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D&D 4E Preparing the perfect D&D 4e introductory session


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There is an upcoming games convention in my hometown and I want to run a good sample on what´s new and shiny about D&D 4e. I have some questions to share with you, as this would be my first 4e adventure either as player o DM.

(This thread might belong to the fan creation forum, not sure. Feel free to move it if it is so.)

Ok, I want to create an exciting, fast paced, about 4 hour gaming session. I was thinking about an rescue adventure: the heroes must rescue a kidnapped noble. I was planning on using the Frostsilver Map from Game Day 2007, having losts of goblinoids as build up encounters and a climatic finale with either a Green or White Dragon and maybe a Drow and a Duergar to use the nice Darkness area and spice up the final encounter.

So, my questions are:

* Assuming 6 players, which level should they be? I was thinking about lvl 5, so they have a nice assortment of powers, but Im afraid it might be too much for a showcase session.

* I want to include some non combat elements, specially some skill challenges, maybe like the sample negotiation. What would a fun skill challenge would be?

* What kind of encounters shuold I build? I was eager to show the minions in action, plus give them a chance to see how they perform a group tactically speaking.

* I definetevly would like to include some rituals...

* Should I plan for the heores to take an extended rest before the final encounter?

Ok, this is enough for starters. More questions and doubts will come to mind. Anyway, thanks in advance for your answers.


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Level 5 is nice for introduction if you can prepare power cards with precalculated numbers.
That will make it a lot less overwhelming.

Umm, I'm very dubious about skill challenges, so someone else is better equipped to answer that one.

Almost any encounter is fine, but be sure to throw in a few environmental complications as well as staying away from 15-round combats.
Especially the 15- round combats. Those can put people off a game quickly.

No .. resource management for finale is part of D&D .. but .. if you're worried about them being ill prepared for the final, have it after a milestone and throw in a couple of items with daily powers and/or a few potions.


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I would avoid solo monsters, 4e's strength is really in how it handles larger battles. Plus, the solo monsters are what has so many hitpoints.

As far as level goes, I'd actually vote for level 1, just because there are fewer powers for people to worry about. As long as you keep the fights short by including lots of minions and standard monsters, they shouldn't get bored by doing the at wills all at once.

A great skill challenge would be them tracking the kidnapped noble to where he is being held. This skill challenge would allow them to use thievery (breaking and entering the place he's being held), streetwise (rumors), diplomacy (police, authorities, bartenders, etc), intimidation, athletics (follow a suspected kidnapper), nature (if tracking), perception, insight, acrobatics, stealth, history (maps, etc). It would allow all the players to do something in the skill check, and be successful at it. I think that is the key to a good skill challenge, giving every player a chance to help the group succeed in it.

Finally, check out this thread for great tools for a DM with new players. I think the mats they suggest instead of character sheets really would make things easier for newer player.



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* Assuming 6 players, which level should they be? I was thinking about lvl 5, so they have a nice assortment of powers, but Im afraid it might be too much for a showcase session.
That's too high, IMO. Go for 2nd level, so they have Encounter, Daily, and Utility powers, but still not too many.

* I want to include some non combat elements, specially some skill challenges, maybe like the sample negotiation. What would a fun skill challenge would be?
Skill challenges - RAW + errata - are do-able, but still need heavy tweaking. Build the PCs first, then see what types of skill challenges they'd be good at. I think a "Town Chase" skill challenge would be good, as you can use both physical and social skills.

* What kind of encounters shuold I build? I was eager to show the minions in action, plus give them a chance to see how they perform a group tactically speaking.
Yup, minions are fun. Try using them in the second encounter, so they already have experience moving their PCs around. Be sure the party has a wizard and/or dragonborn.

* Should I plan for the heores to take an extended rest before the final encounter?
Depends. Experienced gamers know how to conserve resources...but newbies often blow their wad early. :lol: Be flexible.


I would agree with Nail; I ran a game for 4th level PCs for a convention recently, because it was a fairly combat intensive scenario, and I wanted some tougher monsters against them, but 2nd is a good level for a mix of powers without overwhelming someone.

Be sure to pop in a minion battle of some sort, maybe minions, a couple of soldier or skirmisher types and an artillery behind them all to show them some tactics (kill the minions to get to the artillery).

If you do a skill challenge, make it a VERY simple one (four successes, tops). Personally, I wouldn't use the Errata skill challenge numbers, because they're WAY too easy, in my opinion. I would use the table in the DMG, but drop the "+5 for skills" note.

Allot for an extended rest to add in or take out, as you think best. If the party has taken a heavy beating, a rest might be good. If you would rather stress the danger of the system (some complaints make 4E out to be too easy on the players) then don't let 'em rest - put them on a timetable.

For that matter, don't forget the four MAJOR RULES of Convention Games:

1) Have a "narrow-wide-narrow" approach to the plot. Give them very strict confines in the beginning (strict orders, or start in the middle of a fight, etc.) then allow them some leeway in completing their goals, but figure out how you're going to get them back to the finale in the time allotted.

2) Make sure everything is spelled out on the pregen character sheets so there are as few ambiguities as possible. Nothing sucks more than having to figure out both how to play a PC, AND having to READ and UNDERSTAND a PC, in the middle of a game. Make sure it's not half-completed or illegible. Sounds like stupidly simple advice, but you just wouldn't believe what I've seen at major cons....

3) Don't skimp on rewards. If they want to do something cool, let them. It's a one-shot, and you're showing how great the game can be. Have a suitable reward at the end of the game - again, it's a one-shot.

4)Always be open for questions during the game; conversely, introduce game elements right in the middle of the game. Is there a new rule for grapple? Put a grappling enemy in one combat (like the Choker or similar). New Daily Magic items? save simple magic items for the pregens (like +1 weapons, if any) and introduce the fancy stuff in mid-game, so everyone can get a feel for it.

GOod luck!


First Post
* Assuming 6 players, which level should they be? I was thinking about lvl 5, so they have a nice assortment of powers, but Im afraid it might be too much for a showcase session.

* I want to include some non combat elements, specially some skill challenges, maybe like the sample negotiation. What would a fun skill challenge would be?

* What kind of encounters shuold I build? I was eager to show the minions in action, plus give them a chance to see how they perform a group tactically speaking.

* I definetevly would like to include some rituals...

* Should I plan for the heores to take an extended rest before the final encounter?

1. I'd say 1st or 2nd would be better, it is introductory, after all. Power interaction gets fairly complex. At 1st level, PCs will have between 4 and 8 powers as is, depending on race/class combos. 2nd level will add a couple magic items, which also have powers, and an utility power, and is really as high as I would go for an introduction. If you haven't played or DMed it yet, you will really be surprised about how full the gameplay is at level 1 compared to previous editions.

2. Challenges would depend on the story. A challenge to track the kidnappers or to stealth past the camps around the tower where the princess is being held, a negotiation/social encounter with the kidnapper near the end...

3. Encounters to show off the system - I would try to run the basic gamut - minion heavy encounter or two (throw 24 enemies at a group that hasn't played 4e before and they will crap themselves and love the encounter), a challenging encounter or two with good use of terrain features and a good mix of enemies (leader, artillery, brute, couple minions, for example). At least an elite towards the end, maybe a solo if it fits the story, a final guardian before they can reach the kidnapper or kidnap-e.

4. PCs can use basic rituals if a PC knows them, as useful, animal messenger to get in contact with their patron, for example. But if you want to build something around one, I've had my mind on the PCs having to get into a place they can't get into (perhaps where the noble is being held, in your case) and being given a passwall ritual to gain entry. Used under duress, against the wall of an enemy fort, with patrolling guards for example, would make for a tense encounter, perhaps a skill challenge with failure resulting in a combat in which the PCs have to protect the mage casting the ritual.

The Human Target

I would say have them be at level 3.
- A good monster selection.
- 2 Feats
-2 Encounter Powers (to my group Encounter powers are the bread and butter of 4E combat, and I know the game got a lot more fun for us when we hit 3rd and got 2 of them.)
-1 Utility

- Don't use a Solo monster. In my experience with 4E so far they take along time to battle, and while fun I don't think its great for an intro game. Use lots of minions, standard monsters, and for the finale use or create an elite monster. It will give the same "big bad evil guy" effect without as much of a struggle on both sides of the table. Plus, I generally think its best to end a promo type game on a high note (the PCs winning the day), and the group will have a better chance of that happening if they don't have to slug it out with a Solo.

Have only one skill challenge. And I myself would use the lowered errata'd skill DCs. To me PCs should win most skill challenges, just like they win most fights. The trick is to make it seem like they're having a hard time of it, even if they're not. The weight of a skill challenge's overall fun lays in the hands of the DM even more than it does with having fun combats.

- No Dragons! They're just to tough for new players to handle, no matter the level. I know I already said no Solos, but that goes double for dragons. Even the lowest level white and black are beasts.


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Me = subscribing to this!

I'm planning on running my first ever convention game at Dragonmeet - Home at the end of November, and this sort of advice is brilliant!

The narrow - wide - narrow idea is a godsend, thank you. I'm certainly also going to have a very minion heavy encounter, just to see their faces (not sure if I'm going to get new or experienced players, but it should be fun either way), and a memorable elite villain as the boss (probably using a template from the DMG).


I like level 3 because of the two encounter powers.

Level 3 and 4 are about the same -- only difference being one more feat, and a +1 to two ability scores and all your attacks, defenses, and skills. No additional powers to keep track of.

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