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Person of Interest


(reads article): Oh, dear. But then, I think John Reese was the least interesting character on the show. Not only that, but I thought the ending implied that his part in the conspiracy was going to be taken up by others anyway.
I thought that Reese was an interesting character, but of a type that has been seen many times before. The variations on a theme are what made him interesting. Shaw was by far the more interesting character of the two.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
(reads article): Oh, dear. But then, I think John Reese was the least interesting character on the show. Not only that, but I thought the ending implied that his part in the conspiracy was going to be taken up by others anyway.

Um, yeah, given that for those who have forgotten, in the finale, the building he was standing on was hit by a cruise missile, I don't think there's any need to include that character in any future projects.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
I realized today that there's a scene I would have loved for them to do...

Imagine the person they are trying to help that week, probably an aging hippie, as the viewpoint character for the scene. Scene opens in media res, in a gunfight, slow motion, and you can see shards of wood and other broken bits flying about as bullets hit objects in the scene. Reese is trying to get the viewpoint character out of harm's way. Voice and gunfire are muted though, as the soundtrack is dominated by the song, "For What It's Worth" is playing in the foregound:

"There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear. There's a man with a gun over there, telling me, I've got to beware...."


Cute but dangerous
I never made it to the end of the show, at some point in the last season I got too confused,worse than with X-files (which I also never finished watching) , I should give it another try.

Did anyone feel like the gunplay got much less interesting later in the series? I felt like they took guns seriously in the first season, but by season five the characters, well, acted like high level PCs.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Did anyone feel like the gunplay got much less interesting later in the series? I felt like they took guns seriously in the first season, but by season five the characters, well, acted like high level PCs.

Well, they actually get shot more often later in the series.

In the earlier seasons, they are usually taking on like, one crook. Then it is gangs. Then it is... larger groups. So, the number of people shooting back went up.

Person of Interest was one of my favorite shows. I actually rewatched it a few times over the years, and noticed how the various seeds of the metaplot are strewn over the seasons. There were always new facets added that put things into more context.

One of the small things I really liked is how we only meet Harold's friend and partner, Nathan Ingram ever only appears in flashbacks, but we still get to appreciate him as a person. And they never cheat and suddenly reveal he isn't dead and actually the big villain or whatever.

The shortened final season was unfortunate, though. Or CBS insistence on maintaining a case-of-the-week style despite the show really having gone beyond that a few seasons ago already. I think we could have seen more of "Finch Unhinged" then, with more depth and detail than we got. But I must say Johnathan Nolan, Lisa Joy and whoever else contributed to the writing really managed well within the constraints they were working under (in all seasons).

Also they managed really well to avoid humanizing the Machine too much, while still making us like her.


I loved this show, had one of the best quotes:
Harold: "How can I let you go when I know bad things will happen?"
Root (smiling): "Bad things will happen regardless."

Great soundtrack too, with Shaw's theme by the Kills, "The Future Starts Slow" and CUTS "Bunsen Burner" in the finale.


(reads article): Oh, dear. But then, I think John Reese was the least interesting character on the show. Not only that, but I thought the ending implied that his part in the conspiracy was going to be taken up by others anyway.
Indeed, Reeses's part in things was basically over. I'd love a spin-off series, but not until Michael Emerson isn't tied up with Evil.

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