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[PCs] The Sandman's Binding PbP

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First Post
Here's Nazgrel in stat block form. A nice clean character sheet can be found here, and Nazgrel's lion companion Razor Claw can be found here.

Nazgrel Lion Heart, Male Half-Orc
Barbarian 2 / Druid 7 of Nobanion
Hit Dice: (2d12)+(7d8)+18
Hit Points: 74
Initiative: +6
Speed: Walk 40'
AC: 19
Attacks: Pick +1 (Heavy) +11/+6; Dagger +10/+5; Club +10/+5; Sling +1 +10/+5
Damage: Pick +1 (Heavy) 1d6+4; Dagger 1d4+3; Club 1d6+3; Sling +1 1d4+1
Face\Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft.\5
Special Qualities: Animal Companion,Nature Sense,Orc Blood,Rage 1/day,Resist Nature's Lure,Trackless Step,Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC),Wildshape 3/day,Woodland Stride
Saves: Fortitude: +12, Reflex: +6, Will: +11
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 7
Skills: Animal Empathy 3; Concentration 16; Diplomacy 2; Intimidate 3; Jump 37; Ride 7; Wilderness Lore 16
Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light),Armor Proficiency (Medium),Improved Initiative,Martial Weapon Proficiency,Run,Shield Proficiency,Simple Weapon Proficiency,Skill Focus (Concentration),Track
Challenge Rating: 9
Alignment: Neutral Good
Possessions: Outfit (Explorer's); Pick +1 (Heavy); Dagger; Club; Sling +1; Leather +1; Shield +1 (Large/Wooden); Cloak of Resistance +2; Periapt of Wisdom +2; Ring +1 (Protection); Scroll (Cure Serious Wounds); Scroll (Cure Moderate Wounds); Potion (Cure Moderate Wounds); Potion (Cure Serious Wounds); Bedroll; Flint and Steel; Rations (Trail/Per Day); Waterskin; Holy Symbol (Silver); Pouch (Spell Component); Outfit (Traveler's); Outfit (Cold Weather); Bullets (Sling/10); Heward's Handy Haversack; Ring (Jumping); Coin (Platinum); Coin (Gold);

Spells Prepared: 0th = cure minor wounds (x2), detect magic (x2), read magic (x2), 1st = calm animals, cure light wounds (x4), 2nd = flaming sphere (x2), lesser restoration (x2), 3rd = cure moderate wounds (x2), neutralize poison, 4th = flame strike, reincarnate
Spell DCs equal 14+spell level.
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First Post
Haven't modified Dorn since his earlier appearance, but here he is again. Some notes on where my equipment is located are appended at the end. If you don't want all the background here let me know and I'll chop it out.

Dorn Hardwood

Human Fighter 9
S14 D12 C18 I15 W8 Ch12
AC:21 (+10 full plate, +1 Dex)
hp:101 (9d10 + 36 con +6 feat)
Init:+1 Speed:20
Melee: +1 Greataxe +13/+8 (1d12+6/crit 19-20/x3)
Ranged: Mighty Comp. Longbow +10/+5 (1d8+2/crit x3)
F/R/W: 12/6/6

Skills: Climb 3, Craft: carpentry 6, Craft: Woodcarving 5, Heal 2 (4), Jump 35, Listen 3, Ride 7, Spot 3, Use Rope 4 (6), Wilderness Lore 4.
Feats: Alertness, Close Quarters Fighting, Dwarven Toughness, Faster Healing, Improved Crit: Greataxe, Iron Will, Power Attack, Survivor, Weapon Focus: Greataxe, Weapon Spec: Greataxe

Languages: Chondathan, Illuskan, Dwarven, Elven, Orc, Midani, and Comman

Equipment: +2 Full Plate, +1 Greataxe, Cloak of Resistance +2, Ring of Jumping, Coif of Ferocity, Periapt of Proof Against Poison, Potions of CLW (2), CMW, CSW, and Blur. Heavy warhorse w/Banded barding, 2 mules, explorers outfit, traveller's outfit, and noble's outfit (just went to a ball, needed to look good), carpentry tools, woodcarving knives, many personally carved holy symbols of Ilmater, flask of holy water. Healer's kit, climbing kit, silk rope. (this leaves me with my lifesavings of about 1200 gp, which is financing my stay in Silverymoon)

Dorn's story: It's all about staying power. I've lived in the North all my life, and I've seen 'em come and go. Plenty of men can deal out pain and death, but they never last. You have to take the pain too, and if you do, you're a survivor.

My family grew up in the Moonwood, as tough a place to make a living as you'll find. Logging and building, making it thru the winters, no weaklings there! But trees ain't all there is to cut in the Wood. Black Blooders, orcs a plenty, monsters and creatures, evils walk the land. At least 'til I get there.

Started young and never stopped. Got a good hold, free to work your land, but plagued by monsters? I'm here to help. Anywhere good, honest, hardworking folk need a blade, you'll find me.

I stayed in Silverymoon all winter. Living easy after nearly a year of fighting trolls and giants, but it's time to get back to work. What we got here, that ain't right. Somebody's gotta stop it, and that's what I do. Who else is in?

Description: Short and stocky, Dorn's a hard man. When ready for action, Dorn's a wall of metal, full plate, visor down, big-ass axe in hand. Bow on his back and a light pack. Outside of the armor, Dorn's tanned and blonde with shaggy hair and clean shave. Scars on the knuckles and not on the face...think about it.

Notes on equipment: I’ve been in Silverymoon for a while, and the North all my life. I have a regular armorer here in Silverymoon, and I normally store my armor and greataxe with him. He’s a dwarf named Khondar Brighthammer, and I’ve fought for his clan many times. He also holds my horse’s barding and my carpentry tools.

My horse and mules are stabled in town as well, and the rest of my belongings are usually in my room at the inn, one of the better ones in town. I always keep my Cloak, my Ring, and the Periapt with me, as well as the potions. I usually have one carving knife and a dagger with me. A wooden holy symbol of Ilmater hangs around my neck at all times.



First Post
Sean Reaver, male human Bbn2/Rog7: CR 9; ECL 9; Medium-size Humanoid (human); HD 7d6+2d12+9; hp 51; Init +4; Spd 40 ft (80ft); AC 19 (+5 chain shirt, +4 Dex); Melee +1 long sword +10/+5 (1d8+4/crit 19-20), or war hammer +9/+4 (1d8+3/crit x3), or dagger +9/+4 (1d4+2/crit 19-20); Ranged +1 musket +13/+8 (1d12/crit x3), or mw pistol +12/+7 (1d10/crit x3); SA rage, sneak attack; SQ evasion, fast movement, uncanny dodge; AL CG; SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 16 (18), Con 12, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 13.
Skills and Feats: Balance 12` (13), Bluff 10, Climb 6, Disable Device 8, Escape Artist 9 (10), Forgery 6, Hide 13 (14), Intimidate 7`, Jump 9` (19), Listen 12`, Move Silently 13 (24), Open Lock 11 (12), Pick Pocket 11` (12), Read Lips 6, Spot 12`, Tumble 15` (16), Wilderness Lore 7; Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Firearms), Point Blank Shot, Run, Quick Draw.
` These totals include synergy bonuses.
SA–Rage (Ex): 1/day, Sean can fly into a screaming blood frenzy for 6 rounds. Sean gains +4 Str, +4 Con, and a +2 morale bonus vs. fear, but suffers -2 to AC. After the rage, Sean is winded.
Changes: AC 17; hp 55; Melee +1 long sword +12/+7 (1d8+7/crit 19-20).
SA–Sneak Attack (Ex): Sean deals +4d6 damage against an opponent with a discernable anatomy who is denied a Dex bonus or is flanked.
SQ–Uncanny Dodge: Dex bonus to AC, can't be flanked.
In pack: Silvered dagger, everburning rod, stone of alarm, cure light wounds potion x 5, darkvision potion x 4, hiding potion x 2, artisan's outfit, bedroll*, crown of silver gem, jet gem, powder horn, powder keg x 2, bullets (10) x 15, military uniform, mw thieves' tools*, sack (2), several assorted maps of The North, silk rope 50ft, smoke stick (5), sunrod (5), tinder twig (4), trail rations per day (5), water skin*, whetstone.
In pouch: 4 platinum pieces, 63 gold pieces, 8 silver, and 2 copper.
In potion belt: Cure light wounds potion x 7, darkvision potion x 2, hiding potion.
On person: +1 musket*, +1 long sword, +1 mithril chain shirt*, mw pistol*, war hammer, bullets (10) x 2, powder horn, boots of striding and springing, cloth belt of silence (Move silently +10), gloves of dexterity (+2), gray travel clock*, handy haversack*, explorer's outfit, mw potion belt, pouch.
* See Equipment Details.

Miscellaneous data:
Height 6'1", weight 176 lb, short brown hair, brown-green eyes. Sean's patron deity is the Lord of Shadows (Mask). Sean can speak the following languages; Chessentan, Chondathan, Common, Damaran, Mulhorandi, Orc.

Equipment Details:
Items marked with an astrix were all previously property of Voe'Zien's military, therefore have small markings that identify them as such. These markings are something along the lines of | -#- |, where the # is a green stitched hawk and the lines are cross-stitched in black. The design is commonly known in north western Chessenta as the emblem of Voe's military.

So, you want to hear my story?
Sean Reaver is the name, freelance reconnaissance and infiltration is what I do. I'm originally from a place called Voe'Zien, a small town in the north west of Chessenta. Part of the 2nd musket surveying patrol, ranked sergeant I was. Not a bad life I had, my own place next door to the blacksmith, my own hard earned money, and my lovers.

Well why am I here you ask? I'll tell you why, it's 'cause a filthy general couldn't take the blame for his own F'en mistake. Instead he used a person like me, someone who goes about his business, keeping the province borders safe and with no complaints about the little wage earned! To use as a scapegoat, that bastard. All about honor and respect they said at the start, then sh*t like this happens and it's overlooked with the help of a few coins. So you know what I did before they could catch me and throw me in the lockup? I shot him, didn't kill him, nah I'm better than that, I just made sure he couldn't 'have fun' anymore, if you get my meaning.

Well five years of my life went by in that small dank prison cell. Two for the accidental shooting of five civilians blamed on me, and three for shooting the generals' privates, would have been more if the clerics weren't nearby. Once I had served my time I was told that if I ever set foot in Voe I'd be slaughtered. So taking what was rightfully mine I headed off over the hills and across the rivers. Now I do the odd job for people with enough to pay my fees, or else I just pick up the sellable goods off the carcasses I down.

Sean had a steady upbringing compared to most adventures, having two very good parents and living in a well protected town. With experience he learnt to think morally and with compassion. His joining the military helped mold him into a person who could take a beating and still stay up, a person who would not complain about marching through a desert or traversing a snake infested river. Though due to being wrongly sentenced, Sean sometimes questions the validity of certain laws and law keepers.

Sean is tall man of medium build with a slightly tanned complexion. His face is a mark of experience, with a large scar down the right side of his lower jaw. He wears a black long sleeved shirt over his chain armor and padding, thick brown pants and a small black brimless cap over the top of his short brown hair. Given the situation he also wears his gray clock, pack and weapons. Pistol on his right side torso, sword left side torso, war hammer secured tightly to his pack's left side, and musket slung over his back.
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Melvos Brackenshire, male human Clr3*, Ftr2, Pal1, Rgr1*, SinghRager2: CR 9
HP 71
Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft (hide deemed light armor)
AC 18 (+5 Rhino Hide, +2 large steel shield, +1 Dex)
Atks +11/+11/+6/+6 melee (1d8+4 shield bash - more to come)
SA favored enemy, spells, turn undead; SQ detect evil, divine grace, divine health, lay on hands
SV Fort +22, Ref +10, Will +14. <-- all not including Charm domain
Str 16 (18 w/ Gauntlets), Dex 12, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 20 (24 w/ Command Shield, 26 w/Cloak, 30 w/ Charm domain)
Skills: Animal Empathy 5 Ranks (+13), Handle Animal 8 Ranks (+2 To Animals), Heal +6, Iajutsu Focus 4 Ranks (+12), Profession: Cook +2, Spot +4.
Feats: Ambidexterity (virtual), Two-Weapon Fighting (virtual), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (virtual), Power Attack, Divine Might, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Divine Shield, Iron Will, Ki Shout, Craft Arms & Armor.
Equipment: Lion's Shield (+1 Bashing), +1 Command Large Spiked Steel Shield, MW Mighty Composite Longbow +4, Rhino Hide Armor, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, 3 flasks Holy Water, Wand of CLW, 3 potions of CLW, common adventuring gear.
Scrolls: Cause Fear, Cure Light Wounds x 10, Magic Weapon x 3, Endure Elements x2, Divine Favor x2, Obscuring Mist x 2, Shield of Faith x 5
Domains: Charm and Nobility
 SA:Turn Undead (Su)–11/day, Melvos Brackenshire can attempt to turn undead creatures. He can turn undead with no more than (1d20+4)/3 HD. Each attempt, he turns 2d6+11 total HD. Undead with 1 or fewer HD are destroyed instead.
 SQ:Lay on Hands (Sp)–Melvos Brackenshire can heal up to 8 hit points per day, divided among any number of creatures.
Cleric Spells Prepared (3/1+1): Create Water, Detect Magic, Virtue / Weapon Bless (OA)
Domain Spells: Divine Favor

* modified Cleric and Ranger: Gain +1 BAB and bonus feat (Craft Arms & Armor), lose 2 levels of spellcasting and turning, lose Track

Melvos stands a lean 5'7" tall, 169 pounds, and is a specimen of human fitness. He works out daily, with many exercises to strengthen body and weapon prowess.
His prime concern is to be as much of a help to those around him as he can.
He is driven to make other people's lives as comfortable as possible.
From an early age, he was instilled by his mother an intense edict to "play nice" and be liked by all those around him.
"Don't you WANT those people to like you, Melvos? How are you going to get anywhere in life if people don't like you?"

He has grown up to be an over-grown Boy Scout, helping anyone, even if they have proven to take advantage of him in the past.
He will constantly see the good in a person if they but even give lip service to being his friend.
His low Intelligence and Wisdom (especially for a Cleric/Paladin) contributes to this almost-pathological condition of having to be liked by everyone he meets.
He constantly agonizes over his decisions, and whether he is doing enough for the people in his life.
He guzzles the medeival equivalent of Maalox like it's water.
In his relationships with women (he's quite popular with the ladies due to his inability to say no to them and his good looks and charm), they walk all over him and he tends to attract those that would take advantage of his excessive compassion.
Yes, you could say Melvos is pu$$y-whipped.

A genuinely "Nice Guy", his manner and voice are very gentle (when not in combat). He naturally knows how to cook, since that fits right in line with how he can be better liked by people, and making things more comfortable for them. He also feels very comfortable with animals, and they are naturally affected by Melvos' inner strength. Animals don't look to take advantage of Melvos' kindness, and most of the time they don't walk all over him. ;)

He will fight to defend others, and protect innocent people against evil.
Not because evil is bad, necessarily, but because evil people tend to be inconsiderate and rude, and make life uncomfortable for good people.
If an evil person truly expresses a desire to change, he will ALWAYS be a sucker for it.

Along those lines, he wields Shields in battle, not quite as deadly or offensive-natured as a sword. With a shield attack, he can batter opponents around with his special shield bash ability, hopefully knocking sense into his opponents (while simultaneously knocking them into his friends, hopefully gaining AoO's in the process). As he has grown in power, Melvos has mastered the Shield style and is now quite feared (by those who have seen him in battle : he still thinks he's not good enough) for his damage-dealing capabilities. He respects the power and nobility of the lion, and tries to emulate them in his fighting style.
While easily duped in social situations, Melvos is a holy terror in combat, and if forced will kill if the opponent truly is beyond recovery. His humble, almost meek demeanor, is betrayed by his fierce Rages and Roars in battle which have been known to send entire opposing squads running in fear.

*based off of Melvin in The Big Hit (played by Mark Wahlberg)...



The last shows the Lion's Shield, but take away the Full Plate, replace with Rhino Hide, and add a Command Shield instead of the lance. (pic by Jeremy's wife)


Ichtor Tardas, Human Conjurer 5/ Alienist 4, AL: N,
Str: 10 Dex: 14 Con: 14 Int: 20 Wis: 12 (Aln -2) 10 Cha: 10
AC: 15 (13 flatfooted) HD: 9d4+18+3 (Alienist Toughness) HP: 45
Skill points: 84
Spellcraft: 12 +5 = +17, Knowledge (Arcana): 10+5 = +17, Knowledge (The Planes): 12+5 = +17, Scry: 4+5 = +9, Alchemy: 8+5= +13, Concentration: 12+2 = +14, Ride: 4 (8)+2 = +6, Swim: 2 (4) = +2, Sense Motive: 3 (4) +5 = +8, Move Silenty: 3 (6) +2 = +5; Hide: 3 (6) +2 = +5
BAB: +4 Fort: +3+2 +1 (Aln)=+6 Ref: +3+2 +1 (Aln) =+6 Wil: +6 +1 (Aln) = +7
Feats: Alertness, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Scribe Scroll, Extend Spell, Great Spell Focus (Conjuration, from T&B), Improved Familiar (T&B), Spell Penetration, Empower Spell
Spells: 4+1/4+1/4+1/3+1/2+1/1+1
0 level: Ray of Frost, Flare, Light, Resistance, Disrupt Undead, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Prestidigation, Read Magic
1st level: Mage Armor, Summon Monster I, Unseen Servant, Burning Hands, Feather Fall, Jump, Message, Shocking Grasp, Shield, Magic Missile
2nd level: Melf's Acid Arrow, Fog Cloud, Summon Swarm, Web, Summon Monster II, Levitate, Rope Trick
3rd level: Flame Arrow, Phantom Steed, Summon Monster III, Fireball, Dispel Magic, Protection from Elements, Lightning Bolt
4th level: Evard's Black Tentacles, Summon Monster IV, Dimensional Anchor, Scrying, Polymorph Self, Polymorph Other
5th level: Cloudkill, Summon Monster V, Wall of Iron

Banned Schools: Enchanment, Illusion

Description: Dressed in a musty-smelling robe of stars that has seen better days, Ichtor has a dreamy look on his face. His long black hair is tinged with odd multicolored strands and he seems heavy with worry.

Ichtor had always been sensitive. During his childhood, he saw strange begins move around in the corners of his room and sitting in the trees, and the other children thought him weird. He learnt magic early, developing skills in prestidigation and delighted his peers with parlor tricks.

As he developed as a conjurer, he saw creatures that no one had dreamed of, and his own dreams were clouded with strange images, creatures that no bestiary had ever noted.
As his powers developed, he found he could step into their world though the time and place was never his choosing. He was attacked by one such creature, resembling a lion crossed with a dog, and was almost killed. The attack convinced him of their existence and took to learning the arcane secrets of these beings even as other wizards from his school fled his company and shook their heads. Eventually he was dismissed after one of the beasts he summoned went amok; killling two guards. He left the school after that and wandered the land, the visions of the creatures he adored becoming stronger.

Now he believes in The Great Entropic One, a bizarre seething mass of swirling colours he believes exists in the dreamscape. He sees it as beyond good and evil, and does not know if it is his destiny to serve it, or to destroy it.

Ichtor can be a bit haughty when dealing with humans. He can drift off in other directions and find their company displeasing. However, he respects other adventurers and mingles with them as he knows he cannot accomplish what he must alone.

Alienist abilities: Summon Alien, Alien Blessing, Mad Certainty (Phobia of snakes), Metamagic Secret - Extend Spell

Items: Ring of Protection +1, Bracers of Armor +2, Ring of Counterspells, Wand of Magic Missiles - 5th level caster

Misc: Potion of Cure Light Wounds (4), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2), Scrolls: Summon Monster V, Summon Monster IV, Lightning Bolt, Fireball

Weapons: Light X-bow +1 (1d8/19-20x2) with 40 bolts, Dagger (1d4/19-20x2)

Other: Spellbooks, Scrollcases, 14 days rations, 1 waterskin

Milgra, Stirge Familiar, HD 5; HP: 22; Init +4; Spd 10 ft, fly 40 ft; AC: 19 (touch 16, flat footed 15); Atk: +8 melee; SA: Attach, blood drain, SQ Granted abilities, speak with master, touch; AL: N, SV: Fort +2, ref +6, Will +5; Str: 3 Dex: 19 Con: 10 Int: 8 Wis:12 Cha: 6

Ichtor avoids using Milgra in combat. Sometimes, Ichtor thinks the creature is the only thing that understands him.


First Post

"Hello. I have come to hear about your situation. I’d like to help.

[if asked about himself] My name is Jonas.. For the last 5 winters I have been traveling the realms. I was asked by my father to find the question for which I have no answer in a situation I cannot understand and then to return to him with the question and the answer in hand. (Jonas will not name his father if asked as he does not want deferential treatment if someone was to know his family name; he prefers to be judged on the merit of his actions alone. He is very polite about this and if pressed he will just say that he was very fortunate in his upbringing and he would now like to earn his own reputation.) He said this will teach me the patience. Today the fates have put your posting in front of me; it seems this is the next leg of my quest for lock and the key for which I am searching. Enough about me…tell me more of your situation and perhaps I can help you."

OOC: Jonas is the (adopted) son of a Lord of Waterdeep. His identity was kept very low key so that he could be trained as a future lord of Waterdeep. Because the time is not right to add a lord, he is traveling the lands to make friends in far away places and to temper him. His father (and other lords in the know) understands that if Jonas is to be a lord, he must learn true justice, not the brand of "justice" which is so often seen in self-righteous cults. He must learn patience, and tolerance without sacrificing his morals.

To this point the lords are pleased with Jonas progress, but there are still many places Jonas has to visit and many Winters before Piergeiron will call Jonas to his side. Jonas is tall and muscular with sandy hair. His eyes are ice blue and capable of melting many a man without a single word. Like his father he has a commanding but quiet confidence; a presence that is felt even before it is seen.

Jonas has a tendency to listen more than he talks when meeting a person for the first time and he has been accused by some of those people of being stupid after a first meeting. (A trick learned from his father). He has also been very even handed in his dealing of justice, preferring parlay to combat, yet effective in both. His friends know him to be wise beyond his age and willingly follow his advice. Jonas’ closest friend, Claiborne has traveled with him since leaving Waterdeep. Unbeknownst to Jonas, this was partially the doing of his father in hopes of keeping him safe. His closest friend knows him to have a dry sense of humor, even being mildly sarcastic at times, but this is a side that Jonas rarely unveils.

Jonas Half-Dragon (Gold) / Human Paladin (6)
Lawful Good
Hit dice 6d12 (1&2nd max 3-6 avg. = 39 HP) + 24 = 63
Initiative +1
Speed 20’ (30 base)
AC: 29 (+10 Armor, +4 Shield, +1 dex, +4 Natural
Attacks: +16/+11 L. Sword or W. Hammer +14/+9 L bow or +13 2 claws / +8 bite
Damage: 1d8+8– L. Sword (crit on 17-20) 1d8+7 hammer 1d8+5 bow or 1d6+7 claw/1d4+3 bite
Face/reach: 5'by5'/5'
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon, cone of fire 6d10 (DC 20) 1x/day
Special Defense: Immune to fire, sleep and Paralysis
Special qualities: Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Lay Hands (36/day), divine health, Aura of courage, Smite evil, turn undead (as 4th lvl cleric, remove disease 2/week, Low Light & Dark Vision (60’)
Saves: fort +12, ref +7, Will +9
Abilities S 24 (+8 race+2 gauntlets) I 13 (+2 race) W 18 (amulet) D 12(+1 level) C 16 (+2 race) Ch 18 (+2 race, +2 cloak)
skills: Diplomacy (9+4=13), ride (9+1=10 – 6 for armor = 4), Concentration (9+2=11), Listen 3 (race), Spot 3 (race)

Feats (Human, 1, 3, 6,): Power Attack, Cleave, Mounted Combat, Leadership

Spells: 2 1st level spells: Divine Favor, Protection from Evil

Equipment: Full Plate +2, Lg. Shield +2 , Long Sword keen+1, Hat of Disguise, Cloak of Charisma (+2), Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Phylactery of Faithfulness, MW Mighty Long Bow (875 GP), 100 MW Arrows (350 GP), 5 vials of Holy Water, 5 tangle foot bags, 10 Sunrods, MW War Hammer, Saddle and Saddle Bags, 100’ Silk Rope, Holy Symbol, Signet Ring, grappling hook, Lance (silver in color), climbers Kit, Amulet of Health 3 GP

Added 50 MW arrows, barding for horse, 3 tangle foot bags, grappling hook, Lance, Climbers Kit
subtracted cost for Holy water because I can make it for free,

Silver Lance
Heavy War Horse
Large Animal
Hit Dice: 6d8+12 (43 HP)
Initiative +1
Speed: 50’
AC: 23 (+1 Dex, +9 Armor, +3 Deflection)
Attacks: 2 hooves +6, melee; bite +1 melee
Damage: Hoof d6+4, bite d4+2
Face/Reach: 5x10’/5’
Special Qual. Scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2 (8/5/3)
Abilities S 19, D 13, C 17, I 6, W 13 Ch 6
Skills Listen +7, Spot +7
AL Neutral Good

- Can carry 300/600/900 lbs.
- Rider can attack in same round as horse with Ride Check (DC 10)
- Improved evasion
- Share Saving Throws
- Empathetic Link (up to 1 mile)
- Splint Mail (+6 AC)

8th Level Human Cleric of Nobanion
Neutral Good

Hit Dice: 8d8+ 16(48 HP)
Initiative +5
Speed: 30’
AC: 24 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +8 Natural, +6 Armor)
Attacks: +7/+2 Mace (melee) ; +6/+1 sling (ranged)
Damage: d8+1
Domains Good and Nobility
Special : Cast good Spells +1 level, special quality of Nobility (What is this?)
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +13
Abilities S 10, D 12, C 14, I 16, W 20 Ch 10
Skills Concentration +17, Diplomacy +11, Heal +18, Know (religion) +14, Know (arcana) +9, Spellcraft +14, Scry +8

Feats: Improved Initiative, combat casting, Craft Wonderous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor.

Equipment: +1 Full Plate Mail, +1 Large Shield, +1 Mace, Periapt of Wisdom (+2), Cloak of Resistance +2 , Sling w/ 50 bullets, Wand of Cure Light (d8+3, 50 charges) Claiborne’s Handy Haversack, Holy Symbol Belt Pouch, spell components, 5 sun rods, Cleric’s Vestments, Healer’s kit (MW) – paid for by Jonas, 7 PP, 8 GP, Circlet of Blasting (3d8 or 6d6 vs undead/ 1xper day)

Spells (6/6+1/4+1/4+1/3+1)
0 – Cure Minor, Detect Magic x2, Light, Purify Food Drink, Read Magic
1st – Divine Favor, Entropic Shield, Sanctuary, Obscuring Mist, Shield of Faith, Command, Prot/Evil
2nd– Aid, Bull Strength, Hold Person, Lessor Restoration, Remove Paralysis,
3rd – Magic Vestment, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Prayer, Locate Object
4th – Discern Lies, Divine Power, Dismissal, Sending

Score: 15 (20-2-1)

Emul Madet
3rd Level Human Expert (Caravan Master)
Abilities S 12, D 12, C 12, I 12, W 12 Ch 13
Skills Any 10 Skills 32 points @ 1st, 8 at 2nd, 8 @ 3rd
Feats Skill Focus x3
10 Wagons, 50 Mules,
2500 gp

Quariom Gemblossom
2nd Level Grey Elven Expert (Trade Master)
Abilities S 10, D 14, C 10, I 14, W 12 Ch 13
Feats Skill Focus
Skills 32 points + 8 Points
2000GP in Equipment

Weapon Smith/Teamster
Scribe / Clerk
Cook/ Brewer/Teamster
Animal Handler/Teamster
Weaver/ Leatherworking/Teamster
Cartwright / Blacksmith/Teamster
Alchemist / healer

2nd Level Human Warrior (Captain of Guards)
Abilities S 14, D 13, C 13, I 10, W 10 Ch 12
2000GP in Equipment

10 1st Level Warriors
Abilities S 14, D 13, C 13, I 10, W 10 Ch 12
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
900 GP in Equipment

I will add more detail to the group for role-playing purposes (names, etc), but Jonas is VERY CAREFUL to keep this group out of harm’s way! His followers are his travelling companions NOT his adventureing companions and he understands his obligation to protect them.

Edit: I noticed that I had not put in claiborne's feats, so I added those, adjusted the GP spent for magical items and had him make a couple of others. I also changed the spells memorized before we head off into dreamland:D
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