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Players Vs. DMs

Lord Xtheth

First Post
Let me take a moment to re-state the orriginal intent of this thread. It was not meant to discuss my item. I'm sticking with my item and plot line that comes with it. If you want to make cursed items with no plot line to get rid of them, go for it. If you don't like my cursed item, or its plotline, well you don't realy have to worry about it. As far as the adventure goes, the Cursed item is the ONLY thing that ONE player didn't like. I'm pretty sure he'd be mad no matter what classic or new cursed item he got. No matter the circumstances he got it under.

This thread was to discuss what things other people have done that may or may not have got bad reactions, good reactions, or whatever else.

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First Post
Let me take a moment to re-state the orriginal intent of this thread. It was not meant to discuss my item. I'm sticking with my item and plot line that comes with it. If you want to make cursed items with no plot line to get rid of them, go for it. If you don't like my cursed item, or its plotline, well you don't realy have to worry about it. As far as the adventure goes, the Cursed item is the ONLY thing that ONE player didn't like. I'm pretty sure he'd be mad no matter what classic or new cursed item he got. No matter the circumstances he got it under.

This thread was to discuss what things other people have done that may or may not have got bad reactions, good reactions, or whatever else.
If someone else brought in an example of what you want to discuss, then theirs would be a part of the discussion. Unfortunately, it seems the people speaking so far don't agree that having an unfun aspect of the game such as your item should be included in the game. Yours is the only negative to discuss. But if you only want people to talk about their own examples of unfun things they have tossed into the game on purpose, then those of us who disagree with doing such things should bow out in order to avoid discussing the only unfun thing that has been offered so far. Do you see what I mean? Your example just happens to be the only one we have to discuss.

I usually get surprised if my currant group of players ever roll below 10. It happens so little I almost considered letting them always hit at one point... but no seriously, my players have been damn lucky. And like I said, its there to BE destroyed.

ALSO, Yes, every new target the dagger resets, I needs to mark a target before it moves to step 2, then it needs to bleed the target thats marked to move to step 3.

sorry for being unclear. I'm typing this during downtime at work, so sometimes I'm rushed.

Full out description like that does make it look more reasonable (albeit maybe slightly towards the overpowering side of the spectrum). In which case it might, indeed, be a problem that the player didn't have that kind of character development/campaign in mind - which should be fixable if the both of you take the time to talk it out.

Seriously, from personal experience, I've quit campaigns where I didn't like the way they were being run, or I should say, didn't like where they were going. Always took the time to lay out my problems to the DM first, and asked flat-out what his intentions were with the storyline. Maybe this is just what that player is attempting.

I'd consider cutting short the cursed item quest somehow if the players don't seem to enjoy it as much as you hoped. Or downgrade it a bit, so the players feel less forced into it. You can still have it hanging, but downgrade it.


First Post
Ah, yes. The Plot Thread of the Cursed Item.

Once upon a time, a character came upon a cursed item. Shortly after discovering its nature, the player took the item to the local blacksmith and had it destroyed. The end.


Once upon a time, a character came upon a cursed item. Shortly after discovering its nature, the player took the item to the local blacksmith and discovered that it could not be destroyed by simple means. So he found the wizard that made it and commissioned him to curse his wagon, and engaged in a campaign of fire and destruction from behind its invincible wooden and cloth frame. Said adventurer ignored other, lesser adventuring opportunities that came along in the meantime, for she knew that mastering the power of the invincible cursed items would be a far greater source of power than mere dungeon-delving. The end.

Lord Xtheth

First Post
I'd consider cutting short the cursed item quest somehow if the players don't seem to enjoy it as much as you hoped. Or downgrade it a bit, so the players feel less forced into it. You can still have it hanging, but downgrade it.
Oh, of cource, IF my player complains that its completely unfun to play his character alltogether (Not just unfun to have a cursed item) I can and will fast forward the adventure so he can be rid of it sooner.

Lord Xtheth

First Post
If someone else brought in an example of what you want to discuss, then theirs would be a part of the discussion. Unfortunately, it seems the people speaking so far don't agree that having an unfun aspect of the game such as your item should be included in the game. Yours is the only negative to discuss. But if you only want people to talk about their own examples of unfun things they have tossed into the game on purpose, then those of us who disagree with doing such things should bow out in order to avoid discussing the only unfun thing that has been offered so far. Do you see what I mean? Your example just happens to be the only one we have to discuss.
So what you're telling me is that you're so perfect, and your group is so well-oiled that no one ever brought up concern about a spacific aspect of a game that they didn't quite enjoy as much as expected? I find this incredibly hard to believe.
Mine was an EXAMPLE. I could put up more, but I'm buisy defending my first example... also am still back and forth when it comes to free time at work.
In a couple hours I'll be more free to give more.


First Post
I was thinking of putting a cursed item into an adventure I'm writing (and hoping to play in September). This thread has got me thinking..... but I'm probably still gonna do it anyway.

It won't be major and I'd expect the players to run with it without whinging. I want to be able to add in a little old-school flavour every now-and-again. And this adventure I'm wrting has some (a little) classic dungeon crawl flavour elements.

So, evil traps: check. Something the PCs cant beat: check. Cursed item: checkl.

Lord Xtheth

First Post
I was thinking of putting a cursed item into an adventure I'm writing (and hoping to play in September). This thread has got me thinking..... but I'm probably still gonna do it anyway.

It won't be major and I'd expect the players to run with it without whinging. I want to be able to add in a little old-school flavour every now-and-again. And this adventure I'm wrting has some (a little) classic dungeon crawl flavour elements.

So, evil traps: check. Something the PCs cant beat: check. Cursed item: checkl.
Awesome, I hope you come back and tell us about the experience. Do you plan on telling the player beforehand like suggested by others earlier in the thread? Or do you plan on surprising them with it?


First Post
Do you plan on telling the player beforehand like suggested by others earlier in the thread?

Wasn't that me? :)
In this case, 'cause it'll probably only be a minor effect and they'll be able to get rid of it at the end of the adventure so no I ain't gonna tell 'em - though it's only fair of me to drop a couple of hints.

To be honest I gonna be a right b******** in this adventure. A number of the encounters are going to be harder than they should be (over xp budget), the dungeon is a place of really bad evil so the whole place is gonna infect the PCs with taint (thinking of using the disease mechanic for that), they'll be diasease and traps. I'm gonna play the monsters smart and the kobolds will use traps, mounts and poison.

All at first level too! It'll either be awesome or a complete disaster.
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Lord Xtheth

First Post
It'll either be awesome or a complete disaster.
Heh, I'd play that!
It sounds Hella-fun. It kinda reminds me of The old "Dragon Mountain" adventure... except with taint.
I never liked taint myself. It penalizes people for just playing and its effects in the Book of Vile Darkness, and to a lesser extent Heroes of Horror didn't realy make sense to me. But thats just me.
I played a game under another DM who used taint. By the end of 2 adventures it was down to myself and another mutual friend of ours sticking it out based soley on our friendship with the DM. That one died, so you may want to be careful, or at least not make the effects as hard core as BoVD.

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