• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Played tonight! Couple of questions.


All in all, I honestly expected to feel sort of "meh" about this edition, but when we played it was just like the first time I ever opened up my 3.x books and played. As for the answer to your spoiler

By extension, i hope i get that same feeling as when i opened the AD&D books in 6th grade ;)

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Okay! Awesome, so I did make the right call. I can't even begin to explain how much I love this magic system. It's vancian but much more free, also the "slots" don't actually feel like slots at all, more like MP per level. I never even really thought of doing it this way. I think it works because the absolute best part is that many spells can be used at higher levels. It just cuts down on the bloat.

Given how they describe the new system in the magic chapter, perhaps we should start calling it the "Groovy" magic system. Perhaps "Groovian", in honor of Vancian. ;)

A spell-point system has been mentioned as an option in the module of alternate spell-casting systems that will be included in the DMG when it comes out in November. Given that the game has been explicitly designed with one eye on alternate spell-casting systems, de-Vancianing it shouldn't be all that difficult if you wanted to give it a shot before taking a look at the methods they came up for the DMG.

Do you think it would be easy to de-Vancian it altogether?

I'm not sure if to make up a new house rule system based on 5e or just update my 3.5/PF mix.


Can you give some comments on how the session went?
Playing with new or veteran players?

Also, I was wondering the following when I watched the livestream

In the livestream they captured a goblin to lead them to the cave.
How do you find the cave if you kill all of them?

I'm playing through the starter set right now as well. I'm playing with one experienced 3.5-er, one who tried 4th a bit, and one total newbie. It's been a lot of fun. A goblin tried to run away and was dropped by the wizard's sleep spell. Then the wizard, who speaks goblin, interrogated the prisoner and found out about something that ties into his personal quest. The fun of the character backstories has been the biggest surprise for me. Whenever a hint is dropped about a character's personal quest, that player gets very excited.

To answer the question about the starter set adventure:
On the far side of the thickets in which the goblins hid is a clear trail. A Wisdom (Survival) check reveals that the goblins went down the trail dragging two human sized bodies. So finding the trail without a goblin is easy. Having a goblin guide may help with avoiding the traps, but as we saw in the video, maybe not.

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