Poll: Transitive Isles Setting Proposal

Should we accept the Transitive Isles setting proposal?

  • No, Transitive Isles sucks. Let's trash it and start over.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Transitive Isles is okay, but we should consider other settings

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Poll closed .


Most facilitators agree that the Transitive Isles setting proposal is complete ready to be played in. Should we go ahead and use it, closing proposals for other settings? Is it so awful that we should just trash it and start over? Or should we slow down and keep talking about TI alongside other setting proposals for a while?

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First Post
I really like the Transitive Isles. There are lots of fun ideas included, and the modular setting makes it easy to add more (or for DM's to ignore ones they don't want to use).

On the flip side, since the Isles have taken pretty much all our setting attention, I don't think any other setting is going to get the sort of work it'd need to compete with the Isles.


I like the Transitive Isles setting. It has a lot of potential for DMs to either run in what is written or make up their own stuff through either portals or shifting islands. I think that the naming convention of the islands and lands needs work, but I'll post that in the Proposal thread. Overall I think that this is a very playable setting and has a lot more substance to it than we started with in LEW.


First Post
I like the Transitive Isles to, but I know that as a DM I will probably e sticking to the main Isle and avoiding portal and such - they don't work for me thematically until high levels. Therefore, I would like the main isle to be coinsiderably larger than Graf's proposal, more in line with garyh's thoughts.


First Post
I think the main island would work for a lower level play setting and the scope will expand greatly as the PC's level up. THat's my viewpoint also.


I'm amazed that we can have the same arguement so many times...

The transitive isles are a compromise setting as such it includes a number of different elements. Period.
Its annoying that you keep posting saying "I also vote for the transitive isles ... Once its purged of everything I dislike. "
this is a referendum on where to accept the proposal as written. If you eant to make massive changes? Vote to reject and write your own.

The Allaria section was written specifically to cater to your every whim Halford. You are cordially invited to run all your games there with nary a portal to be found. Likewise the savage lands was created to address Gary's concerns (and I'm not aware that he'd made an alternative proposal... But if he has? That's not this one)

Getting rid of the isles and replacing it with a big continent is a vote against the TI setting proposal and in favor of some other setting proposal.

They're little islands. I know you hate the idea but that's what they are. If you absolutely must have it your own way and can't stand the thought of compromising?

Not sure what to tell you. But you don't get to fly in and rewrite the settling at the 9th hour. This is a transparent and open process the setting people are are voting on is the one as written.


First Post
Since I've posted in all the other polls today, I'm trying to get to this one as well. Before voting though, I'm trying to get caught up by reading the actual TI proposal thread. Once done there, I'll be back to cast some kind of vote here...

Edit- Alrighty. I've finished reading the basics on the Transitive Isles and the Proposal thread up to current. (Didn't follow all the links for super detailed info on all subjects. Don't have time currently for anything but the Reader's Digest version.) I can say that it looks totally playable to me. It's got places for everything I can think of including the far off Allaria (POL setting on bigger continent) for those that want that. It's also open enough to add in anything anybody could want with just the effort of saying a new island has been found in the shifting seas.

There are minor quibbles of things I'd do differently, but that's to be expected as I didn't write it. I'm not gonna gripe or complain though because it's easy enough for me to use what's there and modify as needed in a specific locale if I need to for my own adventures.

So I give it a big "YES" from me. Lotta good work in there from everybody. Now I just gotta figure out how to work Wiki things for stuff like the character records and such since that's gonna be important.
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(Didn't follow all the links for super detailed info on all subjects. Don't have time currently for anything but the Reader's Digest version.)
They're basically just expansions of what's there. In some cases the simple versions, having been written after, are actually a bit clearer.

It's also open enough to add in anything anybody could want with just the effort of saying a new island has been found in the shifting seas.
That's it in a sentence.

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