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Player Distractions.


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When you are reading, texting, playing video games on your handheld device, stacking dice, doodling, or doing anything else other than paying attention to the game, does that mean you are bored? Or are you just fidgeting and still paying attention?
I don't think I've ever done any of those things but if I ever did it sure would mean I'm bored!
I rarely ever get bored, but if I do I tend to read in my rulebooks. Preferably I look up stuff that came up previously.
A question for DMs; do you feel it is rude if a player is doing these things? Would you ask him/her to stop?
I feel it is rude, but I rarely mention it unless it becomes a constant. Instead I try to pick up the pace.

There's one thing I've given up on: In every session there comes a point when someone looks up and announces the soccer results of the day which leads to a short interruption because several of my players are apparently fans and cannot help but exclaim over and discuss the results before they're able to calm down and concentrate on the game again.

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There's one thing I've given up on: In every session there comes a point when someone looks up and announces the soccer results of the day which leads to a short interruption because several of my players are apparently fans and cannot help but exclaim over and discuss the results before they're able to calm down and concentrate on the game again.

Hockey for me. Both as a player and a DM.

Most of my group isn't big on hockey (or sports in general), but they're pretty tolerant about me keeping tabs on the score. I don't actually watch games while I'm playing, of course, but I sometimes put the score up on a monitor...

Of course, playoffs are another matter. I'm going to have to reschedule some sessions next month. :p


I do on occasion (when playing) play with phone (checking emails and such), stack/roll dice...etc, but it's not because I'm bored. When my character isn't involved in a scene for whatever reason I have a need to fidget. I can't just sit there.

When I'm DMing it doesn't bother me as I know that some of my players have the same sort of issue.

Zelda Themelin

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If I listen music it's cure for me to become bored. If I do anything else, including drawing some bad pictures in my character sheet I am very bored. Usually I don't do anything else, I have pained look in my face and yawn very often. I also slump down in place I sit and not respond immidiatly when telled it's my turn. Sometimes I am just tired, though. But if I am very tired every time, it means I am bored too. So, yes, game is slow and I was expecting something... more.. well anything except this boring crap-fest. I get this every time one of my dm uses his own adventure ideas and not run modules. See he sucks acting in character, but tends to force us play actioneless game, where only option is being social or becoming merchant and doing very much accounting. He is also turtling playier in fantasy any games run by other people who does lot of work to avoid adventure. Including arguing with party it's too dangerous. Yawn. Luclily he finally got to message (which I actually told him multiple times very clearly) and does modules. I enjoy those games much more.

It's still not enough last session one of the players was playing his wipeout-like cellphone game all the time until power run out. Yeh his games are still bit slow, but I blame his also sluggish wife playing who likes his usual style.

My sister tends to fall asleep or start talking in skype with some friends.

When in his place cell phone dabbling gamer also sufs net, reads forums and in some occsions plays starcraft (but only against computer so can pause when neened). He is always highly disracted it's not just rpg.


First Post
We also have a "non-electronic device unless used for ingame purposes" rule.

Somebody texts you, it's ok to check if it's important, but unless it's a genuine emergency, you will not reply, but apologize for interrupting the game. The same for phonecalls, if not important, don't answer.

If someone would even consider playing another game on his/her phone or something like that, we'd ask him to leave and try again another day. three strikes, your out for good.

It's just good form. The GM puts in hard work to provide a fun game for all, if you can't appreciate it, what are you doing here?

Even our wives adhere to the rule "Don't disturb the boys when they are playing" (save one, patience is running low there). It's only one evening every 2 weeks.

doodling or stacking dice is another ballpark though. you don't disturb the game and it's more often a nervous twitch than boredom.

Radiating Gnome

I've got two groups, and they're very different. A lot has to do with the people and the game group culture. One is very serious, a group of dedicated tactical gamers who get very engaged, especially during combat. Just about everyone has phones and deals with texts and the occasional call from time to time, but they pretty much respect the game enough to not make that a problem.

The other group is a whole lot more casual, and there's a lot more non-game table talk. We get distracted more, but it's not a problem because that's what the group accepts.

I'm not a fan of demanding attention from my players -- if they're not engaged, I want to find ways to engage them -- make that part of the game more exciting or move quickly on to something that is more exciting. More carrot than stick, for me.



fiddling with dice and other items in your hand is not a problem. I have 2 slinkies, 4 squeezy clips, a clicky pen at my desk right now for just that purpose when I'm thinking or on the phone.

carrying on a texting conversation or playing another game is the problem behavior. Mainly when they are doing it during parts where they SHOULD be paying attention. I don't think you can really play WoW or watch Youtube videos while fighting a D&D monster.

For instance, in [MENTION=16212]wedgeski[/MENTION]'s example, if 2 PCs are not present in the scene, so long as they aren't disrupting the active players and are ready to re-engage when the camera moves to them, I don't have a problem with them quietly talking or checking their phone for something.

This is where watching videos and playing games or carrying on long text conversations is the problem. It engages too much of your brain's concentration that you aren't really paying attention to the D&D game.

I use my iPad for my PC in the game. I don't surf or play games on it. But then, I also don't play a lot of games on it normally, nor do I spend hours looking up Youtube videos. At the same time, my friend apologized to the group, because he caught himself youtubing and not paying attention to the game like he should.

So, I caution against outright technology bans. They hit people like me who are good. Addressing the specific behaviors is important.


I do on occasion (when playing) play with phone (checking emails and such), stack/roll dice...etc, but it's not because I'm bored. When my character isn't involved in a scene for whatever reason I have a need to fidget. I can't just sit there.

When I'm DMing it doesn't bother me as I know that some of my players have the same sort of issue.

THIS THIS THIS THIS to a 100 times this if I'm not directly involved I have to keep my mind occupied.. or else I get quickly dis satisfied. On my turn I'm ready to go, if my character isn't there for the interaction, I don't pay attention.. and make the player tell me what's going on, in his/her own words ;)


So for people who say they only distract themselves when it is not their turn, why?

Why do you not enjoy watching what other players are doing when it is not your turn?

As a player, I still enjoy watching what other people are doing. Or if I'm not involved in the roleplaying, it is still interesting to hear what is going on with the other PCs. Plus, when it is combat, I like to know what they are doing on their turns so I can roleplay tactical maneuvers, "After your attack, run behind me and I'll help cover your escape!" Plus I pay attention so that I know what I will do when it is my turn.

I still find the game enjoyable even if it isn't my turn. Watching what the other PCs are doing is kind of like watching a movie. I'm interested to see what happens. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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