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D&D 5E Player is playing a Vampire

I am also of the opinion that a character should not simply start out as a vampire. Even using other types of classes and such. It should happen as a result of a vamp in the game or not at all.

I just would not allow him to simply make his player a vampire off the bat. No matter the machanics of it. All D&D vampires are evil by default as well. Another reason it does not really work. (If you were planning on playing curse of Strahd. A vampire pc just does not fit the tone or make any sense as a pc there.)

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@Lejaun this idea works and creates plot hooks. Necromancer Bella Swan type who reaaaally wants to be a vamp, always searching for one...much more interesting IMO and creates an overall arc for the character which will help DM plot ideas.

And if it's a non-serious campaign;
"Bite me!"
"Dude, I'm not a vampire"
"Biiiiiiite me!"
"Look, frankly, I'm sensitive about my widow's peak and this behaviour is just hurtful"
"Take me into darkness you magnificent, non-sparkly bastard!"
"Seriously. Look, take the cloak. Go on, take it. The wife told me it was a bad look for me"
"Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite me!"
"I'm leavi...um, can...can you let go of my leg please?"
"What was all that about Geoff?"
"Dunno mate. Some nutter. Ooh, you had the orthodontics done, then?"
"Yeah, I'm really happ..."
"Biiiiiiiiiiite me o mysterious stranger!"
"Good to see you Dave, gotta go"


The last time I had a PC as a vampire, it was just because I wanted to hide his monstrous nature from the other PCs. He got turned, they all liked to think that he was still on their side and could be trusted and he acted the part. At the appropriate dramatic moment I NPC'd the character and turned him on the PCs, killing most of them. They had a lot of warning about it.

Oh, before that two PCs purposely drank vamp blood. They later had to jump into the sea to avoid the gunpowder explosion of a pirate base. They soon found they were paralyzed in running water and sank to the bottom where they were picked apart by fish over a disturbingly long time. Later in the campaign, the PCs came back to the area and were attacked by vampiric barracuda.

I'm sure the OP does not need another voice telling them not to allow a PC vamp, but I do agree. If you do make them a vamp, make them sparkle in sunlight and fall in love with a schoolgirl like a creepy perve. That should be enough to get rid of the "OMG I want to be a vampire, they are so cool" factor.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Back in 3e days, the same question came up. My advice:

Do NOT create a 'Vampire' class or race just for this player.
Let him review the Drow "Sunlight Sensitivity" racial power; he is GOING to have it as a free "benefit" of his choice.
Work with his Background instead - give him some character traits (and make him role-play them). Here are three suggestions:
- I must eat one meal a day of barely-cooked red meat with the juices in it
- I hate sunlight and must wear a big floppy hat when I am feeling brave about going outside. I prefer to be out and about at night / just after dusk / just before dawn.
- I cannot enter any building (not even through the open front door) until the owner comes out and says to me "I beed you velcome".

Go ahead and 're-skin' his powers / spells / &c to be Vampire-like abilities.

Have the world full of NPCs react appropriately when he acts like a Vampire in front of them. Up to and including mobs with torches and wooden stakes, if he sticks around one area for a long time and threatens somebody.
If he gets tired of playing powered-down weaknesses and strengths of a Vampire, he and you can figure out a way to let this character drop out of the metaplot and bring in a new character - somebody (hopefully) more fun to play.


I am normally the DM for our group, but we are playing a mini-episode of CoS each time we hit a chapter break in the Age of Worms AP. One of our players will be DM for CoS. I asked him if I could play a "half-vampire/pseudo-vampire."

Now I am big on keeping things in check. When this same player asked to play a half-gnoll, son of a character from our previous adventure, I worked with him to make something that was mostly like a half-orc but with rampage as his ability instead of the normal half-orc stuff. In my opinion, PCs of exotic races should be slightly less powerful than a regular PHB PC.

So my proposal was that this bard grew up in Barovia, and at some point her family was attacked and murdered by a vampire. She was bitten but not killed and not fully turned. She (rightly or wrongly) blames Strahd for this and wants revenge. Her tries to hide her half-vampire nature but it manifests itself in a few ways. She does not receive any of the things in the "PCs as Vampires" sidebar on MM 295. Compared to a regular vampire, the changes are largely negative:
* Damage Resistances: None
* Legendary resistace: None
* Misty escape: No
* Regeneration No
* Spider climb: No
* Forbiddance: Yes
* Harmed by running water: Changed to slowed by running water
* Stake to the heart: Does not have misty escape and does not regenerate in a coffin, so N/A
* Sunlight hypersensitivity: changed to the Drow's sunlight sensitivity
* Multiattack: follow bard's number of attacks instead
* unarmed strike: No
* Bite: She is trying to deny this part of her nature, so the attack is without proficiency, is an improvised weapon, and restores 1 maximum hit point that was lost before through other means (see below).
* Charm: proficiency in persuasion
* Children of the night: no
* Legendary actions: No

Compared to a normal undead, she is still mostly human, but has a few difficulties:
* Can be turned but has advantage on the saving throw.
* Curative spells such as healing word are only half effective unless she casts it on herself.
* a need for blood every once in a while (which she satisfies with freshly killed corpses)
* goes unconscious as a normal PC; spells to bring her back to life work, but do not cure her condition.

The one really good thing she gets is:
* the ability to cast revivify, raise dead, etc. when they become available without the normal material components by biting the victim and permanently draining a number of maximum hit points from herself equal to the spell level to bring the victim back to life as a form of reverse-vampire bite.

So no shapechanger, misty escape, legendary resistance, spider climb, stat boost, etcs. In this case, this half-vampire is more of a template added on to the normal race. I would never ask for a straight boost through something such as having my PC be a vampire. The vampire boosts are too powerful for a PC and often replace a magical item or spell as a permanent effect.
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