Pre-ordering 3.5?


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So I'm checking out and to see if they have 3.5 yet.

Turns out they both do. Amazon is offering each for $20.97.

They were a bit more difficult to find on (I had to use the ISBN) but they are offering each for $18.96.

Anyone order yet?

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Another new edition of the game? I already paid for one, I'm not buying another. I hate WotC! All they want to do is make money, those jerks! Next thing you'll tell me is that they released a new Fiend Folio. What?! They did?! Those jerks!

All kidding aside I'm a wait and see kind of guy. I don't preorder anything. Heck, I don;t even preorder stuff I know I'm going to buy anyway like, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers DVD, or Scarred Lands Player's Guides. Preordering is too much like saving money in that you don't spend it, but have nothing to show either. I'm an instant gratification kind of fellow when it comes to money. :D


I'm one of those 'gotta have it the fastest way possible' people.

Right now, I'm torn between pre-ordering it now or hoping for a midnight preview/sale at my local hobby shop (they did that with the intro of the 3rd Ed...folks that came got it first).

I never doubted for a millisecond that I would buy the new version. It is just a matter of which will be fastest why to get the books into my hands.

A pretty sad character, ain't I?


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LGodamus said:

They've got books there for 41% off!!! :eek:

That's better than Amazon!!!

Holy Please Stop Paying Full Price for Rule Books Batman! I need to check Walmart out more often!!!

Edit: Nevermind, Walmart Charges shipping so you save about as much as you would if you bought at Amazon!.
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just a gentle reminder folks that buying from huge multinational corporations like walmart and amazon [even if they do offer big discounts] is one of the reasons why local gaming stores [and book stores, and record shops, etc.] are going out of business. support your local community, even if it means spending a few extra bucks [or quid, or yen, or what-have-you]!


darkbard said:
just a gentle reminder folks that buying from huge multinational corporations like walmart and amazon [even if they do offer big discounts] is one of the reasons why local gaming stores [and book stores, and record shops, etc.] are going out of business. support your local community, even if it means spending a few extra bucks [or quid, or yen, or what-have-you]!

Yeah, but for my wallet, the difference between 90 bucks and 56 bucks makes a huge difference. Sorry. Gotta look after myself. Besides, with that extra money, I can go buy two new Quintessential books in addition to my 3.5 books.


And then there are those of us with horrible local gaming stores that don't get anything useful. :) I find myself going to Media Play, Books A Million, Walden Books, or something online to get my D&D fix. I just preordered the 3r books on Amazon a few days back. Best way to make sure I don't go and spend my money before. :cool:


First Post
just a gentle reminder folks that buying from huge multinational corporations like walmart and amazon [even if they do offer big discounts] is one of the reasons why local gaming stores [and book stores, and record shops, etc.] are going out of business. support your local community, even if it means spending a few extra bucks [or quid, or yen, or what-have-you]!

Here, here!

I've been trying to think of the positive side to the 3.5...and for me the positive side of 3.5 coming out is the money this will provide to the FLGS's.

I understand that I can buy from wal-mart, amazon or a few other places for less money. But I'm all about supporting the hobby and supporting the local stores. If wotc is going to pull something like this to generate more money for themselves (and you are being unrealistic if you don't see that) at least make sure that a share of that money is going to the underappreciated local merchants that help make your gaming experience better.

For those of you without an FLGS, there are some that have web presences...and some, like TalonComics that post right here on the EN Boards.


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