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Pogre's Story Hour - with Pics of Minis & Scenery (Final Update)


Buttercup said:
Interesting. I find myself wondering if the PCs are planning to come back for Grislik later, or if they're going to leave him alive. Looks like a touchy situation to me.

I have yet to meet a party who leaves XP behind. Could just be the power hungry munchkins I play with though ...

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Episode 29

Episode 29
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

Opening a door on the other side of the stairway landing the group found a man hanging from the ceiling. Bridget quickly attended to his wounds and they learned that he was indeed one of the missing bounty hunters. His manacles were locked and Johann suggested they find the key instead of trying to break the chains. This was readily agreed to and the room was thoroughly explored.

A concealed door in the room led into a small closet space that had a horrible odor. A summary search turned up a sack that had the remains of the other unfortunate bounty hunter. The group left the room and split up. Johann searched another closet and kept an eye on the living bounty hunter the rest of the group continued forward.

The group came upon another small closet area where they found a man huddling against the corner.

The man averting his eyes asked, “Did the master send you to let me go?”

Bridget answered, “The master has called upon us to take you to him.”

“Where is he?” the pitiful soul asked.

“In his quarters,” came Scapa’s quick response.

“You will lead us,” Bridget ordered.


Ratter leads the group.

“Johann lets go,” Shannon yelled and soon the fighter was in tow with the rest of the group.

“Is he angry?” the cowering man asked.

“No, not at all, er… what is your name?” Bridget asked.


“Not at all Ratter. In fact I think he said something about a promotion.”

Ratter led the group with a noticeable skip in his step. He took them through a door to a well lit chamber. A man in a cowled cape was scouring over some books.

“Ahem,” the man started, “What a pleasant surprise. Who have you brought for a visit Ratter?”


Frendais Hert’s lair.

“Master, these kind people said you summoned me,” Ratter answered.

“Indeed, how forgetful of me not to recall such instructions. Surely a sign of my advanced age and distracted mind.” The wizard was eyeing the adventurers closely, but maintained a half smile during his inspection.


Frendais Hert greets Ratter.

“We have some questions for you,” Bridget stated.

“Of course, I always entertain the interrogatories of those who burst into my private study. Which, has been happening quite a bit of late I must admit,” the wizard replied sarcastically. “But surely we can sit down and discuss your concerns in a civilized manner.”


Frendais Hert speaks to Bridget.

“Yes, I have question for you wizard,” Johann stated moving his way to the front of the group. “Who’s your daddy?”

Johann charged the wizard.

The wizard Hert was prepared for the assault and incanted a charm. Johann hesitated, stopped, and looked at the wizard with a benign expression.

“Now, my friend,” Hert began, “Let me ask you: Who is your daddy?”

“You are,” came Johann’s reply, and he turned to protect his new lord.

To be continued…


gotta love it when you charm one of the players. My favorite spell is confusion because inevitably the players start hacking at one another!

And this has got to be the best NPC retort ever!

The wizard Hert was prepared for the assault and incanted a charm. Johann hesitated, stopped, and looked at the wizard with a benign expression.

“Now, my friend,” Hert began, “Let me ask you: Who is your daddy?”
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Episode 30

Episode 30
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

The rest of the group had followed Johann’s charge, but now the fighter had turned on them and was actually protecting their foe.


Johann charmed.

“Snap out of it Johann,” Shannon commanded.

“What now?” Bridget asked her fellow cleric.

The Wizard, Hert stepped to one side and called forth the pixie dust of slumber. A wave of drowsiness swept over both clerics, but their faith sustained them.


Hert casts sleep.

Scapa called forth his magic bolt that hit the Wizard squarely. Hert turned to look at Scapa and sneered as if to say, “Is that all you got?”

Bridget and Shannon hesitated yet, for neither were anxious to inflict harm upon their friend, or suffer his charmed wrath.


The stand off.

Bridget finally acted. Rushing around her beguiled compatriot she braved his assault to attack the wizard. Fortunately, Johann missed, but unfortunately, so did Bridget. Shannon went to the otherside and together with the other cleric had Hert flanked. Johann’s mighty blade hit home and the Wizard nearly collapsed.


The stand off.

Poor Ratter looked bewildered throughout the whole turn of events and made no move to aid either side. Scapa shot another magic bolt into Hert and this magic had a telling effect nearly knocking the wizard down.

What Scapa did not know was aid had arrived for the beleaguered Hert. Aid that was making an appearance right behind the vulnerable sorcerer!


Hert’s champion arrives.

To be continued…


Episode 31

Episode 31
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

Scapa was unaware of the fighter who had just appeared at his rear because of the melee ahead of him. Bridget took a shot from Johann that made her carefully consider if Johann was worth saving. She choose the braver path and swung at the wizard, missing.

Shannon did not miss. His huge blade went deep into the wizard and Lukas Praketon’s great foe of these many years died on Shannon’s steel.


Frendais Hert slain.

The champion roared upon seeing his master’s demise and swung with vengeance at Scapa. Scapa was too slow to avoid the brute’s weapon and it nearly cost him his own arcane existence. Scapa staggered backward and threw up a small cantrip into the fighter’s face, trying to slow his advance.


Scapa casts flare.

Bridget ran over behind the ailing sorcerer and laid hands on him while chanting a prayer of healing.


Bridget heals Scapa.

Bridget’s intervention seemed most timely as the enraged fighter minion of the former wizard marched forward. Amazingly his next attack missed its mark and the rest of the group moved to aid the sorcerer. All except Johann who was still trying to sort out what was going on at that moment.

The champion’s chances looked grim, but a group of Hert’s minions suddenly showed up.


Bridget heals Scapa.

Shannon watched as the thugs poured through the door. “Man alive! Nobody wants to miss the action around here I guess!”


Overhead shot.

Johann finally snapped out of his daze and rushed to ward off the attacks of the infiltrating thugs. Shannon was mono y mono on the champion, while Scapa turned to see what aid he could provide. Bridget turned to face the new arrivals and with the crash of her mace, caved in a cranium.


Johanns return.

Shannon had his hands full with the big fighter, but it was clear his skill would prevail. They exchanged meaningless blows, but then Shannon brought his blade home. Like a vorpal blade Shannon’s sword was drawn to the champion’s neck, and in a like fashion his head was severed from his neck.


Shannon kills Hert’s champion.

The thugs had seen enough and turned heels to run. Two were too slow and were cut off. The remainder were cut off in the hall by Johann and submitted to capture. He rounded them up and brought them back to Hert’s study under sword point.

Scapa immediately began looking over the documents on the Wizard’s desk. He spied his spellbook, which lay open. “Well, it’s of no use to me, but it should fetch a fair price in Hemmerschneg,” he mused aloud. The sorcerer rummaged through the desks drawers and found an interesting piece of correspondence. “What’s this?” he questioned. “Very interesting, listen to this my friends.”

To be continued…
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Episode 32

Episode 32
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

“What did you find Scapa?” Shannon asked insistently.

“It appears to be a correspondence to the late Frendais Hert. It’s tough to read the whole thing, because of some abbreviations, but I’ll try:

Hail Lord Hert,

We have the place for the ritual set only need a couple more items to call forth Theta’s divine Danse Macabre. This city will whirl in the ecstasy of his embrace.

When you reach Hemm. Come to the second wharf and journey on to Mssr. L’s Warehouse #11. Everything is in place, but hurry, the Inquisitors will be on our trail soon!

The ritual must be completed quickly to bring forth the Great Plague.

Yours in the Danse,
That’s it I’m afraid.”

“Isn’t that lovely,” Bridget began, “Someone is planning to unleash the plague on Hemmerschneg.”

“I think it’s safe to assume we know one person who will miss the party,” Johann commented pointing at Hert’s corpse. “What do you ruffians know of this?” Johann asked his recently acquired prisoners. They all shook their heads to confess their ignorance.

“The Inquisitor Praketon will be able to advise us in this matter. We should head back to the watch tower with the one bounty hunter and his friend’s remains. Perhaps he can give us some insight as to how this all comes together,” Shannon commented.

“What of Grislik?” Scapa inquired.

“Where? Where?” Johann answered in mock fear, jerking his head from one side to the next.

“I mean are we going to go back for him?” Scapa asked again.

“You’re the kind of man that would paint the backside of a burning barn aren’t you Scapa?” Johann asked.

“No, but I would be concerned about the burning side. I am just saying we all agreed the man is evil. He is in league, er was in league with Frendais Hert, and he may some information about this whole plague thing.”

“We have three prisoners and a wounded bounty hunter I’m not sure we’re up for an epic fight,” Johann replied. “At least let us rest a while so you may rejuvenate your spells.”

“That makes sense,” Scapa answered.

A few hours later the group rose and decided that Grislik was probably long gone, and that they better head out before the humanoids downstairs realized something was amiss.

“It seems a bit odd that this lot of evil types, the orcs, grislik, and wizard were not working more closely together,” Bridget mused.

“Odd how? Like how four people cannot seem to coordinate their actions in combat,” Scapa asked.

“Um yes, something like that,” Bridget answered.

The group snuck out of the manor. Their prisoners made no hue and cry on the way out. It was apparent to all they were just as concerned that the humanoids might hear them as the adventurers were. Ratter proved be downright useful on the trip home. He scouted ahead looking for the driest paths and even caught a few hares for the evening’s kettle.

The tired group finally struggled out of the swamp and headed towards the watch tower.


The adventurers approach the watch tower.

Inquisitor Lukas Praketon was most alarmed at the information the group provided him. His men also took custody of the prisoners including Ratter, much to Scapa’s dismay. He pleaded for leniency in Ratter’s case, but was rebuffed by the Inquisitor.

Praketon insisted that the group must head back to Hemmerschneg and inquire into this letter they found. He also wrote them a letter of introduction to Lord Inquisitor Helfrich Manstead. The group agreed to investigate it further, or at least to report to the Halls of Justice at the Temple to Hemmerschneg.

To be continued…


Re: Episode 32

pogre said:
Inquisitor Lukas Praketon was most alarmed at the information the group provided him. His men also took custody of the prisoners including Ratter, much to Scapa’s dismay. He pleaded for leniency in Ratter’s case, but was rebuffed by the Inquisitor.

To be continued… [/B]

"But Lord Inquisitor, who's gonna set-off...er...I mean search for traps for us?!"


Bridget's Story

Bridget’s Story

Bridget was relaxing in the watchtower after the group’s successful foray to Kleston Manor when something hit her. She would have believed it a sickness, because she was light headed, disoriented, and her ears were ringing. She stood for a moment trying to gain her bearings, but the light sensation would not abate.

Bridget’s natural reaction in these situations was to pray to Opheria for guidance and she fell to one knee.

Oh temptress and protector what ails me, if I am plagued by demons drive them out. If it is punishment for disobedience, enlighten me. I pray to thee soothe me!

You are not being punished Bridget. Your work has brought Opheria joy and she is granting you great favor.

Bridget was speechless. Never had one of her general prayers been answered so directly. She clenched her eyes tighter.

What favor is this all-powerful one that makes me feel so sick that I barely can keep from feinting?

I have but brought you a message from Opheria; I am her messenger Delphia. Your sickness is a sign of favor. Much like a woman with child in the early stages she receives signs of her blessing in the form of such sickness.

Delphia, may I address you by name without fear of retribution?

Open your eyes child, you need not fear me. Your sight brings me great joy and you should not lay prostrate quivering before this messenger.

Bridget opened her eyes and saw only a small point of light hovering before her.

“Is this light you Delphia?” Bridget noticed she was speaking aloud for the first time.

It is I. Let men worship war mongering deities that demand prostrate supplication. Let us converse in meaningful tones without resorting to such groveling. This is not my true form, but is all you can see of me at this stage of your maturity.

The point of light was speaking directly into Bridget’s mind. She relaxed and answered in kind only thinking of her questions.

What is this favor for? Am I bound to a purpose?

It is a blessing child. You have a purpose, but nothing is defined as that. Already you have helped lead one to their true calling and others besides him will follow. He will be a great champion for the Mother. There is a greater soul on the horizon, a terrible task you must build to. Brace yourself child, the path is an arduous and dangerous one.

What am I to do?

Bask in the blessing. All will come. All will come…”

The small light faded away.

Bridget awoke and she wondered, was it all a dream? Then she found her faith had been supplemented in her morning prayers. New miracles of faith and healing came forth in a torrent. What a blessing Opheria had brought her!


The old Bridget.


The new Bridget.

**Bridget continues to move up in levels and just reached third. Bridget’s player decided she wanted a figure that looked a bit more martial than her previous incarnation. Thus the visible armor and weapon at the ready.
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Episode 33

Episode 33
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

The group left Praketon’s Watchtower and headed back towards Hemmerschneg. They walked to Shyhill, and grabbed a White Stallion Coach down to Hemmerschneg.

The group decided quickly to go down to the sea wharves on the western side of Hemmerschneg and see if they could find Wharf #2. They discovered there that the Sea Wharfs were labeled from one to four going South to North. Wharf one was the fishermen’s Wharf, wharf two was the Merchant Guild’s Wharf, wharf three was the Free Trader’s Wharf, and wharf four was the Luxury Wharf.

The Merchant’s Guild Wharf had limited access; only those who were members of the guild or had a contract with the guild could gain access to the wharf.

The group thanked the fisherman who had helped them and headed back to the Quail’s Covey Inn.

Upon entering the Quail’s Covey a man in a cocked hat with an outrageous feather approached them and bowed deeply. “My friends, I am Frederick the Reader. I would like to entertain you by giving an animated reading of the posts. It’s clear you are learned people and have no use for a mere scribe regain aloud in dull tones. I offer so much more than that! I bring you drama and the full flavor of each post!”

The Quail’s Covey had a post board where everyone was welcome to post notices for travelers and others. The adventurers had read it before, but found nothing of real use.

“How much?” Johann asked.

“A mere silver,” came Frederick’s answer. “Of course, if you are entertained a gratuity would not be refused.”

Scapa flipped Frederick a silver.

Frederick began reading post after post. So and so seeking so and so, missing servants, wanted horse thief, looking for a smithy, etc. Frederick finally finished and smiled. “Would you like any of them repeated?”

“No,” Johann answered, “But we may have another matter, which you may be of assistance in.”

“Of course, of course,” Frederick answered. “But forgive me if my voice sounds horse. I am so very parched.”

“Something easily remedied,” Shannon answered.

“Yes, of course,” Scapa began, “Good man bring me a round of that fine Dwarven Alemaker’s brew. The best you have on tap.”

“How kind,” Frederick said.

“I do not care for any,” Shannon remarked.

Before Scapa could revise the order Johann quickly spoke up. “I’ll drink his.”

“Tell me Frederick,” Johann whispered, “What do you know of Wharf #2 and the Merchants’ Guild?”

“It is said House Yordan is on the brink of bankruptcy. Quite a scandal with dubious overtones of market manipulation.”

“Interesting,” Scapa replied, “But we are seeking information on how to get onto wharf #2. We were told to meet a friend there and lately have learned that there is restricted access.

“Ah yes. Now I think I understand and I may have a solution, but my worries lie with my poor mug’s bottom all naked and without cover of any sort.”

“Say no more,” Scapa answered. Turning his head he motioned for another round of drinks.

“Scapa, I still do not want a drink,” Shannon reminded the sorcerer.

“No worries, I’ll drink it,” Johann answered quickly.

“There are three main ways onto Wharf #2,” Frederick instructed. “First, as a member of the Merchants’ Guild you may enter any time without question. Second, as someone working for the Merchants’ Guild you only need to show your employment license. Third, as a person who has a contract with the Merchants’ Guild you may enter the wharf’s for the duration of the license granted in the contract.”

“How do we get one of these contracts?” Johann asked.

“Well, you make a contract with a merchant for delivery of a product and…”

“I was thinking of other means,” Johann interrupted.

“Fortunately, I know of a person who does just such work. It is expensive though.”

“How much?”

“Five to seven crowns I would think, but that is no guarantee.”

“A fair price. Can we go tonight?”

“No, but I will arrange for us to go tomorrow.”

The group bought a private room in the Inn and headed for bed.

To be continued…

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