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PF 1880 World Building


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New Archetype

Machinist (Magus Archetype)

Proficient With Firearms

Arcane FX (Ex):
The machinist does not cast spells, their “magic“ consists of extraordinary technology and techniques. Instead he or she creates small devices that replicate the “FX” of magus spells and function only once. The machinist must design and build these devices ahead of time (Cost: Level squared in gold pieces). These devices can be used by anyone who succeeds at a Use “Magic” Device check (10 + Machinist Level + Spell Level). Arcane Devices are fragile and unstable and only last 24 hours or until activated. Instead of spell craft the Machinist uses Knowledge (Engineering).
All other magus spell casting rules apply.
Mechanical Cantrips (Ex):
The machinist can perform certain tricks with just his or her tool box. Available Machinist Cantrips are Acid Splash, Brand, Bleed, Flare, Ghost Sound, Guidance, Light, Mending, Message, Purify food & drink, Resistance, Sift, Spark, Stabilize.
Tool Box:
Instead of a spell book, the machinist has his or her trusty, rusty, tool box. Inside his tool box is a carboard tube filled with blueprints for all his FX Devices.
Personal Arsenal (Ex):
Same effect as the Arcane Pool, the machinist can modify and enhance his or her personal weapons. Only the machinist can use his customized equipment and it won’t function for anyone else.
High Tech Combat (Ex):
Same as Spell Combat only uses Arcane FX ability.
Other Arcane Machinist Abilities:
Same as Arcana Magus but uses Arcane FX devices.
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Spider & skeleton combo

I appreciate all your great suggestions. Here is something I made tackling the two least popular.

Marionette Spider

CR 4
XP 1,200
N Large Vermin
Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +3 natural armor, -1 size)
hp 25 (5d8+3)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2, Immune mind-affecting effects
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Melee bite +3 (1d8+1 plus spider venom)
Special Attack web (+6 ranged, DC 13, hp 5, DR 5/-)
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 16 (28 vs. trip)
Skills Bluff +16, Climb +17, Perception +4 (+8 in webs), Stealth +7 (+11 in webs); Racial Modifiers +4 Perception, +4 Stealth (+8 in webs), +16 Climb

Spider Venom (Ex)
Bite—injury; save Fort DC 15; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; initial effect “dazed” for 1d4 rounds, secondary effect 1d4 Strength damage; cure 1 save.

Web (Ex)
Same as web monster ability.

Corpse Puppet (Ex)
The spider can control a single corpse or a pair of skeletons through its webs. This has the effect of the animate dead spell. The marionette spider can control double its CR in HD of skeletons or a zombie. It usually hides high above and uses its puppets to attack its prey. With extremely fresh corpses, the spider can impersonate a living creature. Characters must make a Perception or Insight check verses the spider’s Bluff to spot the deception or detect the control of the marionette spider.

Immitate Voice (Ex)
Like a parrot, the spider has learned animal cries, phrases, or screams which it uses to lure in prey. It uses its Bluff skill to imitate a specific creature cry. It does not understand language and can not otherwise communicate.

Environment: Warm or Hot caverns, jungles, and canyons. Anywhere it can lair high above its prey.
Organization: solitary, pair, or colony (3–8)
Treasure: Coins and Metal, the marionette spider collects shiny objects to lure in treasure hunters. It has the animal cunning of a very intelligent predator (INT 6).

The Marionette Spider attacks creatures not through stealth but through greed. The spider closely resembles an oversized tarantula but its color matches the local rock or foliage. It lurks above, but collects treasure and slain prey below. The marionette spider creates a lair high above a clearing, watering hole, or abandoned building. To draw in animals, the marionette spider animals freshly killed prey to give a false impression of safety or draw in other predators to an easy kill. With humanoid prey it uses fresh corpses as “man in distress” or leaves skeletons lying inert around a treasure chest. A colony of marionette army can work together to create an army of “dead men”.

The spider is very cautious when attacking prey and prefers to use its puppets to slay them or soften them up for the kill. If its puppets are smashed immediately it will remain in hiding or flee.
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Faux Beholder Trap

Mirror Ball of Doom CR 6
The Mirror Ball of Doom rises from the floor with a blast of steam and a jaunty pianola tune. Various colored energy rays bounce off the spinning ball aflicting all within the room. The mirror ball is usually used in conjunction with an assault by villains wearing stylish clothes and tinted lenses which protect them from the colored light effects of the Mirror Ball.
Type: mechanical; Perception DC 22; Disable Device DC 26
Trigger: Location; Duration: Six rounds; Reset: Manual
Effect: Color Spray (Reflex Save DC: 16) to all creatures within a 15ft radius each round.


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I recommend you looking at the 3rd party books "Steam and Steel", "Sorcery and Steam", and "Steamworks". Sorcery and Steel also has to additional books "Steam and Steal: Expanded Prosthetics" and "Steam and Steal: Diseases". I'm using them for a Steampunk world I'm building...though I'm mostly just looting (them) (post edited by admin for language). Anyway, I digress, Steamworks treats "devices" like spells. You should really look into it.
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I've made some world maps with CC3, here is the first.



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Marvelous Optimal Apparel v2

Marvelous Optimal Apparel (MOA) is a special collection of steam marvels that is greater than the sum of its parts. Each MOA is composed of 5 Marvelous Items in 5 different body slots that work in synergy to produce an extra ability. Each Marvelous Item starts at Mark I (Alpha Version) and can be upgraded to Mark V (Epsilon Version) with the proper blueprints, crafting skill roll, and spare parts. Blueprints have a minimal level of experience for a player character to successfully interpret the drafted device. A device built with spare parts has a crafting cost equal to half the base cost and takes one day per 1000gp (just like crafting magic armor). The character must wear all five Marvels to gain the extra ability. The bonus ability has an effective Mark # equal to the lowest Mark # in the collection. The MOA must be connected to a operating steam engine pack to function. All numerical bonuses provided marvels are extraordinary equipment or enhancement bonuses. Crafting a MOA requires crafting each component individually.

MOA Components
Mark I (Alpha) Craft DC 14, Blueprint level 4
Mark II (Beta) Craft DC 18, Blueprint level 7
Mark III (Delta) Craft DC 21, Blueprint level 10
Mark IV (Gamma) Craft DC 24, Blueprint level 13
Mark V (Epsilon) Craft DC 28, Blueprint level 16

Faraday Attire
'Faraday Attire is an assemblage of electrical marvels that grant the wearer the bonus ability to arc electricity through multiple enemies. Faraday Attire consists of a pair of conductor gauntlets (hands), electromagnetic boots (feet), welding mask (head), oscilloscopic amplifier (neck) , and capacitor belt (waist). The Mark # of "Arc Lightning" is equal to the lowest Mark # of the collection.

Conductor Gauntlets
Conductor Gauntlets are steel tubes, copper wire, and bands of rubber that enclose the wearers hands and forearms completely. Price: Mark # squared x 4000gp
Mark I: Kilo-Swat (Ex): Once per round a Mark # of times per day, you can punch your foe and attempt to stun it for one round. The target can make a Fortitude Save (DC: 10 + Mark # + Half Exp. Level) to negate being stunned.
Mark II: Magnetic Grip (Ex): Add your gauntlet's Mark # to your CMB and CMD for disarm and grapple rolls on ferrous (iron alloy) objects and ferrous armor targets.
Mark III: Electrical Field (Ex): When you use Total Defense, you create an electrical aura around you that inflicts your Mark # in lightning damage on contact.
Mark IV: Defibrillator (Ex): Your gloves function as a defibrillator. You add your mark bonus to Heal skill checks to stabilizing a dying person
Mark V: Deflect Lightning (Ex): If you are targeted by an electrical ranged attack, you can attempt to deflect it. Once per round a Mark # of times per day, when you would normally be hit with an lightning/electrical damage from a ranged attack, you may deflect or "ground" it so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack, free to move, and not f lat-footed.

Electromagnetic Boots
Electromagnetic Boots have metal plates on the soles that can be magnetized and demagnetized at will. The major limitation of this object is that it only works on magnetic or ferrous surfaces. Each Mark you purchase in a marvel (or self upgrade) provides cumulative abilities and bonuses. Price: Mark # squared x 3000gp
Mark I: EM Traction (Ex): Add your boot's Mark # to your CMD against bull rush and tripping while standing on a ferrous surface.
Mark II: Magnet Monkey (Ex): Steel tightropes are little challenge to you. Add Mark # to Acrobatics checks on ferrous surfaces.
Mark III: Girder Grippers (Ex): You can move normally along ferrous walls and ceilings for a number of squares equal to your boot's Mark # per round. These boots are extremely popular with ironworkers, iron hull sailors, and factory inspectors.
Mark IV: Polar Repulsion (Ex): Add your boot's Mark # in squares to your maximum jumping distance once per encounter. This effect can be combined with a charge attack, but only works on iron alloy surfaces.
Mark V: Rail Skates (Ex): You can ignore carrying weight and your armor's speed penalty while moving at double your normal speed across ferrous metal. This feature is commonly used to skate along train tracks, high tension cables, rain gutters, steel decking, exposed iron plumbing, and harbor chains.

Welding Mask
A welding mask consists of a face plate and a tinted glass eye slit. A conventional welding mask protects the face and eyes from sparks and flash burns, but this marvelous mask does much more. Price: Mark # squared x 4000gp
Mark I: Polarized Shades (Ex): While you are wearing the mask you are immune to the "Dazzled" condition.
Mark II: Faceless Foe (Ex): Your menacing visage adds your mask's Mark # as an enhancement bonus to Intimidation checks.
Mark III: Wrecker (Ex): You gain a +1 morale bonus per Mark # to your damage rolls when sundering.
Mark IV: Head Banger (Ex): You gain a +1 AC deflection bonus per Mark # and you may make a 1d6 Slam (head butt) as a swift action attack while grappling.
Mark V: Mirror Tinting (Ex): You are immune to all Gaze attacks, and all Gaze attacks targeting you are reflected back at the foe.

Oscilloscopic Amplifier
The device is wore about the neck and amplifies the wearer's voice. Upgraded versions of the amplifier can multiply sound harmonics, reverb, resonance, and psychoacoustics. Price: Mark # squared x 1000gp
Mark I: Loudspeaker (Ex): You can speak louder than normal and can add your Mark # to a Perform (sing or speech) checks. You can use this ability for your Mark # of performances per day.
Mark II: Gramophone (Ex): You can record sound on a variety of wax, metal, and paper media. You can provide a recording or transcript of any concert, conversation, or monolog up to Mark # x 5 minutes long.
Mark III: Voice Modulation (Ex): Add Mark # to your voice Disguise checks. You can also imitate a monster's roar with a Knowledge (Arcana, Nature, or Dungeoneer) check for a specific monster and send an enemy cowering. You can use Imitation Roar once per day.

Imitation Roar
Activation Action: Standard Attack
Targets: All creatures in a 15ft Cone shaped burst
Saving Throw: Will (DC: Knowledge check + Mark #) to negate
Effect: All victims are "cowering" until the start of the next round.

Mark IV: Keeping Your Head (Ex): Your thick mechanical collar makes it impossible to lose your head to a "Vorpal" weapon.
Mark V: Broadcast Voice (Ex): Your voice gains in tone, timber, and trustworthiness. Add your Mark # to a verbal Bluff or Diplomacy check. You can use this ability your Mark # times per day.

Capacitor Belt
The capacitor belt stores electricity in high voltage chemical batteries encrusting the belt. The belt generates an energy field around the wearer that provides electrical resistance, enhancement, and protection. Price: Mark # squared x 3000gp
Mark I: Insulated (Ex): You have Lightning/Electrical Resistance of 10 per Mark # while wearing the belt
Mark II: Short Circuit (Ex): You can use Short Circuit once per day while wearing the belt.

Short Circuit
Activation Action: Standard Attack
Targets: All other creatures within 15ft radius of belt.
Saving Throw: Fortitude (DC: 10 + Half Exp. Level + Mark #)
Effect: All victims are afflicted with Paralysis until the start of the next round.
Special: All victims wearing metal armor also suffer 1d6 Lightning/Electrical damage per Mark #

Mark III: Livewire (Ex): You gain an Initiative enhancement bonus equal to the belt's Mark #.
Mark IV: Backup Battery (Ex): You have a free use of any ONE feature or ability of any electrical marvel once per day.
Mark V: Power Sponge (Ex): You gain 1d6 temporary hit points per your belt's Mark # each time you are hit by an electrical attack.

Bonus Ability: Arc Lighting Bolt
Effect: One creature within 30ft plus a Mark # chain of supplemental victims within 15ft of each other. The Arc Lightning bolt can not double back to strike the same target again.
Saving Throw: Reflex (DC: 10 + Half Exp. Level + Mark #) to halve damage.
Damage: 2d6 Lightning Damage per Mark # to all targets.
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