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PCs vs. 1-mile long living airship!

I never expected when my 'mid-to-low-magic' game started last Spring that the PCs would set about collecting all the most powerful artifacts in the world to use them to fight all the other badguys. Well, now my group is 12th level, and they're attacking Pilus, Demon Daoist of the West Wind, lich air elementalist archmage, master biomancer, and lord of the Stormbringer Airship.

Pilus's airship is a one-mile long living entity which Pilus created over several years of magical alterations and engineering. As far as the visuals of the ship, imagine a cross between a shark and a sailing ship, with a giant eye peering down. It channels the magic of the four members of the elementalist circle, for a total package of great destruction. It can fly with Pilus's air magic, create earthquakes with the earth mage's power, raise tidal waves through water magic, and fire bolts of lightning with the power from the fire elementalist. The fire elementalist is the sister of one of the PCs, and she's somewhat unwilling to help Pilus.

The party, in the other corner of the ring, has tracked down and reactivated the Torch of the Burning Sky, a grand magical artifact that has the power to teleport armies. When you either kill a person or crack a soul gem with the demon-thighbone torch, the torch ignites, and its bearer can teleport anyone within view of the torch's flame to anywhere on the daylit side of the world. The Torch had been stolen and hidden, and its power nullified. When the Torch wasn't working, the world began to slowly freeze, since the Torch drew upon fire magic. The party had to go through several nasty ordeals to get the Torch back, and to fix it, and now they're using it.

Pilus is a bit psychotic. He's got his giant doomsday device, and he's read the Evil Overlord's Handbook, and he wants to destroy things. He's got a trusted lieutenant lackey who idolizes him (in sort of a 'Norman Bates idolizing his mother' kinda way), and the lackey has an army at his disposal, so there are a few thousand soldiers on boards this giant living airship.

Desiring to destroy the airship before Pilus blows up any more cities, the party took the Torch, bluffed their way to talk to a commander of an army that was marching to war, and basically convinced the guy to help them save the world. Gathering 12,000 soldiers into close ranks, they activated the Torch, were picked up into the heavens by a pillar of flame, and then ended last session with the flame striking downward at the airship, where they will land and do battle.

So, I need to decide a few things as a GM. I want Pilus to be appropriately cunning, and I want this to be a challenge, and I'd kinda like to not have to deal with 12,000 NPCs in an epic battle. But, it's working up toward a climax, and an epic battle would be kinda cool. Plus, they went to all this trouble to get the Torch working; I'd hate to have it go to waste with them not being able to use the army they got.

Here's some of the ideas I was thinking of. Pilus is a truly tough Big Bad Evil Guy, and so his ship will have a lot of strong defenses. Pilus specializes in wind magic and in creating monsters, so I figure he'll have some strange monsters guarding the ship. Now, the PCs are teleporting this huge group onto the deck of the airship, which I actually figured out is just about big enough for some reasonable fighting to occur between the two armies, albeit in close quarters.

But, running an army on army battle would be a huge pain. Instead, I figure most of the army is belowdecks, because the airship flies along in a giant thunderstorm. The first wave of attack will be Pilus's high end magical monsters, things that should wipe out most of a foot army (sure, the army has some mages and some mid-level warriors, but nothing above 8th).

The first monster is the lightning dragon that circles the ship, flying in the storm. I've statted it out like a blue dragon, with DR high enough that even with thousands of crossbows being shot at it, it'll probably only take a few points of damage per round from the army (remember, AC 30+). It will basically circle the ship, flying over and blasting its breathweapon to kill off 30 or so warriors, then flying under to hide until its breath recharges. I'm really not sure if the PCs can take this on alone, but they've surprised me in the past, and they can always teleport the army away if things go south.

The second monster is nastier, though unfinished (Pilus needs some extra plot-relevant stuff to finish powering it). Basically, it's a beholder with a prismatic sphere around it. It'll pretty much just mow through warriors, killing them with the sphere while it uses its eyebeams against bigger threats.

Of course, while all this is going on, the party could try to get the army belowdecks so they can try to reach Pilus and either kill him or seize control of the ship from him. It's when they start doing that that I pull out the grand rat bastard card. I turn the ship upside down. It'll rise steeply for a minute or so, then corkscrew into a dive, basically trying to shake off the army, so they fall thousands of feet to their deaths.

Is that too evil? Or should I do it at the beginning of the battle? How should I balance the need to let the PCs use the artifact they got with smart villainy?

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The Goblin King

First Post
Yes, it is evil beyond words. :)

However, even though being struck by a pillar of flame isn't subtle he might not realize what is going on right away. Is he expecting the ship to be attacked? He might not be able to roll the ship before the good guys can get below decks.

If he IS expecting an attack then yes killing the PCs army should be the first thing he does. Assuming the party doesn't perish too THEN bring out the big guns.
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Thank you. Anybody have any ideas for what would be belowdecks? I mean, the critter was designed to look like a ship and be inhabitable by people, so the insides shouldn't be disgusting or pulsing with blood or anything, but I imagine there would be some oddities about adventuring inside a giant living creature.

The crew aboard the ship will include at least the following.

* Pilus - 18th level lich air Wizard.
* Onamdammin - 4th/10th level Fighter/Wizard, Pilus's trusted lieutenant.
* Two unnamed mages - 9th level water mage, 14th level earth mage.
* Haddin Ja-Lafa - 15th level Wizard, specialist in mind control magic.
* Crystin Ja-Nafeel - 4th level Wizard, Haddin's daughter, held hostage (in mild violation of the Evil Overlord's Guidebook, but it's a classic)
* Several thousand Orc and human soldiers.

If you were an evil lich overlord air mage that specializes in biomancy, what sorts of things would you put in your one-mile long living airship?


First Post
I wonder if Pilus' skill with biomancy lends itself to quick and easy troop acquisition. Might he have a means of 'converting' reasonably large swaths of the incoming army to his own fiendish service? If not by direct magical ability, then through some sort of monstrous servitor that can 'infect' large numbers of troops to that end?

The thought being, Pilus might refrain from the diving shake-off in preference to both 'making a profit' and subjecting his opposition to a fate worse than death (nigh-mindless servitude as a twisted shambling horror of some sort or other). No need to waste perfectly good raw materials and all. Not to mention the demoralizing impact on the attackers.

Thusly, while maintaining ruthless cunning he might inadvertently give the army (and the PCs) sufficient time to do something useful. Plus there's always the fun aftermath question of what to do with the half-twisted soldiers who may or may not still have hope of being restored to their original minds and bodies.

Well, he knows that people are after him, and the Torch isn't a huge secret. No one could find it, but a lot of people were looking for it. I figure it won't take Pilus long to get out the lightning dragon, but getting his troops ready will take longer.

Since there's no clear rules for biomancy, really, I've just been making things up as I go. But by the rules I've already set, biomancy takes some time, so while I could see possibly some nasty critter grabbing soldiers and dragging them away for later alteration, nothing could happen at a fast pace.

There's always the joy of elder air elementals. Even for a group of 12th level PCs, the chances of escaping the whirlwind is extremely low.


First Post
While reading this I get the image of a Leviathan from Farscape in my head.

Since it is a living creature, a fire strike would probably make it pull out whatever dfense mechanism to stop the fire. This could be a gust of wind but instead of wind make it water. wouldn't that just blow a lot of the army off the ship? They don't expect water up in the air. hehe.

First round, Lich gets alerted (he;s in his quarters so goes and looks at his crystal ball or something)
Views the battle while the ship's own defenses come up. This includes the dragon flying in the storm to harrow the people. The beholder idea with a prismatic sphere was interesting, but what if the beholder is stuck inside a shell of lead or something and the prismatic sphere is drawing from the beholder's power and life to power it. Add in some sort of cannon apparatus and add a few of these beholder ammo. Interesting effect. hehe.
at the end of the round, the ship does the corkscrew maneuver. at that point most of the army are going to drop due to gravity and a snack for the dragon. The pc's will need to find someway to save them and the troops, IF not just themselves.

Second round. Lich's troops run up and begin to take advantange of high ground against the enemy (high ground being the ship) and rain arrows down on pc's and enemy army. Lich might take this opportunity to make it hard for the pc's to return to the ship. An air elemental to help the dragon right about now would be about right.

Third round. pc's are still trying to get aboard ship, or have returned. They have to engage the army of the lich. Lich can do whatever he wants.

Biomancy? hmm Orcs excreting a stench like troglodytes? Regenerating orcs? Orcs with spines? Orcs with Scorpion tails? Humans with snake arms/hands? Humans with black pudding spittle? Humans with tough skin? Humans with bat wings (aerial troops)? Humans with 4 arms? Orcs with snake hair (rastafarian medusa?)?

(edit: round doesn't mean round per round, but more like round in a boxing match)
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First Post
Two quick questions, RW: is the ship internally aware (that is can it both sense and act upon those sensations within itself)? And how intelligent is the ship (is it a passive, mindless entity, or does it have a certain amount of animal cunning)?

I ask, because an aware entity might be able to serve as its own defender. Imagine the facility to open and close doors, to dilate or crack windows, to buck the deck, perhaps even to cause windstorms or exhalation, or flood sections with fluids. That might make for an interestingly different fight, against the fabric of the 'dungeon' itself. Especially as there's unlikely to be enough damage that the PCs can easily do to stop the ship from hurting them.

Another factor of such a huge living entity is that it is likely to need maintenance, so there's scope for living constructs acting as servitors, tasked to repairing and maintaining the vessel. And since this is a biomantic specialist, you can let your mind go wild with the forms they'd take. Perhaps monkey-like entities that can climb over all the surfaces of the ship, equipped with claws and rasps to clean surfaces and filters. Or things that swim in the ship's giant blood vessels, clearing out parasites. How about cleaner oozes, that flow through corridors, absorbing waste materials and patching damage to the internal walls. Whilst it might be outfitted to look like a ship, there's a living thing hidden behind those walls.

I'd imagine there'll be plenty of rooms where servants, whether bioconstruct or humanoid, can work, along with the many tools they'll need. But there will also be plenty of areas that are devoted to the nature of the living construct itself: blood vessels, vast filter chambers where the ship strains nutrients from the air, nutrient reserve bladders, filled with gunk that te ship survives on (and perhaps uses to give itself a boost in combat). In other words there's a whole parallel world, hidden behind the normal ship that the PCs see when they first enter.

And since it is a living ship, and since its Master is a biomantic specialist, I'd want vast growing chambers for producing new lifeforms: polyps and cysts with 'things' growing inside them. Indeed, these needn't be entirely separate from the ship itself... perhaps it has some power to 'borrow' these entities for its own defence? Oh, and since you have a mind-cntrol specialist onboard, can he have leant some research to allow the lich and/or the ship to control those onboard?

If you had the time I'd recommend taking a look at the Peter F. Hamilton Night's Dawn trilogy, since those books include enormous intelligent living space stations. The defence of the habitat Valisk would give some useful pointers as to how living things on that scale can pull off stunts that mere humans can scarcely comprehend, let alone handle!

Oh, and since my own game (the Shattered World) includes a huge airy Abyss in which the Fragments of surviving land float, I am really going to have to steal this idea of a living, biomantic ship! :) You really are an amazingly imaginative and innovative guy, Ryan!:cool:
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Ooh, I like the leviathan reference. But of course, this one's got weapons. And it can't starburst. That's probably the next upgrade Pilus is working on. Giant, living, teleporting airship of doom.


First Post
First off, this sounds awesome.

But, to business -- L12 characters vs. a L18 Lich? These must be some beefy characters, since the Lich's victory would be almost a given in that sort of match-up.

The party went through so much effort to bring an army, that it'd really be a shame (and kinda anti-climatic) if the army was totally useless and died instantly.

As for biomancer soldiers -- poison. Lots of poison, delilvered through fangs/claws/tentacle suckers/spines/whatever. Varying DCs, with different creatures damaging different stats. People brought down by non-Con poison damage are effectively subdued and can be used as test subjects later.

Also, flesh golems with screwy abilities could be neat -- Pilus's freshman projects.

The ship should also sprout giant tentacles all over its back that try to smash the invaders, and so must be hacked off.

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