• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

pesky little bastards


I'm planing a low level dungeon. Which serves as the springboard to a big-plot adventure set in the Forgotten Realms.
Everything sounds fairly trivial at the very beginning. It's about a goblin-infested former dwarven coppermine. A special feature of this dungeon is that these goblin are very clever & thus powerful, and have some nasty surprises at hand.
So it would be cool if you could share your goblin-knowledge, with special regards to traps, tricks and tactics. And if you like you can also post your most dangerous goblin critters & their pets.
Or special goblin-themed treasures, rooms or special locations.
I guess this could also be helpful for everyone who wants to run a 'unusual suspects'-kind of goblin adventure
thanks in advance

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Inventor of Super-Toast
Treat these goblins like Tucker treated his kobolds. By which I mean, pull no punches, and use equipment cleverly rather than just power. Things like pit traps that goblins can pour burning oil or scorpions into, arrow slits and murder holes for firing crossbows through at the kill-floor PCs, goblins with metal poles pushing burning debris to herd the PCs into traps or ambushes, and the like.

In terms of goblin pets and friends, nobody gets along like goblins and wolves, or, at higher levels, worgs. Perhaps a worg serves as advisor to these mine goblins. Monstrous vermin, especially scorpions and centipedes, work well as minions or guard beasts.

Demiurge out.

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