Well, if you're in the market for a tabletop group, we should be able to squeeze you in. :D We do Star Wars Saga Edition on Friday nights (with the oldest kids of the grown-up players, a 13 year old and a 12 year old...the 12 year old is mine) and a more "grown-up" game on Sunday nights. Sunday game right now is Changeling: The Lost.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
re post 35


thank you for that. i agree, that it is not much to give up if i do not plan to specialize, and since i plan on running a generalist any way, i feel i have given up nothing. Further more with the rationall i gave i hope that it will be acceptable!

huh ... i posted too slow!

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