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If you are happy to take on the missile user role then I'll leave you to it. Might want to think about taking Precise Shot though - with your attack bonus the -4 for firing into melee is going to be a serious hindrance.

Yes, thank you for reminding me, I will switch skill focus (Diplomacy) with Precice shot right now, for this final character:

Rogue 5/Assassin 1

HP: 39
AC: 16/17 (Dodge) (10+ 4 Dexterity+ 2 Leather +1 Dodge)

STR: 16
DEX: 19
CON: 13
INT: 16
WIS: 11
CHA: 13

Composite Shortbow: +8 (1d6+3)
2 Daggers: +4/+4 (1d4+3/1d4+1)
Dagger (Thrown): +8 (1d4+3)
Longsword: +2 (1d8+3)
Sneak Attack +4d6 when flanked or otherwise flat-footed

Skills: Acrobatics +14 (6 ranks), Appraise +12 (6 ranks), Bluff +10 (6), Climb +12 (6), Disable Device +14 (6), Disguise +10 (6), Intimidate +10 (6), Perception +10 (6), Stealth +14 (6), Diplomacy +8 (4)

Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dodge

Rogue Talents: Fast Stealth, Rogue Crawl

Equipment: 3 bottles of oil, 6 torches, flint and steel, thieves tools, 2 daggers, shortbow, backpack, bedroll, leather armor[/sblock]
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Everyone's looking great. I'm going to start the IC thread today. If there are any stat problems once we start, I'll address them directly and get them changed.

Sorry I took so long: RL ridiculousnesses


I noticed your post in the Summoners thread. I've been keeping an eye on that thread for ideas. If you feel Jack will overpower combats or get in the way of our melee guys getting to shine then I could certainly rework him. A snow goblin or wood woman would work just as well for the story and I don't mind making him more utility than combat. Let me know what you think.


I genuinely have no idea. About any of the PCs in fact.

Things you should know:

1) I've DM'd 3e all of once. Well, a few times that were improve-based, and some short-lived attempts pbp. However, the actual prep-work GM I did was a high-level Gestalt game that toooootally stank. Like, players mocking me openly for just not understanding the math. Like, one player slew two Colossal red dragons (the ones from the MM) in one round.

what really hurt was that I had all these books, but really didn't put the effort into crunching numbers. I've been good at descriptions, but not the actual mechanics themselves. Faced with the reality of how it works? I failed utterly and visibly before a room full of peers (if I can use that word to describe our vastly different levels of skill).

this scarred me for life.

It may also be why I DM'd 4e for so long. I've learned a lot from it, in fact, and found that I like DMing a lot. And I've become good at it, through (if I do say so myself) intense emotions surrounding doing a good job at it. Read the link to my campaign wiki.

Not only am I a good 4e GM, I'm a great one.

2) This game is an experiment for me. I've got a one-shot attitude about it. If it works, I'll keep playing. If not, thanks for the fun.

I do plan on re-working the PCs after the initial adventure. If you all survive, that is.

3) This group isn't my ideal PC party. That seems kinda fun, actually.


Heh, that's actually good news. If the game isn't going to last long, I'm not going to worry about a fancy back story. :)

Edit: I should clarify that I'm still going to write one, but it's not going to be a 3-page epic. ;) I'm not at all familiar with the campaign world, though I have been reading the PF wikia here and there.
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First Post
If I can make a few comments based on personal experience - and for info I have about 6 months pbp under my belt (including 2 months running a game) and about 30 years of gaming...

- pbps are much more forgiving for not having the rules to hand; no need to make decisions on the spot when you have plenty of time to go and look it up. You don't sound like the type who is 'backward about coming forward' as we say, ie you'll ask and listen to the players if necessary for the sake of getting it right.

- corollary to point 1 is, while I dislike rules lawyers, I have a burning loathing for people who try to cheat and weasel advantages out of things. Don't let anyone tell you what happens in *your* game. I am reasonably familiar with the rule set we are using, so if *I* see someone trying to take liberties, trust me, I'll be on their case!

- the longer I go on, the more I am convinced - for pbps AND regular games - that rather than just letting people call out random class and race combos because that's looks cool, give them enough background on style, setting (if required) and 'mission brief', then make people work together to come up with a reason for why their PCs are doing this. Whoever suggested the 'adventuring company' for this game deserves a pat on the back - it is a simple idea but already we've got people thinking about roles for their characters in the group beyond 'melee', 'arcane' etc and actually thinking 'OK, if we get hired to do job X, who organises the supplies, who finds the maps/does the navigation, who leads the group on the ground, whose lead do we follow in combat' etc etc. It can only help to foster a team mentality - and it is a team game - and that is going to have a huge bearing on whether the game is a success.

- linked to that is that setting down ground rules for the players is advised, and being draconian is not necessarily a bad thing. I played a game on another site where the GM laid out posting style, do's and don't's of RP and a few other things in his recruitment thread and I'm sure lots of people looked at it and thought 'hell no!'. It was one of, if not, the best game I have played pbp so far - lots of in-depth descriptive postings (a continuous string of 1 liners gets old rather quickly) which built up a really strong bond between players and PCs. You've already got to the stage of many of these decisions and I like a lot of what you have laid down eg the low cash and restriction on equipment, and the sources allowed.

- I'm interested by your comment about not being your ideal party. I have no issues making changes before we start if you have a model that suits you better. Again, while it may put noses out of joint, DO IT NOW, rather than see characters destroy your game or otherwise screw up what you want to do. A few weeks of not having fun at your end means the game dies, and then all the players are out a game, so we all lose. Make changes now, and worst case, a couple of people say 'OK, not for me' and drop out - for you and those that are left, you've tightened up the rest of it enough that its chances of surviving beyond the first few weeks have grown exponentially.

If it's any consolation, if I'd opened a recruitment thread and got some of these PCs (and I'm naming no names) I wouldn't be as happy as I might either ;)

And from a player point of view, I scan about 8 pbp sites every day. The proportion of games that interest me is very low. Personal preference, I know, but I have fairly narrow ranges of things that appeal to me, and for every 1 of those I find, the vast majority are quickly ignored as people dive in with, quite frankly, appalling abortions of races and splat book classes. It'll be a cold day in hell before I adventure with a half-pixie totemist/artificer!

This game ticks the boxes for me. I want to still be playing it in 6 months time. I hope to get some good interaction between the characters, and an interesting world, with exciting things to do in it. If you're putting the time and effort in to write and run it, the least we as players can do is treat it with respect and give something back by making the best efforts we can.


pat on the back: I would, but my shoulders go out when I try to do it; I suppose I'll have to wait for someone else's help with that one...

Ideal party: Honestly, I would have to make up every PC in the group to really be satisfied. And play all of them, with some exceptions. Mostly, though, I like PCs to be Iconic and also familiar. The first comes from a sense that this character is *the* character, or at least the one that they are. Not just Mad Martigan the great swordsman, but also Bilbo Baggins the stumbled-into-the-role "burgler".
The second part comes from familiarity with the party, the player, the style of the character, and that takes time.

I've been wrong about characters and players in the past. This is why I tend to be more permissive. Also because I don't necessarily like tyranny when it's over the top. I like team work, and I want players to bring their best to the table. I have had a great game with a very strong-willed DM. I've also had similar games deteriorate because that DM started to railroad everything.
And I've played characters who annoyed everyone at the campaign's start, but became the party hero a few sessions in. Twice. In fact, I once started at a tournament with a fighter, but as two younger kids came the GM asked me to give one of them my PC and take the Bard instead (both pregens). The first real Bard I'd ever played, and the group voted me best player and gave me a T-shirt!

So I never know.


@ fireinthedust: After going over the other PCs and hearing more about the kind of games you want to run, I feel like my character and I may be a bad fit for your game as intended.

Thank you for the opportunity to play an awesome class, but I think I shall politely bow out and wish everyone else a good game. :)


@ fireinthedust: After going over the other PCs and hearing more about the kind of games you want to run, I feel like my character and I may be a bad fit for your game as intended.

Thank you for the opportunity to play an awesome class, but I think I shall politely bow out and wish everyone else a good game. :)

? :erm: I didn't know I'd said what kind of game I wanted to run. Just a short game that could go forward. Actually, I tend towards sandboxes, but I find players take options for sites and go with them; so I make up sites, and try to get Players to go there; or make up where they're going to go.

Okay, I'm going to write up the first post. Those of you joining me: huzzah!

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