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Place: The Realm of Stagnetia

This realm, part of an alternate version of Oerth, was once a thriving place, consisting of eight kingdoms, each devoted to a different ideal. It is alive with natural (and often supernatural) beauty, and the six kingdoms live relatively close to each other. It was a paradise of science, religion, the arts, and highly advanced agricultural techniques, and each kingdom had an average strength army.

After 1532 years, it was destroyed in a catastrophe known as the Great Cataclysm, after an abomination known only as Zophar rose to power, destroyed the bodies and souls of all its inhabitants, and led his followers to crush the kingdoms. It is now nothing more than a wasteland, glowing with negative energy and haunted by devils and lawful evil undead of every kind. Six heroes tried to stand against the abomination, and they almost succeeded, but he was too much for them, crushing their bodies, corrupting their souls, and ruining the last hope of the realm.

Realm Rank Breakdown (Before the Great Cataclysm):

L16- 1
L15- 1
L14- 1
L13- 2
L12- 5
L11- 10
L10- 200
L9- 250
L8- 500
L7- 4000
L6- 10000
L5- 15000
L4- 20000
L3- 50000
L2- 100000
L1- 250000
Civilian- 500000

Profile: Sherbet

Metahuman Population : 150000

Metahuman Population Breakdown:

60% humans
20% elves
20% half-elves

Cultural alignment:

90% Chaotic Good
5% Neutral Good
4% Chaotic Neutral
1% Other

Dominant classes- Sorcerers, bards, rangers, rogues, clerics, druids

Key locations:

The Bardic Hall- The prime training college for bards and more mundane musicians

The Artists Circle- An art college, museum, and conservatory

The Temple of Taras- On the outskirts, this is the primary religious organization in Sherbet. At this time, their Superior is also king over the area, but true to the nature of the town he is only a figurehead, ruling lightly. Most people stay true to the town because they want to, not because they feel compelled by authority.

It also is home to several emotis, an extraplanar positive-energy creature with the traits of chaos and good.

The Ludus- A competition hall for gladiatorial competitions, sports, games of chance and tests of skill. It consists of a compartment for sporting events, a gambling hall, a gladiatorial/training hall for archers and other warriors.

Sherbet has 50 residential areas that resemble sub-communities. Each one has a market, an inn, a stable, a watchtower, and some major industrial component. All of their key locations, with the exception of the Temple, are in the center, to be equally accessible to all.

Sherbet is also known for its trade in furnishings, sculptures, sweet foods, flour, wooden and metal objects, art tools, instruments, and trinkets.


The goddess of travel, creation, adventure, chance, beauty and the arts.

Divine Rank: 20
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Divine Profile: Travel, Numbers, Charm, Art, Chaos, Good, Luck, Creation

Salient Divine Abilities:

Divine Bard, Alter Form, Alter Size, Avatar, Call Creature (Emoti), Craft Artifact, Craft Object, Create Greater Object, Divine Bard ,Divine Blessing (Charisma), Divine Creation, Divine Inspiration, Instant Move, Irresistible Performance, Master Crafter, Power of Luck, Shift Form, Speak With Creatures, Divine Dodge, Divine Celerity

Abilities: Str30/Dex40/Con25/Int35/Wis35/Cha50

Class: Bard 50

Primary artifact: The Longsword of Taras


Longsword of Taras: 2d6+7/19-20/x2+!, +5 to hit. It is counted as Anarchic, Holy and Vorpal.
Deathblow : As a full-round action, one may use only one single attack. The attack is at base attack bonus 0 and it uses the grapple check of the target rather than its AC to check against it+ (other attack roll bonuses apply). However, if it does hit, it automatically crits out (no confirmation roll is needed). A loud grinding noise can be heard from 100ft away during the whole round. Both hands must be on the sword before this ability can be used.

-Deathblow- can only be used by a chaotic good wielder of the sword.

-Deathblow- can be used on objects. In the case of objects, the DC is fixed as 20 + the hardness of the object, and a success means that a critical hit is scored, even despite the immunities to such hits that objects normally have.

Creatures that are immune to critical hits can't be affected by -deathblow-.

-Deathblow- can be used once per character level per day, and on a natural 1 on the attack roll, the wielder of the weapon can't use -Deathblow- again for the next hour.

The Hunter : This extra ability, granted as a result of the planar anomaly, allows the wielder to unleash a hidden fury. He is considered to be in a -rage- (as per the barbarian's ability). He is also -hasted- and gets +4 to Dex. However, he does not take the -2 penalty to AC as a result of the -rage-. He cannot use any non-combat feats or non-combat special abilities during -The Hunter-, but he gains +4 to all combat-related ones. Only CG wielders may invoke this. The ability can be done once per day for every three levels and lasts three minutes each time.

The Longsword can only be fully wielded by a CG character. Other alignments can use it, but with penalties:

For a NG character, the sword merely functions as a +2 holy vorpal longsword.

For a CN character, the sword merely functions as a +2 anarchic longsword, and its wielder retains -The Hunter-.

For a pure neutral character, the sword merely functions as a +2 longsword.

For a lawful or evil character, the sword merely functions as a +2 longsword, and it bestows one negative level to him for each alignment quality, as long as he holds the sword. These negative levels go away 12 hours after he drops it.

If the character is lawful evil, the sword attempts a -deathblow- on him, using his Will save rather than his Armor Class to check against the attack roll, the moment he picks it up. If that character survives the -deathblow- attempt, he retains the sword, but it functions merely as a +2 longsword and bestows two negative levels to him as long as he wields it. Every time he rolls a natural 1 when he attacks with the sword, it attempts a -deathblow- on him instead of merely missing. This effect uses the Will save of the wielder instead of his Armor Class to check against it*.

+- This is because the -deathblow- is being brought up to a fixed location on the target. It's not a matter of dodging or deflecting the attack, but bracing oneself against it and pushing the sword away as it is being forced upon the target's neck or otherwise vulnerable area.

*- This is because it's not a matter of the sword striking as it normally would. It's a matter of the unfortunate wielder bringing himself to pull the sword away from his own neck.


I will post the other seven kingdoms later.
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Frukathka said:
Is there any more info forthcoming?

It's been a while since I could even further Stagnetia, but I will try to get the others done by Saturday.

Profile: Lonned Algej (The Kingdom on the Mountain, pronounced Lon-NED Al-GEY)


Metahuman Population : 150000

Metahuman Population Breakdown:

40% humans
20% elves
30% half-elves
10% dwarves

Cultural alignment:

60% Lawful Neutral
25% Neutral
12% Lawful Good
3% Other

Dominant classes: ranger, tactician, wizard, cleric, fighter, monk

Queen: Karina Palamedes

Primary Figure: Abra Palamedes, tactician L12

Key locations:

The Arrowmage Guild- The headquarters of the Arrowmages of Lonned Algej, a cabal of bow-trained rangers, tacticians, and crossbow-trained wizards who serve as an army, a royal guard, and a kind of SWAT, when necessary. They are led by Princess Abra Palamedes. Other soldiers are trained in the castls.

The StoryCircle- A writers' guild, for both fictional and non-fictional writing

The Court of Thousands- A large courtroom, and essentially the Supreme Court for all of Stagnetia.

The Great Stockade- The prison where people who break the code of Lonned Algej go. The most heinous criminals are exiled.

The Hall of Reason- A public building and theatre for philosophical discussion, debate, and political action.

The Grand College- A primary institute of higher learning, teaching all manner of subjects.

Lonned Algej has an outer ring of government buildings, surrounding commercial and recreational areas, with residential areas at the centre. The Arrowmage Guild keep a watchful eye over the city, swift to punish criminals and protect the city. On occasion, arrowmages scout other lands in order to train willing people, survey an area, aid those who are in need, or even pursue high-profile criminals when others have failed. The 30 watchtowers at the outer ring of Algej are filled by two Arrowmage Guild members each, on rotating shifts.

At age 18, service in either the guild or the army is mandatory for at least one year. If a conscript is not of magical persuasion, they are put in the general army.

The commercial area has a market, an inn, a stable, and some major industrial component.

Algej is also known for its trade in metal and stonework, magical tools, ranged weapons of all kinds, paper, all manner of meat, and all manner of grain foods. In addition, many mercenaries and scholars in all specialties leave the kingdom to benefit the others with their combative and intellectual capability, respectively.

Deity: Generally atheist, but some followers of Revan and even Xardion live here.

Primary artifact: The Helm of Reason

AC +2 to head attacks, Int +4, Wis +2, Cha +2, +10 to Will saves, +5 to Int, Wis and Cha based checks.

Strongly axiomatic.

Chaotic creatures gain 1 negative level as long as they wear it (curable only by removal), and suffer 1d4 permanent Int and Wis drain per full day of wearing it. Once either attribute hits 0, they are permanently unconscious, appearing lifeless to most people (a Heal check at DC 30 allows one to distinguish them from dead people), and they can only be restored by a wish, followed by a greater restoration spell. They have no memory of ever having donned the helm afterwards.

Those who are neutral with respect to law and chaos only get the AC and attribute bonuses.

Ability: The Commander- For a number of rounds equal to the wearer's Charisma (should I make this Intelligence, in keeping with the dominant classes of Algej?) per day, that wearer may issue a greater command to people in a 50 ft radius.

Other abilities: Geas/quest 1/day, mark of justice 3/day, command and zone of truth at will.

This ability activates and deactivates as a free action.

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First Post
TheCrazyMuffinMan said:
I failed to finish the lot, but I will get them done as soon as I can.

Epic is better than E-Quick, friend. This looks to be the stuff Legends have wet-dreams about.

You're going in the right direction, bro.

:D :D :D !

Thanks, Nero! I am truly happy to hear this!

Spoiler: Phonix, the Orcish Stronghold
Metahuman Population : 200000

Metahuman Population Breakdown:

40% orcs
30% humans
20% half-orcs
5% dwarves
5% other

Cultural alignment:

35% Neutral Good
25% Neutral
15% Lawful Good
15% Chaotic Good
8% Neutral Evil
2% Other

Dominant classes: barbarian, fighter, rogue, wizard

King: Lord Garruk (crowned after the former king, Darcy, was assassinated during the Schism that temporarily separated North from South.)

Primary Figures:

General Falchion, Fighter L6
General Ruuk, Fighter L10
Archbishop Harold, Cleric L8

Key locations:

The Hospice- Home to some of the best mundane healers in the land. Clerics are also among them

Phonix Flamma- The ancient castle of Phonix, its stronghold and the landmark that separates the North from the South

The Great Square- The commercial area of Phonix, home to many inns, breweries and merchants. It is at its most lively during the summer.

The Northern Hall- The quarters for the northern guards of Phonix.

The Southern Hall- The quarters for the southern guards of Phonix.

The School of Medicine- Where healers and clerics in training learn the healing arts.

The School of Masonry- Where the sciences of architecture and stonecraft are learned .

Residential, commercial and industrial areas are clearly distinguished in the architecture of Phonix.

At age 18, service in either the guild or the army is mandatory for at least two years. Clerics and other healers are put in as combat medics when their time comes.

Phonix is also known for its trade in metal, wood, stone, healer's tools, nearly every kind of meat and vegetable, and all manner of grain foods. Phonix has some of the most fertile farming and gardening soil in the Continent, second only to Dramavia.

In addition, many healers leave the kingdom to benefit the others with their capabilities, respectively.

Deity: Taras, Revan (although neither god is -officially- recognized, both have many worshippers in the area of Phonix. The clerical population do well in serving the religious in Phonix, even though church and state are separate in that kingdom)

Primary artifact: The Eye of the Heart

Wis +4, +5 to Will saves, allows one to detect the thoughts and motives of a living creature at will. Unwilling creatures get a Will save at DC 20 to negate the effect of the Eye.

Spell-like abilities:

At will: Deathwatch (not evil when used by this), Status, Detect Thoughts
4/day: Libra, Detect Alignment
1/day: Greater Libra, True Seeing
1/week: Discern Location

Strongly holy.

Evil creatures gain 1 negative level as long as they wear it (curable only by removal), and they immediately see themselves for the evil and horror they are. As a result of this frightening revelation, they must make a Will save (DC 20), or go permanently insane and suicidal (curable by a Wish or Miracle only, before he actually does the deed). Even if they make the save, they suffer a -4 penalty to both Wisdom and Charisma as long as they wear it.

Those who are neutral with respect to good and evil only get the attribute bonuses and the At Will spell-like abilities.

Ability: The Watcher- A number of times equal to the wearer's Wisdom bonus per day, that wearer may subvert any illusion spell or abjuration spell that inhibits a divination spell (ending it instantly), or add +20 to the Save DC of any divination spell the wearer uses.

This ability activates and deactivates as a free action.

EVENT: The Schism

The Schism started when General Ruuk betrayed the King of Phonix, assassinating him and taking over castle Phonix Flamma. He left his right-hand man, Bishop Harrold, to hold it fast by reanimating the fallen bodies of its former guardians as undead. Ruuk and his men moved to the north of Phonix and claimed it by force, leading to a civil war between the North and the South of the kingdom.

The war lasted five years before an adventuring party from Sherbet drafted into the Southern army, and successfully cleansed the castle of of both Ruuk's forces and Harrold's undead. The North surrendered unconditionally when a couple of rogues from the south infiltrated the Northern Hall, successfully assassinated General Ruuk in his sleep, and aided in slaying the red dragon the North sent as its last attack.[/sblock]
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