Planescape recruitment: Anyone looking to stop Tenebrous being reborn?


Edit: it seems as though all 6 places are filled, though thanks for showing interest and post a message on this thread if youre still interested in a planescape adventure, ill see if a i have enough time to do something else (planes know, i have enough modules i want to run!)

I'm hoping to begin a PbP adventure (hopefully campaign)
I'm panning to start at level 5 (actually level 4, but i've put the starting level up by one to take into account EL 1 races... which i hope you'll all use!). any resources are welcome, though just let me know the sources first so i can check them out.

I'm looking for a good mix of roleplaying and encounters (not all combat - but there will be combats, especially as the adventure progresses). though for the most part it should be free-fowing RP and skill rolls (where/when needed).

Im planning on using the Defence Bonus rules from Unearthed Arcana so you cutters dont need to wear armour (to keep the feel of planescape) and for those who want to use armour, ill use the Armour as DR from the same book. No house rules other than that.

I'd rather not say too much about the premise, though the title should say it all. The adventure should happen after the faction war, roughly the present. Orcus has returned to power and the factios (officially) have let the Cage. clueless PCs are welcome, though I would prefer planar bloods, preferably from the Cage itself

All classes and races are welcome, though please try to stick to those presented in the Planewalker and Planar handbook races (and PH, of course). As far as alignment goes, a mercenary-attitude will work best with. but any alignment type is welcome, if only to provice good RP opportunities!

I hope some people show interest in this. three players are the minimum im looking for.
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First Post
Sounds interesting. :)

I don't have any Planescape books, so my knowledge about PS is limited (know a bit about factions and Sigil and so on, still).

Given that, a character, that is a bit more clueless about the whole thing would work well, I suppose.

How about a Draconic Human Fighter/Sorcerer (Draconic Creature is from Draconomicon) that has come to Sigil only recently?

BTW, you might want to give some details about... ability generation (PB value (i.e. 32 for slightly above average) or anything else) and hit point generation (fixed to ½HD+1 is pretty common).


Deuce Traveler

I have several possible characters, depending on what kind of character is needed:

A pseudo-dragon mage... might not be acceptable, but already wrote up
A lizardfolk cleric with a greatclub, also already wrote up
A human barbarian, ready to go
A mephling mage/sorcerer... not made
Or I can make a Shadowswyft rogue... not made


Deuce Traveler said:
I have several possible characters, depending on what kind of character is needed:

mmm... the pseudo-dragon is a bit out there (what EL would it be?) i was hoping on having everyone around ECL 5 (4 - 6).
the mephling and the shadowswyft especially, i both like. I really like shadowswyfts, though i must say i do prefer genasi (or pure mephits) to mephlings, though it would be up to you!

out of curiousity what would the shadowsyfts name be? you know how strange their naming conventions can be :)


Thanee said:
Sounds interesting. :)

thanks :)

well a clueless is an acceptable choice, though primers would tend to be standard PH races, though i do like the draconic template. sure no roblems there.

since dice-roling is an issue, i'm going to go for a 32 points buy, and that HP suggestion seems good to me: 1/2 hd+1. standard wealth, though no items should be more expensive than half your starting wealth (depending on level - 5th, so starting wealth 9,000 gp so no items over 4,500 gp).


First Post
Nalfeshnee said:
well a clueless is an acceptable choice, though primers would tend to be standard PH races, ...

It's still a human, even though certainly not entirely standard. ;)

...though i do like the draconic template. sure no roblems there.

Cool. It does fit very well for a fighter/sorcerer, both flavor-wise and mechanically. :)

since dice-roling is an issue, i'm going to go for a 32 points buy, and that HP suggestion seems good to me: 1/2 hd+1. standard wealth, though no items should be more expensive than half your starting wealth (depending on level - 5th, so starting wealth 9,000 gp so no items over 4,500 gp).

Sounds good. Will you figure wealth by ECL (with LA) or by CL (without LA)?


Deuce Traveler

Nalfeshnee said:
mmm... the pseudo-dragon is a bit out there (what EL would it be?) i was hoping on having everyone around ECL 5 (4 - 6).
the mephling and the shadowswyft especially, i both like. I really like shadowswyfts, though i must say i do prefer genasi (or pure mephits) to mephlings, though it would be up to you!

out of curiousity what would the shadowsyfts name be? you know how strange their naming conventions can be :)

I think the EL for the pseudo-dragon is 3, which would be a problem. He'd be a neat character, but low-level caster at first.

Since you like the shadowshyft, we could concentrate on a rogue. How about Noch, with a /oh/ and a /ch/ sound?


so a Shadowswyft rogue 4 then? the names usually have some form of gesture like pointing or something strange like that... though you could not use that if you want.

ability scores are 32 point buy and hp is 1/2+1 every level (+modifiers of course), as stated in mt last post

Deuce Traveler

Nalfeshnee said:
so a Shadowswyft rogue 4 then? the names usually have some form of gesture like pointing or something strange like that... though you could not use that if you want.

ability scores are 32 point buy and hp is 1/2+1 every level (+modifiers of course), as stated in mt last post

Noch is close to Spanish for 'night' (noche), and it will mean something similar to Noch. It's a common name among his relations, and he says it while slowly moving a hand over and then passed his eyes.
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Thanee said:
Sounds good. Will you figure wealth by ECL (with LA) or by CL (without LA)

EL +4 is harsh for the draconic creature so the least i can do is give you wealth by total ECL. though still, 1 hd at level 5 is nasty... make it EL 3 so you'd at least have 2 hd! so that's level 2 sor or wiz?
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