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PH2- The Darque Portal (B4cchus judging)


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Peladus smiles and nods his head - not that it can be seen in the dark.

"Uh, Dair, could we have some light again, please? Thank you."

When there is light to see by, the young wizard offers Periwinkle his arm, leading her forward like a rare gem he is presenting for the Hunter's approval.

Well, that's the idea, anyway, but he's caught somewhat by surprise when she takes off down the tunnel. Recovering, he smiles wryly and follows her towards their new ... companion?

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ooc: I thought we had another everburning lantern for the party. Dair has his own glowing ring, which is what I assume he covered. I don't know who is carrying the lantern; I think Kon'ai had it at some point.


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ooc: That's right, he did and I forgot. You may assume that he's still carrying it, had shuttered it earlier, and has now revealed it again.


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OOC: That was my assumption to, though it should be noted that Xirr and Dair were ahead of the rest of the party - thus my hope that Dair can slip into an area of shadowy illumination to hide.


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Moving forward, you soon make out the figure of a humanoid standing behind the cover of a boulder near a bend in the passage. As the light covers him with your approach you see an old human male with long, stringy white hair and beard. His ice blue eyes look sharp as the point of his broad head arrows though, and his brow furrows in concern as he motions you forward to follow him. Turning to lead the way down the tunnel, he says "Actually, Allahastor is my nephew. When I saw him last, he was a young lad first discovering that he could manipulate the forces of magic. I saw very little of him though as I was traveling around on one quest after another in my adventuring days. Looking back on it now, I should have spent more time at home with my wife and son Lucias. But I just couldn't say no to a quest and a mystery. So a magic portal leading to unknown danger seemed perfectly sensible. But I'm sure you can relate to that much at least, eh?"

After a short walk, you reach a small cave just off the main tunnel. He leads you in and motions for you to sit wherever you can or want.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Xir sits gracefully. Lucias has grown, but perhaps not into the man you would desire. But that is not our concern. We seek to retrieve the village's artifact, and in so doing, secure the portal.


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"Darque is your nephew? How amazing!"

"So you have been trapped by the same one-way portal all these years! What prompted you to leave Haven and come out here? Surely some company would be welcome from time to time?"


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"Indeed, Lucias is not our concern at this time. Some company may have been welcome, but I was not welcome in Haven. You see, I was an adventurer. Not the son or grandson, or great grandson of one. I wanted to push back at the monsters, take more territory and defeat the bad guys to solve the problem and find a way home. But the others in Haven didn't want to hear such talk. And there was no way they could help me accomplish what I wanted. After a few warnings and threats, I took the hint and left before they locked me up for being a troublemaker." he says.

"So you are going to the monster's base to try and steal back that crown of bones then? Well, if it's gonna help get Allahastor free and maybe get us all out of here, then you'll have what little help I can give. Which is mostly the offer of this place for safe shelter if you need it. I'm a great shot with my bow and the 'legend of the Hunter' is enough to keep most away. An arrow or two in the head of their friends seems to keep away the other few curious or stupid ones. But I'd be no use to you in a running fight. I'm just too old. But feel free to use this place to rest or sleep if you need."

"You're currently about halfway down the tunnel to the monsters base. There will surely be a patrol of some sort before the gate itself, and the gate is tough. Well guarded usually and in a big enough cave area to make it hard to sneak up on. But you could try the back gate perhaps. It's smaller and not as well manned usually. But they usually have a spellcaster open that one for some reason. It might be magical, but I don't know much about those things myself." he finishes, looking surprised that he spoke so long after not speaking for so long.

Voidrunner's Codex

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