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Playing the crazed wizard of the party

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Liquid Awesome
[Mod Hat ON]All of this not talking to each other seems like a grand idea right about now. Let's keep that up for a while, ok?[Mod Hat OFF]


First Post
Wow. I sincerely can't remember the last time a D&D story entertained me this much. A few things....

To all the naysayers: Blah, blah, blah. I'm having fun, he's having fun, go read about CG half-elf rangers who think mages are unnatural, maybe you'll have fun with that. I don't even care about the meta-game pretenses, or how "rich" his char development will or will not be--the story seems hella interesting, right now!

To Ralts: Well done, mate. I recently gave up my usual position as primary caster for an interesting new warrior class a friend found for me. But reading this (especially the "Challenge denied!" bit) made me sorely yearn for a half-loon, curse-whipping mage. This character idea reminds me what I love about being a mage--you always have a chance to think on your feet and make crazy things happen (like detroying a level boss by fireballing all sixteen squares he's occupying). Some say it speaks of "overzealousness", others claim it's a sign of "immaturity", or "hamishness", but really, I say that I'm just doing my job as "the-guy-who-blows-things-up" while the other party memebers serve as invaluable meatshields--er, uh, I mean--companions. I applaud your work here, and I look forward to more stories of the dreaded Cortez and his band of misfits.

To the aforementioned band of misfits and the GM: I humbly bow before you and your delicious imaginations.

As a side note, I'm interested in some of these non-standard rules you're using. Maybe I'm still just a fledgling n00b with merely a year or more's experience at this, but I've never read about "blood magic". This idea intrigues me and I wish to learn more. Can someone enlighten me? Or direct me to a book?

Thank you, for the stories and the reference, in advance.



First Post
Well, I can't say for certain, because I've been out of the loop of stuff that Ralts has been working on recently, but I do know that there was talk of blood magic to come in a book that's supposed to come out ... or was supposed to come out a while ago. But things always seem to catch hang-ups with Ralts and co.

Ralts' particular brand of blood magic might be unique, but I know there are atleast one or two books out, by other people who supplied blood magic.

As to other things mentioned, you can check, Arcane Strife (the backlash of magic, Ralts' mentioned.) Which might also have blood magic in it ... it's been a long time since I read that book.

And also Assassins Manifesto: Crimson Contracts, which is a great book, even if you don't use the rules, the story provided, utterly free of charge, is imaginative and alluring.


Ralts, don't say anything about me breaking my long standing lack of postage ... I don't wanna hear it.


First Post
I don't know what it's current status is (it's been a project for publication, and at one point was deemed "Oh just throw it out as OGL material", but what it is now I don't know offhand), but Blood Magic is one of the many types of magic listed in Elevated Mysteries of Shtar. If Ralts & Kerrick ever finished EMS, I don't know.

I was actually kind of surprised that Ralts would spring blood magic on a new DM. But hey, the guy seems to have rolled right with it.


First Post
Ralts doesn't know how to do something other than spring something upon someone else, bonus points if they are unsuspecting.


Mod Squad
Staff member
TheRelinquished said:
To all the naysayers: Blah, blah, blah.

Now, hold on there just a sec. There's a point to be made here.

The post was made in the General forum. This is a place for discussion - posting it here accepts that differing opinions will be stated, and they should be dealt with respectfully.

If Warlord Ralts just wanted to post the story of his game to amuse others, he should have taken this to the Storyhour forum. Since he put it here, it is reasonable to assume he actually wants to talk about it like a polite and reasonable human being. And that likewise extends to everyone else who posts in the thread.


Penguin Herder
I think we can discuss the character and its actions, but questioning the legitimacy of playing that character at all is an attack thinly veiled as a "discussion", if veiled at all.

I'm very amused by the story. I would NEVER allow such a wizard IMC, but that does not give me the right to tell him what is right or wrong in HIS campaign.

Anyway. My 2cp.

-- N

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