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Pogre's Story Hour - with Pics of Minis & Scenery (Final Update)

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Episode 14

Episode 14
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

Bridget could see Johann was dying. She charged at a humanoid near Johann and dealt it a mighty blow. The mace smashed through the creature’s spinal column at the neck. It spasmed and fell, dead before it even hit the ground. She wheeled and dealt with the other humanoid in a like manner. Her blow crushed the enemy’s cheekbone and fragments of cartilage and bone found their way to its brain.

Bridget no longer shied away from the gore of combat when her compatriot’s life was on the line. Her mace came down once more, smashing the humanoids collarbone. Watching its entire limb go limp the humanoid dropped its weapon and backed away. Bridget ignored the enemy for a moment and knelt to stabilize Johann.


Bridget to the rescue.

Scapa watched the events closely. He suspected these humanoids were not acting alone. He was waiting for what he believed to be their boss to show up. He scanned the sky carefully and spied a small black shape speeding through the air towards Shannon.


Scapa’s view.

Scapa unleashed a dark bolt of magical energy that struck the tiny flying drake. The ambusher was ambushed, and the shot was enough to knock it from its path. Shannon felt the claws of the drake go past him and bounce of his chain armor.

Distracted, but undeterred, Shannon held his sword ready for the beast to turn and fly by again. The dragon came flying by again and loosed acidic spittle at the fighter. Shannon was able to dodge much of it and cut the small beast with his sword. He watched as the creature faded into the swamp. Apparently, it had enough, and retreated from the scene.



The last three humanoids were proving tough to dispatch. Bridget finally smashed another two and Scapa joined the fray. The humanoids decided they had seen enough and tried to retreat. They were quickly cut down.


Scapa joins.

The group loaded up their fallen fighter and struggled the last few miles to Lannington. Pandilandra saw the group coming and rushed out from the village walls to administer healing to Johann. Johann seemed to be buoyed by the grass he laid on and the earth itself held him in a tender embrace.

Bridget watched Pandilandra work at first, but then she noticed Shannon had tears rolling down his face.

Bridget said to him softly, “He will Shannon. Have no fear.”

Shannon replied, “I know. I can feel the Earth Mother, she is calling to me. All praise to Rhylya.”

The group was invited into the village at Pandilandra’s insistence and began to rest from their ordeal. Shannon spent much of his time with the priestess Pandilandra walking through the village and the nearby pastures. A few short days later Johann had recovered completely.

“We cannot leave that thing to live,” Scapa said.

“Oh yes. That is exactly what we are going to do Sorcerer. Leave that thing to live,” Johann replied.

“But surely it will continue to plague these fine people,” Shannon offered.

“What are you? Soft in your heads? Our work is done here, we must move on,” Johann retorted. “We got its treasure. We wounded it. We got away. Now, who do you think would be more motivated in the next confrontation? The fat, dumb, and lucky folks or the pissed off lizard?!”

“Your opinion is clear Johann,” Scapa replied. “What do you think Bridget?”

To be continued…
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First Post
Looks like the little dragon swiped Johann's brass ones to start his new treasure trove :p

Good heads up on Scapa's part looking for the little troublemaker...and Bridget, what a swipe that girl has with a club!


I guess once you already have the loot, reasons for attacking a dragon (even a little bitty one) are somewhat hard to come by, eh?


First Post
Caliber said:
I guess once you already have the loot, reasons for attacking a dragon (even a little bitty one) are somewhat hard to come by, eh?

You're darn tootin'. Four second-level characters get away with a dragon's stash? No way I was heading back to that pi$$ed off little ball of winged, acid-spewing death.

Hank aka Johann

BTW Feral, the guest bed just got a little colder for that brass ones comment ;)
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First Post
hwoolsey said:
BTW Feral, the guest bed just got a little colder for that brass ones comment ;)

Hehe, I knew that :(

A good-aligned party wouldn't want the little nipper to get away, but then I imagine a fairly small black dragon would be VERY difficult to find in a swamp if it didn't want to be found.

Besides, it getting away leaves open all sorts of possibilities....I'm sure it has some larger relatives that don't take well to 2-legged bullies :p
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Episode 15

Episode 15
Pogre’s campaign – To Save a Soul

“I am just shocked the mighty Johann is frightened of such a wee skink,” Bridget answered.

“Skink! Skink! You mean the thing that flies so fast that you can barely see it and breathes acid? Is that the skink you are referring to?” Johann was reddening at the cleric’s insinuation.

“Calm yourself Johann. I am only jesting. I agree we are ill-equipped to face the drake again. We have a job to complete for Turin. We need to take the book from the chest back to him and see if it’s of any use to him. Once our business is done there then maybe we will take care of this menace in the swamp.”

“I hate to leave it behind,” Scapa groused.

“I will seek Pandilandra’s advice on this,” Shannon offered.

“Look. I do not care what sister ‘weed-in-the-woods’ says. I know where our interests and loyalties should lie,” Johann said.

Shannon shot Johann an angry glare and stepped out to meet with the cleric.

“What’s with him?” Johann asked.

“I am not sure,” Scapa answered. “He was acting a little odd when we were traveling through the Druidic Circle as well. It was like he was caught in an old dream or memory perhaps.”

Shannon entered the room a short time later. “We will leave tomorrow,” Shannon answered.

“Well thank you for deciding for all of us. I’m glad sister ‘leaves-are-my-friend’ talked some sense into you,” Johann said.

“As I recall she healed you. The least you can do is keep a civil tongue,” Shannon replied.

The group set off for Hemmerschneg at dawn the following morning. The book they had found was Dwarven, but it looked badly damaged and illegible. When the White Stallion coach rolled into Hemmerschneg they went directly to the Quail’s Covey. A quick inquiry found Turin having an afternoon meal in the common room.

The Dwarf looked up from his meal. “Hello. Forgive the soap in my beard. Welcome home. What did you find?”

“Not much I’m afraid,” Scapa began. “Just this.” He held out the tome the adventurers had found.

“That’s it!” Turin grabbed the book.

“But, I’m afraid it is not useable. You see…” Scapa began to tell the Dwarf about the acid breathing dragon.

“Oh, that never occurred to me! No wonder my father was so saddened!” the dwarf interrupted.

“What do you mean Turin?” Bridget asked.

“I always wondered why he could not just remember the recipe for Thunderbrew XXI. I mean, I know the recipes for all of the ales I make by heart. But, there is no way he could have just remembered this,” Turin answered.

“It did radiate magic,” Scapa offered.

“Exactly,” the dwarf agreed. “This is a book of brewing runes*. Only through mastery of the runes could one make Thuderbrew XXI. This may take me a bit longer than a year to get the hang of…”

“And our reward?” Johann inquired.

“Oh yes of course,” came Turin’s startled response. He seemed to be in a dream world as he haphazardly put forth a bag of coins for them. “You know, I do not think I can master these runes and have Thunderbrew XXI on the market within a year. My word is good though; I will pay you interest on the 1,000 gold after a year.”

“Oh that’s no problem,” Shannon replied.

Johann gave Shannon a sharp look.

“Look,” Turin started, “I did find this and I thought you might be interested.” He unfolded a flier and handed it to Bridget.

The handbill read:
A Call To Arms
All free men are called to join Captain Lukas Praketon in reclaiming the Lower Slough for the Realm. Authorized by twin commissions from the Royal Prince of Dujang and the Lord Mayor of Hemmerschneg. Captain Praketon needs all able-bodied men for this quest.

Those wishing to apply for a freelance commission with excellent pay should report to the North Old Watch Tower. Time is critical and latecomers will receive less pay. Turn your steel into gold – join Inquisitor Praketon in this righteous campaign for the Realm.

Inquisitor Lukas Praketon

“We need some supplies and then we can take the coach the rest of the way. Scapa and Bridget you go grab up some healing supplies. I’ll run and get food and check out coaches. Shannon you go… What’s wrong Shannon?” Johann paused as he looked at the fighter with his head down.

“I’m not sure I am going,” Shannon answered. “I need time to think.”

“We need you Shannon. You must help us,” Scapa offered.

“I know we have had some troubles my friend, but I honestly think we fight well together. Surely you can see past my veneer, I truly admire your style,” Johann said.

“I appreciate your kind words Johann. But my fighting days may be over. I must think on this.” Shannon started to walk out of the tavern. He turned back and said, “I know the bill called for urgency; can you give me twenty-four hours to meditate on this? I will give you answer one way or another tomorrow.”

“You have to be kidding me. What in the world did that witch slip into your tea Shannon? Now listen to me…”

“Be still Johann,” Bridget remanded, “of course you can have twenty-four hours. We will await you decision Shannon.”

Shannon left.

When Shannon returned the next day they hardly recognized him.

To be continued…

* Brewer’s Rune is derived from rules found in BadAxe games excellent Heroes of High Favor: Dwarves

Brewer’s Rune
[General, Dwarf]
A Brewer’s Runes are much like a Rune of Beauty that greatly enhances the pleasure of enjoying the ale produced under its effect.

Prerequisites: Inscribed on an ale recipe book or aging casks for other liquors.

Benefit: The Rune so enhances the taste of the ale it allows the seller a +2 circumstance bonus to all Bluff and Diplomacy checks when selling the brew.
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