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Planetouched Templates (Aasimar, Genasi, & Tieflings)... Long


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Figured I would repost these... :D

Comments are welcome as always.


Aasimar Template

The base creature’s type becomes “native” Outsider.

Hit Dice: Same as the base creature.
Speed: Same as the base creature.
AC: Same as the base creature.
Attacks/Damage: Same as the base creature.
Special Attacks / Qualities: Same as the base creature, + they gain the following abilities:

·+2 racial bonus to all Will saves versus mind-affecting spells and effects.

·+2 racial bonus to Fort saves versus Poisons.

·Immunity to all forms of disease.

·Spell Resistance of 5 + character level (max of 25).

·Keen Senses - Darkvision out to a range of 60’, Low-Light Vision (x2), & a +2 racial bonus to all Listen & Spot skill checks.

·Elemental Resistance: 15 points divided up among Acid / Cold / Electricity as desired. The default is each at 5.

·Spell-Like Abilities: Cast as a sorcerer of the aasimar's character level. Choose one from the following options...

* Daylight 1/day
* Light 3/day
* Protection from Evil 2/day
* Detect Evil 2/day
* others may be allowed at the DM's discretion.

Upon reaching 7th level, the aasimar gains one of the following special abilities (this choice once made is permanent):
Wings of the Deva – The aasimar grows large feathered wings the enable her to fly at twice her base speed (good).

Aura of Menace – The aasimar gains the ability to generate an intangible, invisible aura of menace that weakens hostile creatures within a 20-foot radius. Anyone about to attack the aasimar must attempt a Will save (DC = to 10 + charisma modifier + ½ character level). Those who fail the saving throw suffer a –2 morale penalty on attacks, checks, and saves for one full day, or until they successfully damage the aasimar generating the aura. A creature that makes its initial save or damaged the aasimar is immune to that aasimar’s aura of menace for one day.

Immunity – The aasimar becomes immune to one of the following attacks/effects: Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Petrifaction.

Magic Circle Against Evil – The aasimar may invoke this spell upon herself up to 3/day as a free action, cast as a sorcerer of her character level.

Saves: Same as the base creature, except as noted above.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +2, Wis +2, & Cha +2.
Skills: Same as the base creature; intuitively speaks Celestial.
Feats: Same as the base creature.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature.
Organization: Same as the base creature.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Treasure: Same as the base creature.
Advancement: Same as the base creature, except that they may choose to replace the base creature's favored class with Paladin. ECL +2.
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Genasi Template

The base creature’s type becomes “native” Outsider with the appropriate type modifier.

Hit Dice: Same as the base creature.
Speed: Same as the base creature.
AC: Same as the base creature.
Attacks/Damage: Same as the base creature.
Special Attacks / Qualities: Same as the base creature, + all Genasi gain the following abilities:

·Darkvision – 60’
·+2 racial bonus to Fort saves versus Poisons.
·Immunity to all forms of disease, sleep spells & effects, and paralysis.
·Elemental Focus: Genasi cast spells of their chosen element as if they were 2 levels higher than their actual level. Such spells also gain a +2 spell-power bonus.
On the flip side, they can never cast spells related to their opposed element.

Air Genasi gain the following additional abilities:

·Gains the Air sub-type, and a +1 to saves versus Air-based attacks/effects per 5 levels attained. Intuitively speaks Auran.
·+4 to Dexterity and +2 to Intelligence.
·Mingle With The Wind (Su): Levitate-Self at will (as the 2nd level spell Levitate), as if cast by a Sorcerer of the genasi’s character level.
·Breathless: Air Genasi do not need to breathe, and are immune to most gas attacks, drowning, and suffocation.
·Cold or Electricity Resistance – 10 (choose 1)

Earth Genasi gain the following additional abilities:

·Gains the Earth sub-type, and a +1 to saves versus Earth-based attacks/effects per 5 levels attained. Intuitively speaks Terran.
·+4 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity, and +2 to Constitution.
·Merge With The Stones (Su): Earth Genasi can Meld With Stone (as the 3rd level spell) for 10 minutes per day per character level.
·+2 natural armor bonus to AC.
·Acid Resistance - 10

Fire Genasi gain the following additional abilities:

·Gains the Fire sub-type, and a +1 to saves versus Fire-based attacks/effects per 5 levels attained. Intuitively speaks Ignan.
·+2 to Dexterity and +4 to Intelligence.
·Reach To The Blaze (Su): A Fire Genasi can use this ability at will to cause any non-magical flame within a 10-radius to either diminish to coals or flare to the brightness of daylight and double it’s normal radius and illumination. This ability does not change the heat or fuel consumption of the fire. The ability lasts a # of rounds equal to the genasi’s character level when activated.
·Call to the Flames (Su): A fire Genasi can generate small amounts of pure elemental flame at will. Treat this effect as a Ray of Frost spell cast as a sorcerer of the genasi’s level.

Water Genasi gain the following additional abilities:

·Gains the Water sub-type, and a +1 to saves versus Water-based attacks/effects per 5 levels attained. Intuitively speaks Aquan.
·+2 to Strength and +4 to Constitution.
·Call To The Wave (Su): Create Water at will as a sorcerer of the genasi’s character level.
·Water Genasi breathe water as easily as air.
·Gain a Swim move equal to the base creatures speed; or add +10 to swim speed if the base creature already has one.
·Water Genasi are never subject to the effects of water pressure, as there bodies naturally adjust to compensate.
·Cold Resistance – 10

Saves: Same as the base creature, except as noted above.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as noted in the descriptions above.
Skills: Same as the base creature.
Feats: Same as the base creature.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature.
Organization: Same as the base creature.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
Treasure: Same as the base creature.
Advancement: Same as the base creature. ECL +2.


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Tiefling Template

The base creature’s type becomes “native” Outsider. Tiefling’s born of elves are often referred to as Fey’ri, and those of orcish descent are known as the Tanarukk.

Hit Dice: Same as the base creature.
Speed: Same as the base creature.
AC: Same as the base creature.
Attacks / Damage: Same as the base creature.
Special Attacks / Qualities: Same as the base creature, + they gain the following abilities:

·Darkvision out to a range of 60’
·Social Outcast: Most other races shun Tieflings; consequently they suffer at least a –2 penalty on most NPC interaction/reaction rolls.

Tieflings also gain 6 additional powers, chosen from the list below.

·15 points worth of elemental resistance. This may be divided up as desired. The default for this power is cold / fire / & electricity at 5 points each.

·See In Darkness: As your infernal ancestor can, you are able to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by Deeper Darkness spells.

·+2 racial bonus against a particular attack/effect, chosen from the following options: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Mind-Affecting, Petrifaction, or Poison

·Natural Ambidexterity: reduce all off-hand penalties by 2 points. This is in addition to the effects of the Ambidexterity and 2-Weapon Fighting feats.

·SR 5 + character level (max of 25)

·+1d4 natural armor bonus to AC, this may or may not be accompanied by odd skin composition.

·Damage Reduction 10/+1

.Fast Healing 1 (counts as 2 choices).

·Alternate Form (Su): Can change shape at will, though they are limited to humanoid forms of approximately their own height, weight, and sex.

·Winged Flight: The tiefling possess wings of some sort, bat-like, feathered, or insect-like. They fly at their base speed +10 (average). Choosing this power additional times either adds +10 feet to the speed or it improves the maneuverability class by one step.

·Natural Weaponry: The tiefling has a natural attack of some sort that inflicts 1d4 damage. The tiefling is not considered to be unarmed while attacking in this way. If chosen a second time the damage increase to 1d6 damage.

·Poison: This allows the tiefling to naturally generate some form of poison. They may choose the method by which the deliver/generate this poison. Typical choices are having poisonous blood or saliva, however this power may be combined with the natural weaponry ability to create a poisonous touch, or if the tiefling has a tail, a poisonous tail-sting. You may choose one of the following effects for the poison (the Fort save DC is always 10 + ½ HD): 1d4 / 2d4 temp ability damage; unconscious for 1 min. / unconscious for 2d4 hours; Paralysis for 2d6 minutes/-

·Prehensile Tail: The tiefling possesses a fully prehensile tail, which may be utilized as a third hand. Tieflings with this ability are eligible to take the Multidexterity and MWF feats.

·Pheromones: The tiefling naturally exudes pheromones that members of the opposite sex find extremely pleasing. Treat as a Charm Person spell cast as a sorcerer of the tiefling’s character level, with a +2 bonus to the DC. On the flip side, these pheromones tend to cause quite the opposite reaction in members of the same sex, inflicting a –2 penalty on NPC reaction checks when dealing with such individuals.

·Spider-Climb at will. The side effect to this power is that the first and second digits of the tiefling’s fingers and toes fuse together.

·Underwater Adaptations: The tiefling possesses gill and webbed fingers and toes that enable her to breathe underwater normally and gives her a swim speed equal to her base speed+10. Unfortunately, the tiefling can only survive out of water a # of hours equal to her Con score, beyond that use the drowning rules. This power may be chosen multiple times, each time choose one of the following effects – change the swim speed to be twice the tiefling’s base speed or gain an “Underwater Sense” equivalent to that of a Sahuagin or survive indefinitely out of water.

·Control Flames (Su): Twice per day, a tiefling with this ability can cause any non-magical flame within a 10-radius to either diminish to coals or flare to the brightness of daylight and double it’s normal radius and illumination. This ability does not change the heat or fuel consumption of the fire. The ability lasts a # of rounds equal to the tiefling’s character level when activated.

·Acidic Blood: The tiefling possesses naturally acidic blood that inflicts 1d6+1 point per 2 levels damage on contact. Choosing this power an additional time indicates that the acid is particularly concentrated and either ignores the hardness of objects or inflicts full damage upon them, at the player’s option. Those who strike the tiefling with piercing or slashing weapons must make Reflex saves (DC 13) or have their weapons affected by the acidic effects of the blood. Deliberately cutting themselves open in order to attack with their acidic blood inflicts 1d4 points of damage to the tiefling. You may attack with it as a melee touch attack, or as a ranged touch attack with a 5’ range increment and a max range of 15’.

Please note that Spell-Like abilities are all usable 1/day (unless other wise noted), as a sorcerer of the tiefling’s character level.
You may not select the same spell-like ability multiple times.
Tiefling sorcerers also gain the boon of adding these spells to their list of spells known for free. These are the most common choices; others may be possible with DM permission…

·Cast Darkness 1/day.
·Cast Clairaudience/Clairvoyance 1/day.
·Cast Detect Thoughts 1/day.
·Cast Dimension Door 1/day. Some sort of visual/olfactory/auditory effects usually accompanies this (think BAMF!J).
·Cast Enervation 1/day.
·Cast Suggestion 1/day. Limiting this ability to a range of touch or limiting it to only affecting a certain gender allows you to add +2 to the Will save DC. If the target has already been subjected to the Pheromone’s ability then they suffer a –2 penalty to their saving throw.
·Cast Blur 1/day.
·Cast Chill Touch 2/day.
·Cast Detect Magic 3/day.
·Cast Vampiric Touch 1/day.

Tieflings also possess 1d6+1 odd physical traits, such as small horns on their foreheads, pointed ears, feline eyes, non-prehensile tails, elongated arms/finger/legs/etc, cloven hooves instead of feet, odd-tinted skin, pointed teeth, etc… (See page 80 of the Planewalker’s Handbook for additional ideas).

Tieflings are also afflicted by 1d3+1 side effects that can possibly be very detrimental to them. Some examples are… constant ashy or sulfurous or rotting odor; body casts no shadow; treated as a demon or devil by other races depending on heritage; presence causes unease in animals or NPC (additional –2 to reaction rolls); prolonged touch withers plants; extremely high (or low) body temperature that inflicts 1 point of damage to anything in contact; cannot reproduce; damaged by holy water regardless of alignment; inability to enter consecrated/”holy” ground; body constantly exudes acid that causes 1 point of damage per round of contact.

Saves: Same as the base creature, except as noted above.
Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Dex +2, Int +2, & Cha +2
Skills: Same as the base creature, with a +2 racial bonus to Bluff and Hide skill checks. Also intuitively knows either Infernal or Abyssal.
Feats: Same as the base creature.

Climate/Terrain: Same as the base creature.
Organization: Same as the base creature.
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1 - +2.
Treasure: Same as the base creature.
Advancement: Same as the base creature. ECL +2.
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Example Tiefling Archetypes....


2E Planescape Tieflings

1. Darkness, 1/day
2. Natural Ambidexterity.
3. 15 points of cold resistance.
4. +2 versus Poison.
5. +2 versus Fire.
6. +2 versus Electricity.


1. Winged Flight
2. Alternate Forms
3. – 6. Choose


1. Natural Armor
2. Fire Resistance 15
3. Spell Resistance
4. Control Flames
5. – 6. Natural Weaponry (Bite 1d6)


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I think these are very interesting. SOme suggestions/comments:

-Fire Genasi (or however you spell it)

1. Why +4 to intelligence? I kinda see fire as fast and strong not smart. In fact I don't think of any of the elements as very smart, maybe wise (they have been around forever) but not smart.

2. THe fire guys really lose out on the special ability. Putting out fires isn't balanced with levitating, water breathing, or melding with stone. What about a low powered wall of fire or a weak fire shield. Or the flame jump ability (the dimension door thing but you have to use large flames).


Excellent! but they are more than a CR 1. I think they are a minimum of CR 2. YOu might want to make it on a case by case basis. Because they have so many abilities each one will be very different. For example:

A 1st level fey'ri (part elf) sorcerer takes: DR, SR, see in darkness, winged flight, fast healing and natural armor. It spots a party from 60 feet. Casts darkness (which it can see through) flies and starts firing magic missile or long bow shots into it. Second or third level nonspellcasting characters won't be able to hurt because of the DR and even the mages and clerics will need to overcome the SR.

THis isn't a perfect example but the above example would take out more than 20% of a third level parties resources. The CR should be on a case by case basis. The guy above is probably a a +3.

Just my two cents.


First Post
trentonjoe said:
I think these are very interesting. SOme suggestions/comments:

-Fire Genasi (or however you spell it)

1. Why +4 to intelligence? I kinda see fire as fast and strong not smart. In fact I don't think of any of the elements as very smart, maybe wise (they have been around forever) but not smart.

2. THe fire guys really lose out on the special ability. Putting out fires isn't balanced with levitating, water breathing, or melding with stone. What about a low powered wall of fire or a weak fire shield. Or the flame jump ability (the dimension door thing but you have to use large flames).

Standard fire genasi get a +2 to Int, and since I was giving each a +4 to one ability... that seemed like the most logical choice.

The Fire sub-type helps balance them out. It makes them completely immune to all forms of fire/heat damage.

The flame-walk suggestion is a very good idea though.... :p

trentonjoe said:

Excellent! but they are more than a CR 1. I think they are a minimum of CR 2. YOu might want to make it on a case by case basis. Because they have so many abilities each one will be very different. For example:

A 1st level fey'ri (part elf) sorcerer takes: DR, SR, see in darkness, winged flight, fast healing and natural armor. It spots a party from 60 feet. Casts darkness (which it can see through) flies and starts firing magic missile or long bow shots into it. Second or third level nonspellcasting characters won't be able to hurt because of the DR and even the mages and clerics will need to overcome the SR.

THis isn't a perfect example but the above example would take out more than 20% of a third level parties resources. The CR should be on a case by case basis. The guy above is probably a a +3.

Just my two cents.

You have a very good point on the CRs for the tieflings really. I should put a note on certain powers that they effect the CR or somesuch. Although, setting it on a case by case basis will be easiest to manage for now.

Thanks for all yer comments and suggestions! :D
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"Fire Genasi gain the following additional abilities:

·Gains the Fire sub-type, and a +1 to saves versus Fire-based attacks/effects per 5 levels attained. Intuitively speaks Ignan. "

"The Fire sub-type helps balance them out. It makes them completely immune to all forms of fire/heat damage. "

If they are immune to fire what's the + 1 for?
Just wondering.

Psst check out my corrupted template I need some advice

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