Power cards downloads

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I'm trying to get the backs to work and I get the error message
Package not found \magic Set Editor 2\data\Back.mse-game
where do I get this file?


Ok, I REALLY don't mean to be a jerk, but considering the recent cease & desist from Power Cards - Dugeons & Dragons 4th Edition | D&D 4e Powercards ...

... is it me, or is this a gross violation of copyright? I mean, the 4E GSL license makes it abundantly clear that the only thing you can distribute is the power name...

Downloading entire decks of powers, items, etc? Isn't that content straight from the Compendium/PHB/MM?

Plus, it's hosted here - on ENWorld...

Just sayin'


First Post
thats why enworld has asked that everyone stop doing that now because wizardsof the coast is about to release there own decks now.


First Post
Any chance of still getting the style for those newer Power cards you were planning to release on March 1st before the cease and decist.? I figure I can type in the data since that it what is intelectual property. That way it isnt redristributed.


First Post
I am still working out a few bugs, but if you want them when we get done with it, then you can sure as well have the template

Right now here is the fretures

1) 15 colors of cards
2) icons for every type
3) typable boxes
4) 10 boxes to input information
5) magic items and rituals has the basic information ready
6) has a monster template for quick monster stats

last bugs to fix
1) the flavor text has a fatle flaw we are trying to fix right now
2) small gaps in the program still needs to be filled

if you want the final template, let me know and i will send it to you, however i can not send the power information with it.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
DennisB, I haven't downloaded or looked at these cards, but if they include large quantities of the content of WotC's books, I'm afraid you'll have to remove them from EN World. I don't want to hear from WotC's lawyers!

Thanks for understanding.

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