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PC Problem

Marius Delphus

Just to clarify that my point in posting what I did was that the "controlling other characters" schtick the bard character is trying to pull off using skills is actually not possible under the rules.

I agree there is a deeper issue of inter-player and player-DM friction.

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Doug McCrae

Every time someone gets anything that's better than his, he attempts to one up them or attempts to get rid of whatever is better then him. I got a pair of headphones from Mt. Dew, he immediately attempted to win them off of me and, when he failed got pissed. He has yet to one up that but, when I did beat him legitly through CoD4, a lot, he attempted to foil me by not letting my play until HE got Modern Warfare 2.
The more I learn about this guy, the less I like him. He appears to be a total dick.


First Post
The more I learn about this guy, the less I like him. He appears to be a total dick.

He's not though actually. He's actually a good guy. He only gets like this when it comes to games or material items. Anything else he's fine. He's hypocritical when it comes to his personality. You would have to know him I guess to get him.

EDIT: Closest thing I can think of to his personality is Hank Hill.
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As others have stated, there are (normally obvious) limits to what can be achieved with both the bluff and diplomacy skill. Explain to him the absolute limit of what his skills can achieve so he knows exactly where the boundary is.
If he persists in trying to achieve the impossible, make it obvious in game that the NPCs are not buying it (the PCs can work it out for themselves whether they wish to roleplay being sucked in by his tongue or not).

However, if this fails then have someone important that he has duped organise a horrid revenge upon him. If you have read Jack Vance's Lyonesse, the way how most torturer's dealt with those loose with their lips, is to have the character's tongue drawn out with a pair of tongs, split down the middle with shears and then cauterized with a hot poker. This will provide a very hefty penalty to the character's communicative skills until they can convince a high level cleric to perform a regeneration upon them. Forewarn this outcome (having the procedure performed upon a relacitrant NPC if you must that the PCs hear about). Hopefully a heavy-handed approach will not be necessary. It is far better to get a PC to do something than not to do something. He needs to come up with a different schtick for his character.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


I'd give him area's where he could shine; angry mobs, that sort of thing.

But would tell him inter-party stuff is off limits to the DM, if the other player want their characters to believe him that is fine, but you can't - or shouldn't - interfere.

If you focus on interesting story, dungeon, history and NPC's everything else should fall into place - you'll just have to take into account that this guy is going to want to dip/bluff in most encounters and be ready for it, but a lot of villians won't care what he says.


I see this from time-to-time in my HS. You get these young guys who must rule the game or destroy the game. They just do not get it. I know friends are the most important thing to HS kids - that's sometimes hard for me to wrap my brain around even after all of these years coaching and teaching - but they are without a doubt a very high priority. I also know you may have a limited player pool given your location.

In any other situation I would say boot him, but given your situation I would go with the "one more chance" talk. Be clear about your expectations for a cooperative game and he fails to fall into line - man-up and boot him.


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Well, today we talked and now he knows not to expect to literally talk anyone into anything. I believe it's been worked out. Wish meh luck.

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