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PC Power Level NPC's

Buddha the DM

I was wondering if anyone would like to create some PC power level NPC's for a campaign that I'm going to do, that will introduce someone to roleplaying in the d20 system.

Campaign Name: The Lost Adventurer’s Chronicles
Dungeon Master: Harold “Buddha the DM” Nichols

10th Level FRCS Based Campaign
32 point buy
49,000 gp (Effectively limits weapons to +4, or armor to +5 with another +1 ability (or any combination that adds up to +6 for armor or +4 for weapons))

Books Allowed:

All Core Books (Templates only with my approval)

Psionics Handbook & If Thoughts Could Kill (ITCK for PP, Powers known, & Secondary Disciplines)
The WotC – Mind’s Eye articles are usable for any Psions. I just ask that you note which ones you are using so that I can look them up.

Except Lords of Darkness (I don’t own it)
No spellfire unless you ask me, and have a really good reason for wanting the character to have it.

All Splat Books

A single Dragonstar character will be allowed to the person that can give me the best reason for the character being stranded on the continent of Abeir-Toril.


Thanks for the aid. Any characters can be posted to this thread in stat block format.
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First Post
Rufikan: Male Dwarf, Hill Bbn6/Ftr4; Medium Humanoid ; HD 6d12+18 (Barbarian), 4d10+12 (Fighter); hp 100; Init +4; Spd 30; AC 24; Atk +12 base melee, +14 base ranged; +14 (2d6+5, +1 Mercurial Greatsword 19-20x4); SQ: Darkvision (Ex), Dwarven traits (Ex); AL N; SV Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +5; STR 15, DEX 18, CON 16, INT 14, WIS 9, CHA 6.

Weapons: +1 Mercurial Greatsword: Keen.
Armor: +1 Mithral Full plate: Nimbleness, Ease

Magic: Ring: Sustenance; Jumping; Wondrous: Boots of striding and springing; Cloak of resistance (+3); Amulet of natural armor (+1); Potion; Heroismx3; cure moderate wounds x2; fire breath


Appraise+4, Climb+5, Craft (Metalworking)+2, Craft (Stonecarving)+2, Craft (Stonemasonry)+2, Craft (Weaponsmithing)+2, Handle Animal+3, Intimidate+11, Intuit Direction+4, Jump+47, Listen+12, Profession (Armorsmith)+1, Profession (Blacksmith)+1, Profession (Metalworker)+1, Profession (Miner)+1, Profession (Stonemason)+1, Profession (Weaponsmith)+1, Swim-3, Tumble+9, Wilderness Lore+4.
Dodge, Mobility, Combat reflexes, Exotic Weapon: Mercurial Greatsword, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus: Mercurial Greatsword, Weapon Specialization: Mercurial GreatSword.

A wilderness man to the max, Rufikan spends most of his time in the forests, and caves. He loves to hunt, and he prizes the kill. His sword is a family heirloom. When it was inheirited it was nothing more than a masterwork sword that he could not use, now it is magical and he has all but married the thing.

All other dwarves believe him to be insane. He rarely comes into the underdark/underground civilizations anymore, and he refuses to be married. He likes to keep to himself, but he is willing to make new friends. He cares for nothing of the outside world, but he is willing to talk of things that involve hunting and the wilderness (above or below ground). When he is hired to to jobs, he is usually employed to gaurd things that he can personally keep and move. One the rare occasion someone will approach him to gaurd an area. He is more than willing to negotiate (bad as he is at it) as long as it does not take him too near to civilization.

He has a sister that he will protect and venture forth to rescue. She is only 19 years old, and is only a first level wizard. She has been captured twice. It seems she is very intelligent, but doesn't much wits about her. When he is "on a mission" for purposes of penetrating a fortress he will simply jump the wall if he can, and then leave a path of destruction in his wake while he searches for what he is looking for.
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First Post
Diomedes: Male Human Clr 10
HD 10d8+30; HP 83
Move: 20’
AC: 19 (+1 Fullplate)
Atk +11/+6 (2d6+4 greatsword+1d6 fire)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Saves: Fort +14, Reflex +7, Will +17
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14 (16), Int 10, Wis 18 (22), Cha 14
Skills, Feats: Concentration +16, Diplomacy +14, Knowledge: Arcana +1, Knowledge: Religion +7, Speak Language (Infernal), Spellcraft +1; Martial Weapon: Greatsword, Weapon Focus: Greatsword, Power Attack, Cleave, Sunder.

Equipment: +1 Fullplate, +4 Cloak of Resistance, +2 Bracers of Health, +1 Flaming Greatsword, Periapt of Wisdom +4, Masterwork Heavy Mace, Dagger, Leather Armor, Pearl of Power (lvl 1), Locked Gauntlet, 20 days' rations, waterskin, Prayer Book, Journal with the true names of 101 devils, Heward’s Handy Haversack.

Spells Prepared: (6/6+1/6+1/4+1/4+1/3+1) DC 16 + spell level) 0: Det magic, Det Poison, Guidance x2, Open Slot x2; 1st: Bless, Divine Favor, Endure Elements* Obscuring Mist, Protection From Evil, Remove Fear, Shield of Faith; 2nd: Bull’s Strength*, Delay Poison, Divine Zephyr, Endurance, Lesser Restoration, Remove Paralysis, Resist Elements; 3rd Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestments, Negative Energy Protection, Searing Light*; 4th: Fire Shield*, Divine Power, Greater Magic Weapon, Restoration, Summon Monster IV; 5th: Flame Strike*, Flame Strike Righteous Might, Open Slot
[Domains: Sun (Greater Turning 1/day), Strength (Feat of Strength 1/day)]

I don't have FRCS so I'm not sure whether there's a deity with Strength and Sun domains in FR (This was originally a Greyhawk cleric of Pelor that I gave a few more stat points to). If there isn't such a god, he'd be a Cleric of Lathander and drop Strength domain for one of Lathander's domains.

Diomedes is a tall man with shoulder length platinum blond hair that brushes the top of his burnished full-plate armor which is etched with scenes from the scriptures of Torm. He carries his massive greatsword strapped across his back and always seems to be wearing a glove on his left hand (he'll usually wear one on his right hand as well). Those who have travelled with him for some time or who have seen his armor torn in battle may have noticed scarring along his entire left arm and the left arm of his body. Those who closely examine the scars would find that they match the shapes of Infernal lettering and, although it is now hard to read them, seem to spell out names.

In the course of his early adventures, Diomedes had the misfortune of becoming the focus for a banishment spell that drove many devils from the Prime and manifested itself in the names of those devils which swirled up his left arm and torso like smoke. The curse has since been lifted and the banishment secured in a more durable form but the names left scars where they were ripped from his body but before that occurred, Diomedes wrote down the names of all the devils so that they may be banished once more if the planar seal loosens.

Diomedes appears to be a genial and compassionate warrior but is incensed at injustice and believes quite firmly in the order of his god. At times, he is more rigid than many of his fellow clergy in the application of those dictates but is more flexible than most paladins and occasionally bends the rules for the sake of friendship or to better comply with his intuitive sense of justice.

His armor is all that remains to him of his older brother--a paladin of Torm who was slain fighting a rearguard action against orcs that enabled his companions to escape. Diomedes did not take his brother's death harshly, however, and has been heard to say that his brother died well (there are few who can say as much) the few times he mentions the subject. The armor was recovered several years later and restored to its form by the prayers of Diomedes.
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Buddha the DM

Lathander has both the Strength and Sun Domains.

[edit 1]: I really like him. He'll get a place in the campaign whether he winds up in the party or not.
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First Post
I've got another for you:

Mablung: Male Human Ftr 2/Wiz (abjurer-enchantment barred) 6/Spellsword 2
HD 2d10+6d4+2d8+30; HP 74
Move: 30’
AC: 19 (+7 Armor, +2 Dex) or 23 (with large shield), or 25 or 29 (troll form and with shield)
Atk +9/+4 (1d8+3 Heavy mace, 1d10+4 glaive, or 1d8+2 composite longbow)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Saves: Fort +14, Reflex +7, Will +11
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14 (16), Int 18 (20), Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills, Feats: Alchemy +6, Climb +8, Concentration +15, Handle Animal +5, Jump +4, Knowledge: Arcana +12, Knowledge: The Planes +10, Knowledge: Religion +13, Listen +2 (+4), Ride +9, Spellcraft +16, Spot +13 (+15) Swim +6; Power Attack, Cleave, Dodge, Combat Reflexes, Quickdraw, Expertise, Scribe Scroll, Extend Spell, Expert Tactician.
Special Abilities: Channel Spell I, Spell Failure –10%

Equipment: +3 Mithral Chain Shirt, +2 Large Darkwood Shield, +3 Cloak of Resistance, +2 Bracers of Health, +2 Headband of Intellect, +1 Heavy Mace, Mighty [+4] Masterwork Darkwood Composite Longbow, +1 Ghost Touch Darkwood hafted Glaive, Masterwork Silvered Heavy Pick, Dagger (with dire bear tooth sheath), Heward’s Handy Haversack, 2 lvl 1 pearls of power, Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds, 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds Scrolls: Invisibility, See Invisible, Spider Climb (x4), Shield (x4), Obscuring Mist (x4), Endure Elements (x4), True Strike (x2), Mount (x2), Protection From Evil (x4), Magic Weapon (x2 Divine, written by a good cleric of Helm), Jump, Feather Fall, Expeditious Retreat (x4), Silver Holy Symbol of Helm, Prayer Book, Wineskin, 20 days’ rations.

Spells Prepared: (4/4+1/4+1/3+1/2+1) DC 15 + spell level) 0: Dancing Lights x2, Det. Magic, Presdigitation; 1st: Protection From Evil, Shield, True Strike, Magic Missile, Open Slot; 2nd Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, False Life, Glitterdust, Protection From Arrows; 3rd Dispel Magic, Haste x2, Blink; 4th Polymorph Self, Stoneskin, Open Slot.

Spellbook: All 0-level non enchantment spells, 1st: Shield, True Strike, Magic Weapon, Endure Elements, Change Self, Burning Hands, Color Spray, Protection From Evil, Alarm, Magic Missile; 2nd Bull’s Strength, Protection From Arrows, Flaming Sphere, Glitterdust, Resist Elements, False Life, Cat’s Grace; 3rd: Dispel Magic, Haste, Protection From Elements, Blink, Greater Magic Weapon; 4th: Polymorph Self, Stoneskin.

Ebonwing Raven Familiar: HD 10, HP 37; Init +2 (dex), Spd 10 ft, fly 40 ft (average); AC 19 (+2 size, +2 dex, +5 natural); Atk +8/+3 (1d2-5 claws); SQ: Speaks Common, grants Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spell, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak with Master, Speak with other birds; AL N; SV Fort +9, Ref + 4, Will +10; Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 6; Skills as master; Weapon Finesse (Claws).

Tactics: Mablung leaves a couple of spell slots open every day. If he doesn’t need them for anything, he will use the first level slot for an Alarm spell in the evening (to protect the camp) and the 4th level slot for an Extended Greater Magic Weapon spell in the evening (either for his glaive or for arrows depending upon the group) before going to bed.

If combat is likely (when invading an enemy’s lair, for instance), Mablung will cast Bull’s strength, Cat’s Grace, False Life, Protection From Arrows, and Polymorph Self (Troll is his favorite form—note that enhancement bonusses apply to the stats of his new form and that Giants and trolls use equipment and have hands and voices suitable for spellcasting) on himself. If combat is likely in minutes, he will precast shield and protection from evil. After a battle, he will often use his pearls of power to recover Shield.

In combat, Mablung will begin with a haste spell if the combat looks threatening and then cast Shield or blink (depending upon how threatening the combat looks). Otherwise, he’ll just cast shield. Note that blink denies enemies their dex bonus, activating Mablung’s Expert Tactician feat.

Mablung was the child of a wealthy farmer in Comyr and spent his youth drilling in the town militia with a longspear and training horses (he started as a fighter with a longspear and maxed Handle Animal). When there was an opportunity to study magic at one of the big cities of the realm, however, he jumped at the chance to see more of the world. Now, he’s seen more than he ever wanted to. Evil priests and demons plotting to cover the world with darkness and plague, greedy nobles plotting to assassinate or frame their rivals or murder boating teams to assure victory in an overland race, and bands of humanoid intent on slaughter and plunder. It hasn’t all been bad though. He has met good dragons and traveled many miles with noble companions. Having discovered the power and reality of the forces of darkness, he has decided to dedicate himself as a watchman and to stand between them and people like his family. Undead and devils have especially earned his enmity and he seeks to learn the techniques of the Sacred Exorcists of Helm so as to be better able to fight them

Voidrunner's Codex

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