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Playtesters for a Holy Assassin Class?


I am working on a publishing project and the need came up to develop a holy assassin class for Pathfinder RPG, so I developed one and now need it play-tested, any volunteers?

The class is based on a Pathfinder Ranger as a template, has many ranger abilities with some nerfs to accomodate additional abilities, but flavored more as a cleric assassin.

Deathwatcher (tentative name for now, probably will be changed)
HD: d8
BAB: as per Cleric
Saves: as per Ranger
Alignment: any non-good/non-evil neutral

Skills: 6 + Intelligence modifier
Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Heal, Knowledge: Engineering, Knowledge: Religion, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Swim

Weapons/Armor: any simple and martial weapon, any light and medium armor, no shields.

Favored Enemy: limited to any humanoid (subtype) (human, elf, giant, etc.), monstrous humanoid and undead.

Trail: follow a target without being spotted; as a standard action, select a target in line of sight, a deathwatcher adds half his base level (minimum 1) to avoid being spotted. Use this as a penalty to opposed Perception checks, also as a Perception bonus to reacquire lost targets, who have turned a corner or otherwise fallen out of line of sight.

Combat Style feat: as per ranger, combat styles available include two weapon fighting and archery. A new style is available (see below)

Stealth Striker Combat Style: improved feinting, improved initiative, mobility, power attack; at 6th level add: improved critical, improved vital strike; at 9th level add: blinding critical, spring attack.

Favored Terrain: at 2nd level gain a favored terrain from the following list: urban, underground (cavern/dungeon/sewers). At 6th level gain second favored terrain, no further favored terrains available beyond this point.

Weapon Focus: at 3rd level gain weapon focus as a bonus feat.

Use Poison: at 3rd level gain use poison extraordinary ability as per Assassin Prestige Class.

Sneak Attack: at 4th level gain Sneak Attack bonus 1d6, improving every fourth level, to a total of 5d6 at 20th level.

Spells: at 4th level gain access to a small number of divine spells from the Cleric spell list. Use rules and progression as per ranger class.

Swift Trailing: at 7th level gain trail ability at double movement rate.

Evasion: gain this ability at 9th level

Deathwatcher's Quarry: at 11th level, gain a +2 insight bonus to attacks, damage, saves and DC checks with target of deathwatcher's quarry, and confirm all critical hits.

Improved Evasion: gain this ability at 13th level

Hide in Plain Sight: gain this ability at 17th level

Critical Blow: at 19th level gain - on a successful critical hit, double stength bonus to normal damage.

Coup de Grace Mastery: at 20th level, all coup de grace attempts are done as a swift action, with no incurred attacks of opportunity against threatening opponents. As rogues, deathwatchers can combine Sneak Attack with a coup de grace.

The Deathwatcher is a holy assassin, serving a lesser deity of death called Cerene. This deity's primary concern is the slaying of those living beings attempting to extend their mortalities beyond natural means (magic, undead status.) These fanatics are devout followers of their deity and assassinate only holy sanctioned targets and will never kill for pay.

As a temple priest, deathwatchers perform burial rites and pay for burial expenses for the poor. They also perform fee based mercy killings for those suffering disease, injury or illness, though lack the funds to visit a proper healer or cleric. They serve the community and have a voice in local government and are considered a respected member of the community.

Their holy assassinations are kept secret from public exposure or to the authorities in the city. The assassin's guildmaster is the high priest of the Temple of Cerene, only located in cities; never in towns or villages.

Any Play-testers interested in givnig this new class a proper run through?

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Major problems:
  • Non-good does not go well with holy - in d20 "holy" is usually equal to "bane to all evil stuff"
  • As written, straight Rogue is going to be more versatile and effective: more skill points, better class skills, favored enemy is trumped by sneak attacks, Rogue/Shadowdancer will have access to similar class features at lower levels, Rogue/Assassin will trump the class in about everything.
  • Trail - very limited applicability, breaks reasonable limits of standard d20 test
  • Capstone ability.

Start anew. Address the following issues:
- Create a unique shtick (or find a unique niche).
- A base class must be able to do something besides its unique shtick.
- Remember: Fighter is about melee, Rogues excel at sneaking, traps and skill use, Rangers do Roguey stuff in woods and get nature-related supernatural abilities (and companions), Assassins kill bypassing hitpoints while making resurrection harder.
- This is d20. Worry about magical protections, raise dead and divinations. Oh, and you need to bypass hitpoints.
- This is d20, however spells do not solve all problems (i.e. adding spell levels won't resolve current issues).

Two important thingies:
- Unless it's NPC class, a player should enjoy playing it.
- In case you achieve the above, make sure you haven't created Mary Sue.



Good points!

Good points! I made one fairly successful Ranger-template class creation with a Samurai, I thought I could do it again. Oh well, back to the drawing board.




New thoughts...

Looking at Cleric Assassin from other points of view:

1. A cleric based class skilled in grappling and strangulation, able to do touch spells, perhaps bypass armor and do touch spells, mostly spells that bypass hit points, pins and immobilizes targeted victim. Gets a ghosttouch grapple or strangle at capstone.

2. Create something akin to a Ninja with ki powers (like) mechanic granting special powers for combat, bypassing armor/hp, etc.

3. A somewhat nerfed Rogue class with more spell access, perhaps like a Ranger progression with arcane spells.

4. Related to #2, a monk with either rogue talents, or ki powers more akin to stealth and slaying.

Does any of these work as a unique schtick?

My product features an "Assassin's Lair" that is connected to a Temple in the city. It is intended as a drop-in product to existing adventures and campaigns with supporting organizations, NPCs, magic items, traps, tips on using the product, plot hooks, etc. Though it works as a standalone product, it will be connected to all other products and eventually be used to world-build from the bottom up, creating a new campaign setting.

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First Post
I personally wanted a non-evil assassin class, so I just altered the one that was provided. I removed the evil prerequisite and the poison use/save bonus. I replaced the poison use with this ability:

Guided Weapon (Su): At 2nd level, any single weapon the holy assassin designates becomes magical, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus. Unlike magic weapons created by normal means, the assassin need not spend gold pieces to accomplish this task. However, an assassin’s magic weapons only function for him. In addition, the assassin's weapons gain a number of additional qualities as he gains additional levels. The special qualities and the designated weapon can be changed once per day, when the assassin prays to his deity after 8 hours of rest.
At 4th level, the assassin's weapon gains one of the following weapon qualities: Merciful, Defending, or Flaming.
At 6th level, the assassin's weapon gains one of the following weapon qualities: Bane, Ghost touch, or Keen. These are added to the list from 4th level.
At 8th level,At 6th level, the assassin's weapon gains one of the following weapon qualities: Axiomatic, Holy, Flaming Burst. The assassin may apply one of these qualities as well as one of the qualities from previous levels.

I also added a "code" to the class and limited alignment. The class was built for a deity of the sun, hence the Flaming and Flaming Burst qualities. Overall, it worked out great.


Nice ideas, but...

Nice ideas on the weapon specialties, but I am also developing a class of legacy items called Relics that will feature power-ups passed on users level, with event actions required to trigger the turn-on of level up powers. These items will include: weapons, armor and rings, but will not be class associated, rather anyone can use them. Though items are rare.

So whatever I decide my Assassin class will be, he will have access to such an item, most likely a weapon. So buildng that into a class will be redundant to such an item.

Both the new class (if created) and these new items will be included in the product. So building a weapon power-up Assassin won't really work in this project.

Good idea, though.



Responding to your ideas...

Let's try to be lazy and look for a real world analogue to assassins serving divine interests: Thuggee.
Chief points of interest: stealth, special weapon, teamwork, efficiency.

When you add these together, you get an assassin who excels at stealth jobs, uses teamwork and disguises, always - simply always - attacks from position of overwhelming tactical advantage.

Breaking it down into d20 components:
- Stealth, Bluff, Diplomacy [Gather Information], Perception, Disable Trap [Bypass traps], Disguise, Use Magic Device [Bypass magic wards], Craft skills, Religion, Knowledge (Planes)
- Heavy use of extradimensional space (Rope Trick at will probably, Ethereal Jaunt at higher levels)
- Abilities to paralyze and trip and grapple (Poisons and martial training)
- Ability to use improved form of Flanking for maneuvers (Disarm, Trip, Grapple)
- Garrote, close range thrown weapons
- anti-resurrection skills (check Assassin writeup)
- capstone - no idea, something cult related possibly

- Monk variant, replace relevant abilities with fitting components above
- Cleric variant, replace channeling, spontaneous casting and domains with some of the abilities from above
- Rogue variant, leave Sneak Attacks, decrease skill points and replace Rogue talents with Thuggee talents from above



Tweaks, but like the original post.

OK, you posted before I finished this write up, so let me look at your proposal, before I do this again.

Never mind this post.

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Maybe a Prestige Class instead?

Giving this some more thought, maybe it would better serve as a Prestige Class.

Sustainer (name may change, placeholder for now)

HD: d8, BAB: Cleric, Saves: Cleric

Alignment: any non-good/non-evil neutral alignment
Skills: Disguise ranks 2, Stealth ranks 5
Special: devout obedience to high priest, Temple of Cerene

Class Skills: Bluff, Craft, Diplomacy (Gather Information), Disable Device (bypass traps), Disguise, Knowledge: Planes, Knowledge: Religion, Perception, Stealth, Use Magic Device (bypass magic wards); 6 + Int. modifier.

1st: Sneak Attack 1d6, Stunning Strike (on successful Sneak Attack, may apply the Stunned condition on target for 1 round), Rope Trick (at will).

2nd: Cast Orisons, Improved Grapple, Poison Use

3rd: Sneak Attack 2d6, Sleep Strike (on successful Sneak Attack, may cause target to fall asleep for 1d4 hours).

4th: Cast 1st level Cleric spell, Ethereal Jaunt x1/day, Hidden Weapon (as per Assassin's ability).

5th: Sneak Attack 3d6, Paralyzation Strike (on a successful Sneak Attack, may cause target to be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds)

6th: Cast 2nd level Cleric spell, Greater Grapple (on a successful Grapple attempt, your opponent is automatically pinned, but you lose Dex bonus), Improved Feinting

7th: Sneak Attack 4d6, Ethereal Jaunt x 2/day

8th: Cast 3rd level Cleric spell, Death Strike (on a successful Sneak Attack, your target is slain), Greater Feinting

9th: Sneak Attack 5d6, True Death (as per Assassin ability)

10th: Cast 4th level Cleric spell, Ethereal Jaunt x 3/day, Swift Coup de Grace (perform Coup de Grace as a swift action.)

Critique please!

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First Post
I think you're on the right track with the class as a PrC as opposed to a base class. However, the abilities that you're giving the class seem to be not in tune with the class you described before. I mean giving them the ability to sleep and paralyze the target seems more of a non-lethal attack method, and from the targets described in your description, kind of useless. If you changed your idea and went for a more non-lethal / capture approach, let them switch between nonlethal and lethal damage with any weapon without penalty. Otherwise I like the idea of merging cleric/monk/rogue, although I personally would drop the cleric spells and make it more monk like. Looks good though.

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