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Players that make you go 'Whoa!'

Foundry of Decay

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No, this isn't a thread about some bizarre frog creature of a player who's mere presence makes you stagger a few feet back and go 'whoa'.

I'm just curious if anyone else out there lucks out on players who truly play characters as if they themselves had souls.

In our last session, the group was up against an infestation of Gnolls in a smithy sector of the city (A large industrial sector). They made preperations to go there, made trips and got all their equipment ready, then started off.

They made it through the first room with a few scars here and there, but managed to take out a duo of Gnoll assassins and mixed others. They had a chance to heal, and move on, which they did.

The second chamber they witnessed had a duo of dark clad beings, presumably humans, enchanting weapons forged by the new smith-masters around an odd ring etched in the floor. Well, due to a bad bit of tactics, the group's Paladin ended up walking in first, in hopes to catch the beings drained (Side note: Mages are highly rare, and feared in these realms). The duo of mages paused, and asked who he was, and why he was interrupting their work.

Sensing that he might be able to bluff his way through, he tried to talk to them, but something (I can't recall what) tipped them off, and the battle was started..

Mages rolled insanely high for initiative..

They were of notable power, and focussed all of their spells on the only person they thought was thick enough to walk into their chamber.. The Paladin.

He took 81 points of damage from combined spells (Two quickened magic missiles, and a cone of cold from one). Well, he wasn't well after that.

The rest of the party launched in to the attack, and got a few licks in. The NPC cleric planted a healing on the wounded Paladin to get him off of his knees.

The next round was near disaster as the small chamber caused the group to bunch up. More spells, such as a cone of cold, and fireball were sunk into the midst of the party, killing the cleric outright (Hey, I can't be called for favoratism, because the NPC was the only one to go down ;) ). Well, all hell broke loose, and the party mage blasted one of the dark mages into ashes, and wounded the other with a wall of flame.. The following round he was able to teleport everyone out with help from the Psion.

So, they gathered around the charred remains of the Cleric they had brought back, the Paladin cursing himself because he was a self appointed 'shield' for the Cleric, and he asked to be alone with the body.

The other PC's left, and the player did something rather unexpected.. He asked to commune with his (and the cleric's) god.

I granted it, due to the dire circumstance. The Paladin then asked for the Cleric to be returned from death by the grace of divinity. When asked why that should happen, and if he were prepared to make a sacrifice of faith, he answered "yes."

The avatar was weary, since this Paladin had *just* started in the church (He'd switched from Fighter to Paladin), and asked what sacrifice he'd make.

"My own life" was the reply. Which sort of pogged me as I totally didn't expect that. The avatar asked if he was truly sure, and he stated "The world needs holy men. It needs holy men more than protectors with swords. It needs the true focus of your divine grace".

Well, it was certainly granted. I'd never have thought that would happen.. The PC choosing to sacrifice himself for an NPC. It was one of the player's favorite characters, but he played him down to a tee.

It made me go "Whoa"

Anyone out there get stunned by exceeding RP by a player(s)? How so?

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*Whoa!* :)

I think for this guy I'd make an exception to my rule that new PCs have 1/2 the XP of the player's last PC...

I might even give his next PC _more_ XP!! :)

Reminds me of CS Lewis's Aslan's self-sacrifice in 'The Lion the Witch & the Wardrobe', a nice Christian parable.


First Post
*Whoa!!* indeed. I'm floored.

This is better than Aslan.
Speaking in metagaming terms, that is, seeing that the cleric was "only" an NPC!
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*Sniff* Yeebarr is moved. Truly your paladin player is a role-player of the highest caliber.

The only time I've come close to such self-sacrifice is when I was playing a naive Halfling and stayed in a room with the newbie fighter (who was trying to rescue a "helpless damsel in distress" - who I knew KNEW was going to be bad news!)

Turned out she was a succbus and drained my halfling of a level when he stepped in between them. Pfft! Typical.


First Post
Do you have celstials in your game?

I always try to salvage great characters if it suits the story. A paladin such as yours would have been made a trumpet archon in my campaign. Later on the archon would return and save the party once, before moving on to his new heavenly chores.


Hmmm I've done something similar before, as has two folks I game with. I wouldn't say its common place, but if your playing a truely heroic character then personal scarifice tends to go with the territory.

Examples I've seen or been involved in...

In Cyberpunk remaining behind to fight a squad of Dragoon's to give others time to escape and clear the area of civilians. Throwing themselves on a grenade to reduce the effects for innocent bystanders. Both of those were in a cops campaign.

and a life for life swap in D&D on two occasions, once for an NPC the other time for a PC.

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!

I have a similar story.

Once, ages ago, playing in a Stormbringer campaign, I had the honor of running the Pan Tangian noble-priest-sorcerer devoted to Xiombarg. My PC was high and mighty, and after several game sessions, had created an impressive array of magic items with which to lay waste to his enemies.

To make a long story short, the party eventually marched into the jaws of death and got chomped. Horribly outnumbered by fell creatures and facing certain death, my PC "cashed" in his elan to summon Xiombarg. The exchange went something like this:

Xiombarg: Why have you summoned me, my pet?

PC: I am facing certain death and would rather serve you further.

Xiombarg (chuckling): So, you want me to save you from yon advancing horde of demons?

PC: Yes, master.

Xiombarg: What do I get?

PC: The souls of all of my companions!

Xiombarg: An excellent bargain!

Everyone else in the party died that day at Xiombarg's hands. My Pan Tangian PC was teleported safely home. The campaign ended with everyone crumpling up their character sheets and tossing them at my head.



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I play in a game every other Sunday.

My character is a 16 year old Caller and she is new to adventuring and has only read fairy tales before. So they were rescuing the prisoners some hobgoblins had and Bernedette decided to not let in until she saw the prisoners.

She saw them. But the hobgobs wouldnt let her leave. She spoke in draconic to the party gnome, but was sneak attacked in the side before she could finish. She was dying and had sacraficed herself to ake sure the prisoners were alright.

i rolled an 09 to stabalize. *WHEW* close call!

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