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PC's for Legacy of Alexander Story Hour


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Almer Cobbe (also known as "The Straw Hat Knight")
Paladin 8
His gift of the Lady is ability as a Paladin. His learned skills are all concerning brewing and running an Inn. He also regularly has visions from the Lady hinting at courses of action or important events.

Cobbe was an inkeeper of a famous adventurer's inn in Skiros called "The Thirsty Dragon." His greatest legend before becoming a Champion of the Lady was as a great brewer.

He is a very folksy Paladin who speaks a little like the characters in Fargo. Thanks to the machinations of a now deceased character (Valeriu, see below) and the incredible deeds of the Champions so far, he has become famous from a bardic tune about the Straw Hat Knight (because he wears full plate armor, but still wears the straw hat he started with "to keep the sun out of my eyes, you know")

Cobbe has recently become a nobleman at the hand of the new Emperor Sorin. He was named Lord Almer of Pella. Unfortunately, Pella has been abandoned for generations so he finds himself overlord of rocks and a strange underground city of lizard people (but that is another story).
Cobbe negotiates with everything the Lady does not reveal to him as evil. In combat he tends to use Expertise to up his AC and then draw the attention of the bad guys.

His Paladin's warhorse is from a distinguished lineage and wonders how she got stuck with such a country-bumpkin of a Paladin. Her name is Brigadier General Bluesteel Swiftmane, Lady Breda of Farpasture. He speaks to her out loud, leaving the others to hear one half of the conversation.

Wife: Clarice (age 38), now proprietor of the Thirsty Dragon
Children: Ana (age 19)
Juli (age 15)
Orace (age 13)
Jarrik (age 11)

Almer Cobb’s great-grandfather Hector was a Hero from Dibre Coast. His Grandmother Desdemona (daughter of Hector by a one-night fling when Hector was a young adventurer) founded the inn “Hector’s Potent Spear.” It was a hit among adventurers. Hector heard about it, visited, and found he had a grown daughter. He provided Desdemona with funds to improve the inn, but insisted that she rename it “The Thirsty Dragon” after one of his greatest exploits. Desdemona married Durran Cobb, a stolid fellow and a fine innkeeper. Their oldest son Billik (“Buk”) took over inn after Durran’s death. Hector retired to the inn as the resident “old character.” Buk and his wife Hattie had a son they named Hector after the boy’s great-grandfather; Hector the Younger was a brave and outgoing lad, and his parents believed he would be an adventurer like his namesake. When Almer was born, Hector the Elder announced, “now this boy will be a hero!” Two years later Hector the Younger was killed, kicked in the head by an ornery mule. Hector died at age 91 when Almer was 9. Despite the foretelling of his great grandfather, until recently Almer showed every sign of being a stolid old stay-at-home innkeeper like his father and grandfather.

In middle age Cobb started having dreams of the Lady. He sold two casks of great beer to buy a suit of armor, and his wife thought him crazy. A couple of years later he woke up and told his wife and kids that he’s been chosen as the Lady’s champion and he’s off to fight evil.

Joy Healinghand
Cleric 8
Her gift of the Lady is the ability to use the Bardic song Inspire Courage with her Lute (her holy symbol) once per day.

Joy is a teenage hobbit (halfling is a derogotory term. Also, these are Tolkien hobbits rather than 3e halflings). She began as an extremely naive girl who had never really seen evil. She has now, and much of the character's development has been realizing that not only is evil in the world, but it might win. She is growing up quickly. In the party she mostly stays out of combat and heals people as they are hurt. She has only used the Lady's miracles to kill a living being once, and she is still uncomfortable with that.

Father (Halfred Woodsong) is a master craftsman; his family is famed in the Empire for their musical instruments. Mother (Marigold Healinghand) is a priestess of The Lady—the head Priestess of The Lady for all of Hobbitdom in Shrinehill—the largest Shrine to The Lady in the Empire. Mother and Father tried for many years to have children, but it appeared that they were destined to live out their days without the pitter-patter of little feet in the house. They both tried very hard to accept this as The Lady’s will, and they never lost their faith in Her. Only after all her other duties were done, Mother would pray daily for a child. She wanted very much to be able to pass on her knowledge and love of The Lady to someone of her blood.

One day Mother and Father rescued an old man from a group of brigands who had waylaid him. To show his gratitude he gave Mother a magical potion of great healing properties. He told her that if her problems in conceiving were physical this potion could assist her. To this day they do not know how he knew of their problem, for they never talked of it outside of the house. Father whispers it was a manifestation of The Farmer. Mother was concerned and uncertain of the source, so she delayed several days in taking the potion.

The afternoon of the day she had decided to take the potion—after much prayer—Robin Hornblower, a poor city watchman brought his child, Peony, who was horribly ill, to the Temple of The Lady seeking divine intervention. Mother prayed and conducted the proper rites, but the child was too sick for her meager skills. When it became apparent that the child would die within minutes if something weren’t done, Mother did not hesitate. She called upon The Lady and gave the magical healing potion that she had received from the old man to the child. The improvement could be seen immediately, and before several hours had passed the child was able to walk home. Mother refused all thanks saying that she was but an instrument of The Lady, and it was Her will and grace that allowed Mother to save the child.

That night after she told Father, he praised her actions and was not upset at all. He agreed that saving a life was a greater good than being selfish and only possibly creating a new life. They both agreed that from now on they would leave things in the hands of The Lady. Their decision felt good and right to them although it made them very sad, and they spent a tender night in each other’s arms.

Nine months later I was born. Mother tells me that the light and happiness I bring into their lives are a reflection of The Lady’s love for us all, and so they named me Joy. I am eternally grateful to The Lady for giving me the gift of life. We live in such a wonderful, beautiful miraculous world! Everywhere you look people are laughing and working and playing. You can see the touch of The Lady everywhere you look, if you just try. Mother tells me the trees grow high in an attempt to reach Her. Mother tells me the birds sing Her praises, and so do I. I have truly lived a blessed life. Mother and Father are loving and patient; the people of my village are kind and gentle. No harm or sadness can touch you when you put your faith in The Lady.

The only thing that has fascinated me as much as The Lady is Father’s work. His instruments are the perfect tools for glorifying The Lady. When I make music it is always with a prayer to The Lady on my lips. The magic of it reaches to my soul and now can even manifest in the physical world! When I sing songs of The Lady it soothes those around me. Mother tells me that The Lady works in mysterious ways and that I shouldn’t rely on her to always take care of me. I should be self-sufficient and always strive for perfection, for in that way we fully glorify The Lady. Mother tells me that The Lady trusts us to look out for our fellows and ourselves. So I strive very hard to be the best musician I can and to give my all to The Lady and her cause. In all I say and do I strive to live by and uphold her virtues—Compassion, Loyalty, Honesty, and Generosity. I will show Her that allowing Mother and Father to have a child was the best thing She ever did.

Now, my life has taken a glorious turn. I can actually physically assist (and begin to pay back) The Lady and further Her cause! A bard came through our village, and Father took me to hear him play. He sang a song about a city named Enotsi. It tells of the battle where Alexander finally halted the advance of the Triad’s forces (and my Great-Great-Great Grandmother died, taking an arrow meant for Alexander himself), and I knew I had to go there. I still cannot get the song out of my head. It was as if I already knew the words but had forgotten them. Mother and Father agree that this is a message from The Lady, although they are sad that I will be leaving them.

Oh what a wondrous blessing! The Lady has called upon me to join a group of Her Champions! I cannot wait to meet them. I am sure they must all be marvelous, blessed, devout people for Her to shower them with Her attention like she has. We will travel the lands spreading The Lady’s glory and making the world a better place!

Mother has said that I may take Great-Great-Great Grandmother’s staff with me so that I can continue my daily exercises. Mother says that we must take good care of our body, as it is our own personal shrine to The Lady. She has also gifted me with Great-Great-Great Grandmother’s leather armor (we have kept it clean and conditioned in honor of her service to The Lady and as a reminder of her sacrifice for The Lady). Great-Great-Great Grandmother was also chosen by The Lady to be one of her heroes. I guess it is no coincidence that her armor fits like it was made for me. The Lady is so marvelous in Her plans! But that is not all. Father has gifted me with a lute that he was saving for my birthday; he wants me to continue to sing my praises to The Lady.

Rogue 7/Ranger 1 (soon to be Shadow-dancer)
Her gift of the Lady is +10 on Escape Artist checks.

Liana is a half-elven orphan who has often been mistreated by the world and wonders about her own ability to affect things in a positive way. At first, she was sure that her own selection as a Champion of the Lady was a mistake. Slowly, she is coming to realize that she forms an important part of the group. From a slain enemy ranger, she acquired an ancient elven short sword named Huranel, which she has been told means "mongoose" in elven. It acts simply as an enchanted weapon most of the time but seems to have additional properties around reptilian or maybe draconic beings. She has recently started a relationship Arin (an NPC travelling with the group)

In combat, Liana looks for unseen enemies and tries to position herself for her devastating attacks with two short swords.

Liana is half Wood Elf. Her human mother was Stredan, and her father was a Wood Elf. Her parents had been engaged in a long-term forbidden love affair for 7 years. Her mother was married to a Stredan man, with two legitimate children. Liana was sent away very soon after birth so the husband wouldn’t discover his wife’s indiscretion; he was told that the baby died at birth. Liana was taken to Skiros by an aunt; her mixed race was explained to the orphanage without detail and they accepted her as a charge. Liana’s mother has not been in contact with the orphanage to keep track of Liana. Liana’s wood elf father is aware of his daughter’s existence and regrets her lot in life. Liana only knows her racial origins, and does not know the circumstances of her conception.

Liana was an outcast at the orphanage due to her Wood Elf blood. When she was 6, the other children overheard the adults discussing their concerns about her potential mental instability because of her parentage, and she was taunted and feared as a result. She made no close friends at the orphanage. As she grew older she became surprisingly good at hiding from other children. She was occasionally teased by boys who would pretend to like her, but later laughed at her with their friends. When she was 13, a sudden influx of Stredan children (due to the death of a woman who had cared for them in their native land) resulted in a number of severe beatings for Liana and threats of torture and death. She fled in terror but was recaptured and confined. Fearing for her life, she prayed to the Lady to save her, promising to dedicate her life to serving the Lady as well as her skills would allow. Miraculously, she found herself able to squirm free of her bonds and slip out of the orphanage unobserved.

After her escape Liana lived on the streets, stealing as necessary. She tried to choose her victims based on excessive wealth or obviously cruel behavior whenever possible. She saw a group of traveling acrobats perform and realized that she would likely be good at such activities; she would be more able to help the Lady once she was off the streets with an honest way to support herself. They accepted her as a member due to her flexibility and excellent coordination. Since then she has worked with several different troupes and learned a variety of acrobatic skills. She continues to practice her acrobatic skills whenever she can; they are helpful to her in combat, and she enjoys performing.

Liana is observant, curious and cautious, yet brave in the face of physical danger. She is reserved, and keeps her secrets close. She does not reveal any more than is absolutely necessary about herself to strangers; on the rare occasions on which she is directly questioned, she prefers to duck or refuse to answer personal questions rather than lying. She sees herself as an outcast who can hope to get by in the world as long as she keeps her mouth shut. Her racial origins are a potential danger to her and perhaps to her companions; however, she is content with herself the way she is. She does not especially desire to be accepted by society in general, and she does not see her silence on personal matters as a problem unless it gets others into trouble. She is confident in her abilities that don’t involve personal interaction, and she considers these to be the most important. However, she has begun to see the importance of words in winning others over to the side of the Lady, and she is starting to try to express her thoughts more often. She feels comfortable with most of her traveling companions, and so is less concerned about sharing information with them, at least.

Liana has discovered that she feels comfortable in nature; she can be herself and the plants and animals will not judge her. She has many skills that serve her well in the wilderness.
Liana has seen a lot of bad things in her short life, and she is somewhat pessimistic about the likelihood of being able to make a significant difference in the world for the sake of the Lady. However, she knows that small gains are sometimes very important. She expects that her abilities will provide assistance of this order, rather than being clearly of great consequence; she is content to remain in the background, doing the quiet work that best suits her and receiving no great recognition. In fact, the less recognition and attention she gets, the happier she will be.
Liana feels tremendous guilt about Max’s death, and senses that it was somehow her fault. She has many concerns tied up in that guilt, fearing that Max was her one chance to have an intimate relationship, and she ruined it; that the Lady doesn’t want her to get close to anyone, and Max paid the price; and that Max was just using her, and his affections were a joke.

Liana has recently realized that she is now in a position where she can occasionally help people, and she is especially interested in helping street urchins who don’t have anywhere to turn.

Toiva of Koplik
Bard 3/Fighter 4
Toiva has not yet discovered his gift of the Lady.

Toiva is an outgoing bard from the Dibre coast. He used to be a shipcaptain and enjoyed that life saving to buy his own ship. He resisted the Lady's call when it came, but has taken to it with relish since joining the Champions. He has a knack for finding out information from a different crowd than Cobbe hangs out with.
In combat, Toiva is a good strategist and though he is strong and fights with a two-handed sword, his combat style is more finesse than power.

Physical description: Toiva is a handsome man. He has dark hair, worn shoulder length. He has a fair complexion, but spends a lot of time in the sun, so often has a ruddy tan. He does not wear a beard. His nose has been broken, and his back is horribly scarred from a scourging he took a decade ago. He has a baritone voice with a lot of expression. He prefers nice clothes, either from Sazon or the Empire of the sand.

History: Toiva grew up in the Varnan community in Sazon. His mother was not married when he was born, and Toiva does not know who his father was. His mother, Brikena, had apparently brought shame to her family through her pregnancy and had been sent to live with distant cousins. Despite her low status, Brikena was a clever girl, and a fine singer and dancer, and soon became a favorite amongst the Varnans in Koplick.

Toiva ran the streets as a young man, and was a favorite at the Varnan festivals. He learned to sing all of the old songs, and was recognized as a potential bard very early on.

While Toiva was very young, Brikena married a young carpenter named Kutjim. Kutjim and Toiva never became close, although Toiva is a favorite of his half-sisters Erkinda and Sonila. While still a young boy, Toiva was sent to sea as a chanteyman’s monkey.

A chanteyman is an important man on board ship. A chanteyman’s songs helps keep the crew organized while doing complex tasks, and keeps the spirits of the crew high. A chanteyman is often the advocate for crew members facing the wrath of the captain, and commands high wages. Toiva took easily to the life of a chanteyman.

Toiva served as an apprentice to his craft for more than a decade. While at sea, his mother died in childbirth. As a young man, Toiva was brash, and fiery, quick with a joke but quicker with a song. With a strong chaoctic personality, Toiva was not tolerant of the whims of authority, and often found himself clashing with the

Without strong family connections, securing a position for the untried chanteyman can be a challenge. Toiva finally secured his journeyman’s position on the Fishwife’s Giggle. The captian, Borzola, was known as a scoundrel, however, it was the only position open to Toiva, so he took it. Borzola had neglected to mention his large debts to a Sazono merchant house. Less than a year after taking service on the Giggle, the ship was boarded in Sazono waters and the cargo and vessel were confiscated. As vagrants, the crew members were impressed into the Sazono navy.

After a year or so, Toiva tried to jump ship. He was caught, and sent to a prison galley. After more than another year, Toiva was close to death due to frequent beatings and the rattlecough. He was abandoned on the docks of Sazon.

Somehow, Toiva made it to the Hostel of the Lady, where he was tended back to health. Toiva left the hostel a little quieter, a little less rash, with a deep feeling of indebtedness to the Lady and a driving hatred of Sazon.

In Koplick. Toiva took duty on a privateer ship, preying on Sazono shipping. Instead of returning to the post of chanteyman, Toiva served as a marine, moving up the ranks until getting the command for his own ship. Despite the wealth he earned from reselling taken goods, Toiva managed to spend it all. At sea, Toiva was a strict professional, working to develop his talents as a captain to pursue his vendetta against the Sazono. Off the water, however, Toiva soon reverted to a more laid-back style, singing songs, loving women, and enjoying the good life.

When the summons from the Lady called, Toiva was forced to default on his contract with his patron Ilir.leaving him close to broke. Toiva has no idea how he could return to his old life when his service to the Lady is finished.

Personality: Despite his charm, at heart Toiva is something of a loner. Toiva hates bullies and repressive leadership, but recognizes that strong leadership is needed sometimes. He likes parties and carousing, but is actually not a big drinker. He is interested in music of all types. Toiva is a bit of a lothario, but is only interested in particularly interesting women. Toiva values honesty and candor, but will not hesitate to lie if it suits his goals. Toiva believes that the end justifies the means. When meeting new people who are potentially rivals, Toiva prefers to work from a position of strength, and will always try to look as tough as possible. Toiva enjoys life’s little perks, and is usually pretty free with his money. Toiva’s hatred of the Sazono has diminished over time. Toiva is willing to take command when it is required, but even though he is good at it, he has never become comfortable with the responsibilities carried with command. Toiva appreciates the grand gesture, and truly believes in the possible redemption of most people through the Lady’s intervention. Toiva likes inns and taverns, but loves the sea even more. His greatest disdain is for horses. He believes that since the Lady has saved his life already, it is her life to do with what she will; leaving Toiva ambivalent about his current fate.

Galena of the Tower
Conjurer 7
Galena has not discovered her gift from the Lady yet.

Galena is a Mage of the Tower. The Tower is said to steal children who have the gift to teach them magic in their secret fortress and university somewhere in Irmak. Galena was one of these stolen children, but she has accepted the Tower as her family though she has recently begun to investigate her natural family in Arges. Galena does not believe in all this Champion of the Lady stuff. She is along with the others to keep an eye on things and look out for Tower interests. She ignores the fact that the others insist she has the "glow" of being chosen as a Champion. She can see no such glow around the others (perhaps because she doesn't believe?).

Galena is a specialist in extraplanar beings and something of a bookworm. While magic was lost in much of the world over the last several centuries, the Tower has kept the ancient knowledge alive and the survival of the Tower in the coming conflict is of upmost importance. She enjoys the privileges given to Tower mages, unconcerned that most of them are the result of fear.
For her familiar, Galena summoned a Lantern Archon named Lux, who has since tried to move her toward a more lawful interpretation of good. Lux may be making progress. Galena has started to doubt the importance of the Tower in the face of the evil powers seemingly marshalling against the Free Kingdoms. She even rescued a dwarf in Sazon at some risk to herself.
Galena has an extradimensional bookshelf that allows her to carry some choice reference books on magic and the planes with her.

In combat, she likes to summon monsters and blast away with fireballs and magic missiles. Galena does not shy away from summoning evil creatures as well if they will do the job better for a situation, much to the chagrin of the other party members.

Bacha, the Fist of Yakun
2 Barbarian/2 Rogue/ 2 Fighter
Bacha's gift of the lady is to "pump up." He gains the benefit of a Bull Strength spell for one hour a day.

Bacha is from a tribe of orcs, half-orcs. and humans in Irmak who long ago accepted the teachings of someone known as the Prophet. This person convinced them of the centrality of Yakun and the falsehood of the Triad. Since that time, the tribe has maintained a seperate tradition from the rest of creatures in the mountains. Each tribe has a Fist (defender), a Voice (leader), a Book (wisdom keeper), and an Ear (scout) of Yakun. After the Book of Yakun had visions about the uniting of the tribes, Bacha went to the west to seek out the lost members of the tribe who he is convinced are the Champions. The prophesies speak of the Voice, the Beer Pourer, who will unite the tribe of Yakun (he is certain that this refers to Cobbe). Bacha has asigned the Champions to the familiar offices of his tribe and sometimes shocked them with his strange ways (like eating the hearts of your enemies to gain their power).

In combat, Bacha used the reach of the Glaive and combat reflexes to devastating effect against enemies. His tendency to operate in front of the others got him in trouble several times. His motto is "the Fist bleeds so the tribe doesn't have to."
Bacha has recently left (due to the player and his wife having their fist child) to bring his people to Pella to further the uniting of the tribes.

Party NPC's

Alexander of Tilea
Monk 8

Alexander calls himself the Fist of the Lady as well. He is from a noble family in the Nizina March but joined a monastary dedicated to the Seven. He constantly asks the Lady for orders, forgetting that she guides rather than directs. He is headstrong and stubborn. At first, he was the most pious of the Champions aside from Joy. In fact, the hobbit cleric feels a bond with him as the only other Champion who has chosen this life.

Alexander has had a difficult several months. He was hard-hit by the fact that Valeriu died. He seemed not to understand that the Lady would allow them to fall. Afterwards, he received a disturbing message from home (that only Joy knows details of) and most recently his sister died defending the Great Library of Sazon from chaos creatures. At this point, he seems to be doubting everything from his calling to the Lady herself.
In combat, Alexander tries to attack the most powerful enemy. He has been known to rush in and get himself in trouble when a little consideration would served him better.


In the city under Pella, the Champions rescued a white-haired teen-ager who was imprisoned in a glass tube. Power was being drawn from him somehow by a powerful undead lord, Tychon of Pella (who sadly escaped, ;) ). It seems that Arin was imprisoned in that glass tube by his master, Lord Horus, who had some reason to do so just before the battle of Dranas 417 years ago. Arin still does not have all his memory from that time, but insists that if the Champions can find and release his master, Horus would be of great service to the cause of good as he was to Alexander. Arin is soft-spoken but quietly sure of himself. He and Liana have become very close and they take watches together to talk. Toiva seems to still be suspicious of the young man, but the others have accepted him as a charge of theirs though he is not a Champion himself.

In combat, Arin mostly casts Aid (on Liana first, then on whoever he can) and Cure Light Wounds.

Lost and departed ones:

A warrior of Arges who ran away rather than accept an arranged marriage. She is an armorer and a fine mounted warrior. She travelled back to Arges to deliver the body of Valeriu to his family. Rumor has it she will join the Grey Knights, a mercenary company of dishonored soldiers.

Max the Black
A sorcerer who's introduction to the Lady was through terrifying nightmares that showed him how the world would be if he failed. He was something of a cad but was learning how important the work of the Champions of the Lady was. He and Liana had a very strange love affair that took her a long time to recover from. He died when he angered a crime lord in Serrai who had him killed and then tried to murder the rest of the party as they fled the city.

Valeriu Benvaclav
A gnome who's family advised nobles in Arges. He was familiar with court etiquette and was a talented Illusionist. He commissioned the writing of the first version of the bardic song "The Straw Hat Knight" and saw to its early distribution. Valeriu died against a half Red Dragon in the underground city under Pella.

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