PrC: Nature Bound


First Post
I'm still developing aspects of the PrC, but I wanted to get feedback and suggestions for what I've come up with thus far. Please post or email me directly with thoughts. The brief history written is for my Dragonlance online game.

Nature Bonded
During the absence of the gods, there were some who reverted back to an ancient way. Humans are known for their dependancy in believing something and, according to some, are savage enough to find their way in the "Beast Blood". The existance of this blood is rare, but there are those that have found solace within it. Rumors and evil stories exist about those that loose their way completely, but those that call themselves part of the "Nature's Bond" deny them fervently.

A Beast Blood is a human that has bonded with an animal from nature. The creature and the human become partners in their existance, each feeling and learning from the other. They become partners, equals with full understanding of the others needs and wishes. It is a true bonding in a way that supercedes all others. The fully bonded pair share everything.

Ability to Cast Nature's Summoning II
Animal Empathy Rank 8
Fort Save +6

Class Advancement
1-0-1-1-0-8- Animal Increase. Communication Increase. Nature's Bond. Skill Transfer.

2-1-2-1-1-8-Animal Increase.Combat Synergy. Communication Increase. Spell Transfer.

3-1-3-2-1-8-Animal Increase. Communication INcrease. Will Transfer. Skill Transfer.

4-2-4-2-2-8-Animal Increase. Combat Synergy. Communication Increase. Spell Transfer.

5-3-5-3-2-8-Animal Increase. Communication Increase. Death Bond. Will Transfer.

Combat Synergy: As the pair learn how the other moves and the bond strengthens, they are able to draw upon each other's senses to be able to work together better. One half of the bond may notice an opening or an impending attack where the other may not. This translates into a bonus when they are in combat and within the bond range. At second level, they both receive a +1 to hit and AC synergy bonus. At third level, their communication has increased to a private level and, if either is caught flat footed, the other is not either. At forth, they both receive a +2 synergy to hit and AC.

Communication Increase: At 1st level, the bond carries with it the ability to telepathically communicate with their bond. This communication is untrained, however, and broadcasts to any Nature Bonded human and animal within a 5 mile radius. It is akin to yelling to a friend across a crowded bar room. Everyone hears, even though the message is meant for a single target. This broadcast radius becomes 1 mile at 2nd level and disappears all together at 3rd. The bond's strength also grows as the pair stay together. At 1st level, they can only understand each other within a 2 mile radius. At each level, this range doubles until at 5th level there is no limit. At second level, the human and animal can use each other's senses for their own.

Nature's Bond: The animal and human are bonded just as a sorcerer and a wizard are to their familiar. If the bond dies (they can not be dismissed), the Nature Bonded must attempt two saving throws: DC 15 Fortitude saving throw and DC 15 Will. Failure on both means he looses 1000 XP per Nature's Bond level. Failure on one means he loses 500 experience points per Nature's Bond level; success on both reduces the loss to 250 per level. A slain bond cannot be replaced for a month for every year that the Bond was forged, the anguish and terrible affect of this bond nearly crippling the human. A slain bond can be raised from the dead just as a character can be, and it does not lose a level or a Constitution point when this happy event occurs.

Skill Transfer: The animal and human can draw from each other's knowledge. This knowledge can be put to use by either, as long as the physical capabilities are available. I.e. a wolf or cat would have a hard time picking a lock, but a monkey could. At 1st level, the bond is still fresh. The skill transfer is 1/4th. This means that each party can draw on the others skills at 1/4th the actual level. At 3rd level the skill transfer is 1/2 and at 5th, it is full.

Spell Transfer: At second level, the human can cast spells on the animal from afar. At fourth level, the human can cast natural spells through the eyes of the animal at outside targets.

Will Transfer: The animal and human can draw from each other's mental reserves. They are able to combat magic that invades their minds as a co-operative pair once their bond is established. At third level, they each receive a +1 Will save and at fifth, they receive a +2.

Animal Increase: The animal bond receives heightened intelligence and awareness from the human bond. The animal receives a +1 intelligence at each level. The animals intelligence can not improve past that of the humans. They also receive a +1 HD at each level, learning and becoming more aware of their capabilities.

Death Bond: In death or near death, the human can ask for safe haven from his bond. If the bond animal agrees (which he does without question if the human has treated him well), the human's consiousness is transferred to that of the bond animal. As long as the human body is not destroyed, there is a chance to return to it. Any physical ailments will still exist, however. A missing arm is not regenerated. If the head is severed from its spine, the body drawn and quartered, or burned to ashes, the human can never return to his body and will truly become one with his animal. If the human spirit can return to the body, then a will check will be made on the part of both the animal and the human. The DC for this is 23 + 1 per day of animal existance. This can only be done for one week. If either passes, the human's consiousness returns to its body. This event is monumentous and carries with it a drawback. For a period of one month, the human will behave as though they are still partially the animal. The human will loose one level of experience, their knowledge having been lost in their time as an animal. This can only be done once.

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