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Poll/petition Sign the "KEEP DRAGON MAGAZINE' poll/petition

Sign petition by quoting second post - Would you prefer


First, this is my first poll I have hosted, so I am not sure this will work right.

Second, when I say Dragon Magazine I also mean Dungeon too.

Third, vote on the poll, then, if you want to sign the petition to keep dragon magazine simply do a quote of the SECOND POST, (which I will make shorter than this) and ad anything you wish. If you want to ad something but not sign, then just reply.

Forth, why am I doing this? Because I love the magazine. I love the feel of a magazine in my hands. I love to get something other than junk mail, ads and bills in the mail. I love that anticipation of when it is going to arrive and if I have to call for a second copy because the mail man once again ripped it or crunched it in our box or the map flew out in transit. I love settling down at night with the magazine in a comfy chair and reading the whole thing. I love the freedom of being able to bring the issue to the bathroom, the dining room or even the movie theater to read for those long minutes before a movie starts.

What I hate is having to go to the computer to get on the net and download PDFs. If the new face of Dragon and Dungeon is electronic WOTC will have lost me as a customer. Even if WOTC had an electronic data base right now that I could search for a article or dungeon, I would still prefer to view it in print rather than on-line or in pdf. If they reprint a hard copy, knowing WOTC, they will couple it with Magic the Gathering. Don't get me wrong, I love Magic the Gathering, but no magazine, other than pricing guides, has ever survived that Magic the Gathering has touched.

So, this will most likely fall on deaf ears, but, it worked for Jericho. Jericho was to be cancelled after the first season, because the fans rose up in arms and e-mailed the hell out of the network, they are bringing it back.

So do I think this will work? Most likely not. Most likely it will fall on deaf ears and WOTC will try to force something the fans don’t want down our throats. :uhoh: :eek: :(

Do I think deep down inside it has a shot of working? Yes, I do. Even WOTC gets it right from time to time. :) ;) :cool:

Please sticky for a month or two for maximum exposure.

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Quote this to sign on-line petition
I sign this petition to keep Dragon and Dungeon magazine as they are!!!

No PDFs or on-line formats for me!!!

This petition is rather moot, my friend. Had you circulated this, oh, I dunno... maybe 3 years ago, it might have had some effect.

The choice has been made, sorry about your luck.



Sage of the Scarred Lands
The Thayan is correct. WotC already made their choice. This like closing the barn door after the cows left, the goblins burned it down, and then for kicks urinated on the embers for you.


Whizbang Dustyboots said:

After seven years, how many D&D products have been coupled with MTG?
None, and that is why they are working. I have had subscriptions to every Magic the Gathering Magazine there was and none lasted longer than a few years at most, Duelist being the longest.

It is just a prediction on my part, WOTC was, still is and always be a Card company first and a role-playing company second.


theredrobedwizard said:
This petition is rather moot, my friend. Had you circulated this, oh, I dunno... maybe 3 years ago, it might have had some effect.

The choice has been made, sorry about your luck.

Well, three years ago I didn't suspect Dragon or Dungeon had anything to worry about, other than a few hints in editorials. Sure, I could have done this a month or two ago, but I didn't think it would have mattered.

It still may not matter, but I am doing it non the less. Better late than never.

Sit back and do nothing if you want, that is fine with me, but please don't crush our parade if this is how we choose to express our last month or two of our beloved magazines.

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