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Please Let Me Play My Character


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Lorna said:
aaand then the trouble started. every time I saw the character she was hurt... usually self inflicted, or she was threatening to kill herself or kill others... all because she wanted me to interact with her and do so RIGHT that MINUTE OR ELSE!!

Ugh, looks like I'm back here again to say the same thing again...

Anyway, this story is kinda depressing. Here's what I wonder: Might this person have kept doing this because it was the only wany anyone would give them attention? I mean, its not the best way to do things, but if this person was only noticed when they had a sword in the gut, what could she really do?

If something like this does start happening, I would PM the player and tell them nicely that internal bleeding is not a necessity to role-play with you.

The thing is, people come to this site not really knowing what to do, and most of them will do something like this the first time to get attention. If you ignore them, 90% of the time the are only going to pull something more outrageuous the next time around, not become a nice quite polite member of the community.

Yes, just walking over to someone is the best way to get into ISRP, but I've yet to meet a completely new player who actually knew that. The trick is to respond to these cries for attention, befriend the player, and slowly guid them in the right direction.

Remember, being new means you have no idea how to break in, so you have to be patient and supportive of new players. You should not ignore them just because they go about it the wrong way.

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I just dropped by to say something after my gf pointed this one out to me.

Jax and Jardel,

From what I have seen in this thread I have to say that I feel the same way as you two do as well on this issue. As Lorna pointed out much bad can come about when dealing with the characters who are dying or the players behind the scenes.


Maybe you didn't want to make it look as if you were demanding attention, but that is how it was perceived. As Jardel pointed out how about using other methods to get interaction? Speaking for myself only, I play more the dark brooding anti hero types. They aren't quick to help someone UNLESS that person is a friend or has helped them in the past. I play those characters the same way on table top and I am not going to compromise that because someone is getting ignored and dying. That would be totally out of character for the majority of my characters.

Since I am the one that usually brings up the issue of cliques and my intent is usually misunderstood I would like to clarify what I mean. I don't have a problem with players of like mind joining together for a pleasant rping experience. Couldn't a IRL gaming group be looked at like they were a clique? I am talking about the ones that band together to make everyone else's life a living hell. The ones that belittle every little thing that a player tries to come up with. The ones that will run to their friends and anyone else that will listen and bad mouth people till they get no interaction at all when they come to the ISRP areas. We all know the type that I am talking about here, we have at one point or another rped with them or actually talked to them on IM's or the many other forms of communication out there. Now I know that usually on this site when someone mentions a clique they are refering to the group of characters that interact with both Jax and Jardel. I am NOT doing that, I repeat I am not doing that. I have had MANY characters approach that group and have had a pleasant rping experience with that group, and I don't talk to a single one of them on any IM so someone can't use the excuse "well he is friends with them". Jackson's player was even nice enough to send some were creature information to me so that I might play a character more believable to those that do play D&D. I personally like that group of characters as a player and I have on more than one ocassion defended their actions and will continue to do so.

I say continue playing your characters as you see fit. There is no way you can play a character in a manner that everyone is going to be happy. Play the character the way that makes you happy and to hell with everyone else's thinking on it. I have told many players that if they don't like the way I play my character then put me on ignore or pay no attention to the characters actions, don't try to shove what you believe down my throat. I don't put up with that IRL and I sure as hell ain't going to put up with it online.

On a side note......HEY are there any new additions to Unlikely Heroes?!?!?! I used to go through and read all of them but when I kept coming to the same one at the end I eventually stopped looking for new stuff. Hmm might have to get with some players just to play out the table aquisition methods that would be a blast. Umm okay I wouldn't do that it was too damn funny in the comic and I couldn't do it justice!




Might this person have kept doing this because it was the only wany anyone would give them attention? I mean, its not the best way to do things, but if this person was only noticed when they had a sword in the gut, what could she really do?

Sorry Lorna but I'll field this one for you since you are out at the moment:D .

The character she was referring to got PLENTY of attention. The problem was the player wanted her character to be the spot light of the room and would do things like that all the time. There are MANY characters that do that in the ISRP areas on a regular basis. It is old and over done as I believe Jardel said(is starting to agree more and more with Jardel by the moment and gets a chill up his spine thinking it to be the end of the world:angel: ). Yes they are new BUT like when I was a new player to this site I would approach people just like I would IRL, only once have I approached someone bleeding profusely, he was a Navy Corpsman and I was a Marine that had just been shot heh. Everyone keeps saying how we should treat the new players. How about the new players take a moment to read the boards and learn how to deal with us old players? *gasps* We get treated like crap just as often but everyone is so quick to defend the newbie but want about when they do things to us that goes against common sense and courtesy? Who takes up for the more experienced players? Seems that the new guys get the special treatment while the rest of us are told to just suck it up and deal with it. That is something that has been making me sick lately. Yes let's treat the new players fairly just as they should treat us fairly. IRL if someone treats me like crap they are getting the same in return if not a broken nose or jaw for being a jerk.

PS> These aren't the views of anyone other than the one doing the typing that has a thing for kicking people in the face for being morons.



First Post
Well, situations like that one do set a bad precedent, but I still have a problem with ignoring everyone who wanders in injured because of it.

Why not give everyone one shot and only cut them off if they abuse it? I mean, its not fair to every new player/character to snub what is a cry for attention just because they might keep doing it, because most of them don't.

Its just that I hear the same thing over and over again (which is why I tried the experiment in the first place). I'll meet a new player, start talking to them, and they nearly always ask: "Why does everyone ignore me when I do 'X'. I don't understand."

Usually, 'X' is something that they did in the hopes of drawing attention to themselves in the room, and which only got them ignored.

I don't know, I just don't think it would hurt that much if we gave them a little attention for these things early on, and helped them get weaned of it later. That's better than ignoring them altogether and chasing them offsite.

Also, on "cliques". I don't honestly think tht anyone has formed any intentional cliques is ISRP, nor do I think people are making an effort to lock others out of their groups. I think cliques are an illusion of sorts. New players come in, see everyone else has someone to talk to, do something like what I've been talking about, get no response, and assume its because they aren't in the right "clique".

Now, had they just walked up to someone and struck up a conversation, they probably would not have been ignored at all. However, they don't know this. They're just trying to break in blind. Let's not hold it against them.

How about this for a compromise: When you see someone making an obvious cry for attention, even if you don't want to acknowledge it and encourage it, send the player a friendly PM asking them if they are new and need help.

That way you wouldn't have to encourage "bad behavior", but you also wouldn't be ignoring someone just because they are unsure of how to play.



Don't really have time to contribute to the debate at this moment, so I'll just answer the important questions.

Fenmarel said:
On a side note......HEY are there any new additions to Unlikely Heroes?!?!?! I used to go through and read all of them but when I kept coming to the same one at the end I eventually stopped looking for new stuff. Hmm might have to get with some players just to play out the table aquisition methods that would be a blast. Umm okay I wouldn't do that it was too damn funny in the comic and I couldn't do it justice!

New Unlikely Heroes stuff is in production, it's been slow lately because both Jax and myself have been busy and I've been sick as plague zombie for the last week. :( However there should be something up soon. Thankyou for kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed the strip. :D



Hehehe I think I put something new up like a few weeks ago, or something. I'm SUCH a slacker.

But back to the other topics, I'm glad we're all in agreement about the clique thing. I can understand peoples' frustration in not having anyone to talk to, and then seeing other people enjoying their evening chat with friends. But friends do that. Simple as that. You're going to be 100 times more likely to talk to your friend while you're sitting in the mall food court than the stranger two tables over with the Misfits shirt on and the 80+ piercings. Not that there's anything wrong with the Misfits or body piercings, but you get my point.

"Why not give everyone one shot and only cut them off if they abuse it?"

Well, I think it's been said about 80 times over that we're just going to act the way we're going to act, and there's not going to be any rules about it. You can certainly have that policy, but mine is, "don't get involved unless you're asked, or you happen to take a personal interest in the event in question." Should this be everyone's policy? No. Am I always going to go by this policy? Of course not. But I'm sorry, we're just not going to agree on anything. That's why we're all different people with different mindsets, instead of a collective. That's what makes us interesting. I can understand your views, but I really don't think it's necessary to change the way everyone behaves.


First Post

First I say "Ugh!" as I roll my eyes :rolleyes: scrolling down the long endless circle the argument runs in. (( Sorry I meant debate. :p Meh! No way tell it like it is, argument! :p ))

First off terms like "clique" and "elitist" are being thrown around so much its like the boy who cried wolf, yell it often enough and people will just down right ignore you, in my opinion there terms have joined the ranks of "twink," "snert," "powergamer," "newbie (i.e. n00b)," etc, ad nauseam.

Yes people are going to naturally congregate into social groups with people they like or trust, there's nothing wrong with that. It happens all the time in the real world, from grammar though high school, to college, the workplace and beyond that's just a natural evolution of social dynamics, but that in and of itself does NOT constitute elitism!

When it gets to the point of one individual threatening you with a statement like "if you don't stop role-playing with the characters in our guild then we're going to report on you for harassing us!" Then it's elitist not to mention a form of harassment (to the point of being a CoC infraction), that happened to someone I know and it degenerated into a deplorable mess.

As for realism the constant never ending ploys for attention i.e. coming in at death's door and all that nonsensical drivel as a ploy to get attention rather detracts from the realism. Why? Its over dramatized, over abusive, and as it happens week in and week out it, people will naturally become jaded and desensitized to it.

Now if you really wanted to add realism why not be original and actually stage the event. Talk with some one you know or use another browser window with another of your screen name and stage the mugging/attack/pick pocketing/theft whatever. Put a little though and planning into it if you want to use something like that, otherwise its just little more than additional background noise, like the hiss of static from a TV that's set to a channel with no station on air.

That's what I was trying to say: "If you see someone who looks desperate for attention. Give it to them!"

Why not give everyone one shot and only cut them off if they abuse it? I mean, its not fair to every new player/character to snub what is a cry for attention just because they might keep doing it, because most of them don't.

First off I'm gonna say that rewarding deviant, self-destructive or just plain annoying behavior is only going to encourage the person to display more of that undesired behavior rather than discourage it, and sometimes people don't have the patients to deal with someone like that.

Yes there are some people who will turn around and improve, but there are also many instances of the exact opposite happening and that burns people. Its kind of like, the old adage fool me once shame on me, but then it goes fool me twice just put a sign on my back that say "doormat please walk all over me."

I know of several instances of where a couple of people I know have had this situation where a "n00b" (for lack of a better term) comes up to them they get into a conversation and try to be nice, but the "n00b" attaches themselves to these folks in unpleasant ways. With male characters it often falls into the "jealous boyfriend" scenario like with one annoying vampire around that fawned (in love I suppose) over all the female characters and when ever one of their male friends starts to talk the vamp goes "back off lil' man" like he's the invincible hulk/gods gift to women. Or there's the pushy female types that flirt around and then have kids by the ton, from every male characters they where chasing around, and making up getting pregnant by the male characters when the player did NOT consent to it. I personally know of several people who have been in one or aother of the above scenarios.

From that point on its a cycle of constant annoyance and harassment, I listen to these folks wail on ICQ/AIM/MSN about how the "n00b" is driving them crazy, won't leave them alone, blah-blah-blah, whine, moan, and groan. I remind these folks about using the iggy command, and sometimes yes I will ask them "why do you even talk with these people" etc, ad nauseam. Usually I'll also ask these folks "did you ask the "n00b" OOC not to bother you" and they say "yeah but this idiot doesn't get (or understand) the message." These situations usually end with the folks sending complaints about the "n00b's" to the moderators which in turn become warns yet the "n00b" doesn't get it repeats the same pattern with other people, and in some cases leads to banning of one or more screen names.

To sum it up if someone wants to act like a spoiled prima donna, then they better well buck up or expect to be ignored and/or heckled like a prima donna. Just as ignorance of the law is no defense from the law, then a lack of common sense, courtesy, or manners is no defense from being ignored.

You can argue about giving everyone a chance and preach about being fair as much as you like even if it makes you blue in the face, but it won't change anything. The pattern of abusive behavior repeated so often by some people over the years is both beyond comprehension and extremely sad.

Some people just can't be, or refuse to be helped out of this cycle of abusive behavior that in turn had burned many veterans on more that one occasion. It can and does grate on their nerves and people do get tired of dealing with those individuals that parade on endlessly in a pattern of downright idiotic behavior, and be rude to you IC and OOC when you might try to help or explain.

The simple fact of the matter is you can't make people do what their not willing to do. Repeating a point of argument over and over and over again ad infinitum will not change peoples' behavior. It may not always seem fair but then neither is real life is it? If your willing to help new people out then by all means do so more power to you. Heck no ones stopping you, no ones here to say "oh no that's not right you should just ignore people that beat around to get attention." We're all only human and there are time when we say "that's it I've had enough of that nonsense," just go on doing what works for you and let other people go on doing what works for them. Live and let live ya know.

((Corrected for spelling/grammar here and there. :eek: ))

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