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Post what you'd like from Publishers

That is all. (I was going to post a "want" but realized it wasn't worth posting. A "component" system for spell design. E.g., "ball" plus "fire" plus "10 ft per level range" etc. equals fireball.)

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You might want to check out Mongoose Publishing's chaos magic. I don't have it myself, but it has rules like that. The whole 'chaos mutation' thing might not fit your desires, but you can always glean something from the rules.

Barring that, go buy Talislanta from www.talislanta.com It's kinda like D&D in that it uses a D20 for all action resolution, but it came out years before 3e. Not quite as complex rules wise, and with an incredibly flexible spell system. I give it my heartiest endorsement. I think you can even download a teaser of the magic rules from their website.

I actually have Chaos Magic. Has the errata come out yet? It's rather confusing in trying to figure out how to combine stuff for spells.

In my case, I'm more interested in a pamphlet that tells how to design spells for 3E, so that people don't end up posting munchkin stuff, saying it's a first-level spell (when it's more powerful than a 9th-level spell)....


The Laughing One
What i want is high quality material! Preferably in the following packaging:
1.) Full color
2.) Glossy paper
3.) Hardcover
4.) 300+ pages
5.) High text density
6.) High quality cover art
7.) border art that doesn't take up room tha should be used for more important content.

*looks up* WOW! That's the description for the FRCS book. That's what i want (only better ;-), and if the material is good and usefull i would be willing to spend $50 on it...


First Post
I am writing this for my canine companion, Josie, who is way to busy masterminding her next campaign to bother with such trivial matters.

She asks for:
a. More "paw friendly" dice that taste better,
b. More "scratch 'n' sniff" adventures and supplements; and
c. A more accurate treatment of canines and felines (she's very liberal) that portrays their true heroic nature and, similarly, a more accurate (read: villanous) treatment of rabbits, groundhogs, rats and similar critters.

That is all.


Stuff that I want:

A wuxia inspired Chinese fantasy setting that isn't actually set in China.

A Napoleonic fantasy setting.

A modern fantasy ruleset explicitly designed to be usable with D&D without conversion (i.e., no WP/VP).

Doctor Who d20.

I want the Land of Zo book to actually come out.

I want Eden to send the Liber Beastarius to the printer.

I want a pony.


First Post
On a ever so slightly more serious note then my previous reply (sorry couldn't resist) I'd really like to see more products that are from, or at least based on, adventures and rules from the author's campaign or at least have been played by the writer/publisher.

I find these "types" of products much more fun to play and the writing less "stiff." (I wish I could come up with a few better terms to quantify my opinion here.) I can think of several obvious examples -- Tomb of Abysthor, Rappan Athuk, Monte's Eldritch Might material and The Lost Oupost (a good all around useful product that doesn't receive enough attention, BTW). I could come up with a lot of reasons (guesses) why this is so, but all in all, I can only say I've had a lot more fun with products that the authors state come from their own games and would like to see more of the same.

Also, I really have no idea how often writers/publishers play their own material and wouldnt' mind hearing more on that subject.



First Post
What do I want?

I'd like more completely independent OGC game settings. Stand alone d20 games like CoC, Star Wars and Wheel of Time. I am sick of digging out the PHB for making up every character. And hardcovers are fine.

I'm also getting pretty tired of fantasy stuff (listens to the gasps of outrage and horror). I'd like more hard Science Fiction material, a smattering of horror, superhero, and historical settings, and lots more Post-Apocalyptic stuff. You can never have too much End of the World Stuff.

What? Well, you asked!


Voidrunner's Codex

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