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D&D 5E PotA-Spoilers may follow


When running your temples, did you allow long rests?

My guys are face rolling all the encounters

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I've only run the fire temple, and that was as a standalone adventure, but yes, I let them take one long rest - but that was only because they found the secret armory that the fire cultists didn't know about. If they had retreated to the surface and tried to find a place to rest up there, they would've been interrupted by fire cult patrols.

I don't allow long rests in the area unless it says they can get a rest in that location. If they try they are interrupted by enemies until they realize they will have to leave.


First Post
Of course! Often times they were interrupted though and had to try again. I came up with patrol routes and random encounter tables. Depending on how clear that level was, or how alert remaining monsters, they sometimes had 50-75% chances of encounters for their long rest attempts. Short rests were far more likely to succeed. And I only permitted one long rest per 24 hour period. On at least one occasion they returned to riverguard keep in order to get a long rest in.

If they want to take a long rest, let them. There is no guarantee that they will not be interrupted though.


My party attacked the Earth Temple first, they used spider climb to sneak around into the prophet's lair, fought him and his shadow demon, the prophet fled before they could finish him. They tried taking a short rest there but all hell broke loose as he mustered and organized attack against them and they barely escaped. They were forced to retreat to safety and rest up.

On the way back they encountered patrols who then alerted the temple. The party fought it's way in against an alert and beefed up defensive force at the doors, the shadow monk shadow stepped into the midst of the enemy and then was polymorphed by the wizard into a T-Rex. Epic fight, they barely survived (actually the wizard took a hit, broke concentration and the monk took a huge beating before she could be re-t-rexified.

They found the water temple second and had an easier time of that because the warlock could cast water breathing. They never took a long rest until after they had pretty much cleared it of all monsters that might organize a counter attack (and after they rested, they picked a fight with the dragon turtle).

Basically, sure, I "allow" long and short rests but the monsters behave rationally. Organized monsters/NPCs if they feel confident will send out scouting patrols for find and harass the PCs and will set up stronger defenses and even bring in reinforcements. Monsters that are not organized or if the organized ones have suffered great losses might flee to other strongholds.

I served in the infantry in Iraq. We had about 100 soldiers living in a small compound along with 30 or so Iraqi soldiers. At any given time we had one squad (11 soldiers) plus some leadership actively defending the compound. Two other squads were resting but ready to fight, a platoon patrolling or executing missions outside the compound and another one resting/performing maintenance. In the event of an attack, it would take about a minute or so for the two reserve squads to react to the threat and they don't just all go to the threat (because it is likely a feint). One moved to designated points, the other moved under the direction of the officer of the watch. It could take upwards of 10 minutes for the resting/maintenance platoon to fully gear up and organize. If the fight was still going, they would be able to move en masse against any sustained threats.

So this is how I run my dungeons...once alerted, the monsters don't automagically know where the PCs are and mass on them. Some move toward the PCs within about a minute, others move to other defensive positions. This takes usually about 10 rounds. If there is leadership, they gather the bulk of the strongest monsters and move against the PCs after about 10 minutes or so...give or take.


Yes, assuming they are cautious and don't try to rest in the actual temple (they would be interrupted). Rather, the party typically rests either in the upper works (Sacred Stone Monastery for example), or they hop on their captured hippogriffs and fly back to their new home home base, Feathergale Spire.


Well, their be all end all is usually Tiny Hut... so they always rest when they want too...
Just didn't know how everyone else does it 😊

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Well, their be all end all is usually Tiny Hut... so they always rest when they want too...
Just didn't know how everyone else does it ��
Just remember that the hut can be dispelled. It's also only a hemisphere - anyone inside it is still vulnerable to attack from below ... the earth temple has a number of creatures that can burrow through the ground, for instance.


Just remember that the hut can be dispelled. It's also only a hemisphere - anyone inside it is still vulnerable to attack from below ... the earth temple has a number of creatures that can burrow through the ground, for instance.
Ooohhhh maaaan!
That's where they're heading tomorrow. .. really great idea!

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They still face-roll everything..
A Burrowshark doesn't stand a chance...
Any other ideas for a burrower that can 'rise to the occasion'? (See what I did there?) 😃

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