

First Post
I would guess that my character (Still coming up with a good name, I'm thinking Miltiades to go with the mythology thing, unless that's a bad name, hmm...) would probably not have a history with the other characters and would have just met them for this job. given the background I have:

He was a dark individual.

Off to the side of the fire, he sat, staring down at a longsword. he always kept it clean, though never once used it in a fight. He kept it with him because it was the sword that killed his family. he had taken it off the body of the leader of the raiding party. He also hunted down and killed every one of the raiders. except one. he has heard from his contacts that the last surviving member of the party was nearby, And so is traveling along with a group of adventurers.

Hopefully that is an acceptable backstory for a LE rogue/assassin, I'll play him as a better person than LE would normally provide, so he won't backstab everyone, he just considers them useless tools helping him to find his prey, so more of a grumpy person than evil really.

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First Post
As to whether or not Angus knows the other characters. he is a professional caravan guard, who has been doing the job for ten years. Whether or not he has meet any of the others before, depends on whether this is the first time they have travelled as guards.


Warning: work in progress! There is a lot still to be done for Sindri & Half-Jack but this will at least give an idea where I am and the direction I'm taking. Comments welcome.

SINDRI RUNFINNGR[sblock=Description & History]DESCRIPTION
Despite his extensive travels Sindri is still young (29 years old) and acts even younger than his age. He’s a bit on the small side when compared to the average Ulfen (5 feet 10 inches tall and 180 lbs.) but he has fairly typical coloration of a man from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings: reddish-blond hair nearly down to his shoulders with a crooked center part and tucked behind his ears, a short, silky beard with more blond than red and a bit patchier than he would really like, light colored skin with a thick spray of freckles on his cheeks and nose that must frequently compete with a bit of sunburn, and hazel eyes. Sindri wears a chain shirt with surprisingly little rust, a tattered, shaggy bear cloak that he’s worn since he woke a stone’s throw from the border of Irrisen, and an odd assortment of clothing that he’s collected from the countries that he has traveled through. He currently favors Varisian fashion and wears a Varisian scarf of pale green and gold tied around his head. He claims it was a love token from a beautiful dancer but he really bought it from a traveling merchant because it brings out the color of his eyes and to hide the glowing blue-white rune that appears on his forehead whenever he’s summoned Half-Jack. The rune is Skaldic and matches the one on Half-Jack’s forehead; Sindri is afraid that it identifies him as being witch-cursed and so keeps it covered whenever he can. On his right forearm is an unfinished Varisian tattoo.

Sindri is easily swayed to action (especially when he’s bored), lacks common sense, is frequently clueless, and can be rather oblivious about nearly everything (all due to his low Wis). Despite his shortcomings Sindri is very personable and tends to attract friendly sorts of people. He enjoys the typical Ulfen pastimes of singing, drinking, and storytelling and has an irrational dislike of crows. Sindri has also discovered he has some small skill with languages.

Sindri Runfinngr woke to a changed life flat on his back, snow melting through his clothing, a gap in his memories, the cracked face of a porcelain doll clutched in one hand, and a half-frozen, torn carcass of a rabbit on his chest. Things didn’t improve much when he sat up and flung the carcass away from himself: snow melted through the seat of his pants and a blue-skinned Svellalfr with a glowing blue-white rune on its forehead poked his finger in Sindri’s face and Sindri heard the creature’s voice in his mind. “Me gifted you that, and you tosses it away?” The scrawny snow-goblin seemed downright offended.

Sindri, of course, did what any good Ulfen would do and tried to kill the creature. However, being still befuddled, Sindri’s aim was off and the thing escaped. Dazed and filled with a growing sense of dread Sindri tried to make his way to his home village. He found a village, a village that he thought was his own, but he knew no one and no one would speak to him shying away from him when he approached because of the glowing rune on his forehead.

The sense of dread that had faded once he moved away from the border of Irrisen began to return and he resolved to continue traveling westward. During this time the goblin continued to approach Sindri and Sindri continued to drive it off. He also met another traveler, an outcast named Ragnor, who didn’t shy away from the obviously magical rune and who convinced Sindri to at least hear the beast out since it had an identical rune. Sindri and the goblin eventually worked things out though the creature had little to share other than that he and Sindri were bound together in some fashion. Between encouragement from Ragnor and the goblin Sindri began to explore his new magics.

The group eventually arrived in Kalsgard and took working passage on a ship headed south towards Varisa. Sindri managed to use his magics to alter the goblin into something more at home in water and the goblin provided the ship with fresh fish on a regular basis which went a long way to lessening their initial hostility towards the creature and even made it a mascot of sorts. One sailor named the goblin Half-Jack Jingle after a folktale from his homeland.

Time passed and they travelled south working as mercenaries whenever possible. Sindri’s skill in magic grew and as it did so did Half-Jack until the goblin more closely resembled an ice troll from the far north. Sindri still has a blank spot in his memory but when he pushes himself to remember he is filled with visions of flapping crow wings and nausea. So he has closed that off and happily lives in the present not worrying about the gap. He still lacks common sense but luckily Half-Jack is there to get him out of the worst of troubles he finds himself in.[/sblock]Sindri Runfinngr
AKA Sindri Crow-Killer

Male human (Ulfen) summoner 6
[Favored Class: Summoner]
Unaligned Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception -2

Str 11 (+0)
Dex 16 (+3) [15 +1 (L4)]
Con 14 (+2)
Int 11 (+0)
Wis 6 (-2)
Cha 19 (+4) [17 +2 (human)]

HP 48 (6d8+12) Current HP: 32
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14
[10 base, +4 armor, +3 Dex]
[+2 shield bonus to AC when within reach of eidolon]
Fort +4 (2 base, +2 con)
Ref +5 (2 base, +3 dex)
Will +3 (5 base, -2 wis)
[+2 to saves when within reach of eidolon]
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. w/ medium enc.)

Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 17
Melee +4
-- spear +4 (1d8, x3)
Ranged +7
-- light crossbow +7 (1d8, 19-20/x2, 80 feet)

FEATS Spell Focus (Conjuration) [H], Augment Summoning [1], Combat Casting [3], Magical Aptitude [5]

SKILLS – 2 base, +1 favored class, +1 human
Bluff +10 (6 ranks, +4 Cha)
Knowledge (Arcana) +4 (1 rank, +3 class)
Knowledge (Geography) +4 (1 rank, +3 class)
Knowledge (Local) +9 (6 ranks, +3 class)
Linguistics +6 (3 ranks, +3 class)
Perform (Oratory) +5 (1 rank, +4 Cha)
Spellcraft +6 (1 rank, +3 class, +2 feat)
Use Magic Device +14 (5 ranks, +3 class, +4 Cha, +2 feat)

Languages Taldane (Common), Skald, Sign, Varisian

-- +2 to one ability (Charisma)
-- Medium
-- Normal speed: base speed 30 feet
-- Bonus feat: one extra feat at 1st level
-- Skilled: one extra skill rank at each level

-- Weapons & Armor: proficient with simple weapons, may wear light armor without incurring arcane spell failure chance
-- Spells: see below
-- Eidolon: see current manifestation below
-- Life Link: sacrifice hp to prevent damage to eidolon.
-- Summon Monster: 7/day, up to Summon Monster III
-- Bond Senses: 6 rounds/day, share eidolon’s senses
-- Shield Ally: +2 AC & saves when within eidolon reach
-- Maker’s Call: 1/day, dimension door (eidolon to summoner only)

Summoner Spells Known (CL 6)
2nd – Alter Self, Bull’s Strength, Haste, Wind Wall
1st – Alarm, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Magic Fang
0 – Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Resistance

Spells per day
[Base DC 14 + spell level (+1 with Conjuration spells)]
[Concentration check 1d20+10; +14 when casting on the defensive/grappled]
0 – unlimited, 1st – 5 XX, 2nd – 4 X

Arms, Armor, and Equipment (medium encumbrance)
- Chain shirt (100gp, 25lbs.)
- Spear (2gp, 6lbs.)
- Light Crossbow (35gp, 4lbs.)
-- 10 bolts (1gp, 1 lbs.)
- Traveler’s Outfit (1gp, 5lb [worn])
- Backpack (2gp, 2lb)
-- Small steel mirror (10gp, .5lbs.)
-- Trail rations, 3 days (15sp, 4 lbs.)
- Beltpouch (1gp, 0.5lb)
- Spell component pouch (5gp, 2lbs.)___[158gp 5sp, 45 lbs.]

Gear stowed in wagon
- Tent (10gp, 20lbs.)
- Cold weather outfit (8gp, 7lbs.)___[18gp, 27lbs.]

- Light horse (75gp)
-- Bit & bridle (2gp, 1 lb.)
-- Riding saddle (10gp, 25 lbs.)
-- Saddlebags (4gp, 8lbs.)
--- Waterskin (1gp, 4lb)
--- Bedroll (1sp, 5lb)
--- Winter Blanket (5sp, 3lbs.)___[92gp 6sp, 46lbs.]
(268.5gp spent)
2000 gp

Half-Jack Jingle
Male bipedal eidolon ‘ice-troll’
Large outsider
Init +1; Senses Darkvision, Scent, Perception +9

Str 26 (+8) [16 +2 (Lbonus) +8 (size)]
Dex 12 (+1) [12 +2 (Lbonus) -2 (size)]
Con 18 (+4) [13 +1 (L3) +4 (size)]
Int 7 (-2)
Wis 10 (+0)
Cha 11 (+0)

HP 75 (6d10+30) Current HP: 26
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19
[10 base, +10 natural armor, +1 Dex -1 size]
[natural armor: +4 (base) +2 (form) +2 (size) +2 (evolution)]
Fort +9 (5 base, +4 con)
Ref +3 (2 base, +1 dex)
Will +5 (5 base, +0 wis)
[+4 morale bonus on enchantment spells and effects]
Speed 30 feet
Special Defenses Evasion

Base Atk +6; CMB +14; CMD 25
Melee +13
-- claws +13/+13 (1d8+8, x2)
[PA +11/+11 (1d8+12, x2)]
-- rend w/ two successful claw attacks +(1d8+12) damage

FEATS Power Attack, Self-Sufficient, Toughness

Class skills: Bluff, Craft, Knowledge (Planes), Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth
Additional class skills: Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature), Survival
Heal +6 (1 ranks, +3 class, +2 feat)
Intimidate +8 (1 rank, +3 class, +4 size (for Med. & smaller only))
Knowledge (Nature) +5 (4 ranks, +3 class, -2 Int)
Perception +9 (6 ranks, +3 class)
Stealth +6 (6 ranks, +3 class, +1 Dex, -4 size)
Survival +19 (6 ranks, +8 racial, +3 class, +2 feat)

Languages Taldane (Common), Skald, Sign, Varisian

-- Darkvision, 60 feet
-- Link: mental link between eidolon and summoner
-- Share spells: can cast self target spells on eidolon
-- Evasion: when subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage, eidolon takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw
-- Devotion: +4 morale bonus on enchantment spells and effects

Evolution Points [9]
Improved Damage: Claw (1), Improved Natural Armor (1), Large (3), Rend (2), Scent (1), Skilled: Survival (1)
Free Evolutions: Claws, Limbs: Arms, Limbs: Legs



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So basically I need to drop the concept. As a dragon disciple he would not be accepted by the culture. They hate dragons. Also a martial class is a requirement of the class. They have to have access to all martial weapons. As for how he earned his living, he is both a sailor and a guide.

Really? I have the book now (yay!) and all I see is the need for Dragon Bloodline. Nothing class-related about needing a martial class. Is this Ulfen?

What I *mean* is that *if* you're going to take barbarian it has to be because he *is* a Barbarian class. In Ulfen society he'd be a tribe's berserker.
Watch the film "Eric the Viking" by one of the Monte Python guys: it's a comedy, but it's about this group of Vikings, one of whom is a Berserker (and his dad is one, too). Everyone else is a warrior and a viking, just not a berserker per se.
Basically, that would be your job. Anyone else would still be professionally a warrior or tradesman. Racially they'd be considered a "barbarian" by the southerners (Cheliax, Andoran, etc.). It's just different from Class: Barbarian.

If you're just an Ulfen, sorcerer would be fine. Or Fighter, or Rogue, if you need to multiclass. I'd be on you about that, too. I'm *not* saying to drop it. I'm saying go for it, but make it a part of your character if your character *is* that character.

@Glasseye: if it's a feat to Augment Summoning spells... should be fine for your summoning spells. Not your Eidolon, tho.

ALIGNMENT: Ugh. I like the 4e idea of "Good", "Lawful Good", "Evil", "Real-damn Evil", and "Unaligned". Like, I get that there are Lawful spells, and that's fine, ditto Chaotic spells... but I don't see the difference between Chaotic and Neutral GOOD, or Lawful and Neutral Evil. Chaotic Good, Neutral and Lawful Neutral, whatever your reasons may be, are basically Unaligned anyway (just for different reasons and expressed in different ways). I DON'T think anyone's really in-it-for-chaos (like the Joker) without evil... well, maybe (like Schizophrenics, or 16 year old punk rockers, or Puck from Shakespeare)...
Unless you're a Cleric, use the basic system from 4e, for reference for your personality; and pick an alignment just in case I need magic.

Overall, I don't want Alignment to get int he way. This isn't a Michael Moorcock story. Folk tales didn't have "chaotic neutral", those are labels we, the reader, put on the stories. That bugs me. I want to figure out who these characters are before I put them through a Myers-Briggs test!


Hopefully that is an acceptable backstory for a LE rogue/assassin, I'll play him as a better person than LE would normally provide, so he won't backstab everyone, he just considers them useless tools helping him to find his prey, so more of a grumpy person than evil really.

See, this is why I don't like traditional alignments. Evil is evil. You're talking about Unaligned: ie, not a bad person but he's got an active dark side.

sorry, I'm in social services, and I just don't see realistic differences described by the alignments that can't easily be done by another system. If we didn't have alignments, you might say "he's a bit of a curmudgeon and an anti-hero, but he'll come through in a pinch".

Evil, to me, is guys who'll steal your wallet and then pretend to help you try and find it. They're guys who'll beat up a hooker after they use her because "she's a tramp", or rip off an old woman when they're supposed to be a cleaning lady/retirement home staff. They're cops whose solution to society's problems is to beat up someone's father or brother or son simply because they're a homeless alcoholic or drug addict. these things happen a lot, and are real.
So if you're going to be Evil, that's what you'd need to do; be you Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic. Otherwise, go "neutral" or "unaligned with Good tendencies". [/example]


@Glasseye: if it's a feat to Augment Summoning spells... should be fine for your summoning spells. Not your Eidolon, tho.

I understand the eidolon ability is a whole 'nother beast, so to speak, and that the Augment Summoning feat won't work for it. I was referring to the summoner's spell-like ability to cast Summon Monster spells x times/day. His Summon Monster I-IX (spell-like ability) is a spell but not so I was a little confused. Since asking earlier today I've found this which says yes, Augment Summoning does work on the Summon Monster SLA but I just want to verify whether you agree with this or not so we're on the same page.

fireinthedust said:

Ok. So my pc, not being a champion of good or evil or chaos or law, is 'unaligned'. For purposes of spells, though, I slap a 'CN' label on him and don't worry about it too much. Got it. Hopefully, my personality paragraph for Sindri (when I get it done) will be much more informative than the artificial alignment label about who he is and how he acts.


I understand the eidolon ability is a whole 'nother beast, so to speak, and that the Augment Summoning feat won't work for it. I was referring to the summoner's spell-like ability to cast Summon Monster spells x times/day. His Summon Monster I-IX (spell-like ability) is a spell but not so I was a little confused. Since asking earlier today I've found this which says yes, Augment Summoning does work on the Summon Monster SLA but I just want to verify whether you agree with this or not so we're on the same page.

Yeah, definitely the same page. Thanks for the research! I don't see the harm in it, but what does it do? More powerful summoned stats, or just having them around longer?

Ok. So my pc, not being a champion of good or evil or chaos or law, is 'unaligned'. For purposes of spells, though, I slap a 'CN' label on him and don't worry about it too much. Got it. Hopefully, my personality paragraph for Sindri (when I get it done) will be much more informative than the artificial alignment label about who he is and how he acts.

Yeah, sounds okay. I'm going to ask you guys, as I'm assuming you've played with other groups in PF: how often does Alignment come up in 3e? I read it alot, but I don't play 3e that much. I mean, do Aligned spells really come up that often? Should I care?

It wouldn't just be the default non-champion Alignment, though. If you're unaligned and hate authority and organization, yeah CN is fine. But if you just don't care either way, and just do your own thing, that could also be TN (true neutral, obviously).

I'm totally over-thinking this, I know, and frankly we'll know best once we start RPing.

QUESTION: what do you folks think about letting the characters tell us who they are? Like, keep Alignment blank for the first... month or so? Right now it's academic, but we don't really know how we'll feel once we're in character, solving problems.

Other than Clerics, or if you have a really strong sense of who this person is. I've had that, like for a Paladin back in the day (who I'd say was LG, but the "laws" were more like Axioms, which included Chaotic Good as a general principle. He'd have been "Good" rather than "Lawful Good" in 4e terms... I know a PFRPG game isn't the best place to mention that, but it's just a model). Anyway, right from the get-go I had a pretty good idea of who he was.
Other times, like for a supers game, I didn't find the character's voice for a while.


Yeah, definitely the same page. Thanks for the research! I don't see the harm in it, but what does it do? More powerful summoned stats, or just having them around longer?

The Summon Monster spell-like ability is just like the spell. Augment Summoning feat grants summoned monsters a +4 Str and +4 Con. No increase in duration.

fireinthedust said:
Yeah, sounds okay. I'm going to ask you guys, as I'm assuming you've played with other groups in PF: how often does Alignment come up in 3e? I read it alot, but I don't play 3e that much. I mean, do Aligned spells really come up that often? Should I care?

It wouldn't just be the default non-champion Alignment, though. If you're unaligned and hate authority and organization, yeah CN is fine. But if you just don't care either way, and just do your own thing, that could also be TN (true neutral, obviously).

I'm totally over-thinking this, I know, and frankly we'll know best once we start RPing.

QUESTION: what do you folks think about letting the characters tell us who they are? Like, keep Alignment blank for the first... month or so? Right now it's academic, but we don't really know how we'll feel once we're in character, solving problems.

Alignment hasn't ever been much of an issue in my games. People make the note on their sheet and then generally ignore it unless they are trying to live up to a certain code. So, I have no issue with leaving it blank and seeing how things play out. And reading your description of CN as hating authority and organization makes me realize that doesn't quite feel like the right alignment for Sindri. As far as I know right now he doesn't have any reason to hate authority. So again, I'm good with letting it float and seeing how it turns out.


fireinthedust, upon rereading your right! I must have it confused with eldritch knight, which I also considered. So sorcerer 5 dragon disciple 1 it is.

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