• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



PCs for dinner!

Pathfinder Bestiary II.

Oh my, what an amazing looking book!

The art is amazing, and the monsters... itching to try and kill some PCs!!!

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First Post
Well, I don't get my Christmas gifts in the traditional way, but for the Christmas Season I was allowed, by my wife, to obtain the following for myself:

2 sets of Ptolus, including players guide, CD, etc...
To win an eBay auction of 40 Dungeon magazines (to finally replace many I lost in our house fire back in 2003), starts at issue 8.
To get some OSR specific stuff, like the two compilations of Expeditious Retreats, containing a total of 20 adventures they had previously published individually. I also caught up on issues 11 and 12 of Fight On! magazine.
Tome of Adventure Design.
I was also able to buy an eclectic mix of sale items from Paizo. Such as NPC face cards, stuff by Jim Ward, and more. Total of 6 items.
GURPS Tech and Ultra Tech.
Hacklopedia of Beasts
My wife also got me a nice Silk/cashmere shirt with a Dragon on its left sleeve, so is a "gaming" item in my book.

Gaming items my kids got, so I will also get to enjoy down the road, is the L5R Great Clans book my 20 year old daughter wanted. For my 15 year old son, I got him the last Cthulhu Tech book he needed to have everything for that RPG.
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First Post
I also was able to do my shopping, yesterday at my FLGS and Amazon with some gift cards.

  • Chessex Megamat
  • 2 Pathfinder Map Folio's
  • 1 extra Pathfinder Core Rulebook for me - The other is now a game table reference book
  • A new Dice pit for the table
  • Pathfinder Bestiary 3
  • Another $100 in Pathfinder goodies from Amazon (Pathfinder Society Books, Adventrue Paths, Reference Books, and some Dungeon Tiles)
Other then that, my wife and I also got each other copies of SWToR. The force is strong today!


Android kit mainly. 700 functions of which I understand about 4 so far. Plan to try some dice rollers, pdfs and pc gens out tomorrow.


First Post
I didn't get any rpg items for Christmas, as I already purchased the ones I was interested in.

I did get numerous Board Games (notably Agricola and 7 Wonders)

The most RPG Related gift was for my wife:
D&D Dragons Collector's Set

I got the 2 Gamma World expansions and The Watchmen graphic novel from my parents.

In the past week I've also snapped up a number of games in the Steam Christmas sale. Having been out of the PC gaming world for 4+ years due to an old computer means that I've missed out on a heap of good games that I can now pick up for $5-$20. Elder Scrolls IV alone will keep me going for a fair while.

I plan on grabbing a couple of Paranoia books and Munchkin while the Paizo sale is on. Dominion is another game that has caught my eye.

Olaf the Stout


First Post
I got a copy of Red November, a fun little board game. My girlfriend gave me a copy of the Smith and Robards 1880 catalog for Deadlands.


Always In School Gamer
The wife got me Small World: Underworld. Everything else was DVDs (Portlandia Season 1, The Wire Season 4), music or clothes.

Had a great Christmas with the family.


First Post
Only two gaming items this year - but good ones.

All my players, including the kids, chipped in to get me one of the hideously expensive dragons from Cool Mini or Not - I painted one that Jon and Julie gave each other for their anniversary, now I have my own, and suddenly I have no idea of how I want to do it up. :eek: Eighteen names crammed into the From area of the tag. :)

I had been thinking blue, while painting J & J their dragon, now I am thinking green, largely because any time I actually use a dragon it tends to be either black or green. If my players are going to give me a $300 dragon, then I am darned well going to use it!

The other gaming item was Airship Pirates - I have known for months that I was getting it, since when I mentioned that I was thinking about ordering it I got a 'No! Don't!' :p

Oh, and a Mantic army bag, but that is for wargaming, though I will be toting RPG figs in it as well.

The Auld Grump


Mod Squad
Staff member
Well, nothing directly for gaming.

But I did get a re-up on my Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited subscription, which is awesome for research for supers. And, because my wife doesn't believe in giving gifts without at least a physical representation, I got the first issue of the new softcover Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, which is maybe even more stupendous for research...

I got a classic copy of the Adventures of Baron Munchausen, which will make for a stellar read. Better gaming inspiration is hard to come by.

And, a Nook Tablet. Not too many apps out there for it (apparently they've made side-loading apps a bit more difficult), but it seems to deal really well with pdf rulebooks...

Voidrunner's Codex

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