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PCs for spidertrag's Eberron game

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First Post
OX LOXLEY, Private Inquisitive, Master Inquisitive Aspirant
Ox is a stocky and gruff dwarf with a shock of red hair and an equally bright handlebar moustache. While few dwarves would call his wiry chin-whiskers a beard, most humans definitely would. Most humans would also consider him imposing in spite of his short stature.

Despite his thick, muscular frame, Ox is more agile than most men a third his strength. Slipping into the shadows and behind someone's back comes as naturally as bashing them in the head with is well-worn sap. He also carries a battle-worn but vicious pick, but values the preservation of both the living and the dead, and avoids shedding blood where possible, especially that of sentient humanoids.

Ox has a deep, throaty voice, but is more likely to be immersed in his own thougts than to be speaking at any given moment. he has been disinterested in events around himsince the later years of the war. Instead, he devotes his time and energy to his interests and pursuits, frequently to distraction or even obsession. But he is still a dwarf at heart, and will occasionaly erupt in a fit typical dwarven fury.

Ox rarely speaks of his past. He was working the mines of the Graywall as a young man when the great war struck deep into the heart of Breland. It is said in Breland, that at that time a company of miners of the Graywall, determined to hold back the Hags, stood against an army of gnolls, ogres and trolls. All that is known of the tale from there is that that but few of them lived to tell, and fewer still tell who yet live. But it is credited that company that Breland still reaches the Graywall.

No one has ever succeeded in evoking from Ox any confirmation or denial of having part in that event. If asked, he is is wont to reply, "'Ere's no good tales to be said of such a time." But there are people to be met who insist that they know for a fact that Ox came to Sharn in the months immediately following that battle.

When he first came to Sharn, he took work where he could find it, including two years working foundries of the Cogs. Eventually he found his way into his current occupation, that of a private inquisitive specializing in recovering stolen property, the more exotic and rare the better. He has a preoccupation with unusual items, especially those of ancient or mysterious origin, and has become a tireless collector of the same. He has in his possession a somewhat valuable collection of mundane artifacts, which he hopes to expand through the expeditions into Xen'drik that he hopes to take.

His reputation in investigations of both people and property is growing, and he now finds himself roving anywhere between the Cogs and the highest towers. But most of his time is spent scouring the exchanges for items, people and information.

Rogue/3 (3,000 XP)

Height: 4' 6"
Weight: 165
Hair: Red
Eyes: Black
Age: 85 years (equiv. ~43 human)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Religion: None professed; when cursing, he invokes an aspect of Onatar: Talpid, mole-anthropomorph and patron of miners and delvers.

Personality Traits: Interest-absorbed, contemplative, ambivalent to causes or institutions, greedy as any dwarf, but particularly when it comes to rare and ancient items.

Dwarf Traits: Darkvision 60', +2 Search unusual stonework, automatic Search 10', Search stonework traps, intuit depth, +4 ability checks vs. bull rush/trip, +2 save vs. poison, +2 save vs. spells/spell-like effects, +1 attack vs. orcs, +4 Dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of Giant type, +2 Appraise related to stone or metal, +2 Craft related to stone or metal.

Rogue Abilities: Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense (Ex) +1 Reflex/AC vs. traps.

Languages: Dwarven, Common, Orc, Undercommon

Str 16 (+3)
Dex 18 (+4)
Con 12 (1)
Int 14 (+2)
Wis 16 (+3)
Cha 10 (0)

Hit Dice: 3d6+3
HP: 21
AC: 17 [+4 Dex, +3 Armor]
Flat-Footed: 13 [+3 Armor]
Touch: 14 [+4 Dex]
Initiative: +4 [+4 Dex]
Speed: 20'
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Action Points: 6

Appraise +2
Bluff +4
Decipher Script +4
Diplomacy +2
Escape Artist +6
Gather Information +6
Hide +10
Knowlege (local) +6
Knowledge (history) +4
Listen +5
Move Silently +10
Open Lock +10
Search +10
Sense Motive +5
Sleight of Hand +5
Spot +7
Tumble +6,
Use Magic Device +2

Feats: Investigate, Urban Tracking

Fortitude: +2 [+1 Base, +1 Con]
Reflex: +7 [+3 Base, +4 Dex]
Will: +4 [+1 Base, +3 Wis]

BAB: +2

Attack, Melee: [+2 BAB, +3 Str]
Sap: +5, 1d6+3 Nonlethal, 20/x2, Bludgeoning
Pick, Heavy: +5, 1d6+3, 20/x4, Piercing

Attack, Ranged [+2 BAB, +4 Dex]
Crossbow, Light (80 ft.): +6, 1d8, 19-20/x2, Piercing

+ Explorer's Outfit
+ Studded Leather, Masterwork
+ Sap
+ Pick, Heavy
+ Crossbow, Light + 20 bolts
+ Identification Papers (with Portrait)
+ Traveling Papers
+ Glyphbook
+ Inquisitives' Kit
+ Thieves' Tools, Masterwork
- Backpack
- Bedroll
- Caltrops
- Chalk (x5)
- Crowbar
- Flint and Steel
- Grappling Hook
- Hammer
- Lantern, Bullseye
- Manacles, Masterwork
- Lock, Amazing
- Oil (x5)
- Pick, Miner's
- Pitons (20)
- Rope, Silk (100')
- Sack, Empty
- Whetstone
* Goggles of Perceptiveness
* Nisoth's Encyclopaedia of Exotica
* Collection of mundane artifacts, value 750 gp
# 152 gp, coin
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First Post
Jonas d'Cannith

Online Character Sheet (w/ pic)

Artificer 3rd level 3,000 xp
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 154 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Age: 21
Religion: Sovereign Host, favoring Onatar, God of Artifice and the Forge
Region of Origin: Fairhaven, capital of Aundair

Str: 10 (0)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 20 (+5)
Wis: 10 (0)
Cha: 20 (+5)

Racial and Class Abilities:
Human: Bonus Feat, Bonus Skill Points, Favored Class: Any
Artificer: Infusions (5 1st, 2 2nd); Craft Reserve (60); Artificer Knowledge (+8); Artisan Bonus (scrolls, wondrous items); Disable Trap; Item Creation; Bonus Feats (3)

Hit Dice: 3d6+3
HP: 21
AC: 16 [+2 Dex.]
Flat Footed: 14 [+4 Chain Shirt]
Touch: 12 [+2 Dex.]
Initiative: +2 [+2 Dex]
Speed: 30'
Armor Check Penalty: -2
Arcane Spell Failure: 20% (NA)
Action Points: 6

Fortitude: +2 [+1 Base] [+1 Con]
Reflex: +3 [+1 Base] [+2 Dex]
Will: +3 [+3 Base]

BAB: +2

Melee Attack:
Dagger +2, 1d4, 19-20/x2, Piercing or Slashing

Ranged Attack:
Light Crossbow +4, 1d8, 19-20/x2, 80', Piercing
Dagger +4, 1d4, 19-20/x2, 10', Piercing or Slashing

1st - Scribe Scroll [Artificer Bonus]
1st - Least Dragonmark (make whole 1/day) [Human Bonus]
1st - Magical Aptitude
2nd - Brew Potion [Artificer Bonus]
3rd - Favored in House
3rd - Craft Wondrous Item [Artificer Bonus]


Artificer 40 (1st level) + 20 (2nd-3rd level) = 60
Appraise +11 [6 ranks, +5 Int]
Balance cc +0 [0 ranks, +2 Dex, -2 Armor Check Penalty]
Bluff +5 [0 ranks, +5 Cha]
Climb cc -2 [0 ranks, +0 Str, -2 Armor Check Penalty]
Concentration +7 [6 ranks, +1 Con]
Craft (sculpting) +13 [6 ranks, +5 Int, +2 Masterwork Tools]
Diplomacy cc +5 [0 ranks, +5 Cha]
Disable Device +10 [3 ranks, +5 Int, +2 Masterwork Tools]
Disguise cc +5 [0 ranks, +5 Cha]
Escape Artist cc +0 [0 ranks, +2 Dex, -2 Armor Check Penalty]
Forgery cc +5 [0 ranks, +5 Int]
Gather Information cc +5 [0 ranks, +5 Cha]
Heal cc 0 [0 ranks, +0 Wis]
Hide cc +0 [0 ranks, +2 Dex, -2 Armor Check Penalty]
Intimidate cc +5 [0 ranks, +5 Cha]
Jump cc -2 [0 ranks, +0 Str, -2 Armor Check Penalty]
Knowledge (arcana) +11 [6 ranks, +5 Int]
Knowledge (the planes) +11 [6 ranks, +5 Int]
Listen cc +0 [0 ranks, +0 Wis]
Move Silently cc +0 [0 ranks, +2 Dex, -2 Armor Check Penalty]
Open Lock +7 [3 ranks, +2 Dex, +2 Masterwork Tools]
Perform cc +5 [0 ranks, +5 Cha]
Profession (Fabricator Guildsman) +6 [6 ranks, +0 Wis]
Ride cc +2 [0 ranks, +2 Dex]
Search +11 [6 ranks, +5 Int]
Sense Motive cc 0 [0 ranks, +0 Wis]
Spellcraft +13 [6 ranks, +5 Int, +2 Magical Aptitude]
Spot cc +0 [0 ranks, +0 Wis]
Survival cc +0 [0 ranks, +0 Wis]
Swim cc -4 [0 ranks, +0 Str, -4 Armor Check Penalty]
Use Magic Device +13 [6 ranks, +5 Int, +2 Magical Aptitude]
Use Rope cc +2 [0 ranks, +2 Dex]

Common, Elven, Dwarven, Gnomish, Goblinoid, Orcish

Handy Haversack (2000 gp, 5 lbs.) - Cold Weather Outfit (8 gp, 7 lbs.), Glamerweave Courtier's Outfit (130 gp, 5 lbs.), Courtier's Jewelry (50 gp), Masterwork Sculptor's Tools (55 gp, 5 lbs.), Masterwork Thieves' Tools (100 gp, 2 lbs.), Mirror (small, steel, 10 gp, 0.5 lb.), Oil (4 1-pint flasks, 4 sp, 4 lbs.), Scroll Case (1 gp, 0.5 lb.) w/ Paper (10 sheets, 4 gp), Trail Rations (7 days, 35 sp, 7 lbs.), Rope (silk, 50', 10 gp, 5 lbs.), Waterskins (2, 2 gp, 8 lbs.), Light Crossbow (35 gp, 4 lbs.), Case w/ 10 bolts (1 gp, 1 lb.)

Belt Pouch (1 gp, 0.5 lb.) - Flint & Steel (1 gp), Identification Paper (w/ portrait, 5 gp), Ink (1-oz. vial, 8 gp), Inkpen (1 sp), Traveling Papers (2 sp)

Explorer's Outfit (10 gp, 8 lbs.)

Chain Shirt (100 gp 25 lbs.)

Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb.)

Arcane Signet Ring (150 gp)

12 gp, 8 sp

Total weight on person: 31.5 lbs.
Total weight in haversack: 53.5 lbs.
Light Load: 33 lbs.
Medium Load: 66 lbs.
Heavy Load: 100 lbs.
Lift Over: 100 lbs.
Lift Off: 200 lbs.
Push/Drag: 500 lbs.

Although not of actual royal blood, Jonas considers himself a man of the court due to his dragonmark. In civilized areas, he wears the latest courtier fashion (glamerweave, of course) and the proper accouterments to show he's not faking. While traveling, Jonas dons clothing appropriate to the environment and culture, but even his cold weather cloak is obviously of exceptional make. An intricate signet ring, modeled after a stylized gorgon’s head and bearing a large sapphire with a glowing runic pattern inside, instantly marks him as a member of House Cannith. Beyond the clothing, Jonas has a naturally regal bearing, with short-cropped black hair and bright, piercing blue eyes. Although of only average height and build, Jonas generally catches the eye of any ladies he passes.

Brilliant. Magnetic. Inspiring. Clever. Captivating. All of these terms are used in standard conversation when someone talks about Jonas d'Cannith. He seems to have an almost inborn sense of how to handle himself in any social situation, talking as comfortably to a common farmer as the heir to the throne. Jonas understands and appreciates the hard work that most folk live with on a daily basis, but definitely apprciates the finer things in life and avoids physical labor when possible.

Born to a poor family in the small farming thorp of Windshire in northwestern Aundair, Jonas was quickly recognized as different from the other children in the area. Although not nearly as strapping and physically impressive as his peers, he was unusually bright and capable of getting almost anyone do almost anything. His parents were certain he was bound for Arcanix to study with the Arcane Congress and afterward to a great career as a magewright. That changed, however, on Jonas' 14th birthday--the day the Mark of Making appeared on his right hand. News of the marking spread quickly, soon reaching the ears of Jorlanna d'Cannith in Fairhaven. Unsure of the child's heritage but obviously interested in harnessing his dragonmark's power for House Cannith, Jorlanna had the child brought to Fairhaven, promising his parents a rich reward once Jonas' full power was understood.

Jonas quickly adapted to life in the capital, enjoying both the finery of court life and the hard lessons under his House Cannith tutors. Showing great skill in both arcana and artifice (mastering his first infusion by the age of 16) and a natural aptitude for magic, he was an obvious candidate for membership in the Fabricators Guild as an artificer. Over the 7 years since leaving Windshire, Jonas has shown himself loyal to the house, a capable craftsman, an eager scholar of arcana and planar lore, and even an accomplished sculptor. All of this has made Jonas a favorite to many of the "true" d'Cannith family members, so much so that he was allowed to adopt the d'Cannith family name without hesitation.

After gaining skill as an artificer, Jonas served House Cannith during the war by producing warforged components for sale to the warring nations. He traveled between Aundair, Thrane, and Cyre assessing various assignments and leading teams of lesser artificers and magewrights in producing contracted items. Due to his work on warforged as basically tools, Jonas still tends to view the living constructs as property rather than sentient beings equal to humans. After the destruction of the House ancestral estates in Cyre and the death of its patriarch, Jonas has thrown his support fully behind his adopted family in Fairhaven, abandoning any loyalty to Aundair and even his real family. With the Last War over, Jonas d’Cannith now travels freely throughout the Five Nations and beyond, supporting the interests of both House Cannith and Jorlanna.

Jonas has currently traveled to Sharn, the City of Towers, to find someone capable of testing out his latest experiment...
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First Post
Dhonn Rhikkless was born some forgotten morning in the goblin slums of Sharn. His Mother died before he was 5, and from that point he made his way as best he could. From about 10 years old he worked for The Sharn Scryer making deliveries and selling the paper in the slums and sewers in his home city.

One of his customers was a bitter, angry and drunken old Gnome Bard, exiled from Zhilargo (under orders for assasination by The Trust) for political speech (Raunchy jokes and songs that were extremely popular, but got people thinking in the wrong directions). The bard saw what happened the day Dhonn's predecessor "went missing", and decided to take him under his wing. After a few years slinking around delivering papers by day and studying with the old gnome, Dhonn found himself writing a few freelance articles for the Scryer.

Within a few years it was clear that his freelance writing was never going to take off, so following his editor's advice, Dhonn devised the penname "Dirk Brightblade" and set out for more exotic locales. Since then his writing has improved, and his knowledge of where bodies are buried has increased, but he has yet to have a really big break.

Dhonn is tenacious and a little ruthless when following a story. He doesn't much care about right and wrong, and doesn't really care about the money (well, not much anyway) he is already far richer than in any of his childhood dreams. His dreams today are of seeing his name (well, sort of anyway) on the front page of the Scryer, and then other major papers like the Korranberg Chronicle.

Dhonn Rhikkles

Dhonn is a yellowish skinned red eyed goblin. In spite of the fact that he keeps up his grooming, bathes regularly and wears quality clothes he still looks disreputable. While dealing with people he is cheerful and charming, showing a sharp wit and cutting humor. As Dirk Brightblade the Halfling he is brown haired, tanned, and appears middle aged.

Bard3, 3,000 xp
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: 3’2”
Weight: 42 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Age: 19
Religion: All, with special emphasis on Olladra
Region of Origin: Sharn in Breland

Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 18 (+4)
Wis: 10 (0)
Cha: 16 (+3)

Racial and Class Abilities:
Goblin: +4 move silently, +4 ride, +4 hide, -4 grapple, +1 to AC, +1 to attack, darkvision 60’, Lift & carry ¾ normal, 30’ move Bonus feat: Alertness

Bard: Bardic music, Bardic knowledge, Countersong, fascinate, Inspire courage +2 (+1 level, +1 feat), Inspire competence

Hit Dice: 3d6+6
HP: 24
AC: 17 (+4 dex, +1 size) Flat Footed: 13 (+2 leather armor) Touch: 15(+4 Dex, +1 size)
Initiative: +4 (+4 dex)
Speed: 30'
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 10% (NA)
Action Points: 6

Fortitude: + 3 (+1 base, +2 con) Reflex: +7 (+3 base, +4 dex) Will: +3 (+3 base)

BAB: +2

Grapple: -3 (+2 bab, -4 small, -1 str)

Melee Attack:
Light mace +3 (+2 bab, -1 str, +1 small, +1 MW) Damage: 1d4 (-1 str, +1 byeshk), x2, bludgeoning
Dagger +2 Damage: 1d3-1, 19-20x2, Piercing or Slashing

Ranged Attack:
Light Crossbow +7, 1d6, 19-20/x2, 80', Piercing
Dagger +7, 1d3-1, 19-20/x2, 10', Piercing or Slashing

1st: Urban tracking
2nd: Song of the heart

balance +6 (+4 dex+2 synergy tumble)
bluff +8 (5 ranks, +3 cha)
Diplomacy +10 (3 ranks, +3 cha, +4 synergy [bluff & sense motive])
Diguise +9 (4 ranks, +3 cha, +2 synergy bluff)
gather information +8 (5 ranks, +3 cha)
Hide +13 (5 ranks, +4 dex, +4 size)
Jump +1 (-1 str, +2 synergy tumble)
knowledge (history) +9 (5 ranks, +4 int)
listen +2 (alertness)
move silently +13 (5 ranks, +4 dex, +4 racial)
perform (comedy) +9 (6 ranks, +3 cha)
profession (writer) +6 (6 ranks)
ride +8 (+4 dex, +4 racial)
sense motive +5 (5 ranks)
sleight of hand +12 (6 ranks, +4 dex, +2 synergy bluff)
spot +2 (alertness)
tumble +9 (5 ranks, +4 dex)

Common, Goblin, Elven, Draconic, Giant, Orc

Known: lvl0 detect magic, mending, message, prestidigitation, flare, open/close
Lvl1 disguise self, ventriloquism, tashas hideous laughter

Per day: lvl0 6, lvl1 1+1 bonus

Save DC’s: lvl0 13, lvl1 14

Light mace, masterwork, Byeshk, of goblin manufacture (late empire)
Light crossbow, 30 bolts
2 daggers (belt)
leather armor
backpack: bedroll, 2 waterskins, disguise kit, entertainers outfit, trail rations x 10, soap, sealing wax, 10 candles, small steel mirror, I.D. papers (Dirk Brightblade) forged
scroll case: ink, ink pen, 20 sheets paper (backpack)
belt pouch: flint & steel, I.D. papers (belt)
belt pouch: 6gp, 10sp, 20cp (belt)
signet ring
spell component pouch (belt)
explorers outfit (free)
2 x potion cure light wounds (belt)
House Kundarrak letter of credit 630gp (hidden in boot)
Everfull scribes kit: never runs out of paper or ink

Total weight on person: 21lbs (8.75 without backpack)
Light Load: 19.5 lbs
Medium Load: 39.75 lbs
Max load: 60 lbs

Spidertrag, I'm not sure how much forged ID papers are, so I haven't paid for the Dirk Brightblade papers yet. Let me know how much (for a good solid forgery, this is my alter-ego we're talking about after all) and I'll pay out of my letter of credit.

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First Post
Halas Snowmantle

Halas Snowmantle (d'Orien, sort of)
Male human Ranger2/Fighter1. AL: Neutral
Home region: Talenta Plains (originally from Cyre).

HP: 2d8+1d10+6= 32/32
AC: 19 (or 22 when using Combat Expertise). touch: 14, flatfooted: 15

History: Halas was born in a small village on the Cyrian side of Lake Cyre, his family were blood relatives of House Orien and as such held influence in the town. At age 10 his village was destroyed By Karrnathi raiders. He hid as the skeletal forces murdered his family and friends. The shock of this event turned a part of his hair white, hence the name ‘snowmantle’. He eventually fled to the Plains where in Gatherhold the Halflings took him in and raised him as one of their own.
He has subsequently been raised as a child of the plains. He has learnt to use the Tangtat (his weapon of choice) and is a proficient dinosaur rider. At the age of 18, his dragonmark became. His elders knew what this meant and sent him with their blessing to go back to his birth family. They hope that he will one day return and be a bridging gap between the people of the plains and the Humans of the Four Nations (especially House Orien).
Since his re-introduction to human society, Halas has been somewhat ostracised by House Orien. He is a rogue barbarian who, while intelligent knows very little about post-war Khorvaire and his irrational hate of Karrnath is bad for buisiness. Finally, Halas serves as a reminder of what was lost on the day of mourning. He is free to do as he pleases until such a time as the house can find a use for him in their operations.

Personality & Appearance: Halas is an inquisitive and outgoing person. He does however have a deep hate for Karrnath and their undead soldiers. Halas is dressed in brown leathers and has many braids in his hear. His white lock of hair (right temple) had beads and feather in it is not tied back under his leather headband like the rest of his long brown mess. His chain shirt is barely noticable under his brown travellers coat. Halas' Tangtat and bow are stowed over his back, daggers in boots, and his kukri and sap at his belt. His mark is on the nape of his neck and the top of it can be spied over his collar if he is unarmed

Combat: Halas prefers to use 1-2 rounds of arrows before he closes to melee. When he does so, he will immediately start at full defence taking a -3 to attack for a +3 to AC. Once he has established control or he can’t hit his enemy then he will start to sacrifice defence for attack. Halas doesn’t often take prisoners and is a brutal and efficient combatant. A favourite trick of his is to dimesional leap to an enemies side, then action surge an attack if he has surpise.

Str: 18 Int: 13
Dex: 18 Wis: 14
Con: 15 Cha: 10

SQ: favoured enemy: undead (+2)
Wild empathy: +1
Dimensional Leap 1/day (30 ft max)

Action points: 6
Initiative: +4, speed 30ft
Fort: +7 Ref: +7 Will: +2
BAB +3, melee & ranger +7

Feats: Track (b); Combat Expertise (b); Rapid Shot (b); EWP: Tangtat; Least Mark of Passage; Action Surge (3rd level).

Survival: +9/+11 (when tracking) [ 5ranks+2wis +2 synergy+2feat]
Move Silently: +8 [4ranks+4dex]
Hide: +8 [4ranks+4dex]
Jump: +7 [3ranks+4str]
Climb: +7 [3ranks+4str]
Knowledge (geography): +3 [2ranks+1int]
Listen: +7 [5ranks+2wis]
Spot: +7 [5ranks+2wis]
Search: +5 [5ranks+1int]
Ride: +8 [4ranks+4dex]
Handle Animal: +3 [4ranks-1cha]

Equipment: +1 Chain Shirt
MW cold iron Tangtat
Composite Longbow (+1str bonus) – 20 arrows
2 daggers
Wand of Cure light wounds (full)
Belt pouch – Alchemists acidic fire
- potion of cure light wounds
Heward’s Handy Haversack
-Food (10 days)
-50ft silk rope & grapple
-5 Sunrods
-2 waterflasks
-winter blanket
-small tent
-40 arrows
- letter of credit (000gp)
- money pouch (25gp, 9sp, 8cp)

Attacks: MW Tangtat + 8 (+5 when defending) [1d10+6; 18-20/x2]
Comp longbow +7 [1d8+1/x3] or Rapid Shot +5/+5 [1d8+1/x3]
Dagger +7 [1d4+4; 19-20/x2]
Kukri +7 [1d4+4; 18-20/x2]
Sap +7 [1d6+4S/x2]
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First Post
Male Half-Ogre Wiz3; Size M; HD (2d8+5)+(3d4+5); hp 56; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural); BAB +1; Grp +7; Atk +7 melee (iron-bound club, 1d4/1d6, crit x2, 10 ft. range, 3 lb., one-handed, bludgeoning), +4 ranged (N/A); Full Atk as Atk; SA See below; SQ See below; AP 6; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +3; Str 20 (+5), Dex 14 (+2), Con 20 (+5), Int 18 (+4), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 6 (-2).

Skills and Feats: Alchemy 4 (0 ranks, +4 Int), Climb 6 (1 rank, +5 Str), Concentration 11 (6 ranks, +5 Con), Craft 4 (0 ranks, +4 Int), Knowledge (arcana) 11 (7 ranks, +4 Int), Knowledge (nature) 4 (0 ranks, +4 Int), Scry 9 (5 ranks, +4 Int), Search 7 (3 ranks, +4 Int), Spellcraft 12 (3 ranks, +4 Int), Swim 6 (1 rank, +5 Str); Combat Casting, Toughness (+3 hp).

Half-Ogre Traits: Natural Armor Bonus: Half-ogres have thick hides and gain a +3 natural armor bonus to Defense; Attack Bonus: Half-ogres gain a +1 species bonus on attack rolls; Low-Light Vision: Half-ogres can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions

Wizard Abilities: Wizards are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow and quarterstaff. They are not proficient with any type of armor, nor with shields; summon familiar; scribe scroll; bonus feat (every five levels: must be a metamagic, item creation, or spell mastery); bonus spells: 1-1st, 1-2nd, 1-3rd, 1-4th

Spells per Day: 4/3/2

Typical Spell Lists
0-level: read magic, detect magic, light, prestidigitation
1st-level: alarm, comprehend languages, tenser's floating disk
2nd-level: continual flame, whispering wind

Adventuring: Offensive
0-level: read magic, detect magic, ray of frost, flare
1st-level: chill touch, shocking grasp, magic missile
2nd-level: ghoul touch, summon monster II

Adventuring: Defensive
0-level: read magic, detect magic, resistance, flare
1st-level: endure elements, mage armor, spider climb
2nd-level: invisibility, blur

Equipment: clothing (simple woolen robe and sandals, rope belt), spell component pouch, large rucksack: [spellbook (thin slats of carved or burned wood bound between ash bark by leather strips), iron-bound club, wooden bowl, waterskin (full)], dagger (for carving into spellbook), orange prism ioun stone (+1 caster level, 3’ from head), sustaining spoon (horn, on leather thong around wrist), “horrid badger” cloak, 90 gp (in smaller pouch in bottom of rucksack) = Light load (24 lbs.)

Snipe, furtive filcher familiar: Tiny construct; HD 10: hp 5; Init +4; Spd 50 ft.; AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12; Base Atk +0; Grp -9; Atk bite +1 melee (1d4-1); full Atk bite +1 melee (1d4-1); Space/Reach 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.; SA --; SQ construct traits, darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +0; Str 8, Dex 19, Con -, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 7.

XP: 3000 xp / 6000 xp

Description and Personality: Terribly ugly and generally smelly, Greebol appears to have taken much from his ogrish side and painfully little from his human parentage. Greebol has a large, misshapen and lumpy head (apparently from many years of being thumped upon it by his larger cousins) with a thick, overbearing brow and covered sporadically with patchy tufts of dingy auburn hair. His ears are far too small for his skull (although his right one is noticeably higher than his left) and set too far down and back upon it; this coupled with his heavy set brow and overly large head make the half-ogre appear as is he is naturally slow-witted. A large, bulbous nose sits between his smallish, twinkling brown eyes and his thick, forward-jutted law is (like this crown) covered with a patchy smattering of auburn fuzz that only in the most kind of eyes resembles a beard.

Greebol wears only the simple, patch worked woolen robe and well-worn brown leather sandals that he left his homeland wearing and he carries a large rucksack which contains his other odd bits and pieces. Occasionally, the half-ogre dons his most prized possession – a hand-me-down cloak fashioned from the hide of a horrid badger; which he bought from a traveling merchant just inside of Breland (the cloak is really a shoddily-done patchwork of various animal parts and pieces, bones, teeth and fur but you would be hard pressed to convince Greebol of this fact).

Greebol is quiet and agreeable and seems to be simple, but this final aspect of his personality is utterly a ruse (albeit one that he performs very well) – the half-ogre merely uses his simpleton appearance to learn the true natures of those around him as well as a cover for his genius. While he is by no means cruel, he can be if pressed and when his anger is roused, he is truly a terrible opponent to square off against. Despite his impressive intellect, Greebol is very much entrenched in the only way of life that he has ever known – that of living amongst the monstrous races of Droaam; as such he sees little need for things such as fancy clothes and items so long as the ones he has at present serve him. If the full truth be told, Greebol holds onto these items just as much because in a way, (despite his hatred of the manner by which he was treated by his fellow monsters) he misses home because he has yet to find a true home of his own.

Height, Weight, Age: 6 ft. 7 in., 256 lbs., 23 years old.
Region of Origin: Droaam (Tzaryan Keep)
Languages: Common, Giant

Background: Believed to be a sire of the mighty Tzaryan Rrac himself, warlord of Tzaryan Keep, Greebol spent the bulk of his life blissfully serving the roll filled by most ogres and half-ogres in Droaam: servants to the powerful warlords and crushers of any beneath them at did not toe the line. Serving within the confines of the Keep itself, Greebol loved looming and snarling over the pitiful goblins under his command almost as much as bashing in their tiny, egg-like skulls. All this changed, however, as did Greebol’s entire existence, one fateful afternoon amid a game of “Crack-bone”.

Crack-bone, well known in the goblinoid world, is little known among the other races of Eberron, as at first glance, it appears to be little more than the omnipresent infighting that is so common to those races that practice it. However, to the simple-minded brutes, Crack-bone is a far more sophisticated and socially important game, as well as a test of strength, endurance, and often, virility. Crack-bone is played very simply, with two opponents squaring off with some large and heavy object in their hand; each opponent takes a turn cracking the other over the head with said object until one of the two either is knocked unconscious or gives in (a sign of infinite and often, irrecoverable weakness).

Greebol, who was smaller than his ogre cousins, was often selected as a Crack-bone opponent and in a true testament to his strength and hardiness, he often held his own. Upon the day that changed the half-ogre’s life, however, something altogether different happened. The moment the blow connected with Greebol’s head, something inside snapped and gone was the brutish, narrow-minded individual who had always been Greebol… Now, a far more inquisitive, intelligent individual lay behind the half-ogre’s brown eyes – an individual whose interests stretched far beyond squashing and crushing things…an individual who wanted, yearned and desired to know more about the world around him.

Many whispered that it was the blood of Tzaryan Rrac, the mighty ogre mage, which was freed to flow through Greebol on that fateful day, but the lord of Tzaryan Keep was not pleased. He set watchful eyes upon the young half-ogre, fearful of his mysterious “re-birth” and, as ever, weary of any form of competition, whether real, imagined, or potential. Greebol, heedless of these wary eyes peering down upon him, turned from his old ways, and began a whole new life, learning the ways of magic and wizardry from the vast storehouses of information collected by the ogre mage warlord. Tzaryan was torn: on one hand, here was the possibility for a powerful apprentice or servant, but on the other, the potential for the ultimate in treachery and betrayal. Many thought that Greebol’s days were all but numbered, that Tzaryan had but to call the half-ogre into his chambers and then Greebol’s shadow would never again grace the walls of the ‘Keep. However, this day never came, despite Tzaryan Rrac’s endless torment and aggravation over the subject and it was only then that those in the know began to whisper that the warlord had been ordered to leave the unusual half-ogre be; tales began to spring up that Greebol was more than what he seemed; that he was an agent of the Covey and that he should not be touched. The stories began to flit about Greebol like black flies around a bloated corpse – but the half-ogre appeared ignorant or heedless of them all, seemingly content to while the day away studying and learning of the wizardly arts.

Then, early one morning, Greebol performed an act that was unequivocally bewildering: he raided one of Tzaryan Rrac’s royal stashes of magical goods and fled the ‘Keep. There was no hint and no hurry to provide a clue into his actions; he took the items and walked away as calmly and simply as if they were his own to take. Greebol never looked back. Although, now there are rumors in the southwest of Droaam that now both the Hag Sisters and the lord of Tzaryan Keep have bounties out for the half-ogre wizard’s head...

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Leon Tigerfoot - Deep Halfling Rogue 2/Barbarian 1

[B]Name:[/B] Leon Tigerfoot
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue 2/Barbarian 1
[B]Race:[/B] Deep Halfling
[B]Size:[/B] Small
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Good

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (18p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 3        [B]XP:[/B] 3000
[B]Dex:[/B] 20 +5 (18p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +2         [B]HP:[/B] 27 (1d12+2d6+3)
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (12p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] -1     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] --/--
[B]Int:[/B] 16 +3 (16p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] --
[B]Wis:[/B] 10 +0 (10p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +5        [B]Spell Save:[/B] --
[B]Cha:[/B] 12 +1 (12p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -X         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] XX%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +4    +X    +5    +1    +X    +X    20
[B]Touch:[/B] 16              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 15

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      2    +1    +1    +4
[B]Ref:[/B]                       3    +5    +1    +9
[B]Will:[/B]                      0    +0    +1    +1

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical     Range[/B]
Sharrash, MW              +6     1d8+4      19-20x4
Tangat, MW                +6     1d8+4      18-20x2
Sap                       +5     1d4+3         20x2
Kukri                     +5     1d3+3      18-20x2
Boomerang                 +7     1d3+3         20x2      30 ft

[B]Languages:[/B] common, halfling, gnome, elven, dwarven

[B]Deep Halfling:[/B] darkvision 60 ft., small size, +2 to listen, +1 to all saves, +1 to attack with thrown weapons, +2 to saves vs. fear, sharrash, tangat and boomerang treated as martial weapons rather than exotic.

[B]Rogue:[/B] sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding, evasion

[B]Barbarian:[/B] fast movement, rage 1/day

[B]Feats:[/B] mounted combat (carom), ride-by-attack (carom)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 62       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 6/3
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Balance                    6    +5    +2    +13
Jump                       6    +3    +2    +11
Tumble                     6    +5    +2    +13
Intimidate                 6    +1          +7
Perform (carom)            6    +1          +7
Listen                     5    +1    +2    +8
Hide                       5    +5          +10
Move Silently              5    +5          +10
Escape Artist              5    +5          +10
Craft (carom)              5    +2          +7
Sleight of Hand            5    +5          +10

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Mithril Shirt          1100gp    5lb
Carom*                   --gp    5lb
Sap                       1gp    1lb
MW Sharrash             318gp    5lb
MW Tangat               340gp    4lb
Kukri                     8gp    1lb
Boomerang x2             30gp    1lb
ID papers                 5gp    -lb
Letter of marque        500gp    -lb
Traveling papers          2sp    -lb
Backpack                  2gp    1lb
Explorers Outfit          -gp    2lb
Hooded Lantern            7gp    1lb
Oil, 4 flask              4sp    2lb
Grappling hook            1gp    2lb
Silk rope, 50 ft.        10gp  2.5lb
Belt pouch                1gp    -lb
Whetstone                 1gp   .5lb
Waterskins x2             2cp    2lb
Thunderstone x2          60gp    1lb
Sack, empty x2            2sp    -lb
Rations, 4 days           2gp    1lb
Potion, Cure Light x2   100gp    -lb
Smokestick x2            40gp  .25lb

*personal item

[B]Total Weight:[/B]37lb      [B]Money:[/B] 173gp 1sp 8cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]               57     115      172     345     862

[B]Age:[/B] 22
[B]Height:[/B] 3'4"
[B]Weight:[/B] 33lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] dark brown
[B]Hair:[/B] dark brown
[B]Skin:[/B] umber

Appearance: Leon is a dark skinned halfling, his hair is pulled back in a braid and he often wears an adventuring outfit more suited to the plains than the city of Sharn, however unlike many of his folk who would wear leather or hide, the glimmer of a fine mithril shirt can be seen under his outfit. He carries a merry air about him, a bit grunge and a bit high class at the same time. A tangat is sheathed over his shoulder and he?ll occasionally propel himself on his carom with a sharrash.

Personal Item: Leons personal item is a carom he handcrafted himself with the help of some friendly artificers. It is crafted out of adamantine and crystal giving it incredibly durability and strength, as well as being incredibly stylish with the silvery-blue crystal in winding patterns amongst the dark adamantine. Incredibly tuned to Leons weight and preference, it is considered masterwork, granting a base +2 competence bonus to any checks he makes while riding it. Additionally, as Leon has more skill than average with caroms, particularly this one, the competence bonus he receives increases as well. For every two ranks above four in a skill which is used in carom riding, Leon receives an additional +1 competence bonus when employing that skill with the carom. In addition to benefits above, the carom was designed to allow near impossible feats of agility and movement, allowing Leon to peak out on some of the highest walls before skipping up to a level surface. This allows Leon to take part of his movement action on a wall or other vertical or partially vertical surface so long as he begins and ends his movement action on a horizontal surface. If he doesn't end on a horizontal surface, he has to make a Balance check against the normal DC associated with climbing the type of surface he is on. If he fails, he falls taking appropriate damage from the height at which he was at. If the check is successful, he has been able to stall his motion at least partly, however on his next move action he cannot continue moving upwards, but must descend towards a horizontal surface.

Background: Raised in the traditional ways of the Talenta plains, Leon?s parents however were not so tied to their traditions that they left the plains and moved to Sharn. In Sharn they hoped to have a better life, however Leon kept to many of the traditional ways but adapted in his own unique way to the way of the city. Always a relatively bright lad, his quick mind and strong body were only surpassed in note by his innumerable escapades into the cities depths on his own. Eventually, his parents thought that it would be best to give the boy a proper training, of sorts at least, and pulled some strings and received a line of credit through which they could send young Leon to the Morgrave University, they thought he would make excellent student, and they were correct. However, this in fact turned out to be one of their larger mistakes, as they had mistook it for a smaller university with a less rough-and-tumble curriculum and soon Leon was bounding through the University on his newly crafted carom (a halfling skateboard), getting into the occasional fist-fight and all in all entertaining himself too thoroughly. His studies brought him deep into the Cogs of Sharn, deeper towards the supposed lava streams, and he even says, although none can prove it other than his own words that he once leapt his carom over a moving river of lava. Other rumors and tales abound regarding this roguish youth. Graduating from the University with top hard-knock honors, Leon continued to stay within Sharn.

He has since fallen in with a relatively happening crowd of upscale youths who fancy his hobby and have found the halfling amazingly adept at it, as well as fancying his passionate rants and odd traditional slant. Occasionally making his way up into the Skyway, he pushes his limits on his handmade carom, avoiding the Watch when he pulls stunt in the wrong public or private area.
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First Post
added Snipe to Greebol's character sheet....

(cleverly disguised bump in the hopes that this game gets to movin' soon....)


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