[PF] Age of Woe

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"Perhaps the guard and mercs are too tough to eat, or they have a talisman for protection, or..." He leans forward over the table, "...they are restrained from attacking the dottari"

"Are you insinuating that the Dottari are somehow responsible for the dark presence? That the controller is somehow in league with the guards men?"

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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
OOC: None of you have heard of the dotarri or the mercs being attacked by the shadows.

While the assembled members of W.A.G. discuss current events and their options, Slip's hound Carafir perks up, his ears rising, head cocked, looking at the north entrance to Vizio's, the one that leads out to the alley. The dog growls low, a rumbling deep in its chest.

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Carafir is on his paws at the same time Slips pops to her feet. In the silence that follows, it seems like the entire city is holding its breath. Then, faint but unmistakable, everyone can hear skrrr skrrr as if someone -- something? -- scratches slowly on the outside of the door.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
"It could be someon in need, or it could be a pending attack by the shadows."

Marcus draws his rapier and dagger.


Thy wounds are healed!
Doing a backwards roll off the bench he was sitting at Yiun stands up facing the door butterfly swords in hand. The young warrior takes up the form called "The Striking Crane". With his right leg brought up so his foot is near his left knee. Elbows out, he holds one sword so the blade crosses his chest and the other is over his head. Both flat sides of the blades are turned so to look straight at Yiun you would see his face surrounded by steel.

He stands there motionless, even the rise and fall of his chest barely noticable.

Ready action= Attack anyone that approaches in a hostile manner. [/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Slip takes a deep breath. "I'll get it."

Violet eyes flick to the gnome, and years of protective instincts - honed by watching over children in Parego Dospera - come to the fore.

She targets him for the dog. "Carafir, guard!"

Moving quickly to the door, she speaks just loudly enough to be heard from the other side. "State your name and business!"
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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
The reply is sibilant, menacing. "Ffflesssh..."

Carafir's growl resumes. From the alley comes a scrabbling sound, something hard against wood and stone, that rises toward the ceiling. Then, there is a loud bang at the other door, rattling wood its frame, as if something heavy were thrown against the portal.


First Post
Mero remains seated at the table while the others scramble to the door. He tries not to look concerned as he picks up his walking stick and settles it comfortably in his hand.


First Post
Nydra quietly get up from his chair and moves to hide behind the bar. Positioning himself where he can see both the doors, he readies a burning hand spell.

[sblock=Memorised Spells]Cantrips:
* Daze
* Detect Magic
* Stabilise

1st Level:
* Burning Hands
* Mage Armour
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