• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



This is... Interesting.

I have never heard of these before, but one of the races of my world is uncanningly similar to these Pech (I thought them up probably 10 years ago, with a very different name, though).

They can commune with the spirits of the earth, allowing them to move through earth (which I translated into them having a Burrow speed), help shape it, etc... They even have the thin, long limbs.
The only difference is, I guess, that my 'Pech' are not confined to earth manipulation. They can commune with water, air and fire as well (and other non-organic spirits), but in my mind they were always more in tune with the earth spirits.

I don't even think I ever read about the actual Pech (I looked it up just now), which are gnome-like people from Scottish myth. Similar to Picts, I suppose.

I guess it's not so very original that it should be all that surprising, but it was just rather strange to see how exact the resemblance is :p

As far as their actual stats go.. Mine have nimble fingers and are intelligent - they are the artificers in my world. They are also wise and spiritual.
So, something with Dex, Int, and/or Wis.
They have a Burrow speed to travel through the earth, and they have a spell-like ability to shape stone.

How this translates into the Pech of the adventure is up to you, I guess :D

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They can ask the things that make up their bodies to move.

Except it would take many of them to do it, and the elemental would have to be of large size or smaller. Look at stone speak. Just because they can manipulate it does not mean they should get a bonus in fighting it. That would be up to the creativity of the player to find out a way to use it to their advantage, not simply given to them. This isn't fourth edition, players should actually have to think to use the full potential of their power.



Am I the only one who reads pech and thinks of the old movie Willow. AND now I have the uncontrollable urge to play a halfing wizard.

"Follow the bird to your destiny." wise halfling(pech) wizard who conjured said bird.
"It's headed back to the village." random villager
"Ignore the bird, follow the river." same halfling wizard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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