PrCs and Core Classes that combine classes, ie, Eldritch Knight and Swashbucklers


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MerricB started a good thread about this topic, but this is an offshoot.
I dislike the core classes such as Hexblade and Swashbuckler -- I like Eldritch Knights and Fighter/Rogues better, but, I'm wondering which niches haven't been filled with relatively fluffless classes?
I'm considering this because I'm working on writing up a prestige class for my most beloved character concept, the paladin/assassin. This made me realize that a few concepts were lacking -- I've still not heard reference to a good Skald (barbarian/bard,) or cleric/thief (missionaries on some muds -- must be sneaky to spread the word in foreign territory.)
Not that you can't simply be a barbarian/bard or a cleric/thief, but it's far less helpful than being a fighter/wizard/eldritch knight, or a wizard/thief/arcane trickster.
What I'm looking for is if there's a list of these combination classes, in the spirit of the Eldritch Knight, the Arcane Trickster, and the Mystic Theurge, or if anyone has a written a decent set of them. If not, I'd like to expand the concept to include some character concepts I think are entertaining.
Further, I'm wondering if there are any core classes that fit the bill here -- I'm generally against these, but I haven't given them much thought.
Not that flavorful PrCs are bad, oh no, they certainly aren't, but I think the flavorless PrCs have some promise for taking some weird class combinations, and putting them more on par with single class characters, and the mystic theurges and eldritch knights of the world.
So, then, what are some good classes, or places to find this stuff?
I'll start by saying the DMG has three good options, of course, already mentioned -- the Eldritch knight (fighter|ranger|barbarian|paladin & wizard|sorceror is viable) the Mystic Theurge (cleric|druid & wizard|sorceror) and the Arcane Trickster (rogue & wizard|sorceror).
I'd be especially interested if anyone has made a prestige class for monks who fall from lawfulness and become barbarians... in a campaign that wasn't completed, the monk in the party was quickly losing his lawful focus, and with it lost, probably would have become a raging fighter, per the roleplay... it would have been a great character. But, that's more a fluff choice -- I'm not really looking for something that makes (wizard & sorceror) a good choice... although that would be interesting, I guess.
Oh well, enough rambling. Any input?

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Divine Trickster (Gnome Cleric/Rogue) - Races of Stone
Warchanter (Bard/Fighter) - Complete Warrior
Rage Mage (Sorcerer/Barbarian) - Complete Warrior
Bladesinger (Figher/Wizard) - Complete Warrior
Spellsword (Fighter/Wizard) - Complete Warrior
Sacred Fist (Cleric/Monk) - Complete Divine
Geomancer (Druid/Wizard) - Complete Divine
Psychic Theurge (Psion/Cleric) - Minds Eye at WotC
Cerebremancer (Psion/Wizard) - Expanded Psioncs
Fist of Zuoken/Psionic Fist (Monk/Psion) - Expanded Psionics
Enlightened Fist (Sorcerer/Monk) - Complete Arcane
Suel Arcannomath (Fighter/Wizard) - Complete Arcane
True Necromancer (Necromancer/Cleric) - Libris Mortis

Thats all I know off. There might be more in non WotC books, and probably more to come.


That's pretty much the whole idea behind Bad Axe's Heroes of High Favor series. Each one is based around a multiclass of the races' favored class.


First Post
Hmm, cool, I'll check some of these out, I have some of these sources but haven't fully read some of the classes.
I'll check some reviews of heroes of high favor, sounds promising.
I'd just like some options for some "weird" multiclasses as my players and myself tend to enjoy quirky concepts, and if I can avoid doing work that's already been done, all the better. :) I'd like to put together a list of where to find these.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to put together a paladin/assassin myself, as well as a monk/barbarian, but that should be entertaining to do.
Quick question: is divine trickster fluffless, as much as arcane trickster was fluffless, or does it have more unique abilities?


Terwox said:
I'm considering this because I'm working on writing up a prestige class for my most beloved character concept, the paladin/assassin.

Slayer of Domiel (Paladin/Assassin) -- Book of Exalted Deeds. (You get Death Touch (a la Death domain of clerics) x times per day. Detect Evil, Divine Grace, Sneak Attack, Improved Evasion, Divine Spells (minor), Lawful Good only).

Just so you know.


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Although I'm not really sure if that would be appropriate. It's less for multi-class Assassin/Paladins, more for established Assassins who wish to gain a Paladin-like focus.


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I'm incredibly baffled as to how I missed that class, I remember reading that book more closely than that...
Thanks a ton for that, I'll have to check it out.
And yes, it might not be a perfect fit, but I'm certainly interested.


This is why I love the Grim Tales system, even for non-low magic campaigns. You can create all those concepts with fewer classes (only 6) and without any prestige classes! It's a beautiful thing.

Essentially, it's similar to the d20 Modern class system where there are 6 classes, one based on each stat. All the class abilities are talent trees. The cool thing is there are no multiclassing penalties. You can take your character in whatever direction you want.

Also, since the system is so customizable, two players with the same character concept may end up with completely different characters. The system is so elegant, it makes the traditional class system seem dated.


First Post
Hmm, the Grim Tales system does sound interesting, and I might check it out sometime, but I'm specifically interested in d20, though.
On the other hand, thanks! Sounds cool, I might check it out. I wasn't terribly impressed with d20 modern as compared to spycraft and call of cthulhu d20, so the stat-based classes makes me wince, but class abilities as talent trees sound wortwhile.
I'm also aware of the book "Buy the Numbers," but I thought it was a little... eh, I think people would just take forever making characters and deciding on attributes, but that's just based on prior experience.
Regardless, any more combo prestige classes out there?
Anybody seen an ex-monk/barbarian?

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