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Players wanted for 3e FR Online Game


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Howdy folks,

I'm finishing up the current campaign I'm DMing within the month, and I'm looking to begin a new one. I have 3-4 players who have already tentatively committed, but I'm still looking for 1-2 more (I plan on having five people in the party, though I might go for six if I receive a lot a really appealing replies). The campaign will commence in mid-August, and we'll meet on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM EST or so and go to about 11-12:00 PM. The forum will be IRC, OpenRPG, GRIP, or something similiar.

Here's the basis of the campaign:

Nimbral and Halruaa form a secret alliance of sorts and send a "mission" to greater Faerun. They're worried about the Red Wizards enclaves upsetting the secret but powerful hold they once had over the magic market, and they also want to establish a secret/quiet presence in the area for commerce purposes and to more easily gather information about some of the newly forming issues of concern facing Faerun (particularly the return of the Shades). A bit later on, you might also end up dabbling a bit in imperialism.

The party will consist of a group commissioned by the Halruaan/Nimbralian governments. I don't mean mercenaries -- I mean actual agents/officials/officers/etc. 1-2 exceptions are possible if someone can provide me with a good background, but any such characters should have strong ties to one or both of the nations and ideally be natives of one or the other.

Campaign "Vitals":

Characters will tentatively start at 48,000 xp and typical starting gold for 10th level characters. Magic Users may make use of Item Creation Feats at normal gold/xp costs. Limits on initial equipment include no stat items greater than +2, no weapons and armor greater than +3, and no wondrous items greather than 15k in value. Exceptions may be made if it's something important to your character concept.

Characters have open to them a wide variety of resources, including all Forgotten Realms material, the "class" books* (Sword and Fist, etc.), Mongoose Games' Quintessential Class books, most Sword and Sorcery material (approved on a case by case basis), Monte Cook's Books of Eldritch Might I & II, Dragon Magazine material (approved on a case by case basis), and various Web resources such as Ideaware or well-crafted PrCs, spells, etc. (approved on a case by case basis). Individuals are also encouraged to propose their own ideas for PrCs, templates, or anything else, but this does not mean I will automatically approve it. :)

*I'll let you know now that it will take a lot of convincing to get me to allow the Shifter, Frenzied Beserker, or oriental-flavored PrCs from these books.

Aasimar, Elves (Gold and Moon), Genasi, Gnomes (Lantan ones), Half-Elves, Halflings, Humans, and Tieflings are readily acceptable races. Anything else is negotiable.

Preferred alignments are LG, NG, CG, LN, and N. LE, CN, and NE are possible depending on what the bulk of the party decides to go with, but CE is completely out of the question.

Just to warn you, I have a number of house rules, ranging from wizards and clerics gaining spontaneous casting of 0th level spells, to Harm allowing a Will save for 5d8+20 damage, to a maximum number of resurrections per character equal to 3 plus your natural+inherent con bonus divided by 3 rounded down (just to note, I have yet for this to become an issue in my campaign excepting for an epic-level one I did for anyone who might be scared off :p).

Characters should plan on providing me with a fairly thorough background, and I expect players to at least somewhat coordinate the planning of their characters' backgrounds. This will be done through a Yahoo! Group established for the campaign. I'm somewhat of a stickler on this because I want to make sure that the party actually is a party (which can sometimes take a bit of work when you're not starting at lower levels).

My Gaming Philosophy:

I enjoy a campaign which has a healthy mix of serious roleplaying and character developing, political roleplay, hack'n slash, exploration, and even a dash of "kingdom building." My campaigns are done in a fairly typical Forgotten Realms tradition (high-end magic, somewhat epic-feel), but I always strive to maintain balance. My campaigns also tend be run at a fairly adult level. I enjoy throwing in the occasional dark/adult theme into my games, and I expect my players to be mature and reasonable (this is not to say I have no humor or anything like that). I'm looking for players who have a passion for actual roleplaying (i.e. assuming the role of a character) and can make a commitment to an extended campaign. I also enjoy players who take the initiative and don't wait for the DM to push forward the storyline/tell them what to do.

If you're interested, you can go ahead and reply here or e-mail me at ejt8@cornell.edu.

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Argent Silvermage

First Post
If there is room in your game I would love to play!

I probably would play a paladin (Aasimar, or elven) or a mage or sorcerer. Let me know what's up and I'll get a character worked up for your inspection.

PS.. I sent you an e-mail as well.

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