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PCs for The Sceptre of Kings, a Dwarvish Quest...


Living EN World Judge
Alembregh's Troops

Gurin Fordswright (28 Pt Base)
3rd Level Dwarven Fighter
Str 16 Dex 10 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 10
HP 33
Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Initiative,Weapon Focus:Waraxe
Familiarity:Waraxe, Gold Dwarf Traits.
Base +3, Fort +6 Ref +1 Will +2 AC 20/20flat/10touch.Move 20'.
Full Plate, MW Waraxe, Heavy Crossbow & 20 MW Bolts,
Large SteelShield,Short Sword
4 Potions Cure light Wounds <1D8+1>
aprox 300GP in other gear determned shortly.
Axe +7 1D10+3 20/X3
Crossbow +4 1D10 19-20/X2 110' Inc
Short Sword +6 1D6+3 19-20/X3

Bremin Stoneheart (20 Pt Base)
2nd level Dwarf Fighter
Str 14 Dex 10 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 10
HP 21
Power Attack Cleave,Improved Initiative
Familiarity:Waraxe, Gold Dwarf Traits

Squad One
Durn,Camlin,Hrothgarn,Rolnir&Ralnir,Flint and Frendrek Stoneheart,, Jimir Stouthammer and Broki Stouthammer
and Nalim Silverfoot.

Dorn Ironfist
2nd level Dwarf Fighter
Str 14 Dex 10 Con 14 Int 10 Wis 10 Cha 10
HP 21
Power Attack Cleave,Improved Initiative
Familiarity:Waraxe, Gold Dwarf Traits

Squad Two
Breki, Raln,Jogim, Hrolf,Dorin,Kemin,Brun,Galar,Anbar and Broglin Ironfist.
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Living EN World Judge
Rament's Troops

Eugrimm Keeneye

2nd Level Dwarf Ranger

10 1st Level Dwarf Fighters
(I'll name them all shortly :D )


Storí Vidkunn
Shielf Dwarf Diviner 5/Mage of the Arcane Order 6, Lawful Good

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 24 (+7) (inclueds stat bonuses at 4th and 8th levels, and +4 Headband of Intellect)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 10 (+0)

Combat Stats:
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Melee: +6[+5 BAB, +1 STR]
Ranged: +7 [+5 BAB, +2 DEX]
Hit Points: 66 [4 x 11 (levels) + 22 (CON)]
Armor Class: 18 [10 + 2 (DEX) + 4 (Mage Armor + 2 Amulet of Natural Armor)]
Initiative: +6 [+2 DEX, +4 Improved Initiative]
Movement Rate: 20 feet

Attacks per round:
+1 Light Crossbow (using masterwork bolt) (+8 to hit, 1d8+1 dmg)
or Dagger (+5 to hit (melee) +6 to hit (thrown), 1d4+1 dmg)
or Quarterstaff (+5 to hit, 1d6+1 dmg)

Weapons and Armor:
Armor: Mage Armor, +2 Amulet of Natural Armor
Weapons: +1 Light Crossbow (1d8 dmg+1, Crit 19-20/x2, Rng 80 ft)
Dagger (1d4 dmg, Crit 19-20/x2, Rng 10 ft)
Quarterstaff (1d6+1 dmg, Crit x2)

Saving Throws:
Fort: +5 [+3 base, +2 CON]
Ref: +5 [+3 base, +2 DEX]
Will: +11 [+9 base, +2 WIS]

Scribe Scroll (Free for Wizard)
Spellcasting Prodigy (1st level feat)
Extend Spell (3rd level feat)
Cooperative Spell (Bonus 5th level metamagic feat)
Improved Initiative (6th level feat)
Energy Substitution (Sonic) (Research Breakthrough)
Craft Wondrous Item (9th level feat)

Alchemy +21 (14 ranks, +7 INT)
Concentration +16 (14 ranks, +2 CON)
Craft (Metalworking) +14 (5 ranks, +7 INT, +2 racial)
Diplomacy +7 (7 ranks)
Knowledge (Arcana) +31 (14 ranks, +7 INT, +10 Vidkunn's Eyeglasses of Arcane Knowledge)
Knowledge (The Planes) +9 (2 ranks, +7 INT)
Listen +4 (+2 WIS, +2 Alertness from familiar)
Speak Language 7
Spot +4 (+2 WIS, +2 Alertness from familiar)
Spellcraft +31 (14 ranks, +7 INT, +10 Vidkunn's Eyeglasses of Arcane Knowledge)

Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Ignan, Infernal, Orc, Terran, Undercommon.

Special Abilities:
Darkvision 60'
+1 to hit orcs and goblinoids,
+2 on Appraise of stone/metal items
+2 on stone/metal Craft checks
+4 dodge bonus vs giants
+2 to saves vs spells
+2 to saves vs. poison
Favoured Class: Fighter
Summon Familiar
+2 to Spellcraft to learn Divination spells
Prohibited School: Necromancy
Spellpool Level I access
Spellpool Level II access
Permanencied spells: Detect Magic and See Invisibility (cost 1,500 XP).

Spells per day: 4+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/3+1/2+1
DCs: 18/19/20/21/22/23/24
Cantrips: Detect Poison, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, (Arcane Order empty slot).
Level 1: Charm Person, Endure Elements (x2), Magic Missile (x2), True Strike, (Arcane Order empty slot).
Level 2: Detect Thoughts, Extended Mage Armor, Invisibility, Melf's Acid Arrow, Melf's Acid Arrow (sonic substituted), (Arcane Order empty slot).
Level 3: Arcane Sight, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fireball (sonic substituted), Suggestion, (Arcane Order empty slot).
Level 4: Charm Monster, Dimensional Anchor, Polymorph Other (x2), Scrying, (Arcane Order empty slot).
Level 5: Cone of Cold, Contact Other Plane, Dominate Person, Teleport.
Level 6: Disintegrate, True Seeing, (Arcane Order empty slot).

Cantrips: Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Repair Minor Damage, Resistance.
Level 1: Charm Person, Endure Elements, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Mount, Tenser's Floating Disk, True Strike, Unseen Servant.
Level 2: Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Melf's Acid Arrow, See Invisibility.
Level 3: Arcane Sight, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Secret Page, Suggestion.
Level 4: Charm Monster, Dimensional Anchor, Polymorph Other, Scrying.
Level 5: Cone of Cold, Contact Other Plane, Dominate Person, Permanency, Sending, Teleport.
Level 6: Disintegrate, True Seeing.
(Total of 98 pages used.)

Boccob's Blessed Book:
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:

- Portable Hole (14000 gp)
- - 2 Bedrolls
- - 4 Blankets (Winter)
- - 4 Bolt cases
- - - 60 crossbow bolts
- - - 20 silvered crossbow bolts (20 gp)
- - Chest
- - - Chess set
- - - 2 vials of ink
- - - 4 pens
- - - 20 sheets of paper
- - - Spellbook (including 1,300 gp spent to learn 1 3rd level and 2 5th level spells)
- - - Boccob's Blessed Book (4750 gp, 380 XP, self crafted)
- - - 2,225 gp
- - 5 Clubs
- - 5 days' feed
- - 2 Grappling hooks
- - 2 Crowbars
- - 10 days' firewood
- - Flint and Steel
- - Hammer
- - 20 Javelins
- - 2 10' Poles
- - Scrying mirror (1000 gp, spell focus)
- - 10 Shortspears
- - 200' Silk rope
- - 2 Spades
- - 10 Sunrods
- - Tent
- - 20 days' trail rations
- - 20 Torches
- - 8 Waterskins (full, 4 water, 4 wine)
- - 2 Whetstones
Belt Pouch
- Flint and Steel
- 20 Tindertwigs
- Wand of Scorching Ray (6th level caster) (16 charges)
- 45 gp, 9 sp, 6 cp
Potion Belt:
- Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (750 gp)
- 2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (600 gp)
- 8 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (200 gp)
Scroll Organizer:
- 2 Scrolls of Alter Self (300 gp)
- 2 Scrolls of Dispel Magic (375 gp, 30 XP, self crafted)
- 2 Scrolls of Gaze Screen (300 gp)
- 2 Scrolls of Grease (50 gp)
- 2 Scrolls of Greater Magic Weapon (750 gp)
- 2 Scrolls of Identify (225 gp, 2 XP, self crafted)
- 2 Scrolls of Invisibility (300 gp)
- 2 Scrolls of Jump (50 gp)
- 4 Scrolls of Mage Armor (50 gp, 4 XP, self crafted)
- Scroll of Magic Circle Against Evil (375 gp)
- 4 Scrolls of Magic Weapon (100 gp)
- 2 Scrolls of Mount (25 gp, 2 XP, self crafted)
- 2 Scrolls of Spider Climb (50 gp)
- Scroll of Teleport (562.5 gp, 45 XP, self crafted)
- 2 Scrolls of Tongues (750 gp)
- Scroll of Water Breathing (375 gp)
Wearing / Carrying:
- +1 Light Crossbow (2000 gp)
- 20 Masterwork crossbow bolts (140 gp)
- 3 Daggers
- Quarterstaff
- Explorer's Outfit
- +2 Amulet of Natural Armor (8000 gp)
- +4 Headband of Intellect (8000 gp, 640 XP, self crafted)
- Ring of Counterspelling (currently contains Dispel Magic) (4000 gp)
- Ring of Sustenance (2500 gp)
- Vidkunn's Eyeglasses of Arcane Knowledge (+10 to Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft checks) (3000 gp, 240 XP, self crafted)

Total Weight Carried: 21.5 lb
Load: Light

Current XP:
Current: 45,180
Next Level:

Mount: War Pony (Carrying bit & bridle and military saddle).

History: Storí Vidkunn was born in the foothills of a great mountain range, in the poor quarter of the town. He was apprenticed to first the town's blacksmith, where he learnt a little of the smiths skills, but his apprenticeship was switched to Aldwin Var, a Transmuter who served the town. Storí's talent for magic proved strong, learning to cast some simple cantrips within weeks of his apprenticeship starting, and Aldwin took heed. Aldwin's attention also drawn by Storí's gift for languages. the boy having learnt both Terran and Undercommon simply by reading from his master's books. Aldwin decided to send Storí to Mathghamhna, the college of the Arcane Order, knowing that his student's potential outstripped his ability as a teacher.

Bidding farewell to his parents and Aldwin, Storí made the trip to Mathghamhna, presenting his letter of introduction from his master to the doorkeeper. He was admitted, and allowed to sit the test for a scholarship. Much to Storí's surprise (although not to Aldwin's) he passed, and was admitted to the School.

For the most part, his years at Mathghamhna were pleasant, although he did suffer a little from the taunts of his fellow students. Being both a dwarf and poor marked him out from the well-to-do humans and elves who make up the majority of the student body. His talent for languages was both fostered during these years, with Storí learning many tongues with either extraplanear or magical roots. This in turn made him in demand for translating texts and in negotiations.

After four years of study and labour, Storí took the Order's final test, becoming a full Mage of the Arcane Order. No longer a student, he returned to his homeland of Temperlain, finding work as a scribe and diviner in the Prince's court. His magical talents took a more martial turn after the giants to the North started incurring further into the dwarven lands, and Storí took to the battlefield alongside several of his fellow members of the Order. This was a life-changing experience for the still young Storí, and he gained a taste for excitement. The prince's quest to find the Sceptre of Kings sounds like one of the greatest and boldest challenges that will happen in his lifetime, and Storí made sure he was part of Prince Alembregh's party...

Personality: Storí is quick-witted and good humoured, with perhaps a little more in the way of social graces that the stereotypical dwarf. His linguistic skills tend to spill over into his everyday speech, with both archaic words, and phrases from other languages slipping themselves into his talk.

Description: Storí stands 4'4" tall, an average height for his race. Average is a pretty good way of describing his appearance, both is build and looks. His hair is a light brown, and his beard a similar hue. Both are kept neat and short, favouring the fashionable style of the season. His clothes also tend to follow the court fashions, and he is always well dressed (if perhaps less expensively than many in the court).

When "in the field", his wardrobe reverts to something more practical, both in cut and colour. While not the most devout of his people, Storí always carries the symbols of Moradin and Mystra.
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First Post
Trapmaster Turlogh
Shield Dwarf, Lawful Neutral
10th Level Rogue, 1st Level Fighter
Exp: 55,200

STR 14 (+2)
DEX 22 (+6) [Includes 2 Stat bumps and +2 Gloves of Dexterity]
CON 16 (+3) 
INT 14 (+2) 
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0) 

Combat Stats:
Base Attack Bonus: +8/+3
Melee: +10/+5 
Ranged: +14/+9 
Hit Points: 103 [10d6+1d10+33]
AC: 24  [10 + 6 DEX + 6 Armor + 1 Ring +1 Amulet]
  Flat 24 [Uncanny Dodge]
  Touch 18 [no Armor]
  Fighting Defensively: 27 [+2 +1 Tumble]
  Total Defense: 30 [+4 +2 Tumble]
  With Tower Shield: +4
Initiative: +10 [+6 DEX, +4 Improved Initiative]
Movement Rate: 20 feet

Saving Throws:
Fort: +10 [+3 rog, +2 ftr, +3 CON, +2 Vest]
Ref: +15 [+7 rog, +6 DEX, +2 Vest]
Will: +5 [+3 rog, +0 WIS, +2 Vest]

+16 Melee, Quarterstaff +2 [1d6+5, x2]
+16/+11 Melee Full, Quarterstaff +2 
+14/+14/+9 Melee Full TWF, Quarterstaff +2 [1d6+4, x2]
+14 Ranged, Javelin [1d6+2, x2, 30r] 
+14/+9 Ranged Full, Javelin/Javelin 

Two-Weapon Fighting (lvl 1)
Weapon Finesse (lvl 3)
Improved Initiative (lvl 6)
Quick Draw (lvl 9)
Power Attack (ftr 1)

Skills (134 ranks):
Appraise          +3 (1 ranks + 2 Int)
Balance           +9 (1 ranks + 6 Dex +2 Tumble)
Bluff             +11 (11 ranks)
Climb             +13 (9 ranks + 2 Str +2 Kit)
Disable Device*   +16 (12 ranks + 2 Int +2 Tools)
Escape Artist     +7 (1 ranks + 6 Dex)
Hide*             +24 (13 ranks + 6 Dex + 5 Cloak)
Jump              +9 (5 rank + 2 Str +2 Tumble)
Listen            +13 (13 ranks + 0 Wis)
Move Silently*    +24 (13 ranks + 6 Dex + 5 Boots)
Pick Lock         +20 (12 ranks + 6 Dex +2 Tools)
Search            +16 (9 ranks + 2 Int + 5 Lens)
Spot              +18 (13 ranks + 0 Wis + 5 Eyes)
Tumble*           +19 (11 ranks + 6 Dex + 2 Jump)
Use Magic Device* +10 (10 ranks + 0 Cha)
*Automatically Take 10 (Skill Mastery)

Common, Dwarven, Orcish, Undercommon

Special Abilities:
Darkvision 60'
+1 to hit orcs and goblinoids,
+2 on Appraise of stone/metal items
+2 on stone/metal Craft checks
+4 dodge bonus vs giants
+2 to saves vs spells
+2 to saves vs. poison
Sneak Attack +5d6
Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC)
Uncanny Dodge (Can't be flanked)
Skill Mastery (Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Tumble, Use Magic Device)


Mithral Shirt +2 (+6 AC, Max Dex +6, ACP 0) 5100 gp
Vest of Resistance +2 4000 gp
Gloves of Dexterity +2 4000 gp
Cloak of Elvenkind 2500 gp
Belt of Speed 12000 gp
Boots Elvenkind 2500 gp
Eyes of the Eagle 2500 gp
Ring of Protection +1 2000 gp
Yurgrok's Ring (Freedom of Movement)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 2000 gp

'Whisper' Quarterstaff (Levelling Item)
  End A (+5):  +2 Defending Flaming Frost
  End B (+3):  +2 Defending
Lens of Detection 3500 gp
Sap (2) 2 gp
Javelin (6) 6 gp
Heward's Handy Haversack 2000 gp
Tower Shield (on back) 30 gp
Scroll of Disguise Self (2) 50 gp
Scroll of Pass without Trace (2) 50 gp
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges) 750 gp
Wand of Feather Fall (50 charges) 750 gp
Wand of Shillelagh (49 charges) 735 gp

Heward's Handy Haversack:
Mirror, small steel, on a stick 20 gp
Masterwork Thieves' Tools 100 gp
Climber's Kit 80 gp
Rope, silk, 100' 20 gp
Grappling Hook 1 gp
Crowbar 2 gp
Longreach Tongs 20 gp
Longspoon Thieve's Tools 70 gp
Masterwork Manacles 50 gp
Bed Roll 0.1 gp
Blanket 0.5 gp
Waterskin 1 gp
Trail Rations (10) 5 gp
Caltrops (5) 5 gp
Oil (10) 1 gp
Acid Flask (5) 50 gp
Alchemist Fire (3) 60 gp
Antitoxin (3) 150 gp
Holy Water (5) 125 gp
Tanglefoot Bag (5) 250 gp
Thunderstone (5) 150 gp

911 gp 4 sp

Trapmaster Turlogh has blue eyes and black hair. His hands, arms and face are criscrossed with scars and he wears a eye patch over is left eye.

Turlogh has spent most of his life studing under the finest builders and trapmakers of Temperlain. It has been a hard road and he has the scars to prove it. When Prince Alembregh asked him to come with him to Cavaghn, Turlogh jumped at the chance to prove his worth and his skill. Turlogh also hopes he can avenge his father's death at the hands of a bugbear cheiftan.
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Elspeth 7-8 changes:

Level as bard.
BAB: +1 to 6/+1
Ref and Will +1
Hit points: 6 + 2 = 8
Stat boost to go to Charisma (23)

Gain class ability:
Inspire Courage +2

1 new 3rd level spell known - Reveille looks good for intelligence gathering, provided we can pick up (or someone has) some language magic.

Swap out "Remove Fear" for "Know Protections"

New slots:
1 x 2nd
1 x 3rd

Skill points:
6+ INT = 9

Use Magic Device, Conc, Sense Motive, Perform, Spellcraft, Bluff, Diplomacy, Spot, Listen +1
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Mogrym's 10-11 changes:
Level as nomad.
Hit points: 4 + 4 = 8

added 2nd - animal affinity, 3rd - remote viewing, 4th - polymorph self, 5th - true seeing.
Power Points - +23. (+12 for level, +11 bonus power points)

Skill points:
4+ INT = 6
Knowledge (psionics) +4, Psicraft +1, Concentration +1


First Post
Turlough's 10-11 Changes

Level Gained: Fighter 1
hp +10 +3
BAB +1
Saves Fort +2
Fighter Feat: Power Attack
Skills: +4 Climb
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11th level changes to Storí:

Added a level of Mage of the Arcane Order.
+1 to BAB, +1 to all saves.
6 hit points.
+1 rank to each of Alchemy, Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Arcana), and Spellcraft.
2 ranks taken in Knowledge (The Planes).
Added Orc to languages spoken.
Added Disintegrate and True Seeing to spellbook.
Added Wand of Scorching Ray and 2,000 gp.
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