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Please help - cliches needed


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I'm working on another D&D campaign setting (I'm actually working on two at once but this one is the only one relevant here). The concept behind the setting is a world that is an exaggerated, overstated or complete opposite of a number of elements common to many fantasy worlds. Basically, I'm turning fantasy on its head by either exaggerating the cliche to the Nth degree or completely reversing it. I'm hoping I'll come up with something good. The campaign's 'flavour' would be comedic drama. This means that while serious situations and life-threatening problems can occur, the emphasis would be placed on humour. With me as DM, of course, there's very little to worry about in that regard.

I need help with finding things to include. I'm compiling a list of as many fantasy and role-playing cliches and stereotypes as I can find to include as elements in the campaign that I can play with. This is what I have so far:

1. Elves on this world would be the most flamboyant, poncy, bisexual bimbos you've ever seen - a race of Liberace wannabes. They are decent enough warriors, although they have to stop fighting every ten minutes to check their reflection, and talented magicians, even if they do have more than a requisite number of spells devoted to hairstyling and dental hygeine. They're completely self-obsessed and superior, and also they are sexual deviants to the greatest degree - not just wearing another gender's underwear but more bizarre and disturbing than I care to go into here.

2. Dwarves are a short, stocky race who love three things: Fightin', drinkin' and gold. Everything else - everything else, is an optional extra to life. Unlike standard D&D dwarves, dwarves are the epitome of chaotic behaviour. They do pretty much what they want - this is because they are usually drunk. Dwarves are drunken Glaswegians who've lost all sense of decorum. They are almost completely incoherent, unless they are about to kill you in which case their meaning is extremely clear. The phrase "Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggghhhhhhh!" is the most common one you use in dealings with dwarves.

3. A race called the Reptillians. Lizard-like people, the Reptillians are evil, by-and-large, and want to take over the world. Unfortunately, since they are the most argumentative and bureaucratic race in the multiverse, they can rarely agree on anything long enough to do it. Plus, of course, all the paperwork's a bitch. Reptillians don't really get on enough for large-scale military activity - their armies tend to fight with each other as much as with the enemy. And you wouldn't believe the arguments and paper-trails created trying to decide on regimental uniforms.

4. Dragons are very, very rare creatures. They are entrepeneurs and businessmen. Rather than hordeing gold and treaure in mountains on high peaks, they consolidate it with aggressive maintainance of stock portfolios and creative accountancy. They don't so much ravage villagers and eat maidens as stage hostile takeovers or issue loans and take maidens as collateral.

5. I had one idea about a college of magic at which magic isn't studied so much as how to act superior and look important, but I thought that might be a little too close to Terry Pratchett's Discworld. Still, I suppose all DM's steal things.

What other suggestions can the panel come up with? Be creative, please: go nuts. Nothing is too outlandish - it is, after all, the point.

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Great idea!

Don't forget that dwarven women are indistinguishable from dwarven men - even the dwarves can't tell!

Halflings who are overweight, slightly vicious kleptomaniacs, a la Bored of the Rings.

Druids who switch sides at the drop of a hat.

Anyone evil should have a really evil sounding name. (We were playing The Banewarrens adventure, and when we were presented with the names of some of the noble houses, trying to figure out who was after us, the only one that sounded evil was the one that was evil. Talk about cliche...)


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How about magic shops that sell magic items in grab bags. You don't know what you are buying, but you are assured of getting one rare magic item, several uncommon magic items, and a dozen commons...

" Oh man, this sucks. I got a +2 Twin-Bladed Sword as my rare again!"


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All gnomes can cast really lame illusion spells and never walk anywhere, but appear in a puff of smoke.

Order of the Stick could be a good place to look for cliches, and fun to read too: www.giantitp.com and click on comics.


There used to be a game called Tales of The Floating Vagabound. I never played it, but my friend had the books and it was hillarious. It was a hero sci-fi game totally based on humor. You would buy skills (called schtick) like melodramatic music. Whenever a character with this power would walk into the room strange meldoramtic music would play in the background causing everyone in a tavern to turn and look at the player. I used my Google-Fu and found this:


It looks like it may come out soon in a PDF


Even though it is a sci-fi game, it sounds like they may be right up your ally. If you can find a cheap used copy to mine for ideas I think they could easily be used for a fantasy game. Good luck.


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I've always been of the mind that rotting, intelligent undead (like the lich and the mummy), should be terribly senile. Not only are they centuries old, but most of them don't even have brains any more. So, while they would have these grand schemes to conquer the world, they wouldn't even be able to remember where the door to the privy was located. They would constantly be losing things: Like the artifact the PCs have spent months questing after, the keys to the Lost Vaults of Vast Treasure Surplus, and even bits of themselves (think Vecna).

I also thought they might soak themselves in oils and rose petals to keep their (remaining) skin supple and to keep away the stench. Of course, the result would be that liches smell like your Aunt Fanny...

Furthermore, they would spend most of their time talking about what it was like in The Old Days: "Why when I was 203 we had to walk all the way up to level 3 to kill adventurers, then we had to carry them back down to level 17 just to dissect them!" Something along those lines...but much funnier. :p
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So you walk into this tavern...

I had a joke campaign where everyone in the game was officially signed up as a member of an Adventuring Party, which, amongst other things, required them to fill out a form stating "Tavern/Inn/Bar of Residence".


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ivocaliban said:
I've always been of the mind that rotting, intelligent undead (like the lich and the mummy), should be terribly senile. Not only are they centuries old, but most of them don't even have brains any more. So, while they would have these grand schemes to conquer the world, they wouldn't even be able to remember where the door to the privy was located. They would constantly be losing things: Like the artifact the PCs have spent months questing after, the keys to the Lost Vaults of Vast Treasure Surplus, and even bits of themselves (think Vecna).

I also thought they might soak themselves in oils and rose petals to keep their (remaining) skin supple and to keep away the stench. Of course, the result would be that liches smell like your Aunt Fanny...

Furthermore, they would spend most of their time talking about what it was like in The Old Days: "Why when I was 203 we had to walk all the way up to level 3 to kill adventurers, then we had to carry them back down to level 17 just to dissect them!" Something along those lines...but much funnier. :p

That's classic! That is total classic comedy! I MUST use it! Cheers!

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