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pogre's Trailblazer Campaign - Update 2/20/2011


Episode 4

Episode Four

"His camp does not look that different," Goldie observed. She began slowly walking around the perimeter of Gart Prillason's mining camp.

"Look at the water trough," Deadsmell remarked. The water trough was twisted and askew in the stream.

Graxxus ducked inside Gart Prillason's hut. There he found a mess. Graxxus put his head out of the hut's portal and called, "It looks like a twisting tempest came through here."

Deadsmell hustled over to the hut with Skullcrusher. As Deadsmell entered he gave a low whistle. "Big fight," Skullcrusher commented.

"You got that right Skully," Deadsmell responded. "Gart did not go quietly into the night."

"No blood," Skullcrusher noted.

"Whoever it was they did not bother clean up. They must have taken him alive," Graxxus said.

"Aye, screaming and kicking," Deadsmell remarked. Deadsmell removed a piece of floorboard and retrieved a bag. He quickly peered inside. "There's got to be a couple hundred worth of gold in here!"

"Well, at least we know they were not after gold," Graxxus stated.

"What kind of crazed, dirt-worshipping heathens are we dealing with!" Deadsmell exclaimed.

Goldie entered the hut and said she had found a trail with heel drag marks leading away from the camp.

"I better keep this with me," Deadsmell said patting the bag of gold.

"Let us make sure that is returned to its rightful owner," Graxxus said.

"Of course governor, my thoughts are only with Gart," Deadsmell said with a close-mouthed grin.


The group followed the trail until it led into a clearing. A heavy rain broke through the trees as they entered the spot.

"This camp has not been abandoned long," Goldie said as she kicked a live coal out of a pile of ashes. "The trail seems to end here though."

"This rain is not helping us find a trail,” Graxxus complained.

Wolfclaw was looking over a tree near the center of the camp carefully. He called out to the others, “Does anyone know what tuft means?”

“Like a tuft of hair or grass?” Graxxus asked.

“Yeah, I guess, but I do not think that's what this means,” Wolfclaw replied. As the rest of the adventurers moved towards the tree the elven druid was inspecting, he pointed out some scratching in the tree bark that spelled out TUFT. There was also a circle around the base of the tree where the bark had been worn off in a shallow rut.

“I think there is a trader back in Goldcreek by that name,” Goldie offered.

“They tied him up here and he probably scratched this out hoping someone would find it,” Wolfclaw noted.

“The tree tell you that?” Deadsmell asked with a grin.

“No, I used my brain,” Wolfclaw snarled back. “You should try it some time.”

Graxxus held up his palms as if to ward off a further conflict and said, “I think we should head back to Goldcreek to pay Mr. Tuft a visit.”


Tuft's Trading Post was a relatively new fur trading post in Goldcreek. A sign on the door of Tuft's read – Not Buying. Closed for Inventory.

When Deadsmell knocked loudly on the door a man in an apron answered and quickly informed them the place was closed and not buying furs. Deadsmell slid his foot into the door frame to prevent the man from closing it, “We don't want to sell some furs. We want to buy some. A LOT of furs.”

“We're closed!” the man shouted. He shoved Deadsmell back and slammed the door shut.

“Alright Skully, you and me have a problem here,” Deadsmell said.

“And I have the ANSWER!” Skully bellowed shaking his huge axe. Skully hefted the weapon in a wide arc, readying to deliver a blow to the door.

“Hold!” Graxxus shouted. “This will only get us in trouble with the watch. We need to think this problem through a bit.”

“This,” Skully roared, brandishing his axe, “is the ANSWER!”

“I thought only your people named their weapons,” Wolfclaw said to Goldie. Goldie responded with a playful slap. “He thinks that axe is the answer to every problem.”

“Answer,” Skully repeated patting the blade of his massive axe.

“Put your ANSWER away,” Graxxus replied. “We need to keep an eye on this place. There are only a couple of entrances. We could post a watch to see both.”

“Unless there is an underground entrance,” Deadsmell pointed out.

“True,” Graxxus admitted. “Goldie, do you think that is a concern.”

“Not likely,” the dwarf templar responded. “The proximity of the river would make tunneling here problematic.”

“Excellent, let us set up a watch then,” Graxxus suggested.

“Right, I'll take 3rd watch. I'm off to get a mug of Goldcreek's finest,” Deadsmell said.

“Skullcrusher and Answer like that idea,” Skullcrusher added.

“No, we need too all stay close in case something happens,” Graxxus said. Skullcrusher and Deadsmell responded with despondent groans.

“Did he just refer to himself and his axe in the third person,” Wolfclaw asked Goldie.

“Yes, but I will say I would not want to go into battle without either one of them!” Goldie replied.


“Wakey, wakey,” Skullcrusher said in a horse whisper as he nudged Goldie awake.

“What is it?” the dwarfess asked, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

“Company,” Deadsmell hissed, pointing toward the door of Tuft's. “I'm going around to tell the others.”

Goldie just managed to catch a glimpse of a hulking figure in a cowled cape duck inside Tuft's after a brief greeting from someone within. The figure had to duck to enter the building. “He's a big one,” she whispered.

“Be low one soon,” Skullcrusher replied patting his axe.

The rest of the group scrambled back around the building to Skullcrusher and Goldie's position. “How long has he been in there?” Graxxus asked.

“Not long, maybe twenty minutes,” Goldie replied.

Graxxus was about to say something else when the door opened again. The large figure under the cowl emerged and behind him was a rather rotund man wearing a fur cloak and hat. The pair hustled off down the alleyway towards the town gate and river bridge.

Wordlessly, the adventurers followed at a safe distance.


The long trek through the wilderness ended. Cresting a wooded, low hill they spied a clearing in a valley. A large, circular, stone dais had seven men stripped to the waist and chained down to it. Obscene runes were engraved into the white surface of the dais. The runes almost seemed to glow beneath the stark firelight of dozens of freestanding torches surrounding the dais. A half dozen Bugbears surrounded the dais looking out into the darkness. Barely visible, in the half-shadows of the flickering light of the clearing was a number of crude wooden cages. There were three large skin tents on the other side of the clearing. The cowled figure stopped to talk to the Bugbears, while the fat man disappeared into one of the tents.

“Charge?” Skullcrasher asked hopefully.

“No,” the entire group answered in a whispered chorus.

“I think I see our man Gart,” Deadsmell whispered.

“Where?” Goldie asked.

“He's the one moon-bathing on the left side of the dais,” Deadsmell answered.

“Oh my, he looks terrible,” Goldie said.

“Getting strapped to an evil altar for a ritual sacrifice does that to a person,” Deadsmell replied.

“I think we should work our way around the clearing and approach from behind the tents,” Wolfclaw suggested.

“Good idea,” Skullcrusher replied.

Wolfclaw arched an eyebrow questioningly in response.

“Get us closer for charge,” Skullcrusher said.

The group crept through the woods around the clearing and as they were about to emerge they saw the fat man come out of one of the tents. He had changed clothes into dark robes, he was carrying a large scroll, and held a long black-bladed dagger in his opposite hand. The fat man ascended the dais and began reading the scroll in a chanting rhythm. The bugbears surrounding the dais answered in chants, accompanied by the occasional moan from the men chained to the dais.

“What is he saying?” Goldie asked.

“It is not good,” Graxxus replied.

“I think we can rule out a fertility rite or good harvest prayer,” Deadsmell answered.

“Right, we need to distract the scroll reader,” Graxxus began.

Wolfclaw began invoking a prayer to the woods and a short time later two wolves appeared. He then unslung his bow and nodded to Skullcrusher. Skullcrusher burst from the woods with a mighty war cry and charged towards the dais.

“I really wish someone let me in on these plans before they go into action!” Graxxus protested.

The rest of the group charged after Skullcrusher as Wolfclaw's arrow struck home on the scrollbearer. The fat man yelped in pain at the arrow's impact. The confused bugbears turned to look at their master and quickly realized they were under attack. Four of the bugbears rushed forward to meet the adventurers' charge, The remainder formed a guard around the fat man.

The fat man turned and invoked a spell of magical lightning that shot out from his outstretched palms. The bolt lit up the night air and struck home on Goldie and Graxxus. Skullcrusher had managed to leap aside and continue his charge. Graxxus and Goldie were stunned by the electrical discharge, but got their respective guards up in time to stop the bugbear weapons bearing down on them. Skullcrusher jumped, spinning high in the air, and came down like a whirlwind of death on one of the bugbears. The bugbear stumbled barely able to hold his ground after the onslaught.

The fat man invoked another spell. This time burning orbs came flying from his fingertips and struck home on Skullcrusher. The half-orc bellowed in pain as the night air was filled with the odor of scorched flesh. Deadsmell made his way around the back of one of the bugbear's flanks and buried his twin blades in the creatures torso making its knees buckle. Goldie finished the bugbear off with a slice through its jugular with her blade.

Twin wolves tore at another bugbear. Wolfclaw shot his bow repeatedly at the humanoid and finally, summoned a wolverine to finish the bugbear. The druid could see the fat man rising off the ground in his peripheral vision. As the bugbear fell, be quickly refocused on the enemy spellcaster. The dark-robed man was now thirty feet off the ground and began flying away from the clearing. The druid drew his bowstring back and fired.

Graxxus was staggered under the blows from the fierce bugbear pummeling him. He was bleeding from a couple of cuts and even blocking the bugbear's attacks was causing him to strain every muscle. Realizing a straight up fight might be his doom, Graxxus scooped up a handful of dust and flung it into the bugbear's eyes. The creature instinctively raise its arms to its face and Graxxus planted his blade deep underneath its breastbone. The bugbear's arms flailed wildly and dark lifeblood bubbled from its lips. The bugbear slowly rocked and fell back dead. Graxxus stood atop the creature and pulled his bloody blade free by leveraging his foot against the bugbear's face.

Graxxus slumped his shoulders trying to catch his breath as a pair of magical bolts lit up the sky. The bolts traveled down and impacted Skullcrusher. Graxxus realized the half-orc was in desperate trouble despite the three dead bugbears that lay at his feet. He also could see that the fat man had abandoned the dais and was now floating at least 30 feet up in the air.

Skullcrusher stumbled back from the last bugbear. Blood was streaming down in his eyes and he had to squint to even make out the bare outline of the creature. His lungs felt like they were going to burst. His rasping breaths came through his mouth as his nose had been broken at some point during the melee. He roared in rage. To his amazement, the bugbear turned and fled. Skullcrusher rocked back on his heels and passed out.


Rowin Tuft viewed the battle from on high. His bugbear minions were defeated. His chance at the ritual was destroyed. Much of his magical energy was spent. He knew he had an obligation to his dark lord to live on to fight another day. As a speeding arrow missed him by the narrowest of margins he began his flight away from his sacred area. He did not leave before he burned the images of those interlopers in his mind. Someday, he would exact his revenge. He then flew swiftly away from the clearing across the canopy of treetops.


The grateful woodsmen, fur trappers, and miners were unbound from the dais. The crude temples and tents were burned along with the bodies of the dead bugbears. Skullcrusher's and others wounds were administered to and healed. Deadsmell held up a large scroll on the dais and called out, “Hey look, the fat boy left us a present!” He took the scroll over to Graxxus. “Can you read it?”

“It is in the dark tongue. I cannot read it thankfully. However, it appears to be some sort of demonic calling ritual. Apparently, it calls an avatar of Harakhan the demon.”

“This Harakhan fellow has just earned a spot on my litany of grudges,” Goldie swore.

“Let's kill him!” Skullcrusher shouted.

“Eh, let's go get our reward and get drunk,” Deadsmell countered.

“Let's get drunk!” Skullcrusher shouted with equal enthusiasm.

Graxxus shook his head and set the scroll afire.

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Episode Five - Part One

Lepidus Slatebearer was ancient even by dwarven standards. His long, braided, gray beard reached nearly to the floor. His back was crooked and humped from long years of being bent over desks and tables reading the ancient manuscripts and tomes of his people. His eyes were deep set in his wrinkled face, but a spark of vigor and intelligence was reflected in those steel blue orbs. Lepidus Slatebearer, loremaster, and one time adviser to his highness, King Grudgehammer, was now a bit of an outcast. His quest to recover many of the ancient artifacts of his people was dismissed out of hand by those in power. This was a particularly bitter pill for Lepidus to swallow now, as he felt he was on the edge of recovering one of the great dwarven weapons of any age.

Just a few hundred years ago there had been eight dwarven kingdoms, where now there were a mere four. One of those eight kingdoms was the Southern Sky Kingdom ruled by King Graybeard Longiron. Even in those great days the Southern Sky Kingdom was under constant threat. King Longiron journeyed to the Council of Thrones to seek help in his struggle against the humanoids in his kingdom. He received no official offers of direct help, but the other monarchs assented to hiring those dwarves who wished to fight as mercenaries. King Longiron went to the ancient dwarven treasury and took a powerful artifact called Ironheart. King Longiron had not received direct permission from the Council of Thrones to take the powerful axe, but Longiron viewed it as his prerogative as a monarch to acquisition aid to save his kingdom.

Sadly, the Southern Sky Kingdom was the first kingdom to fall of the eight. Ironheart was lost to the dwarven people. But Lepidus Slatebearer believed that he had found the trail of the ancient artifact. A powerful weapon such as this could turn the tide in the Goblin War his people were fighting. Yet the new king, King Hargold, refused to help Lepidus. The new king dismissed Lepidus as senile and his advisers constantly reminded the young king that Lepidus was from another age.

Lepidus thought the new king a fool. He knew Ironheart could be the key to saving the kingdom and he also knew he was in a race with an ancient evil to obtain the artifact.


“Brother, I'll admit I know very little about your hold or its king, but why would you hire outsiders such as us to recover such a thing as this journal?” Goldie asked.

“Normally, I would not,” Lepidus Slatebearer admitted. “However, as you may be aware lass, my hold is fighting the Goblin War. Sparing warriors in as far flung a place such as this is not the highest priority for my new king. I cannot spare more time in pursuit of this. I need help now.”

“Why is this Journal of King Longiron important?” Graxxus asked.

“It has historical significance, but more importantly I think it may contain important clues to the whereabouts of Ironheart the Rune Axe of the ancients. The recovery of such a weapon may be enough to save my people.” Lepidus Slatebearer's voice rose in volume as he spoke and the dwarven loremaster's excitement about the possibility of recovering Ironheart was palpable.

“Where's the book? How much you paying? What's the hurry?” Deadsmell rattled off the questions in quick succession.

“I believe the Journal of Longiron is in a place called Trajan Tower. We can discuss terms once you agree. I have several reasons for haste, including that I think an ancient evil cult is also after this weapon,” Lepidus replied.

“I'm sure were going, so how much?” Deadsmell asked again.

“Fifty gold each if the tome is recovered,” Lepidus offered.

“Whoa, I was sure we were going until you said that,” Deadsmell replied. “For that price I'll assume Trajan Tower is the name of a bakery here in town and the book is sitting on a shelf next to some recipe books. If not, you are way out of line with that offer old timer,” Deadsmell replied.

“Hold your tongue and show some respect!” Goldie said crossly to Deadsmell. Deadsmell shrugged and immediately backed off, he had never seen the Dwarf warrioress angry outside of battle before.

“Just trying to bargain a bit,” Deadsmell said sheepishly.

“How far is Trajan Tower from here?” Graxxus asked.

“I estimate it will take us eight days to get to the site of Trajan Tower,” Lepidus replied.

“You're coming venerated one?” Goldie asked.

“Yes, I will not slow you much I promise,” Lepidus replied.

“With all due respect, despite his incredible lack of tact, I think Deadsmell was right about your proposed fee,” Graxxus stated.

“I await your counter,” Lepidus replied with his arms folded across his chest.

“At least double, and 50 gold whether we find the book or not,” Deadsmell interjected.

Lepidus hesitated. The loremaster stroked his beard for a time and finally said, “We have an accord. One hundred gold each if the journal is recovered, 50 gold if we fail. Prepare yourselves this evening, we leave at first light on the morrow.”


The first day of travel went quickly enough and Lepidus seemed to be keeping up with the group. Camp was quickly made as dusk fell and soon the adventurers were gathered around a fire telling stories and listening to Lepidus discuss the history of the area. Lepidus recounted the lost Dwarven kingdom, but mentioned that there was a great empire that had risen and disappeared before the dwarves had even arrived.

“Maybe Goldcreek is the start of a third empire?” Graxxus offered.

Lepidus smiled at Graxxus's suggestion. He clearly did not think that was likely.

“What I don't get is how there is still gold around here if there was a dwarven kingdom? Seems to me your people are pretty good at sniffing that stuff out,” Deadsmell added.

“Panning is mostly a human endeavor. A miner is never going to find a big lode of ore until they dig. I suspect Goldcreek's gold rush will falter in the near future. Consider how many claims are truly successful and you will see what I mean,” Lepidus replied.

“Someone is coming,” Skullcrusher called out of the darkness.

“What is it?” Graxxus called back.

“Man on horse,” Skullcrusher replied quickly.

“Hail and well met fellows,” a baritone voice called out. “May I approach your fire?”

“Come into the light so we can get a look at you,” Graxxus replied.

A man appeared astride a fine destrier in the flickering flame-light. The man was wearing fine clothes and attired in heavy armor. A lance was posited on the side of the horse. The man removed his riding gloves and said, “Sir Gerald Lykins at your service.” He bowed deeply to the adventurers.

“Something tells me you are a long way from home,” Deadsmell said.

“I am from Upper Gallorum,” Sir Lykins replied. “Have you eaten? I snared some fine foul I would like to roast and would enjoy company for the meal.”

“We ate, but a second supper is always welcome. Right Skully?” Deadsmell called. The half-orc came out of the darkness and grunted his assent. To his credit, Sir Lykins revealed no apprehension at the sudden appearance of the massive half-orc. Sir Lykins went over and fetched a number of birds from saddle bags and then removed the tack and harness from his mount. He made his way back to the fire and began cleaning the birds.

“Upper Gallorum is a long way from here, what brings you to Goldcreek?” Graxxus asked.

“I am a vassal to his grace Duke Lindenhood. I am tasked with finding a possible location for a new minor house for my Lord Duke in this wilderness,” Sir Lykins replied.

The knight finished roasting the birds and pulled them gingerly off the spits he had tended. He went to his bags and pulled forth a bottle of wine and two loaves of white bread. Sir Lykins passed the food and wine around the group. He even took a long pull at the bottle of wine after Skullcrusher had a drink.

“Lykins, why are you really out here?” Deadsmell asked.

“I have been honest, my Lord Duke requires a new property,” Sir Lykins replied.

“But why here man? Why not closer to the rest of his dukedom?” Graxxus asked.

“His Grace is in a bit of trouble with the Royal House at the present. He requires a place to remove him from royal intrigue for a while,” Sir Lykins admitted.

“Now we're getting somewhere,” Deadsmell smiled. “What did he do?”

“Does he always address his betters this way?” Sir Lykins asked Graxxus.

“I'm afraid so Lykins. No sense of place at all,” Graxxus replied.

“Well, old boy, his Grace is said to have taken certain indiscretions with the Queen,” Sir Lykins stated.

“The Duke took advantage of the Queen?” Goldie asked.

“Ah, well my lady, I don't think any advantage was taken, rather it was offered,” Sir Lykins replied. This brought laughter from the group and they continued talking into the night. Sir Lykins even pulled another bottle of wine out of his bags. They finally fell to sleep on their rolls.

In the morning Sir Lykins shared some of his white bread and hard cheese with the adventurers. He wished them well and trotted off on his horse.

“He seemed like a decent enough fellow for a snobby, foppish type,” Deadsmell commented.

“I'm not so sure,” Graxxus countered. “He's a dangerous man who represents one who is even more dangerous.”


The group was traveling through some rough low hill country. The sun was starting to set and Lepidus had mentioned several times that they should keep an eye out for a likely place to set up a camp. A small wooded vale just down from the low hill they were cresting looked inviting to the group. As they sauntered down the hill they heard a strangely beautiful song.

Skullcrusher stood transfixed by the beautiful voice, letting his axe drop to his side. Wolfclaw, however, jumped into action, transforming into a dire weasel. The source of the song quickly came into view as a winged creature with the body of a female human dove towards the group.

"Harpy!" Lepidus yelled.

The harpy descended upon the old dwarf and attacked him with a club and claws. Lepidus was nearly bowled over by the Harpy's attack. The Harpy's claws tore great rents out of the old dwarf's clothing. Wolfclaw rushed to help Lepidus. The Druid sank his fangs deep into the beast and began sucking its blood. Graxxus shook off the effects of the Harpy's song and rushed to help Lepidus. The Harpy again attacked the loremaster and it was clear that Lepidus would not survive another attack.

The harpy, however, had its own problems. Wolfclaw had his fangs sunk deep into the creature's flesh. Blood was draining from the harpy with rapidity. The beast had no choice but to switch attacks to the clinging dire weasel. It began to club Wolfclaw, trying to remove him. While the harpy was momentarily distracted, Graxxus ran over and cast a healing prayer over Lepidus.

Finally, Skullcrusher and Deadsmell emerged from their catatonia the harpy's song had created. They charged over to the location of Lepidus to lend what aid they could. The harpy continued to beat at the dire weasel, that was Wolfclaw, hanging from its flesh. Skullcrusher gave a loud yell and charged. As the half orc neared the harpy he screamed,"Come taste the Answer!"

Wolfclaw had sustained a terrible beating from the harpy's club. It left him no choice but to release his bite and back away from the horrid creature. A final gush of blood spilled from the harpy as Wolfclaw released his hold. Graxxus stepped in to protect the druid's retreat. Skullcrusher arrived at the end of his charge with a swing of his axe, barely missing the harpy. The harpy had had enough. She was preparing to take flight when the twin blades of Deadsmell lanced into her back. The harpy's wings dropped, her arms folded, and she fell to the ground in a pool of her own blood.

Graxxus stooped over the creature and pulled a medallion from its neck. The simple chain had a hammered copper amulet attached to it. The amulet appeared as a sun with seven rays radiating out from its center.

Goldie finally freed from the captivating song worked her way over to the rest of the group. She looked at the amulet that Graxxus was holding aloft. "Harakhan?" she asked.

"It would appear so," Graxxus replied.


Lepidus pointed at the craggy hill ahead. “This rise is where Trajan Tower was built.” The hill was covered in scree and boulder fields, but no tower was visible from the group's vantage point. “If we push further we can make it to the summit while there is still light.”

There was no trail and Wolfclaw commented on the lack of wildlife in the area. As the group struggled through yet another boulder field, Wolfclaw put up a hand indicating they should stop. “There is something moving ahead,” the druid signaled. The rest of the group began to spread out taking cover behind the scattered large rocks.

Graxxus spied it first. A mottled lizard creature with eight legs and deep set, burning eyes. He charged across the field leaping over stones and skidding on scree. The creature lifted its head and stared at the approaching man. Graxxus felt a slight shock tremor through his body as he shook off the effects of the creature's gaze. “A basilisk,” he cried out. Despite his own warning, Graxxus pushed on and sank his blade into the beast. He then began a defensive dance averting his eyes from the creature's dreaded gaze.

Skullcrusher charged across the boulder field, weaving in and out of rocks. The half-orc felt a shock go through his body as the basilisk looked up at him. He shook off the effects of the gaze and continued his charge. He brought his axe home to the midsection of the beast and black ichor spewed from the wound. The creature responded with a savage biting strike that tore into Skullcrusher's flesh.

Wolfclaw summoned a wolf to attack the basilisk. As the wolf loped in to confront the basilisk, it fell victim to the creature's gaze ossifying mid-gait. A short time later the stone wolf blinked out of existence.

Graxxus made a couple of attacks against the basilisk, but both went wide as he avoided directly looking at the monster. Skullcrusher refused to take any precautions and his attacks were met with a satisfying thud and crunch as his axe tore hunks of flesh from the beast. Twice more the half-orc was forced to shake off the creature's gaze. Goldie fired arrows at the basilisk from a safe distance, but was ineffectual. Deadsmell began circling around to the rear of the basilisk, but his efforts were delayed by the rough terrain.

Graxxus risked a momentary glance at the creature and nearly missed his strike as a shudder ran the length of his body. His risk paid dividends though as he buried his blade in the basilisk's plated head and the creature slumped to the ground, dead.

After catching their collective breath and wits, the group resumed their climb.


Trajan Tower stood atop the hill largely as a pile of ruins. Only the first floor remained partially standing. The rest of the tower lay in a large pile of stones to one side, as though it had been pulled down in some ancient battle. As the group approached the ruin, they could see there was no longer a door and beyond was a sunlit room with a dilapidated spiral staircase in the center.

Led by Skullcrusher, the group carefully edged its way into the tower. The first floor of the tower had almost know roof remaining and there was a collection of debris on the floor. The spiral staircase climbed 13 feet in the air and abruptly stopped. The staircase did descend, however.

“Isn't it odd there are no birds in here,” Wolfclaw commented.

No sooner had Wolfclaw spoken than the tower's stonework seemed to leap to life. A pair of heinous creatures with bat-like wings and leering faces pounced to the attack. The gargoyles launched a flurry of attacks versus Graxxus and Skullcrasher. Fortunately, none of the attacks were effective and the adventurers were able to regain their senses after the ambush.

Graxxus's weapon sparked like steel on flint and bounced off one of the gargoyles. Skullcrusher's attacks were slightly more effective, but even his mighty axe swings were blunted by the gargoyles' stony skin. The gargoyles continued to attack fiercely, but they had yet to wound the adventurers. The battle seemed to last for an eternity, but bit-by-bit the gargoyles were worn down and finally killed.

“That was tedious,” Deadsmell said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

“Looks like down is our only real option,” Graxxus observed.

“I'll take the lead then,” Goldie said and began descending the stairs.


The staircase descended around forty feet. There was a shallow puddle of rainwater at the base of the stairs, but barely any of the sunlight from above trickled down to this depth. Graxxus lit up a torch.

The group was in a massive, finished, round chamber. The walls of the chamber were covered in mold. Even with the fungi covering the surface the beauty of the finished room stood out. The chamber was 60 feet across and arched twenty-five feet above in a domed ceiling with a hole at the top where the spiral staircase entered.

Several niches lined the walls, each of which contained a statue. Dwarven motifs were carved along the walls and stone benches were spaced at even intervals on the edges.

“The Hall of Heroes,” Lepidus said reverently.

“You know of this place?” Graxxus asked.

“Yes, we must be very close to King Longiron's secret library,” Lepidus replied.

“Funny, I don't see any doors,” Deadsmell commented.

“Start searching,” Graxxus said. “There has to be a secret exit around here.”

“Be careful, it is likely warded,” Lepidus warned.

Skullcrusher grunted and began to pivot one of the stone benches. “Wait!” Lepidus howled.

The loremaster's warning came to late. A large shape began to come up through the ground of the chamber. An entity of stone rose up and launched an attack against the adventurers. The towering stone creature crashed a rocky fist on Skullcrusher's head. The blow shook down the half-orc's entire spine and he shook his head to attempt to clear the stars before his eyes.

The rest of the adventurers sprang into action. They collectively reigned blows down on the earth monster. The elemental seemed utterly single-minded and again slammed down on Skullcrusher. The barbarian's knees buckled and he sank, kneeling. His eyes glazed over and began to roll back. The desperate blows from the rest of the group could not distract or dissuade the elemental. With machine-like movement the creature of rock and stone drew back its massive fists for a killing blow.

Something broke deep within Skullcrusher. As if in a dreamworld he heard his late father's voice, “Get up you stinking half-breed weakling. Get up and fight like an Orc!” The knuckles on his hand gripping his massive axe turned white. Rage boiled through his body. The anger cleared his mind and brought strength to his frame. Skullcrusher jumped up and brought his axe flying up at the earth elemental. The blade struck thunderously into the elemental. A hairline crack began racing up the thing's body and it spread quickly like a spiderweb. There was a pause, and then, like a dropped crystal goblet, the elemental shattered in a cascade of rock and earth. Skullcrusher smiled wanly and then sat down heavily on the stone bench he had tried to move.

“That is one tough orc,” Lepidus exclaimed.

“If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough,” Wolfclaw said.

Skullcrusher merely smiled at their comments while Graxxus saw to his wounds. Following a rest and much restorative magic being used on Skullcrusher the group entered a debate.

“Clearly, the bench is a trigger for a secret portal,” Lepidus began.

“What if it calls another of those earth elementals?” Deadsmell objected.

“I'm with Lepidus,” Goldie said. “Skullcrusher has defeated the portal's guardian. We should move the bench.”

“I don't know,” Graxxus wavered.

“We cannot give up now,” Wolfclaw objected.

“What do you say Skully? What's your vote?” Deadsmell asked.

Skullcrusher stood and with a mighty heave pulled on the stone bench.


With a puff of mold spores a secret door slowly opened in the northern part of the chamber's wall. Beyond they could see a short five-foot wide passageway terminating in a room with a desk and some bookshelves.

Lepidus excitedly remarked, “By stone and steel, this has to be the home to Longiron's journal!”


Nifty! Is each post a single session, or multiple sessions?

For the most part - my group has always gone through combats quickly. This is the conclusion of this session:

Episode 5 Conclusion

Lepidus led the way through the secret door. “Wait!” Graxxus called behind the old dwarf. Lepidus paid him no notice and practically ran into the chamber. The adventurers quickly followed. Lepidus reached for an ancient tome spread out on an ornate desk in the small room. Suddenly, a large hand appeared and grabbed him by the neck. Lepidus was quickly dangling off the floor making gagging noises.

“The fool!” Graxxus exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Wolfclaw had transformed into a dire weasel and rushed to the dwarf's aid. The druid leaped at the golem that was squeezing the life out of Lepidus. Wolfclaw's quick action made the golem drop Lepidus and with a casual swat it knocked the weasel across the chamber. Skullcrusher roared and ran headlong into the chamber. The golem's mighty fist smashed into the half-orc's face.

Skullcrusher spit out a pair of teeth. “Your going to pay for that,” he snarled. His axe whirled and crashed into the golem. To the barbarian's amazement, the axe seemed to have almost no effect on the construct. Graxxus stepped into the chamber and brought his weapon to bear with minimal effect as well. Wolfclaw, in weasel form, sprang at the golem again and another casual swat from the monster sent him spiraling into a bookshelf.

The chamber was so cramped with the mad melee Deadsmell and Goldie could find no way to enter the fray. The low ceiling and tight quarters was hampering Skullcrusher's efforts as well. His axe scraped the ceiling, smashed bookshelves, nicked the desk, and otherwise was obstructed by the tight room and its furnishings. The golem, however, jabbed and slammed with its massive fists with deadly efficiency. Graxxus continued to chip away with his weapon. Skullcrusher was taking the brunt of the golem's attacks and was clearly dazed and hurt.

Wolfclaw shook the stars from his eyes and struggled up. The druid was badly hurt. He could not dare another attack. Wolfclaw could see Skullcrusher was in deep trouble too. He quickly cast a prayer of healing on Skullcrusher. The spell seemed to reinvigorate the barbarian. Like a second wind, Skullcrusher became a tempest of pain and whirling death! Adjusting to the close confines of the room he brought numerous blows down on the golem. For the first time the construct actually seemed to waiver.

Graxxus continued his probing attacks and discovering a weak spot in the golem and brought the full force of his might to bear. The golem ceased moving and then crumbled to dust. The adventurers stood still panting from exertion and looked down on the unmoving form of Lepidus. Wolfclaw went to administer to the loremaster and found him still breathing. He called a healing prayer onto the dwarf and slowly, Lepidus opened his eyes. “The journal?” he asked.

“Here,” Graxxus announced and held the book up. “It appears to be intact.”

“Excellent,” Lepidus replied and held out his hand. Graxxus gave him the journal from the desk. Lepidus opened the book and said, “Of course, of course, I should have guessed.”

“What is it?” Graxxus asked.

“The journal is written in the old rune tongue and has some sort of code,” Lepidus replied. “It will take some time to decipher it.”

“Let's get you home and get our gold first,” Deadsmell suggested.

“Yes, a wise suggestion,” Lepidus said. The old dwarf gingerly stood and dusted the fragments from the destroyed golem from his cloak.


“How long will it take you to translate the book?” Graxxus asked.

“I should not think very long,” Lepidus replied. “I think I have the basic code deciphered already. Perhaps a couple more weeks.” Lepidus called the barkeep over. “Another round of drinks for my friends.”

“If this journal contains what you think it does, what then?” Deadsmell asked.

“How do you feel about going on another mission?” Lepidus asked with a smile.

“How do you feel about playing a real wage?” Deadsmell answered.

Lepidus laughed loudly. “Tonight, let us drink. There will be time for haggling another day.”


Episode 6

Space reserved for Episode 6 when I get my lazy backside around to writing it.

Go to episode 11 for the latest update.


Episode 7

Space reserved for Episode 7 when I get my lazy backside around to writing it.

Go to episode 11 for the latest update.


Episode 8

Space reserved for Episode 8 when I get my lazy backside around to writing it.

Go to episode 11 for the latest update.


Episode 9

Space reserved for Episode 9 when I get my lazy backside around to writing it.

Go to episode 11 for the latest update.


Episode 10

Space reserved for Episode 10 when I get my lazy backside around to writing it.

Go to episode 11 for the latest update.


Episode 11

Episode 11

"Help, by the gods, please someone help!" a female voice rang out from the street.

Graxxus jumped up from the table in the Embassy Coaching Inn and grabbed his weapon. Wolfclaw, the Elven druid, was already sprinting across the common room floor. Goldie, the Dwarven templar, marched towards the door in Wolfclaw's wake.

Skullcrusher chugged his ale in a superhuman gulp and rose from his chair and grabbed his massive axe.

"Oh, not you too," Deadsmell muttered.

Skullcrusher looked at the former gravedigger expectantly and said, "Blut!"

"Blood, blood, blood, it's all about..." Deadsmell began to complain, but the Half-Orc had already left. Deadsmell watched with amusement as Skullcrusher vaulted over a couple of tables to overtake Goldie and catch up with Wolfclaw. The rogue took a sip of his frothy ale and reluctantly stood and took up his weapon. He walked towards the Inn door.

Deadsmell emerged from the inn into the bright sunlight. He saw a woman shielding two children poking a hideous beast with a long stick. The creature had blood red skin, yellowed incisors protruding from its snarling mouth, and a blackened scar on its forehead. The creature appeared ready to pounce on the woman and her children.

Graxxus bolted toward the beast smacking it hard with his weapon. Skullcrusher charged the creature and with a wide-arcing swing of his mighty axe cut the creature in twain. A wide spray of dark blood and entrails gouted from the creature's bisected torso.

"Well, that's taken care of - how about we head in for a drink?" Deadsmell suggested.

"It wears the remnants of peasant's clothes. What would transform a fellow into such a demon?" Graxxus wondered aloud.

"I would just like to point out this is none of our business and an extremely unprofitable expenditure of our efforts," Deadsmell said.
"It was some sort of demon! An unnatural creature of the Abyss!" Goldie stated. "I sensed the deep evil in the creature, and a greater pall of evil in the atmosphere."

"That's Skully," Deadsmell replied. "I keep telling him he needs to take a bath."

"Look at the scar on its forehead!" Graxxus exclaimed. "It bears the mark of the ancient demon Harakhan."

Skullcrusher began loping up the street.

"Where are you going?" Wolfclaw called after the Barbarian.

"Blut!" Skullcrusher called back.

"I hear a clash of arms!" Goldie announced and commenced trotting after the Half-orc. The rest of the group followed.

They came upon the combat quickly. Three town guards were in a desperate struggle against two beasts identical to the one Skullcrusher had just slain. A corpse lay to one side of the street in a pool of blood.

The adventurers charged in mass. The creatures held their ground, clawing out with blood encrusted talons. Two of the attacks tore at the flesh of Graxxus and Deadsmell.

Goldie quickly hamstrung one of the monsters and Graxxus smashed the fell creature's skull in. Skullcrusher swiped at the other creature with his huge axe, but it proved to be a glancing blow. Deadsmell, disgusted that he was out in the town fighting instead of at the Inn drinking, buried twin blades in the monster's back. As Deadsmell twisted the blades brutally, the creature tumbled lifeless to the street.

Although the wounds taken from the demons were not particularly deep, they continued to bleed profusely. Goldie went to both Graxxus and Deadsmell and performed the Healing Spirit Touch of Delgrod's Temple. The healing touch stopped the bleeding and Graxxus further healed their injuries with earnest supplications. Graxxus found in casting the divine spells he had overcome to a foul aura.

The amazed, wide-eyed town guards stood gaping at the group. Finally, one of the guards managed to softly say, “Thanks."

"What's happening?" Graxxus asked

"No idea," one of the guards began. "We just fought one of those creatures and next we know Sarge and Davis are transforming into these...these things!"

Goldie was looking over the guards' corpses. "Same marks on their foreheads," she noted. "Harakhan."

"What were you doing just before they spawned into these creatures?" Wolfclaw asked.

"Heading to man the gate," one of the guards replied.

"We had just got underway again since Sarge and Davis had healed a bit," another guard volunteered.

"Wait, the two that transformed had been wounded?" Wolfclaw asked.

"Yeah, in the fight with the first creature," the guard confirmed.

Graxxus and Deadsmell looked at each other. "You have a way to detect poison?" Graxxus asked Wolfclaw.

"Not now, if we rested..." the Druid replied.

"No time," Graxxus said. "You men head on towards the gate."

"Thanks to the Saints for our delivery and speed of the Blessed to your path," the guard replied.

"We saved your bacon, not the Saints, choirboy," Deadsmell replied.

"Speed of the Blessed to you brothers," Graxxus replied quickly in an attempt to gloss over Deadsmell's comment.

"Where now?" Goldie asked as the guards left.

"I'm not sure," Graxxus admitted.

"I know where we should go," Deadsmell volunteered, holding his fist to his mouth and tipping it like a tankard.

Skullcrusher's cocked his head to one side as though straining to hear something. The Half-orc sniffed the air and began moving. The group followed and then they heard the strange retching sound too.

A man was on all fours retching loudly and uncontrollably in the street. His back was arched unnaturally. His skin seemed to be boiling. He reared back with his chest up and roared at the sky. His clothes were torn and a wound wept blood from his forehead. He jumped up to two feet, while glaring at the party with baleful, glowing, red eyes. The creature clutched at something on his neck and ripped away, tossing it to the side of the street.

The creature rushed towards the adventurers and raked Skullcrusher with its filthy claws. The barbarian roared and swung his axe. The slicing blade severed the creature’s claw from its forearm. The demon paused for a moment to look at its stump that was gushing blood. Deadsmell took advantage of the creature’s lapse and drove a pair of blades home through its neck. The demon collapsed as its blood pumped wildly from the wounds. In a matter of seconds the creature ceased twitching on the ground.

Goldie found an amulet the creature had torn from its neck and tossed aside. “It is a holy symbol from the Temple of the Saints,” she announced.

“Let’s head there,” Graxxus suggested.

In their mad dash across Goldcreek to the temple the group fought off a number of small groups of demons. Some wore the remnants of clothes from laborers, merchants, and even fur trappers.


The scene outside the Temple of the Saints was of twisted bodies, blood, and the largest group of the horrid demon creatures the group had yet seen. The creatures were feasting on flesh and entrails and occasionally drinking from an ornate cistern in the temple courtyard. A larger creature wearing a biretta and robes stood in the open, arched doorway of the temple laughing maniacally.

The group charged into this scene of horrifying debauchery catching the demons off guard. The combat was short, brutal, and bloody with the demons falling failing to significantly injure any of the adventurers.

The adventurers were hesitant to immediately enter the temple and began to look at the cistern in the courtyard instead. Water flowed into the cistern through a molded bas-relief carving on one end. This was fed by a concealed pipe that went into the ground. Skullcrusher began to dig to ascertain the direction the pipe led into the cistern. The rest of the group stood watch as the half-orc worked. The group fought off a pair of demons that stumbled into the temple courtyard and Skullcrusher was able to determine the pipe led into the temple.


The columned interior of the Temple of the Saints was hauntingly empty and peaceful. “I sense a great evil coming from the holy font,” Goldie announced. A smaller font was placed in front of a dais that supported a pulpit and three priest thrones. Goldie moved toward the font and invoked a pair of prayers to remove the evil from the font. “This is not working,” Goldie stated.

“What’s the problem?” Graxxus asked.

“The prayers affect the water and then it gets swept away by new water that is corrupted,” she replied. Looking over the font she continued, “I feel certain the font is fed by a spring and discharges to the pipes leading out to the courtyard cistern.”

“There’s a closed door back here,” Wolfclaw called out. Wolfclaw pulled back a tapestry to reveal the door behind the pulpit. Wolfclaw knocked hard on the door. “There’s no lock visible, I think it must be barred from the other side.”

“Fortunately, I brought a lock pick for just such a door,” Deadsmell said. “Hey Skully, come over here.”

Skullcrusher smashed through the door in an explosion of splinters revealing a small dressing room and a man huddled in cowled robes. The half-orc growled fiercely at the quivering man.

“Who are you?” the man stuttered.

“See the greenish fellow with the axe? That means I get to ask the questions,” Deadsmell replied. “Now, who are you?”

The man stood and replied with a quivering voice, “I am Thomas, Adept of the most holy Temple of the Saints.”

“What you doing back here Tom?” Deadsmell asked.

“I saw the high priest of our most holy temple transform into a terrible beast. I ran and hid here.”

“Where does the water in that font come from?”

“The most holy font of the Temple of the Saints is fed by an underground stream.”

“How do we get there Tom?”

“I have no idea,” the adept replied.

“I guess you better start digging Skully,” Deadsmell said.

“Wait,” Graxxus said as he squeezed into the room. “No access was cut to the stream from the structure during construction?”

“That was before my time here. I do recall the High Priest of our most holy temple asking about the stability of the temple due to its placement atop a cavern.”

“That was a wise question to ask after the whole thing is built,” Goldie said, rolling her eyes in disgust.

“How do we get to this cavern?” Graxxus asked.

“I have no idea,” Thomas replied. The Adept had calmed somewhat after seeing Graxxus’s prominent holy symbol and the templar of Delgrod, the Dwarven god.

“I bet local miners might have an idea,” Deadsmell suggested.

“Listen Tommy, I’m assuming you do not want to accompany us down to this cavern. Am I right?” Deadsmell asked.

“Yes, sir,” Thomas replied.

“You just hole up here then and keep quiet,” Deadsmell instructed.

“And do not go near that water under any circumstances,” Goldie added.

“Yet another benefit of the copious consumption of ale,” Deadsmell said.


“The cavern entrance is up on the valley wall. You can barely see it from here,” Wolfclaw reported. The druid had just transformed back to his original form after taking on the body of a bird of prey. “There is an orc guard with a large bow near the entrance.”

“Alright, I’m on it,” Deadsmell said. Deadsmell scaled the hilly terrain to take up a position just outside the cavern mouth. He saw a large orc with a compound bow peering out of the cavern. The orc was very nonchalant, apparently bored with his duties. Deadsmell dropped down on the orc and buried his blades in the orc’s tough hide. Scissoring the blades at the creature’s spine, the orc fell without a sound, gurgling through a stream of blood leaving its mouth. Deadsmell gave a silent signal for the rest of the group to ascend to the cavern.

The group looked over the orc’s weapons, which included a compound bow, a great axe, and a long sword. All were radiating a magical aura. Skullcrusher discarded his axe and picked up the orc’s weapon.

“What about The Answer?” Goldie asked.

Skullcrusher held up the massive weapon with one hand and said, “Better Answer!”


The adventurers headed down into the cavern and saw the flickering aura of torchlight from ahead. Emerging quickly into a chamber the adventurers saw three orcs standing guard over a half-dozen humans in filthy robes walking and chanting in a circle around a pentagram.

Skullcrusher tested his new weapon by slicing the three orc guardians in half with one swing. The rest of the group piled into the humans, killing them all quickly as well. As the last human fell, they heard a door open. A strong male voice call out sternly, “Why have you stopped…oh, oh!” The door slammed shut.

Without a word the entire group went bounding towards the door. Deadsmell was first through into a torchlit room. He took two bounds and buried his blade into the tall man with ornate robes. His target moaned in pain, and took a step back.

The man with the long mustache and graying hair began an incantation.

“This is going to hurt…” Deadsmell muttered.

A dark ray of magical energy burst from the man’s palms and buried into Deadsmell. Deadsmell could feel his very heart and soul getting ripped to pieces by the dark tendril of energy. Finally, the energy stopped and Deadsmell managed to stand upright.

Goldie ran in and smashed the spell caster, which wobbled him noticeably. She was followed by Wolfclaw in the form of a dire tiger. The great cat form pounced on the man, clawing and raking him to ribbons.

The adventurers paused to catch their breath and look around the room. They found various magical gew-gaws and tomes written in an evil language. They also found a letter. The letter insisted that the ritual be completed on time and that the forces would strike the town on the night of the new moon.

“That’s tonight!” Wolfclaw exclaimed.

“We have to warn the town guard!” Goldie replied.

“What’s left of ‘em,” Deadsmell muttered.

“First, we need to find this stream,” Graxxus directed. After a quick conversation the group agreed.

The cavern recessed back hundreds of feet before terminating in a small, low-ceilinged, chamber with a stream running through it. A figure surrounded by evil runes and symbols lay half in the stream oozing a dark green into the rapid waters.

“Those runes look pretty nasty,” Goldie commented.

Graxxus said a prayer and concentrated deeply. “They are magical and protective in nature.”

“How do we get passed them?” Deadsmell asked.

Skullcrusher tossed some small boulders on the runes that exploded loudly.

“That works,” Graxxus stated with a smile.

Deadsmell approached the body and after a careful search, smudged out the evil symbols around it. The reclining body had a human appearance, but was pasty white with a symbol of the Demon Lord Harakhan burned into the forehead. Deadsmell took a long pole and tried to lever the body away from the stream. The flesh fell from the corpse like an overcooked foul.

Goldie approached and concentrated on the water. “The evil has dissipated from the water.”

“Let’s get back to town tout sweet!” Goldie exclaimed.

“Huh?” Skullcrusher grunted.

“Don’t ask,” Deadsmell whispered. “It’s some cheese-eatin’ Dwarven cant.”


Goldie had pleaded for help from the guards and citizens to help man the south walls. However, the town was still facing demons on the loose and the Lord Mayor’s manor gates were closed and locked and his manor guards refused to leave their posts. A frustrated Goldie returned to the south wall with 18 guards and citizens willing to fight.

The guards were posted on the wall and most of the adventurers took up positions behind the gate. Wolfclaw changed form and took flight in the night air as a great eagle. Eventually, the druid returned to the group’s position.

“They have a good-sized orc mob with a warlord and a shaman,” Wolfclaw reported.

“That’s not too bad,” Graxxus said.

“And they have a Type II Demon,” Wolfclaw added.

“Type II?” Deadsmell asked.

“Hezrou,” Goldie replied. “Wolfclaw is using the old nomenclature. Still, a pretty nasty demon.”

“Anything else?” Graxxus asked.

“Not that I could see,” Wolfclaw replied. “The force will be here within the hour.” Wolfclaw changed form into a great bird again and took flight.


"What's happening?" Goldie asked.

"There's a bunch of orcs and a big floating toady-demon thing," Deadsmell responded.

"Where's Wolfclaw?"

"He's dive-bombing the orcs and he just summoned an elephant," Deadsmell replied.

"An elephant?" Graxxus asked.

"Yeah, and it's running amok through the orcs!" Deadsmell replied.

Deadsmell jumped down from his perch. "Get ready, the orcs are almost here."


Wolfclaw cursed. He watched the demon dismiss yet another of his summoned creatures. He swooped down and summoned another elephant and then cast windwalk on the elephant and pointed it at the demon. The demon flew directly at the druid.

A dark aura surrounded the demon and overwhelmed Wolfclaw. He glimpsed into the dark Abyss and his senses were shaken to the core. Wolfclaw was vaguely aware the demon was attacking him and tried to defend himself.


The town guards launched their javelins from atop the wall. "The orcs are at the gate!" the Sergeant yelled down.

"Get ready!" Graxxus yelled.

"It will take them a while to get through that gate," Goldie stated.

Suddenly, the gate and the middle section of the wall disappeared in a puff of acrid smoke.

"So much for that theory," Deadsmell yelled.

Skullcrusher launched at the orcs like an uncoiled spring. His new axe hewed through the orcs like he was cutting through water. Limbs, heads, entrails, and flesh flew from his whirlwind of death. Graxxus followed in the half-orc's wake of blood and death. Graxxus brought his not inconsiderable combat skills to the fight and mowed down even more orcs.

Within six seconds of the gate disappearing, half of the orcs were dead. The orc warlord and shaman had seen enough and began fleeing.


Wolfclaw shook off the vision. He could see he was still aloft with a few wounds, but he was still intact. The demon was gone from his immediate vicinity. He spied the orc warlord and the shaman fleeing the battle. He began summoning lightning from the sky and flying towards the cowardly orcs.


Deadsmell and Goldie joined the combat as the city guards continued to bring javelins down on the orcs. The orc horde was decimated. Three dozen orcs lay dead in the gateway.

The enraged demon charged into Goldie. The dwarf held her ground, but the demon's attack took its toll. The orc threat over, the rest of the group joined in the battle against the demon. The combined assault was too much for the demon and it prepared to teleport away. Graxxus was too quick for the demon though and with a massive blow fell the monster.

For a moment there was a stunned silence and then a raucous cheer erupted from the citizens on the wall. The cheer was punctuated by a pair of thunderclaps as the retreating orcs were vaporised by Wolfclaw's called lightning bolts.


"What's that?" Deadsmell asked.

A grin had spread across Graxxus's face as he read the letter. "It would seem the Lord Mayor has invited us to a feast in our honor."

"The same Lord Mayor who hid in his manor behind locked gates during the attack?" Goldie asked.

"The same," Graxxus replied.

"This should be interesting," Deadsmell stated.
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