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player over riding dm!


Unattainable Ideal
Why does it bother you that he quotes the rules and wants to do things that the rules allow? Does it interfere with your storylines? Does it make you feel inadequate? Does it slow down game play?

A player quoting rules isn't a problem in and of itself. Figure out what the problem really is, and I bet the solution looks obvious.

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Prismatic Programmer
Quoting rules is not inherently a bad thing. Especially if he's just referring to the PH, as you say, he may be just pointing out rules that you don't know about. The vagueness of your description makes it impossible for us to judge.

I saw a DM get pissed off when a player pointed out the PH rule for casting defensively, which the DM had previously not known about. Instead of saying "I didn't notice that before, thank you," the DM literally yelled insults at the player, called him a stinking rules lawyer, then gathered up his dice and left. Please don't be that kind of DM.


First Post
Hand of Evil said:
You have to pull him off to the side and tell him "This is my game, my way of playing, my world, my story and I do a few things for flow and fun." While the rules are part of the game they should not stop flow of play and during the game.

The rules ARE the game. If you can't be by-the-book, be consistent. If you can't be consistent, don't run the game!.

I don't play all the time, but when I do nothing irritates me more than spending time plotting what my character can do, and then being told "no, I'm not running the game that way."

When I GM, I make it a point to be as consistent as I can. I have two identical binders of rules for my game, and if a question comes up the first thing I say is "look it up."


First Post
You should throw a big hissyfit, knock over your screen, throw your books to the ground in a huff, cuss him out and say in an embittered tone "Fine! You think you know so much than YOU run!". Then be all sullen and bitter afterwards, and if he does run, be sure to constantly quote rules to him whenever he makes a call. In as annoying a voice as you can muster.

...actually, nah I'm only kidding.

Just kill him and take his stuff.

Hand of Evil

Planesdragon said:
The rules ARE the game. If you can't be by-the-book, be consistent. If you can't be consistent, don't run the game!.

I don't play all the time, but when I do nothing irritates me more than spending time plotting what my character can do, and then being told "no, I'm not running the game that way."

When I GM, I make it a point to be as consistent as I can. I have two identical binders of rules for my game, and if a question comes up the first thing I say is "look it up."
I do think we are saying the same thing. :cool:

Yes, be consistent, know the rules but don't let it become an issue that stops the fun. Rule 0
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Simple solution:

Step #1 - Read the rules. This includes reading all of the books that you use.

Step #2 - Follow the rules. If you have house rules, let the players know what they are and why you have them.

If this does not solve your problem, then either your player or you have a problem that needs to be resolved. In most cases the problem is that the GM's running style does not match the player's playing style. And if that is the case, time will fix it.


First Post
ghostwolf29 said:
How do i put a end to player that is all ways quoting rules to me? like this you can do that because it says in the PH this and that.
Actually... I like it when my players quote rules from the PH. In fact, I put the responsibility on them to know the PH as well as possible. If I make a mistake and they correct me - great! Makes for a better game (for us).

Can't help you - since I encourage player knowledge of the PH.


First Post
arnwyn said:
Actually... I like it when my players quote rules from the PH. In fact, I put the responsibility on them to know the PH as well as possible. If I make a mistake and they correct me - great! Makes for a better game (for us).

Can't help you - since I encourage player knowledge of the PH.

I have to agree. As a DM, I'm too busy trying to keep things rolling and promote fun to be make clear headed rules judgements every time. My players keep me straight and I try and do the same when I'm playing. Players have far more mental resources available to audit my rulings so it can be a real benefit to a frazzled DM.


Smibish him!!!!!

Then reincarnate his character (yes, reincarnate) and smibish him again!

Depends on the ruling and situation -- ifs he breaking the
flow of combat or slowing the game down? Is it minor and
nitpicky or major, and can swing victory in a different direction?

Any examples?

Is it "Wait, we fought an EL1 encounter which should be 300xp so you have to give us..."


First Post
You need to explain that, for better or worse, you are the GM and that at the table your rule is law. They can bring up issues outside of the game, but not at the table. The trick is to be consistant in your rulings.

Just out of interest, how did you get hold of my artwork for you avatar? :D
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