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Phaeton's Falcon OOC

Craw Hammerfist

First Post
ethandrew said:
This is rather an interesting coincidence. However, I don't see Death in his domains, is this a 3.0 thing that has travelled over to 3.5? Despite that everything else I saw (from Wiki) seems perfect! Did you see any glaring errors or problems with Livingston?

I'll have to check when I get home, but I think he actually has the Repose domain. It is similar to the Death domain and grants the same Death Touch power, but it treats the undead with enmity. Thus, no animate dead. Instead you get speak with dead and some other undead destroying domain spells. I misspoke above re: choosing to rebuke undead. Priests of Kelemvor would always turn. Nerull and Wee Jas edit Velsharoon would be the deity with the regular Death domain.
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Blind Azathoth

ethandrew said:
This is rather an interesting coincidence. However, I don't see Death in his domains, is this a 3.0 thing that has travelled over to 3.5?

Originally, in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, the non-evil deities of death actually had the Death domain--those deities being Kelemvor and Jergal in the regular Faerûnian pantheon, Osiris in the Mulhorandi (basically, Egyptian) pantheon, and Urogalan in the halfling pantheon. But when the book Faiths and Pantheons rolled around, they decided that giving non-evil gods domains that included spells with the Evil descriptor, like Animated Dead, was a big no-no, and replaced the Death domain for those deities with the Repose domain.

Also, my character sheet should be finished and posted sometime later today. And I actually mean it this time.

Craw Hammerfist

First Post
ethandrew said:
Did you see any glaring errors or problems with Livingston?

Need a feat. And Repose domain and turn undead rather than Death domain and rebuke if going with Kelemvor. Otherwise, go with Velsharoon (I originally listed Nerull, core D&D oops), the NE deity of death. I'll allow Summon Undead as a non-evil spell. Theoretically, it summons an already created undead. I can see a cleric of Kelemvor rationalizing that it is likely to lead to the destruction of the summoned undead.
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I think this game will meet with success, but I'll need to remove myself from consideration. I hadn't yet posted an actual character sheet, so that helps. :) I got ahold of some DMing material the other day that I don't think I can say no to, so instead of adding a game in which I play, I think I will add a game for which I DM.

Best of luck though!


First Post
I'd like to throw my hat into the ring, this sounds like a very interesting game! :)

I'm not familiar with the FR setting, but since familiarity wasn't a pre-req I hope that won't be a problem. I would appreciate some direction on picking a deity, if possible, otherwise I'll select a core deity. I also wasn't sure if you are using action points or not.

Name: Vyleya Argnon
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Fighter/2
Alignment: LN
Patron Deity: ?

Str 14 – (6 pts)
Dex 14 – (6 pts)
Con 14 -- (6 pts)
Int 14 -- (6 pts)
Wis 11 -- (3 pts)
Cha 10 -- (2 pts)

Hit Points: 22
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat 15
Init: +2
BAB: +2, Grapple: +4
Speed: 20’ (Base 30’, Current Load: 85.9/116lbs – Medium Load, Medium Armor)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +0

+6 Melee, Mwk. Halberd, 1d10+3, 20/x3, Type P/S
+4 Melee, Short sword, 1d6+2, 19-20/x2, Type P
+4 Melee/+4 Ranged, Light Hammer, 1d4+2, 20/x2, 20’r, Type B
+4 Ranged, Heavy Crossbow, 1d10, 19-20/x2, Type P

Size category: Medium, 5'2" tall, 119 lbs, 18 yrs old
Black, wavy shoulder length hair, Green eyes, Lightly tanned skin

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven

+3 Appraise/+5 Relating to Craft, Blacksmith(cc) (2 Ranks +2 Int, +2 Relating to Craft, Blacksmith)
+7 Craft, Blacksmith (5 Ranks +2 Int)
+5 Handle Animal (5 Ranks)
+9 Ride (5 Ranks +2 Dex, +2 Syn)
+2 Listen (cc) (4 Ranks)
+2 Spot (cc) (4 Ranks)

-Combat Expertise (Ftr 1st)
-Improved Trip (Ftr 2nd)
-Weapon Focus: Halberd (1st)
-Power Attack (Racial Bonus Feat)

Human Traits:
-Base Land Speed 30’
-Bonus Feat and Skill Bonus (+4 at 1st level, +1 each additional level)

[sblock]Vyleya was born to Garius Argnon and Heilya Argnon in Cormyr. Garius is a blacksmith and her mother passed away during child birth. Her father raised her by himself. As soon as Vyleya was weaned from her nurse-maid she spent her days at the forge with her father, watching her father work. Her father made sure she was educated and Vyleya proved to be a bright girl but as he aged he needed help around the forge and Vyleya was eager enough to provide that help. The blacksmith’s girl developed a fascination for the weapons and armor and would ply her father’s customers with questions. Many took to demonstrating weapon-play for her and she absorbed these early demonstrations eagerly.

At the age of 12, her father died. The smithy was sold and Vyleya sent to work on her uncle’s farm in the country. Her nephews quickly found her to be strong and tough from her work in the city and she more than held her own in wrestling and horseplay. Two summers later, at 14, a sick wolf came upon the farm and, desperately hungry attacked one of her nephews. Vyleya came to his aid and, with a single swing of her scythe, brought the animal down. Her uncle was grateful and when she came of age and expressed an interest in formal martial training, he sent her back to the city to stay with his cousin Slyinder and paid for her training.

Vyleya spent the next two years training in a martial academy where she quickly came to favor pole-arms and the halberd in particular. She learned under a specialist there and became adept at the Spinning Halbred style. Her graduation found her flush with pride, but with little direction in life.

Phaeton Obarskyr was there to provide that direction. Vyleya’s path in life reached him through Slyinder. Vyleya was given the task of protecting a minor noble as he visited Vyleya’s hometown. It seemed a simple babysitting task to her, but it turned ugly one night when her charge, after enjoying a night of hard drinking was accosted by a small gang of thugs in an alleyway. Vyleya drove off the gang and brought the nobleman safely back home.

Not long after, Vyleya received a letter from Phaeton and Slyinder let her know she would be foolish to turn him down.[/sblock]

[sblock]Vyleya is independent, but not overtly so. She tends to herself capably, without making much of a fuss over it. She takes criticism stoically, and praise bashfully. She strives to be dependable and reliable when working with a team, and tends to approach disagreement with questions rather than arguments. She is competitive and will gladly join in any contest to prove her strength and capability as a fighter.[/sblock]

[sblock]Vyleya has dark black hair and green eyes. She is not unattractive, but she dresses and acts in the style of a warrior, not a lady so it can be hard to notice. Her wavy black hair is usually tied back and tucked under her helmet so it cannot be grabbed in a fight and it is rare that she goes about without her arms and armor. When traveling she wears a thick cloak and baggy, traveling clothes. Her armor is always kept in excellent condition; she takes care to oil it so it doesn’t rust and she does her best to pound out any dings or dents from combat. She carries a blackened hammer and a sheathed sword at her belt as well as a well-crafted halberd, with an iron-shod butt. Her left hand has a scattering of small burns from wrist up to her fingers, an accident from her days at the forge.[/sblock]

Weight Categories:
Light 0-58, Medium 59-116, Heavy 117-175

Items Worn:
-Mwk. Breastplate (350gp) – Worn, 30lbs
-Short Sword (10gp) – Sheathed at Belt, 2lbs
-Light Hammer (1gp) – Sheathed at Belt, 2lbs
-Heavy Crossbow (50gp) – Back, Right Shoulder, 8lbs
-20 Bolts (2gp) – Back, Left Shoulder, Quiver, 2lbs
-Backpack (2gp) – Back, 2lbs
-Belt Pouch (1gp) – Waist, Front, 0.5lbs
-Traveler’s Outfit – Worn
-Signal Whistle - Neck

Items in Belt Pouch:
-Chalk x3
-Potion of Enlarge Person x2 (100gp), 0.2lbs
-Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2 (100gp), 0.2lbs
-Whetstone, 1lb
-57gp, 1lbs

-Bedroll, 5lbs
-Candle x5
-Flint & Steel (1gp)
-Grappling Hook (1gp), 4lbs
-Paper, Sheets x4
-Rations, 3 days, 3lbs
-Rope, Silk 50’ (10gp), 5lbs
-Sewing Needle
-Sunrod x2 (4gp), 2lbs
-Torch x2, 2lbs
-Waterskin (1gp), 4lbs

Items Carried:
-Mwk. Halbred (310gp), 12lbs
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First Post
Would the corpsecrafter feat from Libris Mortis be okay? It has no prerequisites and all it states is that each undead I raise or create has a +4 Enhancement bonus to Strength and +2 HP per HD.

I think I'll lean toward taking Velsharoon as my diety, not because I'm gung ho on following the reaper, but I want to rebuke, not turn. I'll adjust my background accordingly.


First Post
Craw Hammerfist said:
Phoenixash, Vyleya looks great.

ethandrew, that is fine, but if we don't get a pure arcane submission before Friday, please consider a necromancer.

Definitely will consider, I'm more about party cohesiveness than individual glory.

Blind Azathoth

Late again. Sorry...bogged down with school work. But here he finally is. One note, though: I used the version of the Cosmopolitan feat found in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. The newer Player's Guide to Faerûn, however, gives the feat a different effect (+2 to Bluff, Sense Motive, and Gather Information checks). I'd prefer the original feat, but if you'd rather use the updated version, I'll probably swap it out for a different feat (Unbelievable Luck, maybe).

Roland Hawkling
Male Human
Cleric 2
Chaotic Good
Patron Deity: Tymora

Str 12 (4 pts)
Dex 12 (4 pts)
Con 10 (2 pts)
Int 12 (4 pts)
Wis 16 (10 pts)
Cha 13 (5 pts)

HP 14
AP ??
AC 18, Touch 11, Flat 17
Init +1
BAB +1, Grap +2
Speed 20 (base 30, medium load, medium armor)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6

+3 Melee, masterwork heavy mace, 1d8+1, 20/x2, bludgeoning
+2 Ranged, light crossbow, 1d8+1, 19-20/x2, 80'r, piercing

Medium, 5'6" tall, 115 lb., 21 years old
Unkempt red-brown hair, sky blue eyes, well-tanned but naturally light skin

Speaks Common and Orc

+6 Bluff (3+1+2)
+5 Concentration (5)
+5 Diplomacy (4+1)
+5 Knowledge (Religion) (4+1)
+3 Listen (0+3)
+5 Spellcraft (4+1)
+3 Spot (0+3)

Cosmopolitan -- +2 bonus to all Bluff checks, and it is always considered a class skill
Healer's Luck -- can spend luck reroll to reroll damage healed by spell; +1 luck reroll

Human Traits
Base speed 30'
Bonus feat
Bonus skill points

Cleric Abilities
All armor proficiency, shield proficiency
Simple weapon proficiency
- Luck -- Can reroll any one roll per day before seeing the results.
- Travel -- Can act as if affected by a freedom of movement spell for a number of rounds equal to character level; Survival is a class skill.
Aura of Chaos/Good -- Projects a moderate aura of chaos and good.
Spontaneous Healing -- Can drop any prepared spell to cast a cure spell of equal or lower level.
Turn Undead 4/day -- Able to channel divine power through his holy symbol to turn or destroy undead four times per day.

Spells Prepared
0th- Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic, Resistance
1st- Bless, Inflict Light Wounds, Longstrider (D), Sanctuary

Really Overly Lengthy Background
[sblock]Roland was born to a poor blacksmith and his equally poor wife, who died giving birth to Roland, in the Dock Ward of Waterdeep. Roland's father, Danail, wasn't much of a parent; he was kind to his son, but spent most of his time working or trying to sell his wares--mostly unsuccessfully. Roland therefore spent a majority of his time with other children in the Ward, playing games of chance to pass the time. When Roland was thirteen, and out one day, his father was killed in an accident: a fire that destroyed his home, leaving Roland with no family, no skills--for he had not even taught his son his craft--and no residence.

Roland was only really good at one thing--the games he and his friends played--and when left with nothing else, he turned to it for support. Roland began associating himself with the common gambling circles in the Ward, playing the dice and card games he had been practicing with his friends for years, but now for money. A lot of money. He was good, and he soon earned enough to begin renting a small room at a small inn at the Docks. For years, he earned silver and gold pieces solely through wagering and games; he bet on races, fights, almost anything somebody else would agree to put money on; when somebody challenged him to a game of chance, he instantly accepted.

His luck did not last forever, however. He took up drinking seriously when he was eighteen, and it quickly became his second addiction after gambling. In addition to spending quite a lot of his time hammered or hungover, Roland became overconfident, began making mistakes, and wound up in a difficult situation--in serious debt to a notoriously nasty loan shark, a dwarf named Rekk Irontooth. Roland's desperation to earn enough money to pay off his debt made him all the more careless, reckless, and alcohol-dependent; more money was lost, more debts went unpaid, and more not-very-nice people with not-very-nice employees were made angry. This situation culminated in his attempted murder; two burly half-orcs accosted him on the street, shoved him into an alley, and stabbed him a few times in the guts.

You may have noticed that Roland is not a zombie or vampire, however, so clearly this incident did not kill him. A passerby who had witnessed the attack rushed to his aid after the assailants fled. That passerby, a halfling man named Milo, was a priest--of Tymora, the goddess of luck. After being revived by Milo, Roland got to thinking. He knew odds pretty well, having spent all of his teenage years as a gambler, and he knew the odds of a wandering priest (of Lady Luck, no less) coming upon him just in time to save him from death were astronomical. Roland had never been a particularly religious young man, but the experience opened his eyes; he quickly decided that, despite the portfolio of the patron this cleric served, his meeting with Milo was not mere chance--it was fate. Roland decided to accompany Milo when he left Waterdeep the next day for two reasons. First of all, he had quickly begun to develop a healthy admiration and respect for the goddess that had apparently governed his life for the past six years and had saved him from death. And second of all...he was still wanted by the loan sharks of Waterdeep's slums.

So Roland traveled with Milo for several months, and his respect for Tymora began to grow into worship. Roland tried his best to clean up his act--he stopped drinking, and attempted (usually though not always with success) to refrain from excessive gambling. Shortly after Roland turned twenty, he expressed desire to join the ranks of Tymora's priests, and Milo took him to Cormyr, where Milo was based. There, Roland was ordained as a priest of Tymora, and for a year now he has served the church and the Smiling Lady faithfully. Most recently, he was instructed to perform a task for a Cormyr nobleman, which he completed successfully. And now, it seems, he will be serving that noble as a third master, after his patron and his church: Phaeton Obarskyr.[/sblock]

[sblock]Roland has matured greatly over the past two years, becoming calmer (at least outwardly), wiser, more studious, and more charitable. Despite this, however, his old self still occasionally rises to the surface. He is frequently bold to a degree that some would call reckless, others courageous. He knows the odds of succeeding in any given situation fairly well, but tends to take risks even when the odds are against him--though now those risks tend to be in defense or aid of others, not risks involving gold pieces. He has managed to, for the most part, defeat his alcoholism, though he still struggles to resist temptation at times; however, he still jumps at the chance to make a wager on something, and revels in the games of chance that both kept him alive and nearly resulted, in an indirect way, in his death. He doesn't entirely realize that this too is a sort of addiction; he just attributes his little obsession with gambling as an old habit that is taking some time to go away.[/sblock]

[sblock]Roland inherited many of the common family traits that resulted in the nickname of "Hawkling" for some ancestor or another; the nickname (and the physical characteristics) stuck, and it eventually became the family's surname. Roland, like many of his family members, is relatively short and skinny, with a clearly pointed nose, angular chin, and gaunt-looking face. He was born extremely pale, but through his traveling has earned himself a healthy tan. Though he takes care to shave regularly, he has allowed his hair to grow somewhat wild; he keeps his naturally curly locks somewhat long, and hasn't bothered to brush them for quite a while. (This may be because the last time he attempted to do so his hair apparently overpowered the comb and broke it.)[/sblock]

Items Worn
Roland, as fits an itinerant priest, always wears a standard issue traveler's outfit: boots, breeches, simple tunic, cloak, and a wide-brimmed hat. He also nearly always wears his chainmail armor, and keeps his shield close at hand in case combat erupts--his experience with getting stabbed in the kidneys has taught him nothing if not to be prepared for unexpected violence. His holy symbol, a silver coin imprinted with the face of his goddess and several four-leaf clovers, hangs from a chain around his neck.

Items on Belt
Two flasks of holy water are kept in small pouches on his belt. His masterwork mace--a strange-looking weapon that he commissioned, with its head fashioned in the shape of a clover, a symbol in honor of Tymora--is always at his side. His money pouch currently contains 117 gp.

Items in Backpack
In addition to mundane items like a bedroll, blanket, and emergency trail rations, Roland also keeps a light crossbow and twenty bolts stored away in his pack. He has a sort of holster on his belt for it to hang, but unlike his mace--which is as much a second holy symbol as it is a weapon--he keeps his crossbow stored unless he knows he will need it. Other possessions kept in his backpack include an everburning torch, two potions of cure light wounds, and one scroll each of protection from evil, remove fear, and sanctuary, kept in a scroll case.

Alternate Character 1: "Dirk Diamond," Dwarf Urban Ranger and film noir-esque private investigator...with axes.

Alternate Character 2: Eccentric and slightly creepy Half-Orc Wizard, possibly a Conjurer, with a focus on otherworldly beings and esoteric knowledge...think the Cthulhu Mythos.

I'd be very happy to play either alternate character, depending on what the party needs (which seems like the Wizard, at the moment). I've actually become quite fond of them both just thinking up their concepts.
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