• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Please download this Hak-Pak!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This hak-pak allows me to do some stuff with the module that I've wanted to do for a while. For best results, don't look at the hak-pak, just install it and wait to be surprised!

All you need to do is place this (unzipped) into your hak folder. It won't affect anything you do with NWN except for this module.

Note that this will be necessary to play on the EN World server, but it's not a big download.


Believe me when I say this will be worth it! I was, to put it bluntly, bowled over by the results. I won't spoil the surprise, though, so just install the hak, play on as normal and wait for me to do some funky stuff just when you're least expecting it! :)
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First Post
Lol Really!

youspoonybard said:
Just by the name of it, I am very, *VERY* scared.

-Morrow Eldsmith & Maespring Twiddlefingers.

I couldn't help but look at the name of the file, and was daunted! But..it's installed, and it didn't eat my computer system..so fear not, Youspoonybard :)


First Post
Note that this will be necessary to play on the EN World server, but it's not a big download.
Not a big download is a relative thing... im downloading it, but its looking like its going to take close to 1 1/2 hours to from here. A realy long time to get something when I was looking to play.

Maybe i will do a web search and see if there is anyplace else i can download it faster from... only getting 2.4 kb a second here. Thats about half what i normaly get downloads at(yeah still slow...)

As a side issue... Any chance something can be done about the insane gold penalty on death? Chazman took 1500 points damage the other day walking into a room... Bad enough by itself.. but also got xp loss, item loss, and lost a total of 1,194,433 gold from this one death. Seems a bit overdone to me.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
Chaz said:
As a side issue... Any chance something can be done about the insane gold penalty on death? Chazman took 1500 points damage the other day walking into a room... Bad enough by itself.. but also got xp loss, item loss, and lost a total of 1,194,433 gold from this one death. Seems a bit overdone to me.
Yep, I'm thinking of removing all challenges from the game. Y'see, the monsters are too tough, there isn't enough treasure, penalties on death are too much, magic kit is too expensive .... once I've satisified all the requests, you'll join the game and it'll say "Well done - you've won!". :)

Sorry. Just trying to be funny. :)

Sorry the hak-pak is taking you a while. It's worth the wait, though, trust me! :)


Penguin Herder
My my my. I met a Great Wyrm Green Dragon, albeit very briefly, this evening. I'm not sure if he even noticed me down there, where he was breathing.


-- N

PS: Be afraid. Be very afraid. :uhoh:


Morrus said:
Yep, I'm thinking of removing all challenges from the game. Y'see, the monsters are too tough, there isn't enough treasure, penalties on death are too much, magic kit is too expensive .... once I've satisified all the requests, you'll join the game and it'll say "Well done - you've won!". :)

Sorry. Just trying to be funny. :)

Sorry the hak-pak is taking you a while. It's worth the wait, though, trust me! :)

All joking aside the death penalty issue does need addressing, just up the standard penalties to XP and GP's for dying and remove the your corpse is looted losse HEAPS of gold and an Item would be my suggestion as its a bit overly harsh.

Can I also suggest a look at quicklings be made.. I don't object to monsters that PP particualrly but when they disappear after a time with your money or items in tow all vanishing with them its a bit unfair.
I got stung the other day when the server was a little laggy (a rare occurence thankfully) one pickpocketed me and took a 200k + item (greater horn of blasting) of course I was nowhere near the quickling at the time but got yanked back next to it like an elastic band when the lag kicked in giving it a chance to PP me without me even knowing and only after it had faded away discovered the item had been PP'ed. Not a huge issue but if the quicklings didnt vanish after a time i would at least have had a feasible chance of getting the item back.

Of course Bioware is partly to blame too for putting the you notice someone pickpocket you message appearing in the combat verbose window LOL at the speed combat text flies by the chances of noticing a single line during a combat with multiple foes is about a likely as picking the winning lottery numbers :)

And as a final please with the crafting system now in place for the sake of spellcasters can we get the item max limit before being whisked away to encumbria upped from 130 to like 180 or something... I spent like 10 mins getting a bag of blank scrolls ready for scribing together (not like you can press pause, pop bavck to shop resotck on scrolls in the middle of a fight or dungeon etc...) only to head out of the emporium and immediately appear in Encumbria because I had more than 130 items... very very annoying. Wizards in particular get stung by this frequently
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First Post
To be fair... I never said remove challenges... I was just commenting that a hit for nearly 1.2 million gold seemed high to me. Sorry if it was out of line to mention it.



Well, that was fun
Staff member
Things is, Chaz... the GP hit is a small percentage. If that small percentage is getting so large, that says more about the amount of money you have than anything else. I'm not convinced it's a good idea; being able to respawn with little to no penalty removes the risk factor. People have to want not to die, not view it as a minor inconvenience.

[I know you didn't say remove all challenges; that was sarcasm. :) ]
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