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Planescape: Tale of the Clueless ~OOC


Eva of Sirrion said:
I have a hankering to play a cleric or possibly a rogue. Now I personally know very little about PS, and my character will hail from the Dragonlance setting, about as ignorant of the planes as one can get! :lol:
Indeed! :lol:

There was a disparaging comment in one of the Planescape books on those who hailed from Ansalon being so clueless they think all planes outside their own are the Abyss.

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Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Mishakal, the goddess of healing and now the most prominent of good deities in the Dragonlance world now that Paladine has become mortal. Her domains are good, healing and protection.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Drota Stonebeater was a mother of six strapping orc warriors, and another five healthy orc wives. Wife of the chief hunter of the Stonecrusher orc tribe, Drota served her people well with her services as a midwife and protector of children. She taught her sons rudimentery healing to keep them alive during battle, and gave her daughters the knowledge of how to protect their own mates and children as well as they could.

She is a fairly simple woman, seemingly content with her role in the tribe; to ensure the next generation of orc warriors, and to heal the ones they have. However, her own outward complicity hides the necessary deviousness of her kind. Orc women are not allowed to use weapons, yet must protect their families, must always submit to their men, yet show no fear in the face of the hated elf warriors. Though outwardly compliant, Drota holds the wiles of all mothers, and is able to do far more than she presents.

Drota is a protector and healer, but she comes from a strong warrior tradition. She defers to men, but knows what to say to get what she must. Driven by necessity, this orc mother could rise from humble beginnings to be something far greater than fate ever imagined...

So yeah, that's how I see my orc cleric of Luthic. Probably with Family and Healing or Cavern and Family domains. She'd probably be a nice clueless berk, until she felt the need to discipline some misbehaving pit fiend...


Here's a prospective writeup for my character. I went a little nuts in typing up the background. Sorry if its too much to slog through. Here's a link to my Invisible castle stat rolls: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?a=show&id=559639

Edit: I've come up with two variant builds for the character, one is a dragonborn sorcerer and the other a dragonwrought warlock. For the warlock I incorporated the Variant Kobold Racial Traits from the Races of the Dragon web enhancement here: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a and also used the Draconic Rite of Passage from page 43 of RotD. I imagine the warlock class of not being the result of a fiendish ancestor but more likely the result of a celestial one.

Dragonwrought (radiant) kobold warlock 3
[sblock=Statistics]CG Small dragon (reptilian)
Init +2; Senses Spot +2, Listen 0
Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision
Languages Draconic, Common, Undercommon
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12;
hp 19 (3d6 HD) DR 1/cold iron
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3
Immune paralysis, sleep
Spd 30 ft.
Melee 2 claws +2 (1d3-1) and bite -3 (1d3-1)
Ranged eldritch blast +5 ranged touch (2d6)
Base Atk +2; Grp -3
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd)
At will–detect magic
1/day–mage armor
Invocations Entropic Warding, Spiderwalk
Abilities Str 9, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Chr 14
SQ Slight Build, Light Sensitivity
Feats Dragonwrought, Dragon Wings
Skills Concentration +8, Craft (alchemy) +6, Craft (trapmaking) +4, Hide +10, Jump +9, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Profession (miner) +2, Use magic device +8, Search +2, Spot +2
Treasure 2,600 gp
Experience 3,000
–––––––––––––––––––––––––[/sblock]Here's my sorcerer build; it utlizes the kobold dragonblood sorcerer racial substitution levels from RotD book:

Dragonborn (kobold) sorcerer 3[sblock=Statistics]LG Small dragon (reptilian)
Init +1; Senses Spot +8, Listen 0
Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision
Languages Draconic, Common, Undercommon
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11;
+2 dodge bonus against creatures of the dragon type
hp 16 (3d4 HD)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3
+2 to saves against fire effects
Immune frightful presence, paralysis, sleep
Spd 30 ft.
Base Atk +1; Grp -4
Special Actions breath weapon (30-ft. cone, 2d6 fire damage per spell slot level, DC 13+1 per spell slot level, Reflex save half)
Spells Known (CL 3rd)
1st (6/day)–3 known
0 (6/day)–detect magic, read magic, 5 known
Abilities Str 9, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Chr 16
Abilities Wings, gliding
Feats Draconic Breath (fire), Draconic Heritage (radiant), Dragonwrought (radiant)
Skills Concentration +8, Hide +5, Jump +9, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Spellcraft +10, Spot +8
Treasure 2,700 gp
Experience 3,000
–––––––––––––––––––––––––[/sblock]They show two different ways of creating the same type of character. I'm not sure which I like best though. Any opinions are welcome. Please let me know what you think.

[Sblock=Appearance]Being a dragonwrought, Rune blurs the line between kobolds and their larger dragon kin. The small winged wyrm is covered in a reflective hide of fine gleaming red-gold scales. Rune's eyes glow softly in darkness and his wedge shaped head sports a short golden horn jutting from the top of his snout. A pair of regal copper colored horns curve upward at the back of the dragonwrought's head and twin saw-toothed frills wind their way down his back to the tip of his barbed tail. Although his neck and tail are slightly longer and his limbs a tad shorter than a typical kobold's, Rune does lack a true dragon's long sinuous silhouette. Nevertheless Rune seems to rejoice in his draconic heritage, prefering to crouch and walk on all fours rather than standing upright like a kobold and forgoing the use of clothing altogether except for a few pieces of key equipment.

Height 2' 3" Weight 42 lbs Age 7 years[/Sblock][Sblock=Background]Even before it was hatched, Vertrix the kobold All Watcher of the Drachenfell, cleric of Kurtulmak and Speaker of the mighty Drachenflagrion knew that the strange speckled egg would be a problem. It was clearly a dragonwrought egg and the reason he'd been summoned to the hatchery. Usually a clear sign of Kurtulmak's blessing and the Tiamat's favor, the laying of a dragonwrought egg was a reason to celebrate. The female fosterers however were all huddled together near the door while Vertrix examined the egg; their demeanor spoke only of fear and uncertainty. There would be no celebrating today for the odd silvery spots covering the shell of the egg could only mean that the embryo it contained had a unholy metallic dragon's blood.

It was Vertrix's responsibility to determine if the egg was a curse upon the tribe or not. He would have to decide quickly for rumors were already spreading throughout the warrens. Soon panic would disrupt the order of the warrens. The venerable kobold turned the egg over delicately in his claws, watching the torch light glinting off the golden spots. Destroying it immediately would be the simplest course of action, but would it be the wisest? If it was a sign from his god wouldn't he be upset to have it destroyed? Perhaps it was some sort of test or even an odd blessing. Dragonwrought kobolds were usually the blessed paragons of a kobold tribe, serving as champions or even leaders of their kin. Did this egg hold such a being or if allowed to hatch and grow would it prove to baleful to his people? Perhaps it was meant to be a sacrificial offering meant for he to offer up to Kurtulmak as a show of fealty to their god and a reaffirmation of their rejection of the unholy metallics' nature.

But what of his master Drachenflagrion, the dragon king? How would he react to the news that such an egg had been laid? Would he care or simply wash his claws of the matter? Would he wish to keep the egg or perhaps sacrifice it himself? Would Vertrix arouse the great red's anger if he made the decision himself without consulting the king? This whole matter was fraught with peril. With resignation, the All Watcher wrapped up the egg in a swaddling cloth, stood and left the chamber. The king would have to be made aware, there was simply no other option.


Drachenflagrion, King of the Drachenfell, regarded the curious object from the side with a single slitted eye. "It was laid this morning?" asked the great beast. The prostrated old kobold could barely manage to respond, the might of the dragon chasing away any confidence he might of felt. "Y-yes your majesty." The red dragon turned his head to bring his snout closer to the egg. Opening his maw a few inches allowed the wyrm to flick his forked tongue across its surface, leaving a black smoking mark where it had made contact ever so briefly. "Hmmm... It stinks of a metallic's stench." Turning back to regard the softly whimpering kobold the dragon asked in a disinterested tone of voice "Have you thought of what to do with it?" "I-I-I threw the b-bones earlier and they sh-sh-showed that it would n-n-not be unfavorable to... destroy it." The dragon pondered Vertrix's response for a few long moments to further unsettle the tiny kobold. Dracheflagrion exhaled slowly, allowing the heat and stench of brimstone to wash across his servant, causing Vertrix to cough and quiver in ever growing fear. The red soon chose to relent before the little reptile in turn fainted or wet the floor of his audience chamber. "I am pleased that you have brought this to me. As you know, next year will be my one hundredth and first birthday. I think offering this thing's lifeblood to Tiamat would be a good way to mark the occasion; I hear gods like that sort of thing. Take it, hatch it and bring the creature back to me at that time, along with my yearly tribute. It should at least taste life before I kill it, so that it'll know what it's losing to me. That's my will. Begone." Vertrix reached out, clutched the egg and quickly began scuttling backward out of the chamber and away from his master.

The tiny unhatched dragon didn't understand the meaning of the words it heard inside its shell, but it headed the call to action nonetheless. Instinctively it tried to straighten its spine, causing the small stubby horns at the back of its head to scrape the interior of the shell. A few such motions caused a crack to mar the previously intact egg. Immediately fluid began to drain away. In reaction the little reptile inside the egg spasmed more avidly until its frilled head finally broke through. The tiny helpless creature opened its glowing eyes for the first time and looked around confusedly at the world beyond. All watcher Vertrix leaned forward to examine the shining red-gold wyrmling's head up close. The venerable elder kobold's voice was, by comparison, cold and severe and made the newly hatched creature flinch. "Welcome to the world Ugly. Enjoy it while you can."


The young dragonwrought kobold, Nurh, picked lightly at the raw meat on the ground before it. "What's the matter? Don't you like smoked gnome? There are plenty of kobolds who would be honored to be given such a meal." The All Watcher turned from the papers he was studying, an inventory of minted silver destined for the mighty Drachenflagrion's ever growing hoard, and looked at the small winged form chained to the foot of his worktable. As much as he disdained the creature, his lord and master had decreed that it should be kept alive until his birthday. Vertrix couldn't afford to let the accursed creature out of his sight for long until then, lest something unfortunate happen to it amidst the tribe.

The All Watcher turned back to his work. He made a few claw marks on a tally-stick tied at his belt and then riffled through the piles of parchment underneath. The elder pulled out a thoroughly detailed map of the Drachefell. He'd have to add the newly excavated mine tunnels to the map to have it ready to present to the king by next week. Concern caused his eyes to narrow and the light they shed to dim. The king wouldn't be pleased if the new tunnels weren't properly trapped by then; Voratrix had best head down there to review the trap-smiths' work himself. He turned to leave, only to see the red-gold dragonwrought silently standing at his side, carefully studying the map over his shoulder. The All Watcher wheeled about and snarled angrily at the bothersome wyrmling. Reining in his anger, Voratrix impatiently grabbed up his scrolls and papers and stormed out of the room. The kobold called simply "Nurh" settled back on the floor quietly. That same loving voice, his only real friend, came into his conscious mind as it often did: "Very good little one. Watch and learn. The righteous will have need of your knowledge soon."


Istvan kept watch down the narrow corridor as the lovely Elyas went about the task of healing Grunmore the dwarf. Kelsoe the halfling was busily prying his arrows out of the half-dozen kobold corpse littering the floor. That last rockslide had almost buried the dwarf, though it had hardly slowed him down. Still it was imprudent to let the dwarf silently accumulate bruises. Grunmore was so proud that he'd probably keel over and die long before he'd admit to even being injured. The party had come a long way through the underdark it its quest to find a back way into the dragon's lair. It seemed the reports they'd heard about the kobold tribe that served him was indeed accurate; the mountain was positively infested with them. Istvan nervously pulled a few rolled up balls of tree sap out of his component pouch to hold at the ready. The little buggers were organized though, he had to give them that. His greatest fear was that they'd missed some of the kobolds and that they'd run off to alert the dragon of their presence.

Istvan began: "We should move. It isn't safe here..." Kelsoe giggled. "You're right. I'm sure the next trapped cavern will be much safer." The sorcerer pointed to the bodies littering the ground. "These ones are better equipped than the one's we ambushed in the mines. Even the traps are more lethal up here. I think we've wandered into the heart of the kobold tribe's warrens." We should proceed carefully from here on in; we don't know how close we are to the dragon's lair." The halfling scout peered deeper down the darkened corridor. "Oh okay. I guess I'll start being careful then." Without another word Kelsoe head out. Grunmore gathered himself up, picked up his maul and waved the elven cleric off of him. "Enough. Like Istvan said, we should move." The dwarf pulled the visor of his helmet down over his face and set off after the halfling. The elven maid turned to regard Istvan. "Once more into the breach then?"


Istvan brought up the rear with Elyas as they followed slowly behind the halfling who was searching for traps when suddenly the maid called a halt. "There's... there's a passage here. Hidden amongst the stonework. Grunmore stopped in his tracks, wheeled about and clomped over to the pair. Lifting up his visor he peered at the wall and ran a gauntleted finger along the outline of the bricks. "I'll be damned. The elf's right!" Kelsoe suddenly appeared next to the trio. "Ooh. Maybe its the kobold's secret vault. Only one way to find out." The halfling pulled out his thin metal probes from his belt and went to work on the concealed door.

A few seconds later an audible click rang out. The dwarven warrior threw his shoulder up against it and slowly the wall opened to reveal a small but sumptuously appointed workroom beyond. He came back on guard as soon as he saw the small red-gold scaled dragon perched on the corner of a work-desk. He grunted an offensive dwarven word and hefted his maul into the air, ready to bring it down on the creature. Istvan stepped forward and quickly called a halt to the dwarven warrior. "Stop. It's unarmed!" The warrior paused with the maul over his head, uncertain that holding back his blow was wise. Elyas stepped next to Istvan and furrowed her brow while regarding the odd little winged reptile. "What... what is it?" Istvan looked at the little red-gold scaled creature intently. For its part, the little creature returned equally curious stare. "I'm not certain; it looks sort of like a metallic dragon wyrmling, though its anatomy is a little odd; it's neck, tail and wings are a bit short and its limbs rather long. It might be an rare sub-species, or maybe one of those strange hybrids."

Reaching out a hand tentatively towards the creature, Istvan decided to see if it understood draconic. "Wux ukris darastrix?" The little creature cocked its head to the side and regarded the sorcerer curiously before answering: "Axun. Wux ioth vur bensvelk?" Istvan stood surprised by the creature's question for a moment before nodding. "Axun." The creature happily began wagging its tail, for all the world appearing to the group like a excited puppy. "*Nurh* majak irthir ekess irthos ossaulur ekess malsvir charir darastrix ssissth *Drachenflagrion* okarthel. *Nurh* bejik ioth vur bensvelk." Istvan stood and shook his head in disbelief before laughing out loud. "He asked if we were righteous and then said that he's called 'Ugly' and that he's going to save us by giving us the knowledge to travel a secret way to reach the evil dragon king's lair." It was Grunmore and Elyas' turn to stand there speechless. The halfling Kelsoe simply shrugged, pulled out a small chisel from his belt as he stepped towards the shackled creature. "Sounds good to me."


Istvan sat heavily on the ground watching the dwarf attempting to push the bulk of the dead dragon's foreclaw off of Kelsoe who was pinned beneath it. "Get this thing off me!" The dwarf flipped his maul around to use its long haft as a lever. "Shut your yap! You was a darned fool to get yourself caught there in the first place. Ya saw it coming down on top of ya!" The halfling starting dragging himself from beneath the dragon as soon as Grunmore had lifted the limb a few inches. "All the better reason to keep shooting at it!"

Elyas completed her prayer and vitality once more returned to his aching body. The sorcerer nodded his thanks to the elven lass. Elyas simply smiled and headed off to help the other two party members. Istvan watched her go and then turned to regard the small red-gold dragon perched on his shoulder. In draconic he began: "I have to thank you again for helping us."
"Nurh thanks you. Nurh been waiting long time for righteous. Saved Nurh."
"You keep saying that. How did you know we were coming?"
"Nuhr told."
"By who?"
Istvan tried to keep the surprise from his face and decided to drop that matter for the time being
"Your name is Nurh?"
"All Watcher called Nurh «nurh»." The little dragon pointed off to the side where the venerable kobold leader's corpse lay, having been crushed beneath the dwarf's maul.
"I don't think that's a very good name for you. You're not ugly at all. How about I give you a new name?"
Istvan thought for a moment before giving his suggestion.
"If we spell Nurh backwards it becomes R-U-N-H. A 'rune' is a secret magic symbol. Do you like that?"
"Alright we'll call you «Rune» then."
"So tell me Rune, do you know what a familiar is?"


Rune spent the next six years of his formative childhood with the adventuring group, serving Istvan as his loyal familiar.[/SBLOCK]
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Eva of Sirrion

First Post
Mironallia came into being like many of her half-elven kin, the result of a human raid into elven lands, during which one of the human men took an elven female for his own pleasure. Mironallia’s mother and the other survivors of the raid made their way from their ruined village to Qualinost to put their lives back together. The clergy of Mishakal took Mironallia’s mother into their care, and even offered to keep her secluded so that she would need not bear the social stigma of having an out-of-wedlock, half-elven child. Mironallia’s mother flatly refused, refusing to let her child be a source of shame for her, and willing to bear whatever burdens and face any obstacles the two of them might face.

It was nonetheless hard for Mironallia and her mother. Mironallia’s short ears and brown eyes marked her as different from her kin, and the full-blooded elves let her know about it at every turn. Her mother was shunned in most social circles, and forced to be a scullery maid in order to earn a living. In school and in sporting activities, Mironallia was regularly bested by her peers, who actually had far more experience than she could ever hope for. She barely learned how to wield the longsword and never could master the bow, always placing last in archery contests amongst the other elves. The temple of Mishakal was one of the few places where Mironallia found acceptance and welcome, for the clerics welcomed all regardless of how different they were. The clerics gently nudged her towards clerical studies, which Mironallia readily took to. It was a good situation for all. The temple earned a priestess with uncommon wisdom, and Mironallia found a place where she could be accepted.

On her 22nd birthday Mironallia was sent out to travel to outlying elven villages, lend what aid she can, and return in a year's time to report on what she learned. It was a fairly routine mission. Little did she know her journey would take her far from Qualinesti, from Ansalon, and indeed from Krynn.

Mironallia of Mishakal

Attributes (rolls here)

Str 12
Dex 15
Con 12
Int 15
Wis 17
Cha 12

HP 18 (rolls here

The rest of the character sheet can be found here :)

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