PC's fighting NPC's who are classed...


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I really want to challenge my group with another group of NPC's who are similar to them. But if you follow the CR and EL rules that would be almost impossible... Has anyone done something similar and if so, how did it work out?

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It's dangerous!

I've done it (and will certainly do it again). As DM, you have to realize that the fight is going to be very dangerous for the PCs. If they have had previous encounters, or expect to have future encounters on the same day, they will probably be holding back to save resources (or be lacking resources).

Also, surprise, terrain, knowledge of the foe, and other strategic issues become very important. If an NPC party with good knowledge of the PCs ambushes the party, the party is probably going to lose.

Lastly, watch out for designing the NPCs to attack the PC's faults. I've done this without realizing it in the past (in superhero games, this is really easy to do).


First Post
Yup. I'm doing it tonight. The PC's are 2nd level and it will be their first combat encounter with PC-classed NPC's. They're going to die.

There was one other chance to do so at an earlier stage of the adventure, but they wisely didn't initiate combat.

As with most of our games, it's a comedy of errors. The dwarf PC decided to mock the only classed NPC in a tavern. It almost came to blows but the PC blinked.

Tonight will be different, as it's not a social encounter, it's a true combat encounter... the PC's against a small horde of 1st level members of "the evil empire" and their undead minions.

Greg (who is really only trying to boost his post count on the new boards)


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I've pretty much have had classed NPC's in my game since the get-go. After about a dozen games or so, I haven't found them to be too overly challenging, save a few who were (pardon the term) outclassed the PC's a bit too much.

I will say that a DM (in general) shouldn't design NPC's taking into account the party's faults and shortcomings. It's a bit unfair (and unlikely) that the NPCs would be that prepared to deal with your players. Although, a reoccuring villain or NPC might have the upper hand/edge if they were to deal with the party members again. The villain may remember that the PC wizard may have a wand of frost and prepare spells/items to counter that particular attack.


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Zhure said:
(who is really only trying to boost his post count on the new boards)

That sounds like a plan.

But I'll try to be on topic also...
Giving monsters class levels sometimes gives a needed boost,
but sometimes just gives the PCs more exp.

An orc with cleric levels can be a good surprise addition,
making an otherwise normal orc fight into something different.

But rogue levels on a minotaur does not help much against
a barbarian PC. The sneak attack is useless, all it does is add
some extra hp.


Zhure said:
(who is really only trying to boost his post count on the new boards)

you too, eh?

Well, I prefer using classed NPC's and monsters against my groups when possible. It seems to make the NPCs more alive, rather than simple background.


First Post
I usually find that if you want to have the PCs face another NPC party with approximately the same number of characters, it's best to have the NPCs be a level or two lower. Even then, it can get pretty hairy. Best to have the NPC party be a big enemy and the fight with them be a climax for that particular story arc. At least the decisive combat... the PCs and NPCs could meet a couple times and fight to draws.


First Post
I often throw classed NPCs against my party, usually of the same level or one level lower (since my group has good ability scores and PC baseline > NPC baseline).


serves Gnome Master
Just make sure that the NPC's have some advantages and some disavantages, and you'll notice that most PCs will find the fight interesting. A truly singular mage (who would teleport away when things become too dangerous) for inctance, can be very interesting.


Post count +1

Mal Malenkirk

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Oberton said:
Has anyone done something similar and if so, how did it work out?

It's really easy to figure out:

-If the NPC party has the same number of member and are of equivalent level.

-If no group gain surprise (i.e. They meet, exchange threats and come to blow).

-And if the NPC group hasn't been tailored to oppose the PCs.

The PC will have 50% chances of winning! Either way, the risks of fatalities are high.

You want better than 50% odds for the party, you modify one of these three factors.

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