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PBEM opening in June - Homebrew via Yahoogroups


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NEW Homebrew campaign via Yahoogroups
I'm searching for five players for a homebrew campaign; D&D 3.5 edition, starting at 2nd level.

1 warrior-type
1 healer-type
1 arcane
2 open

Characters should have a 36-point buy for statistics; 2nd level; 300 gold for equipment and magic. Each should have a decent background and description of appearance and personality.

Campaign will begin in June.



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Game opening:

Chill autumn winds, icy from the sea spray, whipped the thick cloaks of the city watch about them as they searched the beach for clues. The bodies of the lumberjacks, three burly men each festooned with long-shafted arrows, lay crumpled in the surf, their blood highlighted by the dawn’s light.

Alynna Doess, the captain of the watch, glanced at Sendel Keep, high upon the cliff above the crashing waves. She walked over to Willem, the huntsman, and waited while he examined the tracks and marking on the sand. He was not one to say two words when one would do, and often she had to nearly throttle him to get the one word out.

Willem glanced left and right, kneeling by the bodies, and then stepping back to see a wider view. He plucked one of the arrows from the leg of the nearest woodsman and eyed the shaft and fletching.

Alynna shivered in the cold air, wishing she had the ability to ignore the cold that Willem of Kompt had. Willem knelt again, his thick black hair flailing in the wind. He would be a handsome man, if not for the scars that marked him a veteran of many battles. He was younger than Alynna’s forty years, perhaps by as much as a decade, though probably by only three of four years. His dark eyes and powerful build made his silence even more off-putting to others.

The guard captain reached around Willem’s carefully covered longbow and tapped the man on the shoulder. She learned long ago that she should never touch the weapon, for Willem treated it as a delicate child, rather than the potent messenger of death that it was in his hands. “What news?” She asked.

Willem grunted, eyeing the scene one more time before standing. He placed his left hand on the hilt of his sheathed longsword, a weapon Alynna had only rarely seen him draw forth. He adjusted the studded leather armor that he habitually wore, reminding Alynna that she herself usually went without armor in the city, though if the cold continued through winter, she may pull out her armor just to add a bit of warmth and protection from the wind. “Trouble.” Willem said simply. He glanced again at the sea before turning for the city, climbing the rocky path that led to the docks proper on the north side of the city.

Alynna sighed in exasperation. She knew it meant trouble when three men were murdered in her city. She didn’t need the warrior to tell her that. What she needed to know was who killed these men and why. She nodded to the trio of guardsmen that stood a bit apart from the murder scene, at Willem’s orders. They were inexperienced men, but loyal to the city. “Stay here until someone comes for the bodies.” She commanded before following Willem. The sound of the guards moaning at the task was soon lost to her as she, too, following the path to the docks.


The port-master, Dogan Westlake, was a middle aged man of some girth that had a voice that boomed over the docks of Mendel Hold. He had cowed most of the captains on the Sea of Shadows with his quick temper and iron control of the dock and its workers. Westlake, however, was not a man to trouble Willem of Kompt. When the huntsman entered, the dockmaster stood quickly and approached the warrior himself, rather than allowing his assistant to lend aid. Dogan knew that Willem would only come into his office with important business, and that having to explain himself to an assistant before getting to Westlake would irritate him to no end. No one, even the normally authoritative Westlake, wanted to deal with the ire of the huntsman.

“Your manifests for yesterday.” Willem ordered.

Westlake handed the thick binder to the huntsman without asking the obvious questions. Willem was well-connected and trusted by the baron, and the baron, in turn, decided who ran the docks. The warrior rustled through the papers, finally grabbing one as Alynna opened the door and entered.

Not allowing the door to close behind her, Willem slipped past her and stalked up the street toward the keep. She eyed a question toward Westlake, but his shake of the head told her that he knew as little as she. Sighing again, she left to follow him to the keep, where he would have to explain to the baron what was happening. Perhaps there she would finally learn who she would be apprehending for the murder of the three woodsmen.


The baron sat at his desk, listening carefully to his huntsman and only occasionally having to interrupt to have the man clarify a point or observation. While Willem was a quiet man, sparse in his use of words, when he chose to speak those about him listened, even the baron.

As Alynna entered, the baron waved her to a chair near the desk so that she could listen as the baron relayed the findings to her.

“The arrows are of Ahmdhar design and make. Simple enough, except that the bootprints near the bodies was not that of elves. Willem’s guess would be hobgoblins, except that the bodies were dropped by longboat, which, of course, suggests the buccaneers of North Islands. Whoever dropped the bodies did so knowing we would find them and perhaps blame the Ahmdahr. Since our attacking the Ahmdahr doesn’t obviously aid the pirates, I must return to the hobgoblins as the most likely culprits, though it may be that they had pirate aid.”

Alynna nodded. “Suggestions?”

The baron continued. “We need to send someone to meet the Ahmdhar and establish that they are free of culpability. Since Willem has some access there, he will go. I wouldn’t mind having some backup for him, just in case. I don’t think they’d attack him outright for approaching, but if I am somehow wrong and the elves killed the woodsmen for trespassing or logging their wood, they might shoot Willem full of arrows before he can explain our situation.”

Alynna cleared her throat. “It may also be that whoever sent the bodies to us did something similar to the Ahmdhar in hopes that they would attack us. It seems far too dangerous to send our people into their home.”

The baron nodded. “I agree that it will be dangerous, however it may well be more dangerous to ignore that they may think us guilty of a similar crime. Something is definitely dodgy, and we need to ensure the Ahmdhar that we are maintaining the peace.” He turns to the huntsman. “Willem, recruit some militia to go with you.”

Willem laughs aloud. “They’d do little good and would likely cause more trouble than they’re worth. I’ll find a handful of trustworthy associates that have proven themselves in battle instead.”

“See to it.” The baron ordered.

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