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PHDungeons Nentir Vale homebrew


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We recently finished our Second Darkness campaign, which followed on the heels of our Savage Tide campaign. It was very enjoyable, though I liked Savage Tide a little better, and now I've decided to take a break from the APs and go with my own homebrew.

I'm using the Nentir Vale from the 4E dmg as a starting point, but I've given it a much more Norse feel. I won't be writing journals of the sessions because I don't have the time, but I will post the ones my players write and hopefully through those anyone who chooses to read this will be able to piece together the jist of the storyline.

Our party is beginning with the following characters

Darren Androsax- human, male fighter 1
Deryl Androsax- human , female sorcerer 1
Belladonna- changeling, rogue 1
Bjorn- human, male cleric of Thor 1
Torfinn, deva, male Invoker of the Aseir gods 1

The heroes begin the campaign having made their way north to Fallcrest from the city of Grimsburg. Bella is on the hunt for a killer name Randall Flagg and has tracked the man to Fallcrest.

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First Post
The following is Bella's first journal. It is in the format of a letter to Victor Starke- her patron in the city of Grimsburg.


It has been a long, and except for these last few days in Fallcrest, uneventful journey. The Androsax siblings, Derren the older brother and Deryl, his nine year old sister, have kept out of my way and for that I am grateful. I fail to understand why he has taken this child with him when the path he travels is so dangerous and though he would be more than willing to share the information I don’t ask him for it.

Initially I believed Derren to be an idiot who couldn’t get enough of hearing his own voice, but he’s proven to be quite useful. He’s an unusual fighter, surprisingly acrobatic with an extensive knowledge of history. Initially he would try to tell me things of his family line and blather on about his house and wars but lately he’s gotten the hint that I’m just not interested. He’s been a good face for our intrepid trio and seems to get along with just about anybody. In battle he can be brave to the point of foolishness. I myself witnessed him jump off the roof of a house to land upon his enemy screaming like a maniac. Although he is a capable warrior, witnessing behaviour such as this makes me worry for Deryl’s future as an orphan.

His sister Deryl I consider a liability. Every time I look at her I cannot help seeing a short fused explosive. Her tiny body is literally bursting with arcane energies of which she can barely control. These abilities are at their most potent during moments of high emotion. Thankfully she is a quiet child for her age, reserving herself to the occasional sarcastic remark. She and her brother are inseparable. Her older brother watches over her as a mother would. There is some confusion in fact over whether or not their parents are dead, Deryl insists that they are gone where as Derren insists they still live. I suspect that their parents abandoned the girl due to her curse and there may be animosity there. Perhaps my discomfort towards the child comes from my own slowly emerging powers. Though thankfully not as potent as hers, watching her gives me an idea of my own future. Being older, more disciplined and less powerful, I should be more in control of my abilities than she is. At least I hope I will be. May The All Father watch over and protect me.

As I have said before we found travel on a trading ship heading in our direction. The halflings that piloted it were a cheery bunch and thankful to have the protection that we provided even though, for this trip anyway, they had no need of it. In a brief stop over in Olsted we met with two more strangers who would later become our companions. The one, Bjorn, is a cleric of Thor, and the other, Torfinn, also wields Thor’s power but in a different way.

Of the pair, Torfinn is the more interesting. He is stoic, and after weeks trapped on a skiff with Derren I liked him immediately for his long silences. He is a bit of a mystery. He arrived as full grown man during a thunderstorm on the footsteps of Bjorn’s monastery. He speaks in whispers, and very sparingly. He is also oddly dispassionate, never showing any emotion; except for perhaps slight irritation at his traveling companion. I have also seen him in battle and it is impressive. Lightning shoots from his fingertips with barely an utterance and a mere flick of his hand. All those who worship Rao will question their faith should they see him in battle for it is plain he wields the power of Thor himself and it is great.

Last I come to the cleric, Bjorn. To put it plainly the man is a pervert. I only tolerate him because he is a cleric and as such invaluable to any company in our business. I loathe the day that I fall unconscious and am in need of his healing touch but besides his constant lewd remarks he seems harmless. On the other hand, he is far from harmless on the battlefield. I watched as he took several strikes that would have felled lesser men and he still fought. It was like watching those demonic machine men of old do battle. Although I can barely tolerate his company, he is too valuable an asset to leave.

Soon we will be embarking from Fallcrest to follow the trail of Randall Flagg. His dementia seems to be getting worse as he has caused several violent murders in this town before fleeing to the countryside. He seems to have descended into a feral state and I am concerned that it is due to an outside influence that is in his possession. We have acquired the services of an able tracker and should apprehend him soon. As usual, I will keep you apprised of our journey.


The Lady Nightshade


First Post
This letter is from the perspective of Darren Androsax (the fighter). It is a letter to his older brother Corvin.

Dear Corvin,

You are probably out looking for us, big brother – but we are safe. I am writing from an inn in a northern town far from Grimsburg. Outside my window, the sun has just risen and set fire to the tar of night. The ice is falling away as the river crests the cliff above town. That’s right – we entered the vale. I know you wanted to take it slow – research this, secure that – but we are heroes! We killed some flagon Orcs!

Let me explain – well, I guess I got a lot of explaining to do. When mother said those things to Deryl, and the explosion happened ... well, I just bundled her up and headed to Starke. I had to get her out of Grimsburg, you understand? When Deryl resurfaced she was so worried about what had happened. I made up something then – and maybe it was stupid – but I said that maybe mother and father simply disappeared in the dark conflagration and we had to run away.

I found Belladonna pretty quickly – Starke’s woman, the cinder-hot one who smells of machine oil – and she agreed to accompany us up north in search of Crumm’s killer. So we set out on our first adventure.

I know you are always saying we are too young – but I have gotten good with my blades and Deryl is getting more control over her dark gift by the day. You remember how great grandfather Doriolanus lied about his age to fight in the Bloodspear War? Well, maybe we are just carrying on the family tradition. You would be proud of us, I bet – we hooked up with some priests of Thor – tough, mystic men, not like those snivelling sycophants of Rao. The older one Bjorn is cool as ice – he even carved Thor’s symbol into a shrine to Rao’s saints! Torvinn, the younger one is more frosty and quiet. Makes me feel like he’s hiding something. Deryl thinks he’s alright, and I suppose he is – as long as he stays indifferent to Deryl’s big blinking eyes.

So I looked around the town we reached – and no sign of the Androsax crest so far. There are still some ruins I have to look through though. Oh, and the local ruler is named Markelhay. See if you can dig some dirt on his family in the archives. I have been pretty quiet about our royal name so far – you would be proud. Your little brother has become quite silent and suave. I’m sure our new friends think I’m at least twenty-five!

Anyway – the Orcs. Basically, they raided a dwarven caravan full of ale, and we joined a ranger to attack them at a ruined monastery. Deryl insisted she come along, and I didn’t want an arcane tantrum in front of the others, so ... well, it turned out anvil in the end. Deryl and I crept up the side of a cliff – easy stuff with our gear, and while she hid, I dropped on a mother-flagon orc chief. You should of seen it – it was dawn, our breath was white in the stillness, and I distracted the chief in my best Skanzi. I leapt, like Dorialanus did, and sliced him a good one. He got me too – you should see the scar! – and Bella had to finish the job with that crazy clockwork crossbow of hers before I got back in the fight. Bjorn and Torfinn are like Thor’s lightning and thunder – I hope they stick with us some more!

Anyway, I’m rambling again but I really wanted to say – we are doing great. And sorry, too – after what Deryl did, I had no choice. Hopefully her memory never recovers. And don’t come looking for us – we are grown up now. To show you, I am sending some gold we earned – for the funeral and repairs.


First Post
This is the first journal of Darren's sister Deryl, who is just reaching womanhood and trying to get hold of her burgeoning sorceress talents. She writes well for a nine year old. The education system in the Nentir vale is clearly quite good.

Dear Diary,

Oh, but it was nice to bathe today! Derren may not notice he wears weeks worth of dirt but travelling with only the barest of necessities has left me feeling...what exactly?...I would say saddle sore, but we travelled by ship, so I'm not sure what that's called.

Such a strange feeling walking upon land again after so long on the boats. Alas, but I am becoming used to 'strange feelings'...I do so wish to know what is happening with me. Derren, of all the family, seems unphased by the strange changes taking place. That, as you know 'dear diary' is why I so wickedly forced my company upon him; I could no longer bear the way Mama looked at me.

I do miss her though, mama I mean. Derren is sweet and protective but I'm shy to ask him about 'the change'. There is another woman travelling with us, but like the rest of our companions she mostly ignores me; she's already made it clear that I am a burden. Belladonna, such a name! and such a woman, like a heroine straight out of the novels but pretty enough to be the princess.

Bjorn is another who's made it clear that I am most unwelcome...Oh, Derren, I'm so sorry again to have put you in this uncomfortable position!...If Belladonna is the princess then surely Bjorn is the villain. He likes women much as he likes drink...cheap and in quantity. Derren thinks I don't understand but I understand only too well...Bjorn is a wicked, dirty man.

Torfinn on the other hand is just dreamy. I have never seen such a man as he. It is quite the story I find myself in 'dear diary'; we've a princess, a villain and a dashing prince from exotic lands. Why, he even seems to glow; its scary, but beautiful at the same time.

I don't really know how Derren and I fit into this story taking shape around us...of course Derren talks so much, he must be the narrator...haha! Poor, poor Derren. So proud and ever the 'noble' , despite his many times mended clothing and tattered boots. What is in a name anyway, we were happy and so much the richer for it.

Surely I'm no great player. Adventures like this aren't meant for 9 year old girls, I don't feel grown up even if my 'womanly cycles' have started. Mama says its best to be seen and not heard, and she's half right...that is to say I think now its best if I'm neither seen nor heard.

Alright 'dear diary', its time to go...I'm so excited!! Derren is taking me to a BAR !!


First Post
Personal Journal of Bjorn Thorskirk

It is good to be out in the world, I had as much contemplation as I could take. As followers of Thor we should be out in the world ensuring that the faith is strong enough to withstand the cowardly subterfuge of the southern gods. That never again shall we have to practise in secret awaiting to regain strength.

The trip to Fallcrest was quite enjoyable and uneventful. It is good to be travelling with Torfinn, someone I know I can count on, even though our paths in the service to Thor differ I feel this is a strength. As for the rest of our party Belladonna is a comely and capable lass, if a little full of herself. She is pleasing to the eye and has potential but I am not sure she has the wit or wisdom to use if effectively. I will play the letch for a while as it is an amusing diversion and will no doubt cause her and others to misjudge me. I am aware that I have neither the comely mien or slickness of tongue of others and to compensate must therefore play to expectation. I use their lack of insight to drive them where they cannot be led.

Talking of glibness of tongue brings me Darren Androsax and his sister Deryl. What is the fool, and his parents, thinking bringing a child along to such dangers as we may be facing?. Childhood is short enough and the world a brutal place, each Child should be nurtured and protected until they come to terms with their own changes before having to deal with what the greater world has to throw at them. As burgeoning with power as she may be she is not yet developed enough of body or mind to be experiencing such as we will if any other choice exists. I fear for the adult she may become in dealing with the horrors we will surely face on top of learning to properly control the powers that she obviously is developing. I fear she is a danger to both us and herself. Darren is a capable fighter, decent historian and quick of tongue. Though I feel he needs to focus more on the future and building his own legacy than the past glory of his family. He is young yet and hopefully maturity will come.

Shortly after arriving in Fallcrest we learned of a murder of a local inn owner, apparently the one responsible is someone of interest to the Androsax's and Belladonna. In the course of looking into this we found that local inns were running out of ale and that a normal Dwarven caravan was overdue.

Returning to our inn we found ourselves in the middle of a town meeting in which we learned the caravan had been attached by Orc raiders, a few hours journey from the town. This was of concern to all, as the town has still not fully recovered from the last raids. The local militia was stretched too thin to deal with the problem. At this a despicable proselytizer of Rao got up to ask the people to volunteer for the glory of his 'god' , I could not tolerate this and got up and said if justice would be done it would be through the strength of Thor that we would bring war to these retched Orcs. The support of the crowd was gratifying. Immediately two brothers, who apparently do not get along, began to form two groups to go after the Orcs. We elected to join up with Bran the younger, yet more level headed of the two. The elder headed off immediately while we elected to better prepare and head out in the morning.

The following day we set out and around midday found the site of the attack, the carnage was upsetting , I cannot imagine the effect on Deryl, a nd I am not sure if I would be more upset at her being very disturbed or not. A few of those travelling with us were ill at the sight. From there Bran was able to easily track the band back to their camp, a fortified tor in the middle of a small vale. We could easily see their watch tower from the cover of the trees and knew approaching in full light would be foolhardy. We also found Bran's brother and his group while scouting and were able to come to an agreement to work together.

It was decided that we would sneak up on the position in the dark before dawn and attach as dawn broke ñ the Orcs would most likely be in their cups and the guard the least attentive. There were also a couple breaks in the wall atop the more shear parts of the tor. Darren and Deryl would attempt to access the fort from the break and the rest of us would attack though the gate. I was hoping that Deryl would not make the climb and avoid what was coming, to no avail. As dawn broke we made our attack there was a makeshift moat rampart and palisade just inside the gate that slowed us down so I lead the charge and manged to make the firm ground which I held while others made their way. Belladona was very effective with her crossbow taking out many before they could join the fray, as was Torfinn calling upon Thor's might as was to be expected. Our enemy was varied in their abilities some being felled easily and others requiring much more effort. Of particular note was Darren who when the obvious leader of the Orcs came out made a mad dash along the roof of a building and dove into combat with the brute landing a great blow in the process. I did not see Deryl and hoped she had been put somewhere safe. My concern for the child distracted me and the enemy landed a couple of particularly painful blows requiring me to call upon the strength of Thor to see me though. A strength I would prefer to use to support others of our party. I had particular difficulty shaking off the poison from the Orc witch landed with one of those blows. In the end we were victorious. There were a few losses, but as they fell in battle I am sure they are enjoying their reward in Valhalla. Interestingly none of the losses were those of us who travelled with Bran and took the extra time to prepare. We have sent a party back to get wagons that we may better transport the remaining goods back to Fallcrest and their rightful owner the Dwarves. Apparently this was formerly a temple or monastery of Rao, which probably explains how Orcs came to take it over. I have left a suitable mark of Thor to help begin to set thing right, and shortly after we found some items that will further help us. I see the wagons return and it is time to get to work that is all for now.


First Post
Game Session #1

Here's the quick summary to fill in any holes that can't be deduced by the PC journals.

The heroes travelled north to Fallcrest in pursuit of the murderous Randall Flagg.


Bella's patron, a local crimelord from the city of Grimsburg named Victor Starke, had recently hired Flagg for his sagely expertise (the nature of which I will not say right now in case my players happen to look at this). When Starke one of his men to check on Flagg's progress, Flagg brutally killed the man, and may also have set fire to his home before fleeing Grimsburg. Now Starke wants him and has sent Bella to hunt him down.

End Spoiler

They arrived in Fallcrest and started knocking around town looking for clues. They discovered that Flagg had arrived in town a few days earlier in the company of a merchant from Diamond Lake name Belebar Smenk and several of Smenk's mercenaries. However, Flagg apparently killed a pair of prostitutes at the Lucky Gnome. He then fled back to the Inn where he'd been staying, gathered his things, broke into Belebar's room and looted Belebar's strong chest. As he was leaving the Inn he was confronted by the Innkeeper and the Innkeeper's eldest son. Flagg brutally killed both of them as well and then fled town.

Once the heroes learned of these events they stepped up their detective work. They went and spoke with the wife of the dead Innkeeper at the Cliffwatch and checked out the murder scene. They learned that Flagg had killed the pair with his bare hands and even devoured some of their flesh. The widow was terribly distraught.

Next they went to the Blue Moon tavern where they heard Smenk was hanging out. There they found Smenk and learned that Flagg had stolen a bunch of money from him. They also learned that Smenk had a mining charter for an old silver mine near Fallcrest and that he and his mercenaries were planning to go run the resident kobolds out of the mine, so that he could get it operational. Finally, the learned that after the long winter the town was desperately low on ale, and the local tavern keepers were all impatiently waiting for a shipment to arrive from the dwarven town of Hammerfast. In fact the kegs ran out while they were at the Blue Moon and that sent Smenk and his drunken men off drunk through town (causing trouble) to find another bar.

The next day they discovered that a dwarf had arrived in town with news that his caravan had been hit not far outside Fallcrest by an orc warband, and that the orcs had managed to slaughter the dwarves and steal all the ale kegs, which were the primary items being shipped. The tavern and Innkeepers got together and pooled their money for a reward and a town meeting was held. Lord Markelhay addressed the crowd and explained that with orc warbands in the area he couldn't afford to send out the militia to track down the stolen ale, but he would offer a bounty on orc ears and their was the reward for the return of the ale.

A pair of brothers, both local hunters volunteered to lead men to get back the ale. As it turned out, the brothers hated eachother and each formed their own band. The heroes decided to join up with Brand Skinner, the younger brother and help him and a couple others who joined him. The next morning they set out.

They investigated the site of the wrecked caravan and then tracked the orc band to ruined monestary up on a high rocky tor. They orcs had fortified it with a wooden watch tower and had a commanding view of the countryside. The heroes also figured there were at least 20 orcs left in the warband. In the woods nearby they found Lyle's band (Brand's despised brother) waiting for nightfall to close on the tor. The heroes decided to negotiate with them and make an alliance. Lyle and Brand were both hesitant because of their hatred for eachother, but the heroes convinced the two brothers that the orcs were too numerous and dangerous to take on independently.

In the end they joined forces, and waited until just before dawn the next day, as they figured the orcs would have been drinking all night and thus would be vulnerable. This proved to be a good assumption, for the sound of the orcs' boozing could be heard all night long.

The two human warbands made their way up the narrow trail to orcs camp and there they attacked the foul creatures. It proved to be a nasty skirmish, but thanks to the heroics and skills of the PCs most of the casualties were on the orcs side. Lyle's band lost three men.

There was some hostility between Brand and Lyle after the fight, but Lyle's band was too weak to do much, so cooler head prevailed. The ale (along with many pair of orc ears) was returned to Fallcrest and the rewards collected.

The PCs now plan to head north, for that's the direction Flagg was seen headed. They have recruited Brand to help them since he knows the local geography well, and is a capable tracker.
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First Post
This is the campaign Handout I sent my players.

The Nentir Vale:
The vale is a sparsely settled frontier region in the northern portions of the former Empire of Nerath. The remains of this dead empire still dot the land in the form of ruined manors, monasteries and the like. The largest human settlement in the vale is the town of Fallcrest, which sits on the Nentir River. However, if one follows the trade road east from Fallcrest, one will reach the dwarven fortress of Hammerfast, which is said to be larger. Beyond these two locations, are several small and relatively isolated communities. There are also several ruins of note. One is the legendary ruin now known as Thunderspire. Thunderspire is said to consist of the remains of a minotaur city, and it is believed that an entire minotaur kingdom occupied much of the vale some time before it was settled by the humans of Nerath. Another storied location is Wyvernskull mountain. Wyvernskull mountain is said to be among the Cairngorm peeks northwest of the village of Winterhaven. It is believed to be the home of a warlock of tremendous power, and every now and again a brave or foolish soul makes the trek to the mountain in hopes of apprenticing him or herself to the warlock. Few of these folk have ever been seen again, and there is much speculation regarding their fate.

Fallcrest: This town is the first destination for many travelers who enter the Vale. People come to the Vale for many reasons. Many are merchants wishing to trade in Fallcrest or with the isolated communities of the Vale. Some are adventurers and mercenaries who seek riches that they believe can be plundered from the many ruins of former Nerath that dot the landscape. Others are settlers and prospectors who make their way north looking for opportunities to start a new life for themselves and their families. Opportunities abound in the vale for the brave and the bold, and the town of Fallcrest is good place to start one’s search. The actual people and places of Fallcrest will be introduced during game play.

Beyond the Vale: Though the campaign will begin in the Vale some characters may have come from beyond its borders and eventually heroes may well wish to explore the world outside the vale. If one follows the Nentir River south from Fallcrest and beyond the Witchlight fens, one will eventually arrive in the port city of Grimsburg. Grimsburg is much smaller these days than it was during the height of the Empire, but it is still a sizable city and it is the place that many of Fallcrest’s visiting merchants come from. The city is reputed to be a fetid den of vice and corruption. It has long been a haven for outcasts and practitioners of the arcane arts, and many rumors abound around its most notorious district- The Styes a place that is home to outcasts of the worst sort, and a place where corrupt arcanists perform dark rituals and conduct strange alchemical experiments. If one chooses to travel east form Fallcrest along the trade road, beyond Hammerfast and the Dawnforge mountains one will arrive in the town of Draconsburg. North of the Vale is the sprawling Winterbole Forest, which is home to tribes of human and shifter barbarians. Beyond that is frigid orc infested tagia. The tribes of the Winterbole make constant war against the orcs, for the foul humanoids are ever encroaching on their lands and cutting the trees of the forest to fuel their fires and build their homes.

Much of the knowledge of the wider world was lost with the fall of Nerath. It is known that from Grimsburg one has access to the North Sea and from there one can travel to any number of strange lands. The taverns of Grimsburg abound with strange tales of other lands, and some of them make their way to Fallcrest. Stories speak of a militant empire of hobgoblins capable of metalcraft that rivals even the dwarves. Another story tells of a sprawling nation to the far south ruled by Serpent folk, and it is said that Nerath was founded by escaped slaves from this nation. Other tales talk of an ancient land called Nubia ruled by black skinned sorcerer kings, and these are merely a small taste of the stories one might hear of the wider world.

General Character Creation Guidelines:
For this campaign use the standard character creation method presented in the player’s handbook. If you prefer to roll your stats you can if you do it in front of myself and all the other players (for our entertainment). You can freely use any of the races or classes presented below. If you wish to use something that isn’t mentioned (Jeff) then talk to me about it. You can pick powers, abilities and feats freely from the phb and phb II. You can also choose powers from other sources, but if I see anything that looks too broken I reserve the right to nix it or work out a change that will make it work. Finally, I’m okay with using the background rules presented in the phb II. If you see a background that you like you can use it. I’m considering doing a bit of modification to the Skills- mostly filling in a few gaps (In particular, I miss the ride and perform skill), but nothing too crazy. Let me know if you have suggestions in that regard.


Humans: Humans are the dominant race in the region, and most of the people of Fallcrest are human. Only two ethnicities are normally found in the vale. The first is the Skanzi peoples. The Skanzi are a Nordic people who have lived in the north for centuries. They tend to be tall with fair hair and fair skin. The great jarls of old that lived in the vale before the rise of the empire were all Skanzi who venerated the Aesir gods. As the empire of Nerath expanded northward, the Nerathni people moved into the region. The Nerathni tend of have dark hair and swarthier complexions than the Skanzi and are more likely to be followers of Rao the sun god. These two people have lived among one another in the vale for several centuries now and there has been much mixing between the two groups, and it can often be hard to distinguish between the two. However, it is not uncommon to see an individual that is clearly of Nerathni or Skanzi stock. In the vale the Skanzi are the more common of the two groups.

Dwarves: Some dwarves make their home in Fallcrest. Most dwarves found in the vale originate from the stronghold of Hammerfast, and they frequently trade with humans in the vale. The dwarves of the region worship the Aesir gods.

Elves: Though few elves call Fallcrest home, several bands of nomadic elves can be found hunting and gathering in the Harken Forest in the southern section of the Vale, and they occasionally travel beyond its borders. Most elves venerate the Vanir gods and/or the primal spirits of the land.

Halflings: Many Halflings live among the urban human settlements particularly in Grimsburg, and they are relatively common in the vale even though they have no communities of their own in the region. They are the most common demihumans in Fallcrest. Most halfings in the region worship the Aesir gods or Rao.

Eladrin: Eladrin are not common in the vale. South of the Harken Forest is a small settlement called Moonstair. It is known to have an ancient portal that leads to the Feywild and several eladrin call this village home. Sailors in Grimsburg also speak of a mist shrouded island that sometimes appears in the North Sea. The island is said to host a city or possibly even kingdom of eladrin. Most eladrin worship the Vanir gods. It is said the gnome clans living in the Harken wood know of secret ways to reach the Feywild through the forest, which could provide another means of accessing eladrin lands.

Half Elves: A small number of half elves reside in Fallcrest or the vicinity. Most are well off farmers or herders living near the town; others are expert artisans in the town. Some are the result of the union of humans and elves from the Harken Forest. Others come from Grimsburg, where nearly any race can be found.

Tieflings: Grimsburg has the largest population of Tieflings in the region and the odd one makes his or her way into the vale from this city. They tend to be looked on with suspicion. Tieflings orginate from the fallen empire of Bhael Turath. Bhael Turath is across the Sunset Sea, west of what was once Nerath (and prior to that Arkohsia). At its best it was a mighty human nation that was allied with Arkohsia, and together the two nations battled Summaria in the east, the Serpent Nations to the south and the various hordes of to the north. Eventually Bhael Turath fell sway to the powers of Hell, and turned against Arkohsia, and in their ensuing wars they destroyed one another. Bhael Turath is now a vast wilderness speckled with the shattered, devil haunted remains of its cities and settlements. Expeditions from more civilized land frequently journey there in search of plunder among its many ruins, and more than one tiefling dreams of reestablishing this fallen empire. A few tieflings still serve the powers of Hell, but many have converted to the common faiths of the region such as worship of the Aesir gods or Rao.

Dragonborn: Most Dragonborn come from lands to the south of the North Sea, usually arriving in Grimsburg and making their way north from there. Long before the rise of Nerath the bulk of the land that became that nation was once the legendary draconic empire of Arkohsia. It was said to have been ruled by dragonborn and metallic dragons that served the god Bahamut. Arkohsia flourished for centuries, but its doom was inevitable, for it was forever besieged by enemies on all sides. To the east was a terrible enemy in the form of the mighty empire of Summaria. Summaria was another nation of dragonborn, but one devoted to Tiamat, and the two nations were constantly locked in war. To Arkohsia’s north was savage wilderness, lands home to tribes of wild humans, orcs, shifters, ogres, giants and other creatures who raided their lands at every opportunity. In the west they had an ally in the human nation of Bhael Turath, but eventually that nation fell sway to rulers of Hell and turned against the noble dragonborn of Arkohsia. To make matters worse, more enemies were in the south in the form of the mighty Serpent Kingdoms. Thus, it was just a matter of time before Arkohsia fell. However, the noble empire did not go down without a fight, and it brought with it the nations of Summaria and Bhael Turath. For the next several centuries the lands that once housed these empires sunk into a turbulent age of darkness. Finally the empire of Nerath arose in Arkohsia’s place when Amra led his army of freed slaves across the Sea of Scales to escape the Serpent Kingdoms. Order was gradually restored and over time the Empire expanded ever northward. The remaining clans of the dragonborn integrated themselves into the new human empire, and to this day the scions of fallen Arkohsia still dwell in the lands that their ancestors once ruled. Most dragonborn still devote themselves to Bahamut.

Shifters: There are several tribes of this ancient race dwelling in the Winterbole forest, and they sometimes trade pelts and amber for metal and cloth with the humans of the vale. Shifters tend be primal, and most clans venerate powerful nature spirits rather than the gods.

Half Orcs: Orcs are a common threat to the Vale, and as a result, half orcs are not unheard of in the vale, though they are often looked on with suspicion and fear. The Aesir gods tend to appeal to half orcs, but some worship the primal spirits of the land.

Goliaths: It is said that a few tribes of Goliath live in the Dawnforge mountains. They are fairly reclusive, but occasionally trade with the dwarves or people of the vale. They usually venerate the spirits of their mountain homes, and few Goliaths pray to any god.

Gnomes: Several clans of gnomes make their homes in the Harkenwood in the Nentir Vale, but they generally maintain a low profile. They do interact with the elf clans of the forest, and it is said that they know the locations of secret magical crossroads that lead to the Feywild. On occasion a wanderlust stricken gnome will leave the Harken wood to explore the vale and the wider world. Gnomes sometimes worship nature spirits, but often pay homage to their mysterious fey trickster god, whose name they don’t share with outsiders.

Devas: There are currently no known Devas in the vale for they are rare individuals. Devas are most commonly known to serve Rao or Bahamut. On rare occasions a Deva may be found that serves the Aesir gods.

Hobgoblins: In the north most tribes of hobgoblins are fairly barbaric and aggressive. In the far southeast, there is said to be a vast empire of hobgoblins. These hobgoblins are known to be great civilization builders, and though they are aggressive and warlike, they also have merchants and mercenaries who travel far and wide to trade with and sell their services to other cultures of the known world. Few southern hobgoblins ever make it as far north as the Nentir Vale, but they certainly visit Grimsburg on occasion, and it is said that a large company of hobgoblin mercenaries helped defend the vale from orcs during the Bloodspear war. Most hobgoblins worship Tiamat.

Warforged: Are extremely rare in the north, and their existence is unknown to folk of the vale. Warforged were originally created by the humans of Bhael Turath for use in the defense of their nation. These living constructs were put to great use in the wars against the dragonborn empire of Arkhosia and they were destroyed by the thousands during the wars. After the fall of Bhael Turath knowledge of their creation was lost to the world. However, it is said that savage tribes of warforged still haunt the wilderness and ruined cities that was once Bhael Turath. Since the fall of Nerath there has been a renewed interest in things arcane, and mages in places such has Grimsburg have sent expeditions to Bhael Turath with the task of bringing back a warforged for study, in hopes that the secret of their creation can be unlocked.

Changelings: Most people have heard stories of this enigmatic race, but because of their ability to disguise themselves as members of other races, few folk have any idea as to how many of them exist in the world. They could be anywhere or anyone.

Martial Classes:
All martial classes are common throughout the north. Warlords and fighters usually wear chain or scale male. They often carry shields. Most fighters and warlords in the north use javelins or occasionally short bows for ranged weapons. Rangers, elves and occasionally shifters and eladrin are among the few folk who have mastered the longbow. Rogues usually use short swords or daggers, as rapiers do not exist in this world.

Magic and Arcane Classes:
Magic Items are highly prized in the north. They are rarely available to buy in rural areas, and must usually be discovered (send me your wishlists). Occasionally a magic item may be for sale in a place like Fallcrest, and certainly there are wizards and priests in places like Grimsburg who can create magic items and may have the odd one for sale.

Though the world is a magical place (about the same level of magic as a typical dnd world), spellcasters are fairly rare in the north, and sometimes looked on with fear and suspicion especially in rural areas. Magic is more common in urban areas and the far south. Many stories of powerful practitioners of magic come from the near mythical serpent kingdoms, and the Nubian sorcerer kings. During the rule of the empire of Nerath the practice of arcane magic was banned, for the clergy of Rao associated the arcane arts with the evil of the serpent kingdoms and believed that arcane energies corrupted the soul. Over the centuries much arcane learning was lost; thousands of tomes, spell books, scrolls and other implements of the art were all burned and destroyed. During this imperial magic prohibition many arcane casters were driven to the northern reaches of the empire where traditions of arcane magic had existed for centuries and where the clergy of Rao had the least sway over the populace. Grimsburg became a haven for magic users, and places like Fenmark in the east have boasted talented spellcaster since before the rise of Nerath. Since the fall of the empire the art has slowly gained wider acceptance, but practitioners of magic still tend to be distrusted by followers of Rao.

Wizards: Wizards are rare in the vale, but Grimsburg is a haven for them. During the magic prohibition practitioners of the art were driven to the edges of the empire, and many made there way north. Grimsburg thrived as a place where outcasts of the empire could find a home for themselves, and many of those outcasts were wizards. Few have much interest in venturing into the vale, but some come looking for rare ritual components, ruins to explore or an isolated place to conduct their research. Wizards are believed to be much more common in the nations to the south. Wizards in the north often pay tribute to Odin.

Warlocks: Similar to wizards, many can be found in Grimsburg. Warlocks were even more distrusted than wizards during the prohibition and many were burned at the stake, as they were condemned as being evil by the clergy of Rao. In the vale there is one warlock of legend- the Warlock of Wyvernspur mountain. This warlock is an enigmatic figure, and his name comes up late at night in the taverns of Fallcrest. He is believed to be a Star Pact warlock and over the years several would be apprentices have made their way from Fallcrest or Grimsburg to his lair. Few have ever been seen again.

Sorcerers: Like warlocks and wizards, sorcerers are rare in the vale, but can be found in Grimsburg. It is believed that the most powerful sorcerers in the world are the Nubian sorcerer kings, but the nature of their magic is more based on myth and legend than fact.

Bards: Prior to the rise of Nerath that north had a great tradition of music, song and story, and its bards were known as skalds. Since the fall of the empire this tradition has gradually been regaining popularity, and bards are generally welcomed in the vale and the taverns of Fallcrest. Bards in the north often pay tribute to Balder or Odin.

Swordmages: The swordmage tradition is an ancient one. It is still practiced among the eladrin, but rarely seen elsewhere, and the eladrin keep the secrets of this tradition close. It was once practiced among the humans of Bhael Turath, and the dragonborn of Arkhosia. Both races are said to still have secret monasteries where they will teach suitable members of their races this skill. There are also rumors that the hobgoblins of the south have knowledge of this art and have trained some of their warriors in it.

Artificers: Artificers are rare in the vale and the world in general. Dwarves and gnomes are the most common practitioners of this arcane art, and they don’t like to share their secrets. Certainly there are some artificers in Hammerfast, and a few in Grimsburg. It is said that the humans and tieflings of Bhael Turath had skilled artificers for they created the warforged race. However most of their learning in this art was lost long ago when that empire fell.

Religion and Divine Classes:

Religion: The region has a long polytheistic tradition. However, that tradition was stifled during the rule of the Empire of Nerath, a nation founded by escaped slaves from the Serpent Kingdoms. These former slaves were led to freedom by their great prophet Amra, and they were devout worshippers of the sun god Rao. During this imperial age, Rao’s priests banned the worship of all other gods. As the empire expanded and subjugated northern lands they converted many “savage” human tribes and clans to their faith. These people turned their backs on the spirits and their traditional gods- known as the Aesir. These however, were powerful and aggressive deities, and they did not like loosing their worshipers or seeing the Sun God gain such great power. Odur, the Aesir god of the sun, was particularly angry, and he and Rao did battle. Rao was the stronger of the two gods and defeated Odur. He absorbed the god’s power, and as punishment for daring to attack him Rao was said to have cast Odur down to earth in the form of a mortal. Still, Rao’s actions did nothing but further arouse the wrath of the Aesir. The Aesir still had many followers in the wilder parts of the north. Many were human, but many more were humanoids or giants. They descended upon the empire in all their fury, and after many years of warfare the power of the empire was shattered. In the years that have passed since the empire has fallen, many have returned to worship of the Aesir and Vanir. In the heart of the old empire the faith of Rao is still strong, and the sun god seeks to regain the power and worshippers he has lost. His priests still consider him the one true god and give no recognition to other gods.

The following are Gods that are commonly known of and worshipped in the north. Many other gods exist, but little is known of them in this part of the world:

Non Aesir Gods: The world is a place of many gods. The following are the non Aesir gods that might be venerated in Nerath.

Rao (Alignment: Good, Favored Weapon: mace, Portfolio: Sun, Creation, Summer, Healing, Domains: hope, life, sun, protection) Though Rao has lost much of his power since the fall of Nerath, he still has many followers and his priests seek to win back the followers they have lost by doing good and being kind and generous. Their clergy had become corrupt during the height of the empire, drunk on their own power and wealth. They have expunged as much of that corruption as possible from their church, though it still lingers in the former heart of the empire. The priests of the north generally have a reputation for being good, brave souls who fight against the dark forces that threaten civilization. However, some folk despise them because their faith is one of monotheism and does not allow its worshippers to acknowledge other gods. Despite the monotheistic nature of his religion, he has many saints that are said to be mortals that he elevated to divine status. It is considered acceptable for worshippers of Rao to pray to these saints and use them as intercessors between the mortal and spiritual world. Followers of Rao disapprove of arcane magic and are forbidden from practicing it. During the imperial age its practice was banned by the clergy. Priests of Rao generally wear robes of white, yellow and gold during ceremonies. They shave their heads and paint wear or paint a small gold circle on their foreheads that symbolizes the sun. When traveling they wear dark robes that won’t show the dirt of the road. Though they preach a doctrine of peace, they will fight against forces they believe to be evil. When they do so they will wear armor and usually fight with a bludgeoning weapon.

Saint Amra the prophet (Good) Exarch of Rao. Amra was once a mortal, and it is said that Amra freed those slaves who worshipped Rao from enslavement to the serpent lords and their evil gods. He was granted immortality and divine power by the sun god, and many pay homage to him as an intercessor between them and Rao, for he is thought of as Rao’s most favored servant. However, he is not a true god as of yet.

Bahamut (Alignment: Lawful Good, Favored Weapon: greatsword, Portfolio:, Domains: hope, justice, protection) Bahamut is usually only worshipped by dragonborn, though the dragonborn have inspired a the odd member of another race to pay homage to this ancient deity.

Corellon (Alignment: Good, Favored Weapon: long sword, Portfolio: spring, beauty, art, magic, fey, Domains: arcane, skill, wilderness) Corellon is the patron god of eladrin and fey. He is not often worshipped by men in the north, but he is revered by eladrin, elves and sometimes gnomes.

The Aesir: Is one of the ancient races gods worshipped in the north before the rise of Nerath. They are commonly worshipped among humans and dwarves and sometimes humanoids. Halflings and Elves often pay respects to Frey and Freya. The Aesir tend to be aggressive and warlike deities prone to violence.

Odin (Alignment: Good, Favored weapon: spear, Portfolio: knowledge, magic, creation, war, Domains: arcane, creation, knowledge, war) Odin is the leader of Aesir and a master of magic. It is said that he sometimes travels the world as an old wizard or sage. He is wise and does not anger easily, but when he does anger his wrath is greater than any of the other Aesir. He is the patron god of many wizards in the north.

Thor (Alignment: Unaligned, Favored Weapon: warhammer, Portfolio: Storms, thunder, war, Domains: storm, strength, war) Thor is one of Odin’s sun, and commonly worshipped by human and dwarven warriors of the north. He may be the most commonly prayed to god of all the Aesir, for the north is a violent place and many have need of his strength. He is the patron god of many fighters in north.

Heimdall (Alignment: Lawful Good, Favored Weapon: longsword, Portfolio: watchfulness, sight, hearing, vigilance, Domains: protection, strength, war) Heimdall is a guardian god. He defends the gates to Asgard, and he is always ready to warn of the gods of the coming of Ragnarok. He prayed to by all those asked to stand guard, and he one of the few Aesir gods who is commonly revered by paladins.

Tyr (Alignment: Unaligned, Favored Weapon: longsword, Portfolio: courage, trust, strategy, tactics, writing, Domains: justice, protection, knowledge) Tyr is a war god, but one who believes in sound tactics and cunning strategies over brute strength. He is also a god of courage, and he is prayed to by warriors throughout the north. He is the patron of warlords.

Balder (Alignment: Good, Favored Weapon: greatsword, Portfolio: beauty, music, poetry, rebirth, Domains: skill, love, creation) Balder is one of Odin’s sons. He is prayed to by artisans and performers, and is a patron of bards.

Loki (Alignment: Evil, Favored Weapon: dagger, Portfolio: mischief, trickery, Domains: trickery, torment) Loki is an evil trickster god, and his worship is forbidden in the north.

Njord: (Alignment: Unaligned, Favored Weapon: spear, Portfolio: commerce, sea, wind, Domains: sea, storm, luck) Is a sea god, but also a god of commerce and sea trade. Traders plying the rough waters of the North Sea pray to him for safe and prosperous journeys.

Frey: (Alignment: Good, Favored Weapon: Great sword, Portfolio: Agriculture, Fertility, Domains: life, freedom, love) Frey twin brother of Freya and son of Njord. Men often pray to Frey for sexual prowess before bedding a woman.

Freya: (Alignment: Good, Favored Weapon: long sword, Portfolio: Fertility, love, vanity, Domains: love, life, trickery) Freya is the twin sister of Frey and son of Njord. Though she is a goddess of love and fertility she is also known to have a streak of mischief in her. Most of her worshippers are female, and she is often prayed to during pregnancy and birth, as well as by new lovers.

Uller: (Alignment: Unaligned, Favored Weapon: long bow, Portfolio: archery, hunting, winter. Domains: Skill, Wilderness, Winter) Uller is the son of Thor and Sif. He is a master archer and huntsman, as well as a skilled warrior. He is the patron of hunter and rangers in the north.

Other Aesir Gods: Sif (daughter of Thor), Forsetti (God of Justice, son of Balder), Frigga (Wife of Odin, Fertility goddess), Hermod (son of Odin, messenger of the gods)

Clerics: Clerics are fairly common in the north. Traveling priests of Rao frequently wander the region in an attempt to revitalize faith in the sun god and recover lost shrines are relics. Priests dedicated to the Aesir and Vanir gods are the most prevalent in the vale, and most of these priests devout themselves to the entire pantheon instead of an individual god, but they usual have one god that they have a particularly special connection with. Races such as, humans, dwarves, and halfings usually pray to the Aesir gods, and races such as, eladrin, gnomes and elves more commonly worship the Vanir gods.

Avengers: During the days of the empire of Nerath there were many orders of Avengers in the service of the clergy of Rao. Many of those orders have vanished since the fall of the empire, and avengers are quite rare in the north. Few avengers serve the Aesir or Vanir.

Paladins: Most paladins are humans devoted to Rao or Dragonborn devoted to Bahamut. Few paladins exist in the service of the Aesir or Vanir gods, and paladins are quite rare in the north. During the days of Nerath there were many orders of paladins in the service of Rao.

Invokers: Invokers are rare in mysterious individuals with diverse origins. They are not common in the north or the known world. Yet virtually all the gods have at some point given certain chosen mortals small shards of their power, thus allowing them to become invokers. Some stories say that the great prophet Amra was imbued directly with Rao’s power and was an invoker of tremendous power. It is also said that when Nerath fell the angry Aesir gave many mortals small portions of their power to use against Nerath and the clergy of Rao.

Primal Classes:

Barbarians: Barbarians are common among the human and shifter clans of the Winterbole forest in the northern reaches of the vale. The goliath clans of the Dawnforge mountains also boast these elite warriors.

Druids: Druids are fairly rare in the vale. Some of the shifter tribes boast druids who have sought to further develop their natural shifting abilities, and there may be the odd druid among the other tribes of the region. Most druids venerate the spirits of the world and have little interest in the gods of the astral sea.

Shamans: Among the tribes of Winterbole and the Goliath clans, shamans are the primary religious leaders and act as the spiritual guides of these people. The elves of the Harken wood also have Shamans among them. Shamans derive their powers from the spirits, but many also have some knowledge of the gods and some also pay respects to the Vanir gods, as they are closely linked to nature.

Wardens: A few individuals in the vale are Wardens. Like the other primal classes, most are either Shifters or humans from the Winterbole forest, Goliaths from the Dawnforge mountains or elves from the Harken wood. They tend to share the religious beliefs of their tribe. Wardens have a greater to tendency to leave their tribes to wander the vale, for they bear the responsibility of defending nature itself, not just their tribe.

Weapons and Equipment:
After the fall of Nerath the dead empire descended into a dark age that it is arguably just starting to come out of. As a result, dwarves and eladrin forge the best weapons and armor in the north. Leather, Hide, Chain mail, and scale mail are the most common types of armor to be found. Shields are common, and are usually made from willow board. Most melee weapons in the phb can be found, though swords, axes, spears, maces and warhammers are the most common. The rapier has yet to be invented and is not available.

Ranged weapons are also more rare than usual. Elves and occasionally shifters, eladrin or half elves are the only races commonly known to use longbows and actually trained in their use. Dwarves use crossbows regularly, but the humans of the region tend to only be trained to use javelins and/or shortbows.

Gold, Silver and Copper coins minted during the empire of Nerath are the prime currency in the vale. These coins are easily recognized by the sunburst stamp on one side and a image of a saint on the back. The gold piece has the image of Amra the prophet. All coins are said to have been blessed by a priest of Rao when they were minted, and clerics of Rao have been known to use a gold coin as a holy symbol in an emergency. The dwarves of Hammerfast mint their own silver coins, and these are also common in the vale. Dwarven silvers are easily recognized because they are square in shape and have hole punched through the middle. Dwarven merchants string a leather cord through their coins to and tie them around their waists. Occasionally coins from ancient Arkhosia or Bhael Turath can be found, but these are rare. In the days before the empire it is said that the Skanzi jarls of old would wear silver armbands and cut off chunks of silver to give to their followers for their services. This tradition never fully vanished from the north, and it has seen a resurgence in the years since the empire’s fall.

Prior to the rise of Nerath, the skanzi people of the vale spoke their own tongue, which was a dialect of the giant tongue mixed with a little bit of dwarven. During the days of the empire, the Nerathni people and in particular the clergy of Rao forced them to learn the Nerathni language (a dialect of common). These days the Nerathni tongue is more commonly spoken, but many folk, particularly those of Skanzi stalk, still speak their traditional language, which is essentially giant.

Brief Timeline (Nerathi Calendar):

0 C.E – Amra leads his followers to freedom across the Sea of Scales into the remains of Arkhosia and thus beginning the rise of humans in the region and the founding of what will be known as the Empire of Nerath.

620 C.E.- Nerath is at the height of its power, and sages believe that this is the year that Roa defeated the Aesir sun god Odur and stripped him of his divine power. The Aesir began their war against Rao and his clergy.

621-682 C.E.- These years were years of a war known as the War of Retribution, and it was during this war that the Aesir sent waves of enemies against the empire, until finally it was a shadow of its former self. Priests of the Aesir claim that around this time Odin declared an end to the war of retribution against Rao.

668 C.E.- This is the year of the event known in the Nentir Vale as the Bloodspear war. It was a year when a great horde of orcs led by the Bloodspear tribe descended into the vale to plunder and pillage. In truth, this was probably just one of the many ongoing wars that made up the War of Retribution, but the people in the vale don’t tend to look at it this way, for they don’t wish to think their own gods might have sent the horde against them. In any event this war shattered the empire’s hold over the vale, and resulted in the people of the vale returning to more traditional ways that existed before they were part of the empire.

693- present - The end of the War of Retribution marked the beginning of the years of Chaos as inhabitants of the once great empire strive to survive in a much more hostile and dangerous world.

720 C.E.- The present year.


First Post
This is Bella's second journal, which nicely summarizes the details of our second game session.


The hunt goes frustratingly slow and is mostly hindered by my companion’s altruism. Flagg is now four days ahead of us and is traveling on foot. I found this strange until I tried to procure some horses to cut his lead; there were none that anyone would sell.

Flagg is making his way northwest and we followed his trail to Winterhaven, he’s been gathering people for some kind of exhibition. Personally I would have preferred keeping after our quarry, however the people of Winterhaven were in dire need of assistance. Orc tribes were gathering to overrun their town. My “friends” decided to stay, and as I cannot continue the hunt alone my decision was made for me.

Seeing as we were going to waste the day here I could not be idle. The local blacksmith welcomed me into his shop and did not seem the least bit surprised that a woman knew her way around a forge. It was refreshing. My other contribution was no less rewarding. I had some of the men dig a large pit outside the main gate, and I directed them in how to disguise it. We may never know, but it may have been this simple trap that saved the day in the end.

As we busily prepared for the night, great cheers went up in the afternoon as re-enforcements arrived in the form of Ragnar Thorgallson and six of his skanzi warriors. On our way here we had a brief stop over at a barbarian homestead watched over by a man named Ragnar. Derren had a pleasant surprise in seeing that the short sword that Ragnar carried bore his family crest. Although I only had a brief glimpses of it (the boy covets it more than he does his sister) and it seems to be good work. The chief of the barbarians told us that he had won it as a prize in a drinking contest between him and the hero Sigard Ironballs. Darren, the young noble challenged Ragnar for the sword. The chief did not seem eager to let it go, but could not deny the boy a chance for a piece of his heritage. In truth I feel that the fact that the man felt more comfortable with the axe he had nearby than the sword at his side that made his decision. As the young noble was already drunk (the boy cannot handle his drink) they decided to arm wrestle for it. It was a fierce competition, and although in the beginning I thought Derren would surely lose, he came through and slammed the surprised chief’s hand upon the table. With that the boy had not only won the sword but also the respect of these barbarians. So when Winterhaven sent out a call for aid, these warriors came swiftly. What they lacked in finesse and tactics they made up for in prowess and strength. There was much excited talk in seeing the Androsax boy and although he is young, it was clear that the noble blood in his veins had a kind of intoxicating effect on them, where the man led, they would follow.

As night descended it became clear how foolhardy this venture was. I quietly cursed my soft hearted companions for ever getting me into this mess as I watched hundreds of orcs surround the walls. With the disappearance of the last ray of the sun they made a mad rush to the walls, and I was able to kill many. Most of the defenders lacked my skill with a bow or did not even possess such weapons, so it was my responsibility to ensure that they could not set off the trap by the front gate pre-maturely.

The plan worked beautifully. The orcs eventually charged up the road carrying a large ram and under a crude shelter of shields to protect them from our arrows. We harassed them with several shots making them run recklessly forward and straight into the covered pit. They became a tangled mess at the front gates. With only a few exceptions the threat had been neutralized from the outside.

Our group made good work of keeping the orcs from cresting the walls. I have heard many men speak afterwards of how Bjorn and Derren grasped one of the ladders the orcs were using and pulled it away from them, taking a single soldier up. After Bjorn let go of the ladder to fight the orc Derren (perhaps making a clumsy fall look like a daring maneuver) fell backwards and tumbled to the ground gaining his footing and quickly dispatching the dumbfounded enemy.

Unfortunately the rest of our troops were not as resourceful. Several enemy warriors were able to enter the fort and all of them had only one goal in mind; open the gate and allow the mass outside to rush in like a tide of death. My position compromised, and seeing the enemy closing in on me I leapt down from the wall and quickly wrapped my injured body in a cloak of shadow. From the darkness I brought death to any who merely thought they could open the gate.

And finally it was over.

From what we’ve been told the orcs have decided that Winterhaven is too much trouble for them and have moved on. I am hopeful that we will be moving on as well before the trail grows too cold to follow.

Lady Nightshade


First Post
Darren Androsax's (the fighter) second journal (regarding game session #2)

Dear Corvin,

I have made such progress, brother – you would be so proud! I am writing from a smaller town in the vale – a scrub of spring weed surrounded by marauding orc bands. But before I tell you about our heroism and adventure – let me describe two deeply intriguing family connexions.

I may have mentioned the religious scrolls we found in the orc-infested abandoned monastery. They had woodcuts by the artist Albrecht Dix – one of them depicting a man in a tabard of Rao, sword in hand and battling ogres. None other than a Saint Aurielus Androsax! Could this be our great, great grandfather? I knew that our family took on the Nerathi faith after the war – but I had no idea how deep our reverence for the sun god truly ran.

A second connexion I am much less conflicted about. We made our way northwest in pursuit of the devil-tainted Flagg, whose feats of strength and savagery grow worse with each tale we hear. On our journey we met a local lord named Ragnar. He had a short-sword at his belt bearing our family crest – the man, full seven feet of Skanzi warrior, had won it in a drinking contest from a local explorer and hero named Sigurd Ironballs – said to hold up in Hammerfast when he isn’t exploring ruins in the vale. With a little of the Androsax courage (three pints of it, by then) I challenged him to a competition for the sword, and he agreed. We locked arms, and I would have lost but for some ill that spread across the lord’s face– but my determination to live up to our great ancestors prevailed – and now the sword is mine! I mean ours!

While pursuing Flagg, we came across frightened refugees, a battle field of Orc corpses (from the Bleeding Skulls tribe, I suspect) and some farmsteads under attack. We fought the flea-bitten savages and were victorious yet again- but were too late to save some stubborn stay-behinds and the Rao priest and templar sent to protect them. Have you heard of the Sun Templars? A southern order of Rao, its men wielding curved, jewelled swords and great, piercing devotion.

Corvin, do you even wonder if the Androsaxes were meant to be followers of Rao? I wonder sometimes if the light of the sun is calling to me. Of course, Bjorn and Torfinn are living proof that the old gods are worth following. But no matter, we gained access to the village of Winterhaven and helped prepare it for an even greater orc onslaught. At each turn, I made sure Deryl was utterly safe before engaging with our foes. Our little sister was well-behaved as always, and I think our companions are becoming rather protective of her. Bella had taken her for an afternoon to the local forge, and even Torfinn, who I realize now is above worldly desires, seems to tolerate her hanging company and sighing admirations.

In the night, the orcs came fierce and from many directions – but we fought them back like Trimenous at the Three Gates during the first tide of the Bloodspear War. I think Bella felled three score of them before they even reached the gate. If that woman pursued seduction the way she pursues killing, no men would be left standing in all the Northlands. Bjorn and I hoisted a ladder full of the grey brutes, and Deryl managed to assist Torfinn as he blasted them with arcs channelled from the thunder god himself. It was glorious. The dawn broke through the horde and I understood something of our legacy. I was made for this. Though it hurt us greatly to leave Grimsburg, and you in the smoking aftermath ... I did not regret it this day. This day we did good, by laying evil unto the orcish infidel.

Your brother Derren


First Post
The game session #2 journal of Bjorn Thorskirk (cleric of Thor)

Returning from the vale victorious was very gratifying. Our efforts were rewarded both monetarily and with the offer of a celebratory feast, as well as an invitation to escort the good dwarves home to Hammerfast. Alas our hunt for Flagg takes precedent. I could see the delay had upset Bella as it was. Using Bran's local knowledge and tracking ability, we proceeded to pick up Flagg's already cold trail. Fortunately, the spring waters limited the crossing points of the Nentir river, and we soon found where he had stolen a small boat to cross. It was likely good we had Bran along, as the locals would probably not been as forthcoming with information about our quarry.

We crossed over and picked up the most likely trail. We continued on, following the trade road northwest until it looked like night was soon to fall, and with the increased orc activity, it was deemed best to seek shelter for the night at the steading of a local war chief named Ragnar. This was fortuitous indeed, for there we learned that Flagg had indeed come this way and that he was no longer alone, as he had taken five of Ragnar’s men with him after besting Ragnar in a wrestling match.

While feasting in Ragnar's hall, Derren noticed a short sword that Ragnar had bearing the Androsax crest, and he prevailed upon Ragnar to wager it in an arm wrestling contest. The contest was very entertaining for the combatants were so closely matched. I am sure Bella's attempt at distraction did not harm the outcome and was enjoyed by many as well. It is good to see her using her “talents” to good effect; there is hope for her yet.

The following morning we set out, again Bella attempted, to no avail, to convince Ragnar to sell some horses in order to speed up out pursuit of Flagg, who we learned was proceeding on foot.

We continued to follow the road to Winterhaven. As we approached the settlement we came across an outlying farm where an obvious orc attack was occuring. We moved into combat, Deryl taking shelter on the other side of a small stream. Bella and Bran made good use of their bows while Darren myself and Torfinn moved into melee combat. The battle was intense and the enemy many but we eventually prevailed. Unfortunately, we were too late to save those the orcs had taken earlier. Among the dead we found a priest and templar of Rao; their courage could not be denied in coming to the aid of these farm folk, though I question their wisdom in coming so under manned- no doubt a result of their oer'weaning pride. Torfinn and I did take their armour as the just spoils of combat. May the chain better serve us than its former owners. Derren took a cloak that, once the embroidery is picked out, should be very servicable. After the conflict, we proceeded into Winterhaven to the cheers of those on the walls who witnessed the combat.

Upon entering Winterhaven, we learned that there was a large band of orcs in the area, and that the village was preparing for an attack any day now. Bella wanted to press on in pursuit of Flagg, who we learned had been in town and recruited a few more for his band. I felt we had to aid these villagers in holding off the orc menace, and only part of this was altruistic. We need bases to work from in the north, and as the followers of Rao had proven in their deaths- to go without proper preparation is fatal. In holding the village we would gain support and thin the numbers of potential opponents at the same time. If the number of orcs in the area was as large as the Village leaders believed, we would not get far in our pursuit of Flagg at the moment. I am sure we will make up the time.

The party, after resting, proceeded to help with the preparations for the coming battle. Bella helped both in the forge and planning a pit trap at the gates, again proving her worth. We also set stakes to make the approaches more difficult, and I went among the people bolstering sprits and letting them know they were not alone. Morale was also greatly improved with the arrival of Ragnar and some of his hearty band of warriors.

As the sun began to set, we heard the approach of the orc war band and knew that our fates may soon be decided. The battle was soon joined, and I quickly expended my supply of javelins and had little to do until the walls were gained. Bella's little surprise worked very well, allowing the orcs to make it to the gate only to be slaughtered while giving them little opportunity to bring their battering ram to bear. This more than any one thing may have saved the night.

Several orcs managed to make the walls and enter the village, but these were killed, though there will also be several new faces in the halls of Valhalla- warriors who fought valiantly but fell. Bran was also nearly carried away by the valkaries, but we were able to get to him in time. I feel his skills will still be needed. It has been a hard night and rest is needed, may the gods guide us until I next have opportunity to put quill to parchment.

In service to Thor,

Bjorn Thorskirk

Voidrunner's Codex

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